
#' Fit grouped ARMA model to time series
#' Fit an ARMA model with the order c(p,q) to a group of univariate time series
#' by finding coefficients that serve best the whole group.
#' @param x a two-dimensional numeric vector of a grouped time series with accompanying group index in second dimension.
#' One-dimensional if input shall be only a single time series.
#' @param order a vector c(p,q) that indicates the order p of the AR part and q of the MA part
#' @param quick.estimation logical value (TRUE, FALSE) indicating whether a quick estimation
#' mode shall be used
#' @param lag a list with components \code{ar} and \code{ma}.
#' Each component is an integer vector, specifying the AR and MA lags that are
#' included in the model. If both, \code{order} and \code{lag}, are
#' given, only the specification from \code{lag} is used.
#' @param coef If given this numeric vector is used as the initial estimate
#' of the ARMA coefficients. The preliminary estimator suggested in
#' Hannan and Rissanen (1982) is used for the default initialization.
#' @param include.intercept Should the model contain an intercept?
#' @param series name for the series. Defaults to \code{deparse(substitute(x))}.
#' @param qr.tol the \code{tol} argument for \code{\link{qr}} when computing
#' the asymptotic standard errors of \code{coef}.
#' @param \dots additional arguments for \code{\link{optim}} when fitting
#' the model.
#' @return Object of class \code{arma}.
#'    \item{lag}{the lag specification of the fitted model.}
#'    \item{coef}{estimated ARMA coefficients for the fitted model across all grouped time series.}
#'    \item{css}{the conditional sum-of-squared errors.}
#'    \item{n.used}{the number of observations of \code{x}.}
#'    \item{residuals}{the series of residuals.}
#'    \item{fitted.values}{the fitted series.}
#'    \item{series}{the name of the series \code{x}.}
#'    \item{frequency}{the frequency of the series \code{x}.}
#'    \item{call}{the call of the \code{arma} function.}
#'    \item{vcov}{estimate of the asymptotic-theory covariance matrix for the
#'      coefficient estimates.}
#'    \item{convergence}{The \code{convergence} integer code from
#'        \code{\link{optim}}.}
#'    \item{include.intercept}{Does the model contain an intercept?}
#' @useDynLib groupedtseries
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats is.ts as.ts
#' @export
grouped_arma <- function (x, order = c(1, 1), lag = NULL, coef = NULL,
                                        include.intercept = TRUE, series = NULL, qr.tol = 1e-07,
                                        quick.estimation = FALSE,
                                        min_seg_length = NULL,
                                        method = "ML",...)
  #create sequence from 1:N
  seqN <- function(N) {
    if (0 == length(N))
    else if (N <= 0)
    else seq(N)

  #target function
  err <- function(coef) {

    u[1:length(u)] <- 0
    #r_squared_term <- 0
    #r_squared_equivalent <- vector(length = n_segments)

    for (i in 1:n_segments){

      u_temp[1:length(u_temp)] <- 0

      if (ts_segments$length[i] > max.order) {

        u_temp[seqN(max.order)] <- 0
        u_temp <- .C("arma", as.vector(x[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]],
                                       mode = "double"), u = as.vector(u_temp),
                     as.vector(coef, mode = "double"), as.integer(lag$ar),
                     as.integer(lag$ma), as.integer(ar.l), as.integer(ma.l),
                     as.integer(max.order), as.integer(ts_segments$length[i]),
                     PACKAGE = "groupedtseries")$u


      u[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]] <- u_temp[1:ts_segments$length[i]]
      # r_squared_equivalent[i] <-
      #   sum((u[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]])^2) /
      #   sum((x[(ts_segments$index_start[i]+max.order):ts_segments$index_end[i]] -
      #          mean(x[(ts_segments$index_start[i]+max.order):ts_segments$index_end[i]]))^2)
      # if (is.na(r_squared_equivalent[i])||is.infinite(r_squared_equivalent[i])) {
      #   r_squared_equivalent[i] <- 0
      # }

