
Defines functions create_timedep_template compile_timedep

Documented in compile_timedep create_timedep_template

#'  Customization code for time-dependent rates
#'  taken with minor adaptions from:
#'  McDonald, T. O., & Michor, F. (2017).
#'  SIApopr: a computational method to simulate evolutionary branching trees for
#'  analysis of tumor clonal evolution. Bioinformatics, 33(14), 2221-2223.
#'  Original code author: T. O. McDonald (mcdonald(at)jimmy.harvard.edu)

#' create_timedep_template
#' Creates a time-dependent rate ".cpp" template file at the given location
#' which can be modified before running `compile_timedep`.
#' @param cppfile file name of .cpp file to create
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_timedep_template(cppfile = "custom_rate_plugin.cpp")
#' }
create_timedep_template <- function(exprn, params, cppfile = "custom_rate_plugin.cpp"){
  cppfile <- unlist(strsplit(cppfile, ".", fixed = T))
  if(cppfile[length(cppfile)] != "cpp")
    hfile <- c(cppfile, "h")
    cppfile <- c(cppfile, "cpp")
    hfile <- c(cppfile[1:(length(cppfile)-1)], "h")

  cppfile <- paste(cppfile, collapse = ".")
  hfile <- paste(hfile, collapse = ".")

  cpp_location <- paste(.libPaths()[1], "/estipop/extras/timedependent_template.cpp", sep = "")
  h_location <- paste(.libPaths()[1], "/estipop/extras/timedependent_template.h", sep = "")

  file.copy(cpp_location, cppfile)
  file.copy(h_location, hfile)

  # Update cpp file's include statement
  cpp_con <- file(cppfile)
  cpp_lines <- readLines(cpp_con)
  cpp_lines <- sprintf(cpp_lines, generate_cpp(exprn, params))
  include_header <- paste("#include \"", hfile, "\"", sep = "")
  if(!(include_header %in% cpp_lines)) cpp_lines <- c(include_header, cpp_lines)
  write(cpp_lines, cppfile)

#' compile_timedep
#' Allows the user to create a time-dependent rate function in C++ for use in
#' ESTIpop. Creates the appropriate header file and compiles the source file then
#' links into a shared object. The created shared object is used as a plugin.
#' @param cppfile a character string giving the path name of a cpp file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' compile_timedep(cppfile = "./plugin.cpp")
#' }
compile_timedep <- function(cppfile){
  cpproot <- .pop_off(cppfile, ".", fixed = T)
  cppsuffix <- .pop(cppfile, ".", fixed = T)
  hfile <- paste(cpproot, ".h", sep = "")

  concopy <- paste(cppfile, ".backup", sep = "")
  file.copy(cppfile, concopy)
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
    file.copy(paste(.libPaths()[1], "/estipop/extras/Makevars.win", sep = ""), "Makevars.win")

  else if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix")
    file.copy(paste(.libPaths()[1], "/estipop/extras/Makevars", sep = ""), "Makevars")
    stop("Customization only support on Windows, OS X, and Linux systems")

  # Update Header File if function names are different
  cppfiletext <- readLines(con = cppfile)
  decl_lines <- cppfiletext[grepl("\\(double t, void\\* p\\)", cppfiletext)]

  decl_lines <- sapply(1:length(decl_lines), function(x) .pop(decl_lines[x], "\\{"))
  decl_lines <- paste(decl_lines, ";", sep = "")

  hfiletext <- readLines(con = hfile)
  line_number <- grep("\\*\\*\\*", hfiletext)

  incl_lines <- rep(NA, length(decl_lines))
  for(i in 1:length(decl_lines))
    incl_lines[i] <- ifelse(decl_lines[i] %in% hfiletext, FALSE, TRUE)
  decl_lines <- decl_lines[incl_lines]

  hfiletext <- c(hfiletext[1:line_number],

  writeLines(hfiletext, hfile)

  # Need to make windows version
  shlib <- paste("R CMD SHLIB", cppfile)
Michorlab/estipop documentation built on March 4, 2020, 1:24 p.m.