# This file contains utility functions for Recca
#' Tell if any of a vector of strings starts with another string
#' This function returns \code{TRUE} if any of the strings in \code{x}
#' starts with the string in \code{target} and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' This function is vectorized. If \code{target} is a vector or list of strings,
#' the return value is the same length as \code{target} and
#' contains the result of applying the same test
#' (do any of \code{x} start with \code{target}?)
#' to each item in \code{target}.
#' @param x a vector or list of strings
#' @param target a string (or a vector or list of strings)
#' @return \code{TRUE} if any of \code{x} starts with \code{target}, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' If \code{target} is a vector or list, the return value is the same length as \code{target}
#' and contains the result of applying the test to each item in \code{target}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # TRUE, because one of the x string ("bd") starts with "b"
#' any_start_with(x = c("ad", "bd", "cd"), target = "b")
#' # TRUE, because two of the x strings starts with "Production"
#' any_start_with(x = c("Production - Crude", "Production - NG", "Bogus"), target = "Production")
#' # FALSE, because none of the x strings starts with "Offshore"
#' any_start_with(x = c("Production - Crude", "Production - NG", "Bogus"), target = "Offshore")
#' # TRUE FALSE, because the x strings start with "Production" but not "Offshore"
#' any_start_with(x = c("Production - Crude", "Production - NG", "Bogus"),
#' target = c("Production", "Offshore"))
# any_start_with <- function(x, target){
# sapply(target, FUN = function(t){
# grepl(paste0("^", Hmisc::escapeRegex(t)), x) %>%
# any()
# }) %>%
# as.logical()
# }
any_start_with <- function(x, target){
sapply(target, FUN = function(t){
any(startsWith(x, t))
}) %>%
#' Tell if a string starts with any of a vector of strings
#' This function returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x}
#' starts with any of the strings in \code{target} and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' This function is vectorized. If \code{x} is a vector or list of strings,
#' the return value has the same length as \code{x} and contains the result
#' of applying the test (does \code{x} start with any of \code{target})
#' for each item in \code{x}.
#' @param x a string (or vector or list of strings)
#' @param prefixes a vector or list of strings
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{x} starts with any of the strings in \code{target},
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' If \code{x} is a vector or list of strings, the return value is the same length as \code{x}
#' and contains the result of applying the test to each item in \code{x}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' startsWith_any_of(x = "prefix - suffix", prefixes = c("a", "b", "prefix"))
#' startsWith_any_of(x = "prefix - suffix", prefixes = c("a", "b", "c"))
#' startsWith_any_of(x = "prefix - suffix", prefixes = "suffix")
#' startsWith_any_of(x = c("Production - Crude", "Production - NG",
#' "Exports - Oil", "Exports - Crude"),
#' prefixes = c("Production", "Imports"))
startsWith_any_of <- function(x, prefixes){
sapply(x, FUN = function(one_x){
any(startsWith(x = one_x, prefix = prefixes))
}) %>%
#' Resource industries
#' Identifies resource industries.
#' Resource industries are industries that make a product without using any products.
#' If `R` is given, its industries are automatically included in the output.
#' Additional resource industries are identified by interrogating
#' the resources (`R`), use (`U`) and make (`V`) matrices.
#' Resource industries are, by definition, present in the `R` matrix,
#' or they have all zeroes in their column of the use matrix (`U`)
#' and at least one non-zero value in their row of the make (`V`) matrix.
#' Argument and value descriptions are written assuming that `.sutdata` is a data frame.
#' Alternatively, `.sutdata` can be unspecified, and `U` and `V` can be matrices.
#' In that case, the return value is a list with a single item (`r_industries`)
#' which contains a vector of names of resource industries for the `U` and `V` matrices.
#' @param .sutdata a list or data frame containing use matrix(ces) and make matrix(ces)
#' @param R resource (`R`) matrix or name of the column in `.sutmats` that contains same. Default is "R".
#' @param U use (`U`) matrix or name of the column in `.sutmats` that contains same. Default is "U".
#' @param V make (`V`) matrix or name of the column in `.sutmats` that contains same. Default is "V".
#' @param r_industries name for the resource industry vector on output. Default is "r_industries".
#' @return a list or data frame with `.sutdata` with an additional column (named with the value of the `p_industries` argument)
#' containing the resource industries for each row
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tidyr)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix) %>%
#' resource_industries()
resource_industries <- function(.sutdata = NULL, R = "R", U = "U", V = "V", r_industries = "r_industries"){
r_industries_func <- function(R_mat = NULL, U_mat, V_mat){
r_names_R <- NULL
if (!is.null(R_mat)) {
# Any industries in the R matrix are, by definition, resource industries.
r_names_R <- rownames(R_mat) %>% sort()
completed_cols_U <- matsbyname::complete_rows_cols(a = U_mat, mat = matsbyname::transpose_byname(V_mat), margin = 2) %>%
# Looking for columns of zeroes in the U matrix.
# Do so by eliminating all columns with zeroes and
# comparing against the original column names.
U_clean_names <- matsbyname::clean_byname(completed_cols_U, margin = 2) %>%
r_names_V <- setdiff(colnames(completed_cols_U), U_clean_names) %>%
r_names <- c(r_names_R, r_names_V)
list(r_names) %>% magrittr::set_names(r_industries)
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutdata, FUN = r_industries_func, R_mat = R, U_mat = U, V_mat = V)
#' Separate resource (\code{R}) and make (\code{V}) matrices from make plus resource (\code{R_plus_V}) matrices
#' Resource industries are industries that make a product without using any products.
#' Resource industries are identified by interrogating
#' the use (\code{U}) and make (\code{R_plus_V}) matrices.
#' Resource industries have all zeroes in their column of the use matrix (\code{U})
#' and at least one non-zero value in their row of the make (\code{R_plus_V}) matrix.
#' A resource matrix (\code{R}) has industries in rows and products in columns.
