
Defines functions HomogenizedPrecipitation HomogenPrecip PrecipitationDownload DownloadMessage DownloadMessageContent HomogenPrecipDates Earthquakes EarthquakesDownload ClipQuakes IsInArea

Documented in ClipQuakes Earthquakes HomogenizedPrecipitation HomogenPrecip IsInArea

#' Obtains Brandsma series for specified station and period
#' The data are downloaded from the Climate Explorer.
#' @param stationId Integer specifying the KNMI station number
#' @param periodStart Either 1910 or 1951
#' @return data.table with date and precipitation values
#' @import data.table
HomogenizedPrecipitation <- function(stationId, periodStart=1910) {
  url <- SpecifyUrlForHomogenPrecipZipped(stationId, periodStart)
  precip <- data.table(ReadZippedFile(url, c("date", "pr")))
  precip[, stationId := stationId]
  precip[, date := as.Date(paste(date), "%Y%m%d")]
  setcolorder(precip, c("date", "stationId", "pr"))

#' Obtains homogenized precipitation data
#' @description  8-8 daily precipitation measurements
#' @param location Either inheriting from spatial polygon or station number
#' @param period Either numeric, timeBased or ISO-8601 style (see \code{\link[xts]{.subset.xts}})
#' @param whichSet Which set should be used c(1910, 1951, "automatic")?
#' @param path for file download (if set to NULL data are always downloaded but not saved)
#' @return data.table with date, stationId and precipitation values
#' @import sp
#' @import foreach
#' @import rgdal
#' @export
HomogenPrecip <- function(location, period, whichSet = "automatic", path="") {
  cl <- match.call()
  SanitizeInput(type = "HomogenPrecip", location, period, whichSet)
  if (is.null(path)) {
    tmp <- PrecipitationDownload(location, period, whichSet, cl)
  else {
    fileName <- SpecifyFileName("HomogenPrecip", path, location, period)
    if (!file.exists(fileName)) {
      tmp <- PrecipitationDownload(location, period, whichSet, cl)
      saveRDS(tmp, file = fileName)
    } else {
      tmp <- readRDS(fileName)

PrecipitationDownload <- function(location, period, whichSet, call) {
  longRecord <- lon <- lat <- inArea <- i <- stationId <- NULL
  periodStart <- HomogenPrecipPeriodStart(period)
  if (is.numeric(location)) {
    tmpStart <- ifelse(stationMetaData[list(location), longRecord] &
                         whichSet != 1951, 1910, 1951)
    tmp <- HomogenizedPrecipitation(location, tmpStart)
  } else {
    standardCRSstring <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"
    if (location@proj4string@projargs != standardCRSstring) {
      location <- sp::spTransform(location, CRS(standardCRSstring))
    tmpMetaData <- stationMetaData
    if (periodStart == 1910 | whichSet == 1910) {
      tmpMetaData <- tmpMetaData[longRecord == TRUE, ]
    stationLocations <- sp::SpatialPoints(tmpMetaData[, list(lon, lat)],
    tmpMetaData[, inArea := sp::over(stationLocations,
                                     as(location, "SpatialPolygons"))]
    tmpMetaData <- na.omit(tmpMetaData)
    tmp <- foreach(i = 1 : tmpMetaData[, .N], .combine = "rbind") %do% {
      tmpStart <- ifelse(tmpMetaData[i, longRecord] &
                           whichSet != 1951, 1910, 1951)
      HomogenizedPrecipitation(tmpMetaData[i, stationId], tmpStart)
  setkey(tmp, date)
  tmp <- tmp[date %in% HomogenPrecipDates(period), ]
  setkey(tmp, stationId, date)
  KnmiData(tmp, call, "HomogenPrecip")

DownloadMessage <- function(name) {
  message(paste0("Downloading data from ", DownloadMessageContent(name)))

DownloadMessageContent <- function(name) {
  urlQuake <- "www.knmi.nl/kennis-en-datacentrum/dataset/aardbevingscatalogus"
  urlClimExp <- "www.climexp.knmi.nl"
         "Earthquakes" = return(urlQuake),
         "HomogenPrecip" = return(urlClimExp)

#' @importFrom xts .subset.xts
#' @importFrom xts .parseISO8601
HomogenPrecipDates <- function(period) {
  tmp <- xts::.parseISO8601(period, tz = "GEZ")
  return(seq.Date(as.Date(tmp$first.time), as.Date(tmp$last.time), by = "day"))

#' Loads the KNMI earthquake catalogue
#' @param type Type of catalogue c('induced', 'tectonic')
#' @param area Inheriting from spatial polygon
#' @param period Either numeric, timeBased or ISO-8601 style
#'   (see \code{\link[xts]{.subset.xts}})
#' @param path for saving data (if set to NULL data are always downloaded
#'   but not saved)
#' @return data.table with rows being the single events
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- Earthquakes("induced", Groningen, "1990/2016")
#' Description(data)
#' Citation(data)
#' License(data)
Earthquakes <- function(type="induced", area = NULL, period = NULL, path = "") {
  cl <- match.call()
  if (is.null(path)) tmp <- EarthquakesDownload(type, area, period, cl)
  else {
    fileName <- SpecifyFileNameEarthquakes(type, path, area, period)
    if (!file.exists(fileName)) {
      tmp <- EarthquakesDownload(type, area, period, cl)
      saveRDS(tmp, file = fileName)
    } else {
      tmp <- readRDS(fileName)

EarthquakesDownload <- function(type, area, period, call) {
  URL       <- SpecifyUrlEarthquakes(type)
  jsonTable <- jsonlite::fromJSON(URL)$events
  tmp       <- UpdateJsonTable(jsonTable)
  if (!is.null(area))   tmp <- ClipQuakes(tmp, area)
  if (!is.null(period)) tmp <- tmp[date %in% HomogenPrecipDates(period), ]
  KnmiData(tmp, call, "Earthquakes")

#' Select earthquakes over area
#' @param quakes data.table with earthquakes
#' @param area SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @export
ClipQuakes <- function(quakes, area) {
  lat <- lon <- NULL
  points <- as.data.frame(quakes[, list(lon, lat)])
  points <- sp::SpatialPoints(points, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
  index <- IsInArea(points, area)
  return(quakes[index, ])

#' Is point in area?
#' @param points SpatialPoints
#' @param area SpatialPolygons of SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @return logical indicating whether point is in area
#' @export
IsInArea <- function(points, area) {
  points <- sp::spTransform(points, area@proj4string)
  if (class(area) == "SpatialPolygons") {
    index <- !is.na(sp::over(points, area))
  } else if (class(area) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") {
    tmp <- sp::over(points, area)
    index <- as.vector(!is.na(tmp[, 1, drop = FALSE]))
  } else {
    stop("Area should be of class `SpatialPolygons' or `SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'") # nolint
  if (class(index) != "logical" & length(points) != length(index)) {
    stop("index should be a logical of the same length as points")
MartinRoth/knmiR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:39 p.m.