
Defines functions cr_buildstep_docker_auth find_dockerfile cr_dockerfile_plumber cr_buildstep_docker cr_deploy_docker_construct cr_deploy_docker cr_deploy_docker_trigger

Documented in cr_buildstep_docker cr_buildstep_docker_auth cr_deploy_docker cr_deploy_docker_construct cr_deploy_docker_trigger

#' Deploy Docker build from a Git repo
#' This helps the common use case of building a Dockerfile based on the contents of a GitHub repo, and sets up a build trigger so it will build on every commit.
#' @seealso \link{cr_deploy_docker} which lets you build Dockerfiles for more generic use cases
#' @param repo The git repo holding the Dockerfile from \link{cr_buildtrigger_repo}
#' @param image The name of the image you want to build
#' @param image_tag What to tag the build docker image
#' @param trigger_name The trigger name
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to `cr_buildstep_docker`
#' @param timeout Timeout for build
#' @inheritDotParams cr_buildstep_docker
#' @inheritParams cr_buildtrigger
#' @param projectId_target The project to publish the Docker image to.  The image will be built under the project configured via \link{cr_project_get}.  You will need to give the build project's service email access to the target GCP project via IAM for it to push successfully.
#' @inheritParams cr_build_make
#' @family Deployment functions
#' @details
#' This creates a buildtrigger to do a kamiko cache enabled Docker build upon each commit, as defined by your repo settings via \link{cr_buildtrigger_repo}.  It will build all tags concurrently.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' repo <- cr_buildtrigger_repo("MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner")
#' # create trigger that will publish Docker image to gcr.io/your-project/test upon each GitHub commit
#' cr_deploy_docker_trigger(repo, "test", dir = "cloud_build")
#' # build in one project, publish the docker image to another project (gcr.io/another-project/test)
#' cr_deploy_docker_trigger(repo, "test", projectId_target = "another-project", dir = "cloud_build")
#' }
cr_deploy_docker_trigger <- function(repo,
                                     trigger_name = paste0("docker-", image),
                                     image_tag = c("latest", "$SHORT_SHA", "$BRANCH_NAME"),
                                     substitutions = NULL,
                                     ignoredFiles = NULL,
                                     includedFiles = NULL,
                                     timeout = NULL,
                                     projectId_target = cr_project_get()) {
  build_docker <- cr_build_make(
      steps = cr_buildstep_docker(image,
        tag = image_tag,
        projectId = projectId_target,
        kaniko_cache = TRUE
    timeout = timeout

  safe_name <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z1-9]", "-", trigger_name)

    name = safe_name,
    trigger = repo,
    description = paste0(safe_name, Sys.time()),
    trigger_tags = "docker-build",
    substitutions = substitutions,
    ignoredFiles = ignoredFiles,
    includedFiles = includedFiles

#' Deploy a local Dockerfile to be built on ContainerRegistry
#' Build a local Dockerfile in the cloud. See googleCloudRunner website for help how to generate Dockerfiles.  If you want the docker to build on each commit, see also \link{cr_deploy_docker_trigger}
#' @seealso If you want the docker to build on each commit, see \link{cr_deploy_docker_trigger}
#' @param local The folder containing the Dockerfile to build
#' @param remote The folder on Google Cloud Storage
#' @param dockerfile An optional Dockerfile built to support the script.  Not needed if "Dockerfile" exists in folder.  If supplied will be copied into deployment folder and called "Dockerfile"
#' @param bucket The GCS bucket that will be used to deploy code source
#' @param image_name The name of the docker image to be built either full name starting with gcr.io or constructed from the image_name and projectId via \code{gcr.io/{projectId}/{image_name}}
#' @param predefinedAcl Access setting for the bucket used in deployed.  Set to "bucketLevel" if using bucket level access
#' @param pre_steps Other \link{cr_buildstep} to run before the docker build
#' @param post_steps Other \link{cr_buildstep} to run after the docker build
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_buildstep_docker}
#' @inheritParams cr_buildstep_docker
#' @inheritParams cr_build
#' @inheritDotParams cr_buildstep_docker
#' @export
#' @family Deployment functions
#' @details
#' This lets you deploy local folders with Dockerfiles, automating saving the source on Google Cloud Storage.
#' To deploy builds on git triggers and sources such as GitHub, see the examples of \link{cr_buildstep_docker} or the use cases on the website
#' @note `cr_deploy_docker_construct` is a helper function to construct the arguments
#' needed to deploy the docker, which may be combined with
#' \code{\link{cr_deploy_r}} to combine Docker and R
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_region_set("europe-west1")
#' cr_email_set("123456@projectid.iam.gserviceaccount.com")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' b <- cr_deploy_docker(system.file("example/", package = "googleCloudRunner"))
#' }
cr_deploy_docker <- function(local,
                             image_name = remote,
                             dockerfile = NULL,
                             remote = basename(local),
                             tag = c("latest", "$BUILD_ID"),
                             timeout = 600L,
                             bucket = cr_bucket_get(),
                             projectId = cr_project_get(),
                             launch_browser = interactive(),
                             kaniko_cache = TRUE,
                             predefinedAcl = "bucketOwnerFullControl",
                             pre_steps = NULL,
                             post_steps = NULL,
                             availableSecrets = NULL,
                             ...) {
  result <- cr_deploy_docker_construct(
    local = local,
    image_name = image_name,
    dockerfile = dockerfile,
    remote = remote,
    tag = tag,
    timeout = timeout,
    bucket = bucket,
    projectId = projectId,
    launch_browser = launch_browser,
    kaniko_cache = kaniko_cache,
    predefinedAcl = predefinedAcl,
    pre_steps = pre_steps,
    post_steps = post_steps,
    availableSecrets = availableSecrets,