#' The elements of of \code{R} indicate extraction of resources from the biosphere.
#' The industries of \code{R} are the reserves of the extracted products.
#' This function uses the \code{\link{resource_industries}} function to
#' identify the resource industries in the \code{R_plus_V} matrix.
#' Thereafter, the function extracts the resource industries from the \code{R_plus_V} matrix
#' to form the \code{R} matrix.
#' Finally, the \code{R} matrix is subtracted from the \code{R_plus_V} matrix
#' and saved as the \code{V} matrix.
#' If there are no resource industries in the \code{R_plus_V} matrix,
#' a warning is emitted,
#' no \code{R} matrix is created, and
#' no changes are made to the \code{R_plus_V} matrix.
#' \code{\link{separate_RV}} is the inverse of \code{\link{combine_RV}}.
#' @param .sutmats a list or data frame containing use matrix(ces) and make matrix(ces)
#' @param U a use (\code{U}) matrix or name of the column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{U}".
#' @param R_plus_V an \code{R_plus_V} matrix or name of the column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{R_plus_V}".
#' @param R name for resource (\code{R}) matrix on output. Default is "\code{R}".
#' @param V name for make (\code{V}) matrix on output. Default is "\code{V}".
#' @return a list or data frame containing \code{R} and \code{V} matrices
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tidyr)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#' # Rename the V matrix, because it includes the R matrix.
#' rename(
#' R_plus_V = V
#' ) %>%
#' separate_RV()
separate_RV <- function(.sutmats = NULL,
# Input names
U = "U", R_plus_V = "R_plus_V",
# Output names
R = "R", V = "V"){
separate_RV_func <- function(U_mat, R_plus_V_mat){
r_industry_names <- resource_industries(U = U_mat, V = R_plus_V_mat, r_industries = "r_inds") %>% unlist()
if (length(r_industry_names) == 0) {
warning("No R created in separate_RV")
new_R_mat <- R_plus_V_mat %>%
matsbyname::select_rows_byname(retain_pattern = RCLabels::make_or_pattern(strings = r_industry_names,
pattern_type = "exact"))
new_V_mat <- R_plus_V_mat %>%
matsbyname::select_rows_byname(remove_pattern = RCLabels::make_or_pattern(strings = r_industry_names,
pattern_type = "exact"))
list(new_R_mat, new_V_mat) %>% magrittr::set_names(c(R, V))
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutmats, FUN = separate_RV_func, U_mat = U, R_plus_V_mat = R_plus_V)
#' Combine resource (\code{R}) and make (\code{V}) matrices into a make plus resource (\code{R_plus_V}) matrix
#' \code{\link{combine_RV}} is the inverse of \code{\link{separate_RV}}.
#' @param .sutmats a list or data frame containing use matrix(ces) and make matrix(ces)
#' @param R an \code{R} matrix or name of a column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{R}".
#' @param V a make (\code{V}) matrix or name of a column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{V}".
#' @param R_plus_V name for \code{R_plus_V} matrix on output. Default is "\code{R_plus_V}".
#' @return a list or data frame containing \code{R_plus_V}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tidyr)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#' combine_RV()
combine_RV <- function(.sutmats = NULL,
# Input names
R = "R", V = "V",
# Output name
R_plus_V = "R_plus_V"){
combine_RV_func <- function(R_mat, V_mat){
R_plus_V_mat <- matsbyname::sum_byname(R_mat, V_mat)
list(R_plus_V_mat) %>% magrittr::set_names(c(R_plus_V))
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutmats, FUN = combine_RV_func, R_mat = R, V_mat = V)
#' Tell whether ECC products are unit-homogenous
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if products are unit-homogeneous
#' according to the \code{S_units} matrix and
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @param .sutmats a data frame of supply-use table matrices with matrices arranged in columns.
#' @param S_units an \code{S_units} matrix or name of a column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{S_units}".
#' @param keep_details if \code{TRUE}, per-product results are returned;
#' if \code{FALSE}, per-ECC results are returned.
#' @param products_unit_homogeneous name for the boolean that tells whether products in \code{S_units} are unit-homogeneous on output.
#' Default is "\code{.products_unit_homogeneous}".
#' @return a list or data frame containing \code{TRUE} if products in \code{S_units} are unit-homogeneous, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' importFrom magrittr extract2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(tidyr)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#' products_unit_homogeneous() %>%
#' extract2(".products_unit_homogeneous")
products_unit_homogeneous <- function(.sutmats = NULL,
# Input names
S_units = "S_units",
keep_details = FALSE,
# Output names
products_unit_homogeneous = ".products_unit_homogeneous"){
products_unit_homogeneous_func <- function(S_units_mat){
num_ones <- matsbyname::count_vals_inrows_byname(S_units_mat, "==", 1)
out <- num_ones == 1
if (!keep_details) {
out <- all(out)
list(out) %>% magrittr::set_names(products_unit_homogeneous)
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutmats, FUN = products_unit_homogeneous_func, S_units_mat = S_units)
#' Tell whether each industry's inputs are unit-homogeneous
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if each industry's inputs are unit-homogeneous.
#' The \code{U_bar} matrix is queried for the number of non-zero entries in each column.
#' If the number of non-zero entries in each column is exactly 1,
#' industry inputs are unit-homogeneous.
#' Note that \code{U_bar = \link[matsbyname]{matrixproduct_byname}(\link[matsbyname]{transpose_byname}(S_units), U)}.
#' @param .sutmats a data frame of supply-use table matrices with matrices arranged in columns.
#' @param U a use (\code{U}) matrix or name of the column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{U}".
#' @param S_units an \code{S_units} matrix or name of a column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{S_units}".
#' @param keep_details if \code{TRUE}, per-product results are returned;
#' if \code{FALSE}, per-ECC results are returned. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ins_unit_homogeneous name of the output boolean that
#' tells whether each industry's inputs are unit-homogeneous.
