"compParm" <-
function(object, strVal, operator = "/", vcov. = vcov, od = FALSE, pool = TRUE, display = TRUE)
# if (inherits(object, "mixdrc")) {sep <- ".{1}"} else {sep <- ":{1}"}
sep <- ":{1}"
presentVec <- grep(paste("^", strVal, sep, sep = ""), object$"parNames"[[1]]) # strParm)
lenPV <- length(presentVec)
if (lenPV < 2)
stop("No parameters to compare")
## Extracting information from model fit
# if (inherits(object, "mixdrc"))
# {
# sumObj <- summary(object)
# parm <- sumObj$"coefficients"
# varMat <- sumObj$"varMat"
# } else {
# parm <- as.vector(coef(object))
# varMat <- vcov(object, od = od, pool = pool)
# }
parm <- as.vector(coef(object))
varMat <- vcov.(object)
## Defining comparison function and its derivative
if (identical(operator, "/"))
hypVal <- 1
fct <- function(ind){parm[ind[1]] / parm[ind[2]]}
dfct <- function(ind)
transVec <- c(1 / parm[ind[2]], -parm[ind[1]] / (parm[ind[2]]^2))
sqrt(transVec %*% varMat[ind,ind] %*% transVec)
if (identical(operator, "-"))
hypVal <- 0
fct <- function(ind){parm[ind[1]] - parm[ind[2]]}
transVec <- c(1, -1)
dfct <- function(ind){sqrt(transVec %*% varMat[ind,ind] %*% transVec)}
## Calculating differences or ratios
lenRV <- lenPV*(lenPV-1)/2
cpMat <- matrix(0, lenRV, 4)
compParm <- rep("", lenRV)
degfree <- df.residual(object)
if (is.null(degfree)) {degfree <- 100} # ad hoc solution for mixdrc
## Using t-distribution for continuous data
## only under the normality assumption
if (object$"type" == "continuous")
pFct <- function(x) {pt(x, degfree)}
} else {
pFct <- pnorm
strParm <- object$"parNames"[[3]]
k <- 1
for (i in 1:lenPV)
for (j in 1:lenPV)
if (j<=i) {next}
cpMat[k, 1] <- fct(presentVec[c(i,j)]) #parm[i]/parm[j]
cpMat[k, 2] <- dfct(presentVec[c(i,j)])
tVal <- (cpMat[k, 1] - hypVal)/cpMat[k, 2]
cpMat[k, 3] <- tVal
cpMat[k, 4] <- pFct(-abs(tVal)) + (1 - pFct(abs(tVal)))
compParm[k] <- paste(strParm[presentVec[c(i, j)]], collapse = operator)
k <- k+1
dimnames(cpMat) <- list(compParm, c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t-value", "p-value"))
if (display)
cat("\nComparison of parameter", paste("'", strVal, "'", sep = ""), "\n\n")
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