  docker_build <- cr_build(
    source = result$gcs_source,
    launch_browser = launch_browser,
    timeout = result$timeout

  b <- cr_build_wait(docker_build, projectId = result$projectId)

  if(b$status == "SUCCESS"){
    myMessage("# Docker images pushed:", level = 3)

      step_images <- b$results$images$name
    } else {
      step_images <-
                 function(x) x$args[which(x$args == "--destination") + 1]))

    lapply(step_images, function(x) cli::cli_text("{.url {x}}"))



#' @export
#' @rdname cr_deploy_docker
cr_deploy_docker_construct <- function(
  image_name = remote,
  dockerfile = NULL,
  remote = basename(local),
  tag = c("latest", "$BUILD_ID"),
  timeout = 600L,
  bucket = cr_bucket_get(),
  projectId = cr_project_get(),
  launch_browser = interactive(),
  kaniko_cache = TRUE,
  predefinedAcl = "bucketOwnerFullControl",
  pre_steps = NULL,
  post_steps = NULL,
  availableSecrets = NULL,
  ...) {

  myMessage("Building", local, "folder for Docker image:", image_name,
    level = 2

  myMessage("Configuring Dockerfile", level = 2)
  # remove local/Dockerfile if it didn't exist before
  remove_docker_file_after <- find_dockerfile(local, dockerfile = dockerfile)
  if (remove_docker_file_after) {
      file.remove(file.path(local, "Dockerfile"))

  image <- make_image_name(image_name, projectId = projectId)

  # kaniko_cache will push image for you
  pushed_image <- if(kaniko_cache) NULL else image

  image_tag <- paste0(image, ":", tag)
  myMessage("# Deploy docker build for image:", image, level = 3)

  remote_tar <- remote
  remote_tar <- if(!grepl("tar\\.gz$", remote_tar)) paste0(remote, ".tar.gz")

  gcs_source <- cr_build_upload_gcs(
    remote = remote_tar,
    bucket = bucket,
    predefinedAcl = predefinedAcl,
    deploy_folder = "deploy" # files moved from here into /workspace/

  docker_step <-
      tag = tag,
      location = ".",
      projectId = projectId,
      kaniko_cache = kaniko_cache,

  steps <- c(
  build_yaml <- cr_build_yaml(
    steps = steps,
    images = pushed_image,
    availableSecrets = availableSecrets

    steps = steps,
    gcs_source = gcs_source,
    images = pushed_image,
    build_yaml = build_yaml,
    projectId = projectId,
    launch_browser = launch_browser,
    timeout = timeout,
    image_tag = image_tag,
    pre_steps = pre_steps,
    docker_step = docker_step,
    post_steps = post_steps