#' Default is "\code{.inputs_unit_homogeneous}".
#' @return a list or data frame containing
#' \code{TRUE} if inputs to each energy conversion industry are unit-homogeneous,
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tidyr)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#' inputs_unit_homogeneous()
inputs_unit_homogeneous <- function(.sutmats = NULL,
# Input names
U = "U", S_units = "S_units",
keep_details = FALSE,
# Output names
ins_unit_homogeneous = ".inputs_unit_homogeneous"){
inputs_unit_homogeneous_func <- function(U_mat, S_units_mat){
U_bar <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(S_units_mat) %>%
matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(U_mat) %>%
num_non_zero <- matsbyname::count_vals_inrows_byname(U_bar, "!=", 0)
out <- num_non_zero == 1
out <- magrittr::set_colnames(out, ins_unit_homogeneous)
if (!keep_details) {
out <- all(out)
list(out) %>% magrittr::set_names(ins_unit_homogeneous)
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutmats, FUN = inputs_unit_homogeneous_func, U_mat = U, S_units_mat = S_units)
#' Tell whether industry outputs are unit-homogeneous
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if each industry's output are unit-homogeneous.
#' The \code{V_bar} matrix is queried for the number of non-zero entries in each row.
#' If the number of non-zero entries in each row is exactly 1,
#' industry outputs are unit-homogeneous.
#' Note that \code{V_bar = \link[matsbyname]{matrixproduct_byname}(V, S_units)}.
#' @param .sutmats a data frame of supply-use table matrices with matrices arranged in columns.
#' @param V a make (\code{V}) matrix or name of the column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{V}".
#' @param S_units an \code{S_units} matrix or name of a column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{S_units}".
#' @param keep_details if \code{TRUE}, per-industry results are returned;
#' if \code{FALSE}, per-ECC results are returned.
#' @param outs_unit_homogeneous the name of the output column
#' that tells whether each industry's outputs are unit-homogeneous.
#' Default is "\code{.outputs_unit_homogeneous}".
#' @return a list or data frame containing
#' \code{TRUE} if outputs from each energy conversion industry are unit-homogeneous,
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tidyr)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#' outputs_unit_homogeneous()
outputs_unit_homogeneous <- function(.sutmats = NULL,
# Input names
V = "V", S_units = "S_units",
keep_details = FALSE,
# Output names
outs_unit_homogeneous = ".outputs_unit_homogeneous"){
outputs_unit_homogeneous_func <- function(V_mat, S_units_mat){
V_bar <- matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(V_mat, S_units_mat)
num_non_zero <- matsbyname::count_vals_inrows_byname(V_bar, "!=", 0)
out <- num_non_zero == 1
out <- magrittr::set_colnames(out, outs_unit_homogeneous)
if (!keep_details) {
out <- all(out)
list(out) %>% magrittr::set_names(outs_unit_homogeneous)
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutmats, FUN = outputs_unit_homogeneous_func, V_mat = V, S_units_mat = S_units)
#' Tell whether industry inputs are unit-homogeneous and industry outputs are unit-homogeneous
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if each industry's inputs are unit-homogeneous and each industry's outputs are unit homogeneous.
#' When inputs have different units from outputs, (but all inputs are unit-homogeneous and all outputs are unit-homogeneous),
#' \code{TRUE} is returned.
#' This function uses both \link{inputs_unit_homogeneous} and \link{outputs_unit_homogeneous} internally.
#' This function differs from \link{flows_unit_homogeneous}, because \link{flows_unit_homogeneous}
#' requires that all flows are unit-homogeneous before returning \code{TRUE}.
#' This function (\link{inputs_outputs_unit_homogeneous}) will return true when all
#' inputs are unit-homogeneous with different units from outputs (which are also unit-homogeoenous).
#' @seealso \link{inputs_unit_homogeneous}, \link{outputs_unit_homogeneous}, \link{flows_unit_homogeneous}
#' @param .sutmats a data frame of supply-use table matrices with matrices arranged in columns.
#' @param U a use (\code{U}) matrix or name of the column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{U}".
#' @param V a make (\code{V}) matrix or name of the column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{V}".
#' @param S_units an \code{S_units} matrix or name of a column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{S_units}".
#' @param keep_details if \code{TRUE}, per-industry results are returned;
#' if \code{FALSE}, per-ECC results are returned.
#' @param ins_outs_unit_homogeneous the name of the output column
#' that tells whether each industry's inputs and outputs are unit-homogeneous
#' (though not necessarily in the same units).
#' Default is "\code{.inputs_outputs_unit_homogeneous}".
#' @return a list or data frame containing
#' \code{TRUE} if inputs from each energy conversion industry are unit-homogeneous
#' and outputs from each energy conversion industry are unit-homogeneous,
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tidyr)
#' result <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#' inputs_outputs_unit_homogeneous()
inputs_outputs_unit_homogeneous <- function(.sutmats = NULL,
# Input names
U = "U", V = "V", S_units = "S_units",
keep_details = FALSE,
# Output names
ins_outs_unit_homogeneous = ".inputs_outputs_unit_homogeneous"){
inputs_outputs_unit_homogeneous_func <- function(U_mat, V_mat, S_units_mat){
ins_homo <- inputs_unit_homogeneous(U = U_mat, S_units = S_units_mat,
keep_details = keep_details, ins_unit_homogeneous = ins_outs_unit_homogeneous)[[ins_outs_unit_homogeneous]]
outs_homo <- outputs_unit_homogeneous(V = V_mat, S_units = S_units_mat,
keep_details = keep_details, outs_unit_homogeneous = ins_outs_unit_homogeneous)[[ins_outs_unit_homogeneous]]
result <- matsbyname::and_byname(ins_homo, outs_homo)
list(result) %>% magrittr::set_names(ins_outs_unit_homogeneous)
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutmats, FUN = inputs_outputs_unit_homogeneous_func, U_mat = U, V_mat = V, S_units_mat = S_units)
#' Tell whether industry flows (inputs and outputs) are unit-homogeneous
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if each industry's flows (all inputs and outputs) are unit-homogeneous.
