
Defines functions .is_faust_ann_a_match_for_marker .is_faust_ann_a_match_pop .get_faust_pop .save_faust_pop save_faust_pop

Documented in .get_faust_pop .is_faust_ann_a_match_for_marker .is_faust_ann_a_match_pop .save_faust_pop save_faust_pop

#' @title Save FAUST subset as an FCS file
#' @description
#' Save a specified FAUST-identified population to \code{project_path/faustData/fcsData}
#' as an FCS file for all samples gated or just a specified subset.
#' @param project_path character. FAUST project directory.
#' @param fr_source GatingSet or character vector. If a \code{GatingSet}, then
#' the flowFrames within the GatingSet are used to create the output fcs files.
#' If a character vector, then must specify a directory containing FCS files. These FCS
#' files are used to create the output fcs files.
#' @param pop \code{list} or \code{named character vector}. If a \code{character vector},
#' then all cells matching the set of marker levels are returned. If a \code{list}, then each
#' element must be a \code{character vector}, and then
#' all cells matching either of these specified sets of marker levels are returned.
#' @param sample integer vector or character vector. If an integer vector, then it
#' specifies the indices of the samples for which to save output. If character,
#' then it specifies the names of the sames to save output for. If \code{NULL},
#' then the output for every sample is saved. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param trans_fn function. If supplied, this function is applied to the expression data.
#' Useful for back-transformation. If \code{NULL}, then no transformation is applied. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param trans_chnl character vector. If specified, \code{trans_fn} is applied to only these channels.
#' If \code{NULL} and if \code{trans_fn} is not \code{NULL}, then \code{trans_fn} is applied to entire
#' expression matrix. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return \code{invisible(TRUE)}. Side effect is the saved FCS file.
#' @examples save_faust_pop(project_path = "", pop = list("CD3" = 2),
#' gs = gs, sample = 1)
#' @export
save_faust_pop <- function(project_path,
                           fr_source = NULL,
                           sample = NULL,
                           trans_fn = NULL,
                           trans_chnl = NULL){

  # =============================
  # Check
  # =============================

  if(any(c(missing(project_path), missing(fr_source), missing(pop)))){
    stop("Both of project_path and pop parameters must have arguments.")

  # =============================
  # Preparation
  # =============================

  # get names of samples to save
  # ----------------------------------
  ## analysisMap contains the columns sampleName, experimentalUnit
  # and impH. The sampleName is the FCS file name, the
  # experimental unit specifies the group for gating and
  # the impH column specifies from where missing annotation boundaries
  # are imputed.
  # get vector of sample names in gs
  # if(!is.null(gs)){
  #  active_sample_vec <- sapply(seq_along(gs), function(i) gs[[i]]@name)# readRDS(paste0(project_path, "/faustData/metaData/analysisMap.rds"))[,"sampleName"]
  #  sel_sample_vec <- switch(typeof(sample),
  #                           "integer" = ,
  #                           "double" = active_sample_vec[sample],
  #                           "NULL" = active_sample_vec,
  #                           "character" = active_sample_vec[vapply(active_sample_vec, function(x) x %in% sample,
  #                                                                  logical(length(sample)))],
  #                           stop("Incorrect specification of sample parameter."))
  #  # get vector of sample names in gs
  #  sample_name_vec <- active_sample_vec
  #} else{
  active_sample_vec <- list.dirs(file.path(project_path, "faustData",
                               recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
  sel_sample_vec <- switch(typeof(sample),
                           "integer" = ,
                           "double" = active_sample_vec[sample],
                           "NULL" = active_sample_vec,
                           "character" = active_sample_vec[vapply(active_sample_vec, function(x) x %in% sample,
                           stop("Incorrect specification of sample parameter."))
  # get vector of sample names in GatingSet
  if(class(fr_source) == 'GatingSet'){
    sample_name_vec <- purrr::map_chr(seq_along(fr_source), function(i) fr_source[[i]]@name)
  } else if(class(fr_source) == 'character'){
    sample_name_vec <- purrr::map(fr_source, function(fr_source_curr){
      list.files(fr_source_curr, full.names = FALSE)
    }) %>%

  # create directory to save to and pop list to compare to
  # --------------------------------------

  # get concatenated name of population
    pop_name <- ""
    for(i in seq_along(pop)) pop_name <- paste0(pop_name,
  } else if(is.list(pop) && all(purrr::map_lgl(pop, function(x) is.character(x) || is.numeric(x)))){
    pop_name_vec <- purrr::map(pop, function(pop_curr) names(pop_curr)) %>%
      unlist() %>%

    pop_level_list <- purrr::map(pop_name_vec, function(pop_name){
      pop_level_vec <- purrr::map_chr(pop, function(pop_curr){
        if(!pop_name %in% names(pop_curr)) return("_")
        stringr::str_sub(as.character(pop_curr[[pop_name]]), end = 1)
    }) %>%

    pop_name <- purrr::map_chr(seq_along(pop_level_list), function(i) paste0(names(pop_level_list)[i],
                                                                                    collapse = ""),
                                                                             "~")) %>%
      paste0(collapse = "")

