
Defines functions delHdf

Documented in delHdf

#' Delete Local MODIS Grid Files
#' @description 
#' Delete MODIS grid files to reduce the local storage.
#' @param product `character`, see [getProduct()].
#' @param collection `character` or `integer`, see [getCollection()].
#' @param extent Extent information, defaults to `"global"`. See [getTile()].
#' @param tileH,tileV `numeric` or `character`. Horizontal and vertical tile 
#'   number, see [getTile()].
#' @param begin,end `Date` or `character`. Begin and end date of MODIS time 
#'   series, see [transDate()].
#' @param ask `logical`. If `TRUE` (default), the user is being asked for 
#'   deletion after checking.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [MODISoptions()], particularly 'localArcPath'.
#' @author 
#' Matteo Mattiuzzi
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # REMOVE "MYD11A2" from specific date range and area subset:
#' # delHdf(product="MYD11A2",begin="2010001",end="2010.02.01",extent="austria")
#' # or
#' # delHdf(product="MYD11A2",begin="2010001",end="2010.02.01",tileV=18:19,tileH=4)
#' # REMOVE "MOD11A2" and "MYD11A2" from specific date range but globaly:
#' # delHdf(product="M.D11A2",begin="2010001",end="2010.02.01") 
#' # REMOVE ALL "MOD11A2" from local archive:
#' # delHdf(product="MOD11A2") 
#' }
#' @export delHdf
#' @name delHdf
delHdf <- function(product, collection=NULL, extent="global", tileV=NULL, tileH=NULL, begin=NULL, end=NULL, ask=TRUE,...)
    if (!ask)
        doit <- "Y" 
    summaries <- 0
    opts <- combineOptions(...)

    # product/dates/extent
    product     <- getProduct(x = product, quiet = TRUE, collection = collection)

    info <- list()
    for (z in seq_along(product@PRODUCT))
       info[[z]] <-  paste0(product@PRODUCT[z],".",product@CCC[[which(names(product@CCC)==product@PRODUCT[z])]])
    cat("\nYou are about to delete\n - products:", paste(unlist(info),collapse=", "),"\n")

    if (!is.null(tileV)&!is.null(tileH))
        ext <- getTile(tileV=tileV,tileH=tileH)
    } else if (extent[1]!="global")
        ext <- getTile(x = extent)
    } else 
        ext      <- list()
        ext$tile <- extent
    cat(" - tiles:", paste0(unlist(ext$tile),collapse=", "),"\n")
    if (is.null(begin) & is.null(end))
        cat(" - dates: all dates\n")
    } else {
        tLimits <- transDate(begin=begin,end=end)
        cat(" - date range: from",as.character(tLimits$begin),"to",as.character(tLimits$end),"\n")

    if (ask)
        doit <- toupper(readline("\nAre you sure you want proceed? [y/n]: "))
    if (doit %in% c("N","NO"))
        return("Ok deleting abborted!")
    } else if (doit %in% c("Y","YES")) 
        # bypass checks if a complete product has to be deleted! 
        if (is.null(begin) & is.null(end) & ext$tile[1]=="global")
            for (z in seq_along(product@PRODUCT))
                todo <- paste0(product@PRODUCT[z],".",product@CCC[[which(names(product@CCC)==product@PRODUCT[z])]])
                for(u in seq_along(todo))
                    path      <- genString(x=strsplit(todo[u],"\\.")[[1]][1],collection=strsplit(todo[u],"\\.")[[1]][2],remote=FALSE,opts)$localPath
                    path      <- strsplit(path,"/")[[1]]
                    path      <- paste0(path[-length(path)],collapse="/")
                    allLocal  <- list.files(path,recursive=TRUE)
                    summaries <- fileSize(allLocal,units="MB") + sum(summaries)
            cat("Deleted:", todo[u],"\n")
        } else 
            for (z in seq_along(product@PRODUCT))
                todo <- paste0(product@PRODUCT[z],".",product@CCC[[which(names(product@CCC)==product@PRODUCT[z])]])
                for(u in seq_along(todo))
                    path <- genString(x=strsplit(todo[u],"\\.")[[1]][1],collection=strsplit(todo[u],"\\.")[[1]][2],remote=FALSE,opts)$localPath
                    path <- strsplit(path,"/")[[1]]
                    path <- paste0(path[-length(path)],collapse="/")
                    allLocal <- list.files(path=path,pattern=".hdf",recursive=TRUE,full.names=TRUE)
                    if (length(allLocal)!=0)
                        # remove out of querry dates
                        locDates <- as.Date(sapply(allLocal,function(x)
                            date <- strsplit(normalizePath(dirname(x),winslash="/"),"/")[[1]]
                            date <- date[length(date)]
                        allLocal <- allLocal[as.Date(tLimits$begin) <= locDates & as.Date(tLimits$end) >= locDates]          
                        if (length(allLocal)==0) 
                        subprod <- getProduct(allLocal[1])

                        if (subprod@TYPE=="CMG")
                            useExt <- "global"
                        } else {
                            useExt <- ext$tile
                        if (useExt=="global")
                            summaries <- fileSize(allLocal,units="MB") + sum(summaries)
                        } else {
                            for(i in seq_along(useExt))
                                summaries <- fileSize(allLocal,units="MB") + sum(summaries)
                        dirs <- unique(dirname(allLocal))
                        for (i in seq_along(dirs))
                            if (length(list.files(dirs[i]))==0)
                                if (.Platform$OS=="unix") # I'm looking for a windows/MAC(?) eqal to the linux "rmdir -p" command!!
                                    warn <- options()$warn     
                                    try(xxx <- invisible(system(paste0("rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ", dirs[i]),intern=TRUE)),silent=TRUE)
                                } else 
                                { # work arount for rmdir -p on Windows
                                    secPath <- strsplit(dirs[i],"/")[[1]]
                                    for (o in length(secPath):1)
                                        delpath <- paste0(secPath[-o:-length(secPath)],collapse="/")
                                        if (length(list.files(delpath))==0)
                                        } else {
                        cat("Deleted subset of:", todo[u],"\n")                
                    } else {
                        cat("No files in querry for:", todo[u],"\n")
MatMatt/MODIS documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 12:39 a.m.