#' The \code{V_bar} matrix is queried for the number of non-zero entries in each row.
#' If the number of non-zero entries in each row is exactly 1,
#' industry outputs are unit-homogeneous.
#' Note that \code{V_bar = \link[matsbyname]{matrixproduct_byname}(V, S_units)}.
#' @param .sutmats a data frame of supply-use table matrices with matrices arranged in columns.
#' @param U a use (\code{U}) matrix or name of the column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{U}".
#' @param V a make (\code{V}) matrix or name of the column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{V}".
#' @param S_units an \code{S_units} matrix or name of a column in \code{.sutmats} that contains same. Default is "\code{S_units}".
#' @param keep_details if \code{TRUE}, per-industry results are returned;
#' if \code{FALSE}, per-ECC results are returned.
#' Default is "\code{FALSE}".
#' @param flows_unit_homogeneous the name of the output column
#' that tells whether each industry's outputs are unit-homogeneous.
#' Default is "\code{.flows_unit_homogeneous}".
#' @return \code{.sutdata} with additional column "\code{flows_unit_homogeneous}" containing
#' \code{TRUE} if each industry's flows are unit-homogeneous,
#' \code{FALSE} if each industry's flows are unit-heterogeneous.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tidyr)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#' flows_unit_homogeneous()
flows_unit_homogeneous <- function(.sutmats = NULL,
# Input names
U = "U", V = "V", S_units = "S_units",
keep_details = FALSE,
# Output names
flows_unit_homogeneous = ".flows_unit_homogeneous"){
flows_unit_homogeneous_func <- function(U_mat, V_mat, S_units_mat){
U_bar <- matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(matsbyname::transpose_byname(S_units_mat), U_mat)
V_bar <- matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(V_mat, S_units_mat)
# Add V_bar and U_bar_T to obtain a matrix with industries in rows and units in columns.
sums_by_unit <- matsbyname::sum_byname(V_bar, matsbyname::transpose_byname(U_bar))
# If rows of sums_by_unit have 1 non-zero row, the inputs and outputs for the industry of that row are unit-homogeneous.
# If rows of sums_by_unit have more than 1 non-zero row, the inputs and outputs for the industry of that row are unit-inhomogeneous.
num_non_zero <- matsbyname::count_vals_inrows_byname(sums_by_unit, "!=", 0)
out <- num_non_zero == 1
out <- magrittr::set_colnames(out, flows_unit_homogeneous)
if (!keep_details) {
out <- all(out)
list(out) %>% magrittr::set_names(flows_unit_homogeneous)
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutmats, FUN = flows_unit_homogeneous_func, U_mat = U, V_mat = V, S_units_mat = S_units)
#' Reverse an energy conversion chain
#' Leontief's original input-output analysis involved swimming
#' "upstream" to estimate the economy that would be needed if different final demand were observed.
#' But what if different resources were available?
#' The analysis is the same if resources become final demand (and vice versa)
#' and make becomes use (and vice versa).
#' That is, the analysis is the same if you're dealing with a reversed energy conversion chain (ECC).
#' This function performs that reversal.
#' To reverse an ECC, the **R**, **U**, **V**, and **Y** matrices
#' need to be transposed and swapped:
#' **R** with **Y** and
#' **U** with **V**.
#' This function performs those operations.
#' @param .sutmats the input ECC
#' @param R The **R** matrix in the ECC to be reversed. (Default is "R".)
#' @param U The **U** matrix in the ECC to be reversed. (Default is "U".)
#' @param V The **V** matrix in the ECC to be reversed. (Default is "V".)
#' @param Y The **Y** matrix in the ECC to be reversed. (Default is "Y".)
#' @param R_rev The name of the **R** matrix in the reversed ECC. (Default is "R_rev".)
#' @param U_rev The name of the **U** matrix in the reversed ECC. (Default is "U_rev".)
#' @param V_rev The name of the **V** matrix in the reversed ECC. (Default is "V_rev".)
#' @param Y_rev The name of the **Y** matrix in the reversed ECC. (Default is "Y_rev".)
#' @return A reversed version of the ECC described by **R**, **U**, **V**, and **Y**.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(Recca)
#' library(tidyr)
#' mats <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#' reverse()
#' mats$R_rev[[1]]
#' mats$U_rev[[1]]
#' mats$V_rev[[1]]
#' mats$Y_rev[[1]]
reverse <- function(.sutmats = NULL,
# Input names or matrices
R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
U = Recca::psut_cols$U,
V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
# Output names
R_rev = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$R, "_rev"),
U_rev = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$U, "_rev"),
V_rev = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$V, "_rev"),
Y_rev = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$Y, "_rev")){
reverse_func <- function(R_mat, U_mat, V_mat, Y_mat){
R_rev_mat <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(Y_mat)
U_rev_mat <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(V_mat)
V_rev_mat <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(U_mat)
Y_rev_mat <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(R_mat)
list(R_rev_mat, U_rev_mat, V_rev_mat, Y_rev_mat) %>%
magrittr::set_names(c(R_rev, U_rev, V_rev, Y_rev))
FUN = reverse_func,
R_mat = R,
U_mat = U,
V_mat = V,
Y_mat = Y)
#' Un-escape HTML codes in text
#' Occasionally,
#' we need to un-escape HTML codes in text.
#' If `text` contains HTML codes, they are replaced with `replacements`, which,
#' by default, describe replacements for "`&`", "`<`", and "`>`"
#' ("`&`", "`<`", and "`>`", respectively).
#' HTML codes can arrive in text read from an Excel file by the `openxlsx` package
#' due to a bug documented [here](https://github.com/awalker89/openxlsx/issues/393).