    #return of squared error - to be minimized in optimization


  err2 <- function(coef) {

    u[1:length(u)] <- 0
    #r_squared_term <- 0
    #r_squared_equivalent <- vector(length = n_segments)

    for (i in 1:n_segments){

      u_temp[1:length(u_temp)] <- 0

      if (ts_segments$length[i] > max.order) {

        u_temp <- tryCatch({
                       order = c(order[1],0,order[2]), fixed = coef,
                       include.mean = include.intercept, method="ML")$residuals

          error = function(cond){
          #message("Fitting GARCH did not work")


      u[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]] <- u_temp[1:ts_segments$length[i]]
      # r_squared_equivalent[i] <-
      #   sum((u[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]])^2) /
      #   sum((x[(ts_segments$index_start[i]+max.order):ts_segments$index_end[i]] -
      #          mean(x[(ts_segments$index_start[i]+max.order):ts_segments$index_end[i]]))^2)
      # if (is.na(r_squared_equivalent[i])||is.infinite(r_squared_equivalent[i])) {
      #   r_squared_equivalent[i] <- 0
      # }

    if(!is.na(sum(u^2))) {
    } else {

    #return of squared error - to be minimized in optimization


  #return residual error
  resid <- function(coef) {
    u <- double(n)
    u[1:length(u)] <- NA
    for (i in 1:n_segments){

      u_temp <- double(ts_segments$length[i])

      if (ts_segments$length[i] > max.order) {

        #print(paste0("x ", x[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]]))
        #print(paste0("coef ", coef))

        u_temp[seqN(max.order)] <- 0
        u_temp <- .C("arma", as.vector(x[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]],
                                       mode = "double"), u = as.vector(u_temp),
                     as.vector(coef, mode = "double"), as.integer(lag$ar),
                     as.integer(lag$ma), as.integer(ar.l), as.integer(ma.l),
                     as.integer(max.order), as.integer(ts_segments$length[i]),
                     PACKAGE = "groupedtseries")$u

        u_temp[seqN(max.order)] <- NA

      } else {

        u_temp[1:length(u_temp)] <- NA


      u[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]] <- u_temp



  resid2 <- function(coef) {
    u <- double(n)
    u[1:length(u)] <- NA
    for (i in 1:n_segments){

      u_temp <- double(ts_segments$length[i])

      if (ts_segments$length[i] > max.order) {

        #print(paste0("x ", x[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]]))
        #print(paste0("coef ", coef))

        u_temp <- stats::arima(x[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]],
                               order = c(order[1],0,order[2]), fixed = coef,
                               include.mean = include.intercept, method="ML")$residuals

      } else {

        u_temp[1:length(u_temp)] <- NA


      u[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]] <- u_temp



  #initialize ARMA coefficients - if quick.estimation == TRUE, this will serve as only
  #calculation of coefficients
  arma.init <- function() {

    x_wo_na <- na.remove(as.numeric(x))

    k <- max.order
    e <- na.omit(drop(ar.ols(x_wo_na, order.max = k, aic = FALSE,
                             demean = TRUE, intercept = include.intercept)$resid))
    ee <- embed(as.vector(e), max.order + 1)
    xx <- embed(x_wo_na[-(1:k)], max.order + 1)
    if (include.intercept == TRUE) {
      if (is.null(lag$ar))
        coef <- lm(xx[, 1] ~ ee[, lag$ma + 1])$coef
      else if (is.null(lag$ma))
        coef <- lm(xx[, 1] ~ xx[, lag$ar + 1])$coef
      else coef <- lm(xx[, 1] ~ xx[, lag$ar + 1] + ee[,
                                                      lag$ma + 1])$coef
      coef <- c(coef[-1], coef[1])
    } else {
      if (is.null(lag$ar))
        coef <- lm(xx[, 1] ~ ee[, lag$ma + 1] - 1)$coef
      else if (is.null(lag$ma))
        coef <- lm(xx[, 1] ~ xx[, lag$ar + 1] - 1)$coef
      else coef <- lm(xx[, 1] ~ xx[, lag$ar + 1] + ee[,
                                                      lag$ma + 1] - 1)$coef

