
Defines functions .createParams

Documented in .createParams

### HEADER #####################################################################
##' @title Create a parameters file
##' @name .createParams
##' @author Maya Guéguen
##' @description Create a text file containing value(s) for one or several 
##' parameters and separated by a same character value.
##' @param params.file a \code{string} corresponding to the name of the file 
##' that will be created
##' @param params.list a \code{list} containing all the parameters that will be 
##' included into \code{params.file}, and whose names correspond to the 
##' parameter names
##' @param separator a \code{string} to separate each parameter values within 
##' the parameter file
## END OF HEADER ###############################################################

.createParams = function(params.file, params.list, separator = " ")
  if (missing(params.file) ||
      is.na(params.file) ||
      is.null(length(params.file)) ||
      !is.character(params.file) ||
      nchar(params.file) == 0)
    stop("Wrong type of data!\n `params.file` must contain a character value of length > 0")
  } else
    if (tail(strsplit(params.file, "[.]")[[1]], 1) != "txt")
      stop("Wrong type of data!\n `params.file` must be a file name with .txt extension")
    if (!dir.exists(dirname(params.file)))
      stop("Wrong name file given!\n `params.file` directory (", dirname(params.file), ") does not exist")
    if (file.exists(params.file))
      warning(paste0("`params.file` (", params.file, ") already exists. It will be replaced."))
  if (missing(params.list) || !is.list(params.list))
    stop("Wrong type of data!\n `params.list` must be a list")
  } else
    if (is.null(names(params.list)))
      stop("Wrong type of data!\n `params.list` must be a list with non-null names")

  text.to.paste = sapply(1:length(params.list), function(x){
    res = paste0(params.list[[x]], collapse = separator)
    res = paste0(names(params.list)[x], separator, res, "\n")
  text.to.paste = paste0(text.to.paste, collapse = "")
  text.to.paste = paste0("## File automatically generated \n"
                         , "## Date : ", date(), "\n"
                         , text.to.paste)
  cat(text.to.paste, sep = "", file = params.file, append = FALSE)
  message(paste0("The parameter file ", params.file, " has been successfully created !"))
MayaGueguen/RFate documentation built on Oct. 17, 2020, 8:06 a.m.