#' @param text a vector (or one-dimensional list) of character strings
#' @param replacements a list of string pairs. Each pair consists of encoded string and unencoded string,
#' in that order. Default is
#' `list(c("&", "&"), c("<", "<"), c(">", ">"))`
#' @return If `text` is a vector, a vector of un-encoded strings.
#' If `text` is a list of strings, a list of un-encoded strings of same structure.
#' If possible, an outgoing list has simplified structure, even to the point of
#' conversion to vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' replace_html_codes(list("a", "&", "<", ">", "bcd"))
#' replace_html_codes(list(c("&", "&"), c("<", "<"), c(">", ">")))
replace_html_codes <- function(text,
replacements = list(c("&", "&"),
c("<", "<"),
c(">", ">"))) {
out <- list()
for (i in 1:length(text)) {
text_i <- text[[i]]
if (length(text_i) > 1) {
# Be recursive here.
replace_html_codes(text_i, replacements)
for (r in replacements) {
text_i <- gsub(pattern = r[[1]], replacement = r[[2]], x = text_i)
out[[i]] <- text_i
# Flatten things, if possible
if (lapply(out, function(strng) {length(strng) == 1}) %>% as.logical() %>% all()) {
#' Scrape primary industry names from R, V, and Y matrices
#' Primary industry names are needed for aggregation.
#' This function interrogates the row names of R and V and the column names Y matrices
#' for names that start with `p_industries`.
#' The assumption is that many of these row and column names may have
#' compound names of the form "Resources \[of Oil and gas extraction\]".
#' So this function looks for leading strings.
#' If "Resources" is in `p_industries`,
#' "Resources \[of Oil and gas extraction\]" will be among the returned strings.
#' Note all of `R`, `V`, and `Y` need to be specified.
#' @param .sutdata An optional data frame containing columns of PSUT matrices
#' @param p_industry_prefixes The name of a column in `.sutdata` containing
#' vectors of prefixes that identify primary industry names, or
#' a vector of prefixes that identify primary industry names.
#' Default is `Recca::industry_cols$p_industry_prefixes`.
#' Hint: `IEATools::tpes_flows` contains a good list of
#' primary industry prefixes.
#' @param R The name of the `R` matrix column in `.sutdata` or an `R` matrix.
#' @param V The name of the `V` matrix column in `.sutdata` or a `V` matrix.
#' @param Y The name of the `Y` matrix column in `.sutdata` or a `Y` matrix.
#' @param p_industries_complete The name of the output column containing complete names of primary industries.
#' Default is `Recca::industry_cols$p_industries_complete`.
#' @return If `.sutdata` is a data frame, a data frame with additional column `p_industries_complete`.
#' If `.sutdata` is a list of named matrices (`R`, `V`, and `Y`),
#' A vector or vectors of full names of primary industries in the `R`, `V`, and `Y` matrices,
#' a list of primary industries.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Rrows <- c("Resources [of Oil and gas extraction]", "Resources [of Coal mines]")
#' R <- matrix(c(1, 0,
#' 0, 2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
#' dimnames = list(Rrows, c("Crude oil", "Brown coal")))
#' Vrows <- c("Imports [of Crude oil]", "Stock changes [of Bituminous coal]")
#' V <- matrix(c(3, 0,
#' 0, 4), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
#' dimnames = list(Vrows, c("Crude oil", "Bituminous coal")))
#' Ycols <- c("Exports [of Electricity]", "International marine bunkers [of Gas/diesel oil]")
#' Y <- matrix(c(5, 0,
#' 0, 6), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
#' dimnames = list(c("Electricity", "Gas/diesel oil"), Ycols))
#' p_industry_prefixes <- c("Resources", "Imports", "Exports",
#' "Stock changes", "International marine bunkers")
#' # This function works with individual matrices, so long as they are
#' # first wrapped in `list()`.
#' find_p_industry_names(p_industry_prefixes = list(p_industry_prefixes),
#' R = list(R), V = list(V), Y = list(Y))
#' # Also works in the context of a data frame.
#' # Use a `tibble`, because it handles matrices better
#' res <- tibble::tibble(R = list(R,R), V = list(V,V), Y = list(Y,Y),
#' p_industries = list(p_industry_prefixes, "Resources")) %>%
#' find_p_industry_names(p_industry_prefixes = "p_industries")
#' res$p_industries_complete[[1]]
#' res$p_industries_complete[[2]]
find_p_industry_names <- function(.sutdata = NULL,
p_industry_prefixes = Recca::industry_cols$p_industry_prefixes,
# Input names
R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
# Output column name
p_industries_complete = Recca::industry_cols$p_industries_complete) {
name_matching_func <- function(p_industry_prefixes_vec, R_mat = NULL, V_mat = NULL, Y_mat = NULL) {
# Transpose Y matrix so we can operate on rows of all matrices.
mats <- list(R_mat, V_mat, matsbyname::transpose_byname(Y_mat))
full_p_industry_names <- lapply(mats, function(m) {
m %>%
matsbyname::select_rows_byname(retain_pattern =
RCLabels::make_or_pattern(strings = p_industry_prefixes_vec, pattern_type = "leading")) %>%
}) %>%
# flatten
# If we don't have a list, make a list.
if (!is.list(full_p_industry_names)) {
full_p_industry_names <- list(full_p_industry_names)
full_p_industry_names %>%
FUN = name_matching_func,
p_industry_prefixes_vec = p_industry_prefixes,
R_mat = R,
V_mat = V,
Y_mat = Y)
#' Write energy conversion chain matrices in an Excel file
#' It is often helpful to see energy conversion chain (ECC) matrices in Excel format,
#' arranged spatially.
#' This function takes ECC matrices and writes them to an Excel file.
#' If `.psut_data` is a PSUT data frame,
#' each row is written to a different tab in the output file at `path`.
