Defines functions lmROS

Documented in lmROS

#' Calculate Regions of Significance for \code{lm()} Interactions
#' This function takes the work of Bauer and Curan (2005) and applies it to a linear model object produced by \code{lm()}. Currently, the function handles two types of interactions in the \code{lm()} model: (1) Quantitative by Quantitative, Johnson-Neyman Regions-of-Significance; and (2) Quantitative by Categorical, which produces a quasi Region-of-Significance marking values of the Quantitative variable at which the difference of the factor levels change significance.
#' The ROS graph produced is exported to the Global Environment as ggplot object which can be further edited.
#' @param obj Model object containing either a Quantitative by Quantitative interaction or a Quantitative by Categorical interaction from lm().
#' @param interest Variable of interest in the model. Must use quotes.
#' @param moderator Variable designated as the moderator in the model. Must use quotes.
#' @param mod.type Defines the TYPE of interaction. Must be an integer of 1 or 2. 1 = Quantitative by Quantitative. 2 = Quantitative by Categorical. Defaults to 1.
#' @param int.range Optional. Defines the range of the variable of interest to be graphed. Only used when mod.type=2.
#' @param mod.range Optional. Defines the range of the moderator to be graphed.
#' @param alpha.level Designates the alpha for the Region-of-Significnace. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @references
#' Bauer, D.J. & Curran, P.J., (2005), Probing Interactions in Fixed and Multilevel Regression: Inferential and Graphical Techniques, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 40(3), 373–400.
#' @examples
#' mod <- lm(mpg ~ wt * hp, data=mtcars)
#' summary(mod)
#' lmROS(mod, "wt", "hp")
#' @export
lmROS <- function(obj, interest, moderator, mod.type=1, int.range=NULL, mod.range=NULL, alpha.level=0.05){

  if(missing(obj) | missing(interest) | missing(moderator)){
    stop("One or more required arguments missing. \n Required: 'obj' 'interest' 'moderator'")
  if(!mod.type %in% c(1,2)){
    stop("Please select a valid moderator type.")
  if(!interest %in% names(obj$coeff)){
    stop("Variable of interest not in supplied model object.")
  if(!moderator %in% names(obj$coeff)){
    stop("Moderator variable not in supplied model object.")

  ## Start Function
  outcome <- paste(obj$terms[[2]])
  xvar <- interest
  zvar <- moderator
  xzint <- paste(xvar,":",zvar, sep="")
  if(xzint %in% names(obj$coeff)){
    xzint <- xzint
  } else {
    xzint <- paste(zvar,":",xvar, sep="")
  intercept <- summary(obj)$coef["(Intercept)",1] #do I need this?
  betax <- summary(obj)$coef[xvar,1]
  betaz <- summary(obj)$coef[zvar,1]
  betaxz <- summary(obj)$coef[xzint,1]
  xzpval <- summary(obj)$coef[xzint,4]
  varb1 <- vcov(obj)[xvar, xvar]
  varb2 <- vcov(obj)[zvar, zvar]
  varb3 <- vcov(obj)[xzint, xzint]
  covb1b3 <- vcov(obj)[xvar, xzint]
  covb2b3 <- vcov(obj)[zvar, xzint]
  degrees <- summary(obj)$df[2]
  tcrit <- qt((1-(alpha.level/2)), degrees)

  thisda <- data.frame(as.numeric(unlist(data.frame(model.frame(obj)[,1]))),
  names(thisda) <- c(obj$terms[[2]], names(data.frame(model.matrix(obj))[-1]))
  thisdata <- as.data.frame.matrix(thisda)

  if(length(unlist(obj$xlevels)) == 0){
    m <- table(thisdata[,zvar])
    if(mod.type == 1 & length(m) == 2){
      stop("Moderator variable has just two values. Please select the correct mod.type")
  if(length(unlist(obj$xlevels)) != 0){
    if(length(obj$xlevels) > 0 & mod.type == 1 & regexpr(names(obj$xlevels), zvar)[1] > 0){
      stop("Moderator appears to be categorical. Please select the correct mod.type")

  if(mod.type == 1){ #Continuous Moderator Run

    #RofS (to graph...)
    A <- ((tcrit^2) * varb3) - betaxz^2
    B <- 2*(((tcrit^2) * covb1b3) - (betax*betaxz))
    C <- ((tcrit^2) * varb1) - betax^2
    xlow <- (-B + sqrt((B^2) - (4*A*C))) / (2*A)
    xhig <- (-B - sqrt((B^2) - (4*A*C))) / (2*A)
    if(is.na(xlow) | is.na(xlow)){
      stop("Region of Significance not given. \n Check interaction term for significance.")