    #change intercept to mean
    if (include.intercept) {
      mean_constant <- coef[sum(order)+1]
        mean_constant <- mean_constant/(1-sum(coef[1:order[1]]))
      coef[sum(order)+1] <- mean_constant


  if (!is.null(order) && !is.null(lag))
    warning("order is ignored")
  if (is.null(order) && is.null(lag))
    stop("order or lag must be given")
  if (is.null(lag) && !is.null(order))
    lag <- list(ar = seqN(order[1]), ma = seqN(order[2]))

  lag$ar <- unique(lag$ar)
  lag$ma <- unique(lag$ma)
  max.order <- max(unlist(lag), 0)
  ar.l <- length(lag$ar)
  ma.l <- length(lag$ma)

  if (is.null(min_seg_length))
    min_seg_length <- max.order+1

  #define how many NA values should separate a time series segment
  na_increment <- 10*min_seg_length

  n <- nrow(x)

  if (NCOL(x) > 2) {
    stop("x is not a vector or univariate time series with indizes.
         There is at least a third column.")
  } else if (NCOL(x) == 2 && (any(is.na(x[,2])) || any(x[,2] == 0))) {
    stop("0 or NA are no valid entries for time series index.")
  } else if (NCOL(x) == 1){
    ts_segments <- data.frame(index_start = 1, index_end = n, length = n)
  } else {
    ts_segments <- index_segments(x, min_seg_length, na_increment)

  if (is.null(series))
    series <- deparse(substitute(x))

  ists <- is.ts(x)
  x <- as.ts(x[,1])
  xfreq <- frequency(x)

  if (ists)
    xtsp <- tsp(x)

  n_wo_na <- sum(ts_segments$length)
  n_segments <- nrow(ts_segments)
  n_max_segment <- max(ts_segments$length)


  if (!is.null(unlist(lag)))
    if ((min(unlist(lag)) < 1) || (max(unlist(lag)) > (n -
      stop("invalid lag")

  ncoef <- length(unlist(lag)) + as.numeric(include.intercept)

  ############################Fitting of coefficients################################

  ############################initialize coefficients################################
  ############################also serves as quick.estimation########################
    if (is.null(coef)) {
    if (!is.null(unlist(lag))) {
      coef <- arma.init()

      #prevent NA values in coef
      coef[which(is.na(coef))] <- 0
    } else {
      coef <- 0

  if (length(coef) != ncoef)
    stop("invalid coef")

  u <- double(n)
  u_temp <- double(max(ts_segments$length))

  ############################Fitting of coefficients################################
  ############################in non-quick.estimation################################

  if (quick.estimation == FALSE) {

    if (method == "ML") {

      ##########################Maximum likelihood optimization########################

      ###### fill in NA values to separate time series segments########################
      if(n_segments > 1) {
        x_sep_na <- vector(mode="double",length=n_wo_na+(n_segments-1)*na_increment)
        x_sep_na <- NA
        for(i in 1:(n_segments-1)) {
          x_sep_na[ts_segments$index_start_na_sep[i]:ts_segments$index_end_na_sep[i]] <- x[ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]]
        x_sep_na[ts_segments$index_start_na_sep[i+1]:ts_segments$index_end_na_sep[i+1]] <- x[ts_segments$index_start[i+1]:ts_segments$index_end[i+1]]


      #############fit arima model using maximum likelihood optimization###############
      arima_fitted <- stats::arima(x_sep_na,
                            order = c(order[1],0,order[2]),
                            include.mean = include.intercept, method="ML")
      coef <- arima_fitted$coef
      # test_coef <- test1$coef
      # test_sum_RSS <- sum(na.remove(test1$residuals)^2)
      # control_sum_RSS <- err2(test_coef)