#' @param .psut_data A list or data frame of energy conversion chains.
#' @param path The path of the Excel file to be created.
#' @param overwrite_file A boolean that tells whether you want to overwrite
#' the file at `path`, if it already exists.
#' @param pad The number of rows and columns between adjacent matrices in the Excel sheet.
#' Default is `2`.
#' @param include_io_mats A boolean that tells whether to include input-output matrices
#' in the worksheets written by this function.
#' Input-output matrices are obtained from `calc_io_mats()`.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param R,U,U_feed,U_eiou,r_eiou,V,Y,S_units Names of ECC matrices or actual matrices.
#' See `Recca::psut_cols`.
#' @param .wrote_mats_colname The name of the outgoing column
#' that tells whether a worksheet was written successfully.
#' Default is "Wrote mats".
#' @param UV_bg_color The color of cells containing U and V matrices.
#' Default is a creamy yellow.
#' @param RY_bg_color The color of cells containing R and Y matrices.
#' Default is a rust color.
#' @param calculated_bg_color The color of cells containing calculated matrices.
#' Default is gray.
#' @param col_widths The widths of columns of matrices.
#' Default is `7` to save space.
#' @return An unmodified version of `.psut_data` (if not `NULL`) or a list of
#' the incoming matrices.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ecc <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' tidyr::spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix")
#' ecc_temp_path <- tempfile(pattern = "write_excel_ecc_test_file", fileext = ".xlsx")
#' write_ecc_to_excel(ecc, path = ecc_temp_path, overwrite = TRUE)
#' }
write_ecc_to_excel <- function(.psut_data = NULL,
overwrite_file = FALSE,
pad = 2,
include_io_mats = FALSE,
R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
U = Recca::psut_cols$U,
V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
r_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$r_eiou,
U_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou,
U_feed = Recca::psut_cols$U_feed,
S_units = Recca::psut_cols$S_units,
.wrote_mats_colname = "Wrote mats",
UV_bg_color = "#FDF2D0",
RY_bg_color = "#D3712D",
calculated_bg_color = "#D9D9D9",
col_widths = 7) {
# Check if path exists. If so, throw an error.
if (file.exists(path) & !overwrite_file) {
stop(paste("File", path, "already exists. Call write_ecc_to_excel with overwrite = TRUE to overwrite."))
# Create the workbook
ecc_wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
create_one_tab <- function(R_mat, U_mat, V_mat, Y_mat, U_eiou_mat, U_feed_mat, r_eiou_mat, S_units_mat) {
# Get existing sheet names
existing_sheets <- openxlsx::sheets(ecc_wb)
if (length(existing_sheets) == 0) {
sheet_name <- "1"
} else {
sheet_name <- (as.integer(existing_sheets) %>% max()) + 1
# Add the worksheet to the workbook
openxlsx::addWorksheet(ecc_wb, sheet_name)
# Complete matrices relative to one another to make sure we have same number
# of rows or columns, as appropriate
# Ensure same columns of U and rows of V
U_mat_T <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(U_mat)
completedUV <- matsbyname::complete_and_sort(U_mat_T, V_mat, margin = 1)
U_mat <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(completedUV[[1]])
V_mat <- completedUV[[2]]
# Ensure same columns for R and V
completedRV <- matsbyname::complete_and_sort(R_mat, V_mat, margin = 2)
R_mat <- completedRV[[1]]
V_mat <- completedRV[[2]]
# Ensure same rows for U and Y
completedUY <- matsbyname::complete_and_sort(U_mat, Y_mat, margin = 1)
U_mat <- completedUY[[1]]
Y_mat <- completedUY[[2]]
# Ensure same rows and cols for U_EIOU and U
completedU_eiou <- matsbyname::complete_and_sort(U_eiou_mat, U_mat, margin = c(1, 2))
U_eiou_mat <- completedU_eiou[[1]]
# Ensure same rows and cols for U_feed and U
completedU_feed <- matsbyname::complete_and_sort(U_feed_mat, U_mat, margin = c(1, 2))
U_feed_mat <- completedU_feed[[1]]
# Ensure same rows and cols for r_EIOU and U
completedr_eiou <- matsbyname::complete_and_sort(r_eiou_mat, U_mat, margin = c(1, 2))
r_eiou_mat <- completedr_eiou[[1]]
# Ensure same rows for S_units and U
completedS_units <- matsbyname::complete_and_sort(S_units_mat, U_mat, margin = 1)
S_units_mat <- completedS_units[[1]]
# Calculate starting locations for each matrix.
locations <- calc_mats_locations_excel(R = R_mat,
U = U_mat,
V = V_mat,
Y = Y_mat,
r_eiou = r_eiou_mat,
U_eiou = U_eiou_mat,
U_feed = U_feed_mat,
S_units = S_units_mat,
pad = pad)
# Write each matrix to the worksheet
Map(list("R", "U", "V", "Y", "r_eiou", "U_eiou", "U_feed", "S_units"),
list(R_mat, U_mat, V_mat, Y_mat, r_eiou_mat, U_eiou_mat, U_feed_mat, S_units_mat),