#' Create a build step to build and push a docker image
#' @param image The image tag that will be pushed, starting with gcr.io or created by combining with \code{projectId} if not starting with gcr.io
#' @param tag The tag or tags to be attached to the pushed image - can use \code{Build} macros
#' @param location Where the Dockerfile to build is in relation to \code{dir}
#' @param ... Further arguments passed in to \link{cr_buildstep}
#' @param projectId The projectId
#' @param dockerfile Specify the name of the Dockerfile found at \code{location}
#' @param kaniko_cache If TRUE will use kaniko cache for Docker builds.
#' @param build_args additional arguments to pass to \code{docker build},
#' should be a character vector.
#' @param push_image if \code{kaniko_cache = FALSE} and
#' \code{push_image = FALSE}, then the docker image is simply built and not
#' pushed
#' @details
#' Setting \code{kaniko_cache = TRUE} will enable caching of the layers of the Dockerfile, which will speed up subsequent builds of that Dockerfile.  See \href{https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/kaniko-cache}{Using Kaniko cache}
#' If building multiple tags they don't have to run sequentially - set \code{waitFor = "-"} to build concurrently
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @export
#' @import assertthat
#' @examples
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' cr_buildstep_docker("gcr.io/my-project/my-image")
#' cr_buildstep_docker("my-image")
#' cr_buildstep_docker("my-image", tag = "$BRANCH_NAME")
#' # setting up a build to trigger off a Git source:
#' my_image <- "gcr.io/my-project/my-image"
#' my_repo <- RepoSource("github_markedmondson1234_googlecloudrunner",
#'   branchName = "master"
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' docker_yaml <- cr_build_yaml(steps = cr_buildstep_docker(my_image))
#' built_docker <- cr_build(docker_yaml, source = my_repo)
#' # make a build trigger so it builds on each push to master
#' cr_buildtrigger("build-docker", trigger = my_repo, build = built_docker)
#' # add a cache to your docker build to speed up repeat builds
#' cr_buildstep_docker("my-image", kaniko_cache = TRUE)
#' # building using manual buildsteps to clone from git
#' bs <- c(
#'   cr_buildstep_gitsetup("github-ssh"),
#'   cr_buildstep_git(c("clone", "git@github.com:MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner", ".")),
#'   cr_buildstep_docker("gcr.io/gcer-public/packagetools",
#'     dir = "inst/docker/packages/"
#'   )
#' )
#' built <- cr_build(cr_build_yaml(bs))
#' }
cr_buildstep_docker <- function(
  tag = c("latest", "$BUILD_ID"),
  location = ".",
  projectId = cr_project_get(),
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile",
  kaniko_cache = FALSE,
  build_args = NULL,
  push_image = TRUE,
  ...) {
  # don't allow dot names that would break things
  dots <- list(...)

  the_image <- make_image_name(image, projectId = projectId)

  # has to be lowercase for kaniko so may as well do it here too
  the_image <- tolower(the_image)

  myMessage("Image to be built: ", the_image, level = 2)

  the_image_tagged <- c(vapply(tag,
    function(x) c("--tag", paste0(the_image, ":", x)),

  if (!push_image && kaniko_cache) {
    warning("push_image = FALSE, but using kaniko, so image is auto-pushed")
  if (!kaniko_cache) {
    steps <- c(
          "-f", dockerfile,
        id = "building image",
    if (push_image) {
      steps <- c(
          "docker", c("push", "-a", the_image),
          id = "pushing image",

  # kaniko cache
  build_context <- "dir:///workspace/"

  if (!is.null(dots$dir)) {
    build_context <- paste0(build_context, dots$dir)

  if (location != ".") {
    build_context <- paste0(build_context, "/", location)

    function(x) {
        # :latest is broken as of 2021-12-20 (#136)
        name = "gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.6.0-debug",
        args = c(
          "-f", dockerfile,
          "--destination", paste0(the_image, ":", x),
          sprintf("--context=%s", build_context),
    FUN.VALUE = list(length(tag)),

#' Create Dockerfile in the deployment folder
#' This did call containerit but its not on CRAN so removed
#' @noRd
#' @param deploy_folder The folder containing the assessts to deploy
#' @param ... Other arguments pass to containerit::dockerfile
#' @return An object of class Dockerfile
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cr_dockerfile_plumber(system.file("example/", package = "googleCloudRunner"))
#' }
cr_dockerfile_plumber <- function(deploy_folder, ...) {
    "No Dockerfile detected.  Please create one in the deployment folder.  See a guide on website on how to use library(containerit) to do so: https://code.markedmondson.me/googleCloudRunner/articles/cloudrun.html#creating-a-dockerfile-with-containerit",
    call. = FALSE

find_dockerfile <- function(local, dockerfile) {
  local_files <- list.files(local)
  if ("Dockerfile" %in% local_files) {
    myMessage("Dockerfile found in", local,
              "- using it and ignoring dockerfile argument", level = 3)

  # if no dockerfile, attempt to create it

  myMessage("Copying Dockerfile from ", dockerfile, " to ", local, level = 3)
  file.copy(dockerfile, file.path(local, "Dockerfile"))


#' Authorize Docker using \code{gcloud auth configure-docker}
#' @param image name of the Docker image to push or pull from that needs
#' authorization, or simply the registry.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_buildstep_gcloud}
#' @return A buildstep
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cr_buildstep_docker_auth("us.gcr.io")
#' cr_buildstep_docker_auth(c("us.gcr.io", "asia.gcr.io"))
#' cr_buildstep_docker_auth("https://asia.gcr.io/myrepo/image")
cr_buildstep_docker_auth <- function(image, ...) {
  if (is.null(image) || length(image) == 0) {
  image <- tolower(image)
  need_location <- grepl("^.*(-docker.pkg.dev|gcr.io)", image)
  res <- NULL
  if (any(need_location)) {
    registry <- sub("^(.*(-docker.pkg.dev|gcr.io)).*", "\\1",
    registry <- sub("^http(s|)://", "", registry)
    res <- cr_buildstep_gcloud(
      c("gcloud", "auth", "configure-docker", "-q",
        paste(registry, collapse = ",")
MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 5:45 p.m.