      # test_resid <- test1$residuals
      # control_resid <- resid2(test_coef)

      # test_sum_x <- sum(na.remove(x_sep_na))
      # index_x_used <- 1
      # for(i in 1:(n_segments)) {
      #   index_x_used <- c(index_x_used,c(ts_segments$index_start[i]:ts_segments$index_end[i]))
      # }
      # control_sum_x <- sum(x[unique(index_x_used)])

      vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncoef, ncol = ncoef)
      convergence <- NA

    } else if (method == "CSS") {

      ##############################CSS optimization###################################

      #test if mean is better estimation than initial coefficients to help algorithm converge faster and better
      #only needed for css optimization

      l_coef <- length(coef)
      coef_alt <- vector(length=l_coef)

      mean_x_wo_lags <- 0

      for (i in 1:n_segments){
        mean_x_wo_lags <- mean_x_wo_lags + sum(x[(ts_segments$index_start[i]+max.order):ts_segments$index_end[i]])
      mean_x_wo_lags <- mean_x_wo_lags/(sum(ts_segments$length)-max.order*n_segments)

      coef_alt[1:(l_coef-1)] <- 0
      coef_alt[l_coef] <- mean_x_wo_lags

      if (!is.na(err2(coef))){
        if (err2(coef) > err2(coef_alt)) {
          coef <- coef_alt
          #print("coefficients changed")}
      } else {
        coef <- coef_alt

      #########################optimize coefficients####################
      md <- optim(coef, err2, gr = NULL, hessian = FALSE, method = "Nelder-Mead", control=list(maxit=100), ...)
      coef <- md$par
      rank <- qr(md$hessian, qr.tol)$rank
      if (rank != ncoef) {
        vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncoef, ncol = ncoef)
        warning("singular Hessian")
      else {
        vc <- 2 * md$value/n * solve(md$hessian)
        if (any(diag(vc) < 0))
          warning("Hessian negative-semidefinite")
      convergence <- md$convergence

    } else {
      stop("no valid method selected - please choose between ML and CSS")

  } else {
    vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncoef, ncol = ncoef)


  e <- resid2(coef)
  css <- sum(na.remove(e)^2)

  f <- x - e

  #change mean to intercept
  if (include.intercept) {
    mean_constant <- coef[sum(order)+1]
    intercept <- mean_constant
    if(order[1]>0) {
      coef[sum(order)+1] <- intercept - sum(coef[1:order[1]]*intercept)

  if (ists) {
    attr(e, "tsp") <- xtsp
    attr(e, "class") <- "ts"
    attr(f, "tsp") <- xtsp
    attr(f, "class") <- "ts"

  nam.ar <- if (!is.null(lag$ar))
    paste("ar", lag$ar, sep = "")
  else NULL
  nam.ma <- if (!is.null(lag$ma))
    paste("ma", lag$ma, sep = "")
  else NULL
  nam.int <- if (include.intercept)
  else NULL
  nam.coef <- c(nam.ar, nam.ma, nam.int)
  names(coef) <- nam.coef
  colnames(vc) <- rownames(vc) <- nam.coef

  if (quick.estimation == FALSE) {
    group_arma <- list(coef = coef, n.used = n_wo_na, residuals = e,
                       fitted.values = f, series = series, frequency = xfreq,
                       call = match.call(), vcov = vc, lag = lag, include.intercept = include.intercept,
                       css = css, convergence = convergence, mean_constant = mean_constant)
  } else {
    group_arma <- list(coef = coef, n.used = n_wo_na, residuals = e,
                       fitted.values = f, series = series, frequency = xfreq,
                       call = match.call(), vcov = vc, lag = lag, include.intercept = include.intercept,
                       css = 1, convergence = NA, mean_constant = mean_constant)

  class(group_arma) <- "arma"
MichaelHoerner/groupedtseries documentation built on Feb. 14, 2020, 10:25 a.m.