f = function(this_mat_name, this_mat, this_loc) {
# Find the locations of the matrix origin and matrix extent
# from this_loc.
# We'll use this in many places below.
mat_origin <- this_loc[["origin"]] + c(x = 1, y = 1) # Offset for the row and column names
mat_extent <- this_loc[["extent"]] + c(x = 0, y = -1) # Offset for the matrix label
# Write the data
openxlsx::writeData(wb = ecc_wb,
sheet = sheet_name,
# Account for the fact that this_mat could be a
# non-native matrix class (such as Matrix)
x = as.matrix(this_mat),
xy = this_loc[["origin"]],
array = TRUE, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = TRUE)
# Set the background color to matrix_bg_color for the numbers in the matrix
# Define the matrix numbers style
if (this_mat_name %in% c("R", "Y")) {
this_bg_color <- RY_bg_color
} else if (this_mat_name %in% c("U", "V")) {
this_bg_color <- UV_bg_color
} else {
this_bg_color <- calculated_bg_color
mat_num_style <- openxlsx::createStyle(fgFill = this_bg_color,
halign = "center",
valign = "center")
openxlsx::addStyle(wb = ecc_wb,
sheet = sheet_name,
style = mat_num_style,
rows = mat_origin[["y"]]:mat_extent[["y"]],
cols = mat_origin[["x"]]:mat_extent[["x"]],
gridExpand = TRUE,
stack = TRUE)
# Rotate and center column labels
col_label_style <- openxlsx::createStyle(textRotation = 90,
halign = "center",
valign = "bottom")
openxlsx::addStyle(wb = ecc_wb,
sheet = sheet_name,
style = col_label_style,
rows = this_loc[["origin"]][["y"]],
cols = this_loc[["origin"]][["x"]]:this_loc[["extent"]][["x"]],
gridExpand = TRUE,
stack = TRUE)
# Right align row labels
row_label_style <- openxlsx::createStyle(halign = "right",
valign = "center")
openxlsx::addStyle(wb = ecc_wb,
sheet = sheet_name,
style = row_label_style,
rows = this_loc[["origin"]][["y"]]:this_loc[["extent"]][["y"]],
cols = this_loc[["origin"]][["x"]],
gridExpand = TRUE,
stack = TRUE)
# Add matrix label
openxlsx::writeData(wb = ecc_wb,
sheet = sheet_name,
x = this_mat_name,
startRow = this_loc[["extent"]][["y"]],
startCol = mat_origin[["x"]])
# Format matrix label
mat_name_style <- openxlsx::createStyle(halign = "center",
textDecoration = "Bold")
openxlsx::addStyle(wb = ecc_wb,
sheet = sheet_name,
style = mat_name_style,
rows = this_loc[["extent"]][["y"]],
cols = mat_origin[["x"]],
gridExpand = TRUE,
stack = TRUE)
openxlsx::mergeCells(wb = ecc_wb,
sheet = sheet_name,
rows = this_loc[["extent"]][["y"]],
cols = mat_origin[["x"]]:mat_extent[["x"]])
# Set column widths to "auto" to save space.
openxlsx::setColWidths(wb = ecc_wb,
sheet = sheet_name,
cols = mat_origin[["x"]]:mat_extent[["x"]],
widths = col_widths,
ignoreMergedCells = TRUE)
list(TRUE) %>%
out <- matsindf::matsindf_apply(.psut_data,
FUN = create_one_tab,
R_mat = R,
U_mat = U,
V_mat = V,
Y_mat = Y,
r_eiou_mat = r_eiou,
U_eiou_mat = U_eiou,
U_feed_mat = U_feed,
S_units_mat = S_units)
# Make sure the directory exists
dir.create(dirname(path), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# Write the workbook
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(ecc_wb, file = path, overwrite = overwrite_file)
#' Calculate the origin and extent for each matrix
#' The origin is defined as the upper-left corner of the matrix on the worksheet.
#' The extent is defined as the lower-right corner of the matrix on the worksheet.
#' The outer structure of the return value is matrices,
#' in the order provided in the argument list.
#' The inner structure of the return value is a list of "origin" and "extent,"
#' in that order.
#' This is a helper function, so it is not public.
#' @param R,U,V,Y,r_eiou,U_eiou,U_feed,S_units Matrices to be arranged on an Excel worksheet.
#' @param pad The number of blank rows or columns between matrices.
#' @return A nested list of origins and extents.
calc_mats_locations_excel <- function(R, U, V, Y, r_eiou, U_eiou, U_feed, S_units, pad = 2) {
# At this point, each argument should be a single matrix.
# Calculate horizontal sizes for matrices.
# Each has a +1 due to the column of rownames
hsizeS_units <- ncol(S_units) + 1
if (ncol(R) != ncol(V)) {
stop("R and V should have same number of columns in calc_mats_locations_excel().")
hsizeVR <- ncol(R) + 1
hsizeU <- ncol(U) + 1
hsizeY <- ncol(Y) + 1
# Calculate vertical sizes for matrices.
# Each as a +2 due to the row of column names and the label beneath the matrix.
vsizeS_units <- nrow(S_units) + 2
if (nrow(U) != nrow(Y)) {
stop("U and Y should have same number of rows in calc_mats_locations_excel().")