    #Mod slope calculations (for graphing)
    if (is.null(mod.range)){
      moder <- thisdata[,moderator] #Grab orignal data...
      z <- seq(min(moder), max(moder), length.out = 100) #Use range for the original data
    } else {
      moder <- mod.range
      z <- seq(min(moder), max(moder), length.out = 100)
    sslopes <- betax + betaxz*z
    cb1 <- sslopes + (tcrit * (sqrt(varb1 + (2*z*covb1b3) + ((z^2)*varb3))))
    cb2 <- sslopes - (tcrit * (sqrt(varb1 + (2*z*covb1b3) + ((z^2)*varb3))))

    #ggplot (RofS)
    ggdata <- data.frame(mod = z, varint = sslopes, low=cb2, hi=cb1)
    gxlow <- ifelse(xlow < min(z), -Inf, xlow) #Fix for "if RoS is out of bounds"
    gxhig <- ifelse(xhig > max(z), Inf, xhig) #Fix for "if RoS is out of bounds"

    ROS <- ggplot(ggdata, aes(x=mod, y=varint)) +
      geom_line() +
      scale_x_continuous(limits=c(min(z), max(z))) +
      geom_line(aes(x=mod, y=low), color="red") +
      geom_line(aes(x=mod, y=hi), color="red") +
      geom_vline(xintercept=c(gxlow, gxhig), color="green") +
      geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="black") +
      annotate("rect", xmin=gxlow, xmax=gxhig, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf, alpha=0.2) +
      labs(title="Continuous Moderator \n Regions of Signficance", x=moderator, y=paste("Slope of", xvar)) +

    #Show RofS graph (continuous)
    suppressWarnings(print(ROS)) #Suppress warnings b/c of range changes
    assign("ROS", ROS, envir=globalenv())

    out <- list(round(xlow, 4), round(xhig, 4))
    names(out) <- c(paste("Lower threshold of moderator:", zvar),
                    paste("Upper threshold of moderator:", zvar))

  } else { #Dichotmous Moderator run
    #Force dummy coding
    if(mod.type == 2){
      mod.values <- c(0,1)

    #Simple Slopes (dichotomous moderator)
    #At levels of Z
    z <- mod.values
    interceptz <- (intercept + (betaz*z))
    slopez <- (betax + betaxz*z)
    sez <- sqrt(varb1 + (2*z*covb1b3) + ((z^2)*varb3))
    tz <- slopez / sez
    ptz <- (1 - (pt(abs(tz), degrees))) * 2

    #RofS (dichotomous switch)
    #Z (for dichotomous moderator!!!)
    A <- ((tcrit^2) * varb3) - betaxz^2
    B <- 2*(((tcrit^2) * covb2b3) - (betaz*betaxz))
    C <- ((tcrit^2) * varb2) - betaz^2
    zlow <- (-B + sqrt((B^2) - (4*A*C))) / (2*A)
    zhig <- (-B - sqrt((B^2) - (4*A*C))) / (2*A)
    if(is.na(zlow) | is.na(zlow)){
      stop("Region of Significance not given. \n Interaction most likely non-significant.")

    #Graph (dichotomous)
    gzlow <- ifelse(zlow < min(x=thisdata[,xvar]), -Inf, zlow) #Fix for "if RoS is out of bounds"
    gzhig <- ifelse(zhig > max(x=thisdata[,xvar]), Inf, zhig) #Fix for "if RoS is out of
    #Fix for int.range change
      if(zlow < min(int.range)){
        gzlow <- -Inf
      } else {
        gzlow <- ifelse(zlow < min(x=thisdata[,xvar]), -Inf, zlow) #Fix for "if RoS is out of bounds"
      if(zhig > max(int.range)){
        gzhig <- Inf
      }  else {
        gzhig <- ifelse(zhig > max(x=thisdata[,xvar]), Inf, zhig) #Fix for "if RoS is out of bounds"
    ROSd <- ggplot(thisdata, aes(x=thisdata[,xvar], y=thisdata[,outcome])) +
      geom_blank() +
      geom_abline(aes(intercept=interceptz[1], slope=slopez[1], linetype="a"), show.legend=TRUE) +
      geom_abline(aes(intercept=interceptz[2], slope=slopez[2], linetype="b"), show.legend=TRUE) +
                            values = c("a" = "solid", "b" = "dashed"),
                            labels=c(paste("Mod.Grp.", mod.values[1], sep=""),
                                     paste("Mod.Grp.", mod.values[2], sep=""))) +
      geom_vline(xintercept=c(gzlow, gzhig), color="green") +
      annotate("rect", xmin=gzlow, xmax=gzhig, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf, alpha=0.2) +
      labs(title="Dichotomous Moderator \n Regions of Significance", x=xvar, y=outcome) +
      ROSd <- ROSd + xlim(int.range)

    assign("ROS", ROSd, envir=globalenv())

    out <- list(round(zlow, 4), round(zhig, 4))
    names(out) <- c(paste("Lower threshold of difference between", zvar, "with respect to", xvar),
                    paste("Upper threshold of difference between", zvar, "with respect to", xvar))
MichaelJMahometa/SDSRegressionR documentation built on March 3, 2021, 10:51 p.m.