vsizeUY <- nrow(U) + 2
vsizeR <- nrow(R) + 2
vsizeV <- nrow(V) + 2
# Calculate origin and extent locations for each matrix.
# The origin is the top left cell of the matrix, including all labels.
# The extent is the bottom right cell of the matrix, including all labels.
# x and y are
# row number (with 1 at the top of the worksheet) and
# column number (with 1 at the left of the worksheet),
# respectively.
originS_units <- c(x = 1, y = 1)
extentS_units <- originS_units + c(x = hsizeS_units - 1, y = vsizeS_units - 1)
left_side_U <- hsizeVR + pad + 1
originU_eiou <- c(x = left_side_U, y = 1)
extentU_eiou <- originU_eiou + c(x = hsizeU - 1, y = vsizeUY - 1)
left_side_Y <- extentU_eiou[["x"]] + pad + 1
originr_eiou <- c(x = left_side_Y, y = 1)
extentr_eiou <- originr_eiou + c(x = hsizeU - 1, y = vsizeUY - 1)
originU_feed <- c(x = left_side_U, y = extentU_eiou[["y"]] + pad + 1)
extentU_feed <- originU_feed + c(x = hsizeU - 1, y = vsizeUY - 1)
top_row_UY <- extentU_feed[["y"]] + pad + 1
originU <- c(x = left_side_U, y = top_row_UY)
extentU <- originU + c(x = hsizeU - 1, y = vsizeUY - 1)
originY <- c(x = left_side_Y, y = top_row_UY)
extentY <- originY + c(x = hsizeY - 1, y = vsizeUY - 1)
originV <- c(x = 1, y = extentU[["y"]] + pad + 1)
extentV <- originV + c(x = hsizeVR - 1, y = vsizeV - 1)
originR <- c(x = 1, y = extentV[["y"]] + pad + 1)
extentR <- originR + c(x = hsizeVR - 1, y = vsizeR - 1)
list(R = list(origin = originR, extent = extentR),
U = list(origin = originU, extent = extentU),
V = list(origin = originV, extent = extentV),
Y = list(origin = originY, extent = extentY),
r_eiou = list(origin = originr_eiou, extent = extentr_eiou),
U_eiou = list(origin = originU_eiou, extent = extentU_eiou),
U_feed = list(origin = originU_feed, extent = extentU_feed),
S_units = list(origin = originS_units, extent = extentS_units))
#' Create lists of all products and industries
#' From matrices that describe an energy conversion chain (**R**, **U**, **V**, and **Y**),
#' create a list of unique products (energy carriers) and industries (processing stages)
#' in the energy conversion chain.
#' This function is a `matsindf::matsindf_apply()` style function.
#' It can accept a `matsindf` data frame in the `.df` argument
#' and string for the `R`, `U`, `V`, and `Y` (as column names) in the arguments.
#' @param .sutdata A data frame or list of `matsindf` matrices.
#' @param piece A character string indicating which piece of the row or column names to retain,
#' one of "all", "noun", "pps", "pref" or "suff", or a preposition,
#' indicating which part of the row or column name is to be retained.
#' Default is "all".
#' @param inf_notation A boolean that tells whether to infer notation.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param notation The notation used for row and column labels.
#' Default is `list(RCLabels::notations_list)`.
#' The default value is wrapped in a list,
#' because `RCLabels::notations_list` is, itself, a list.
#' See `RCLabels`.
#' @param choose_most_specific A boolean that indicates whether the most-specific notation
#' will be inferred when more than one of `notation` matches
#' a row or column label
#' and `allow_multiple = FALSE`.
#' When `FALSE`, the first matching notation in `notations`
#' is returned when `allow_multiple = FALSE`.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param prepositions Prepositions that can be used in the row and column label.
#' Default is `RCLabels::prepositions_list`.
#' @param R,U,V,Y The names of PSUT matrices. See `IEAtools::psut_cols`.
#' @param products_col The name of the products column in the output list or data frame.
#' Default is `Recca::prod_ind_names_colnames$product_names`.
#' @param industries_col The name of the products column in the output list or data frame.
#' Default is `Recca::prod_ind_names_colnames$industry_names`.
#' @return `.sutdata` with two new columns containing the names of products and industries.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ecc <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "matrix.name", values_from = "matrix") %>%
#' get_all_products_and_industries()
#' # Show all unique product (energy carrier) names in the first row of ecc
#' ecc[[Recca::prod_ind_names_colnames$product_names]][[1]]
#' # Show all unique industry (processing stage) names
#' # in the fourth row of ecc.
#' ecc[[Recca::prod_ind_names_colnames$industry_names]][[4]]
get_all_products_and_industries <- function(.sutdata,
piece = "all",
inf_notation = TRUE,
notation = list(RCLabels::notations_list),
choose_most_specific = FALSE,
prepositions = list(RCLabels::prepositions_list),
R = IEATools::psut_cols$R,
U = IEATools::psut_cols$U,
V = IEATools::psut_cols$V,
Y = IEATools::psut_cols$Y,
products_col = Recca::prod_ind_names_colnames$product_names,
industries_col = Recca::prod_ind_names_colnames$industry_names) {
prod_ind_names_func <- function(R_mat, U_mat, V_mat, Y_mat){
# Make a list of Products
R_prods <- matsbyname::getcolnames_byname(R_mat) %>%
RCLabels::get_piece(piece = piece, inf_notation = inf_notation, notation = notation, choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific, prepositions = prepositions)
U_prods <- matsbyname::getrownames_byname(U_mat) %>%
RCLabels::get_piece(piece = piece, inf_notation = inf_notation, notation = notation, choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific, prepositions = prepositions)
V_prods <- matsbyname::getcolnames_byname(V_mat) %>%
RCLabels::get_piece(piece = piece, inf_notation = inf_notation, notation = notation, choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific, prepositions = prepositions)
Y_prods <- matsbyname::getrownames_byname(Y_mat) %>%
RCLabels::get_piece(piece = piece, inf_notation = inf_notation, notation = notation, choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific, prepositions = prepositions)
prods <- c(R_prods, U_prods, V_prods, Y_prods) %>%
# Make a list of Industries
R_inds <- matsbyname::getrownames_byname(R_mat) %>%
RCLabels::get_piece(piece = piece, inf_notation = inf_notation, notation = notation, choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific, prepositions = prepositions)
U_inds <- matsbyname::getcolnames_byname(U_mat) %>%
RCLabels::get_piece(piece = piece, inf_notation = inf_notation, notation = notation, choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific, prepositions = prepositions)
V_inds <- matsbyname::getrownames_byname(V_mat) %>%
RCLabels::get_piece(piece = piece, inf_notation = inf_notation, notation = notation, choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific, prepositions = prepositions)
Y_inds <- matsbyname::getcolnames_byname(Y_mat) %>%
RCLabels::get_piece(piece = piece, inf_notation = inf_notation, notation = notation, choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific, prepositions = prepositions)
inds <- c(R_inds, U_inds, V_inds, Y_inds) %>%
list(prods, inds) %>%
magrittr::set_names(c(products_col, industries_col))
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutdata, FUN = prod_ind_names_func, R_mat = R, U_mat = U, V_mat = V, Y_mat = Y)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.