  #  create directory
  dir_save <- file.path(project_path,
  if(!dir.exists(dir_save)) dir.create(dir_save, recursive = TRUE)

  # =============================
  # Save FAUST pops
  # =============================

  .save_faust_pop(project_path = project_path, fr_source = fr_source,
                  sample_name = sample_name_vec,
                  sel_sample = sel_sample_vec,
                  pop = pop,
                  dir_save = dir_save,
                  trans_fn = trans_fn,
                  trans_chnl = trans_chnl)


#' @title Save FAUST subset as an FCS file
#' @inheritParams save_faust_pop
#' @param sel_sample \code{character vector}. Character vector specifying
#' the names of the samples (as saved by FAUST as folder names in the analysis map
#' and equivalent to \code{gs[[i]]@name} where i is an index in \code{gs}.) that
#' are to have their FAUST pops saved.
#' @param dir_save \code{character}. Specifies directory in which files are saved.
#' @param sample_name \code{character vector}. Specifies names of samples in order
#' in which they are found in \code{gs}.
#' @return \code{invisible(TRUE)}.
.save_faust_pop <- function(project_path,
                            trans_fn = NULL,
                            trans_chnl = NULL){

  # extract data, filter and save
  for(sample in sel_sample){

    # get initial data
    if(class(fr_source) == 'GatingSet'){
      fr <- try(flowWorkspace::gh_pop_get_data(fr_source[[which(sample_name == sample)]]))
    } else if(class(fr_source) == 'character'){
      fr <- purrr::map(fr_source, function(fr_source_curr){
        fr_path <- file.path(fr_source_curr, sample)
        if(!file.exists(fr_path)) return(NULL)
      }) %>%
      fr <- fr[[1]]

    if(class(fr) == 'try-error'){
      stop(paste0("error in loading sample", sample))

    ex <- flowCore::exprs(fr)

    # annotations for each cell for a given sample
    path_ann <- file.path(project_path, "faustData", "sampleData",
                          sample, "faustAnnotation.csv")
    if(!file.exists(path_ann)) stop(paste0("no faust annotation file found for sample ", sample))
    faust_ann_tbl <- utils::read.table(file = path_ann,
                                       header = FALSE, sep = "`",
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,1,drop = FALSE]

    if(nrow(ex) != nrow(faust_ann_tbl)) stop(paste0("ex in FlowFrame has different number of rows to the number of faust annotations for sample", sample))

    # get filtered expression matrix
    ex <- .get_faust_pop(pop = pop,
                         ex = ex,
                         faust_ann = faust_ann_tbl)

    # transform
        ex <- trans_fn(ex)
      } else{
        for(nm in trans_chnl){
          ex[,nm] <-  trans_fn(ex[,nm])

    # update flowFrame
    flowCore::exprs(fr) <- ex

    # save flowFrame
    flowCore::write.FCS(fr, file.path(dir_save, sample))


#' @title Filter an expression matrix to return only cells matching one or more FAUST annotation combinations
#' @param sample \code{character}. Name of sample, as found in directory
#' <project_path>/faustData/sampleData/.
#' @param ex \code{matrix}. Matrix containing marker expression values for \code{sample}.
#' @inheritParams save_faust_pop
#' @details
#' This is effectively an inclusive OR statement across the different population
#' annotations.
#' @return Numeric matrix.
.get_faust_pop <- function(ex, pop, faust_ann){

  # vector to indicate if a match or not
  match <- rep(FALSE, nrow(ex))
  # if not a list, then make pop a list.
  # would not be a list if pop were specified as a character vector,
  # if only one set of markers can be a match.
  # would be a list if either of a set of markers could be a match.
  if(is.character(pop) || is.numeric(pop)) pop <- list(pop)
  for(i in seq_along(pop)){
    # set to TRUE if a match for given population
    match <- match | .is_faust_ann_a_match_pop(faust_ann = faust_ann, pop = pop[[i]])

  if(sum(match) == 0){
    ex <- ex[1,,drop = FALSE]
    for(j in 1:ncol(ex)) ex[1,j] <- NA

  ex[match, , drop = FALSE]

#' @title Check if FAUST annotation has a given level for a set of markers
#' @inheritParams .get_faust_pop
#' @inheritParams .get_faust_pop_pop
#' @param pop \code{named character vector}. Names are marker names and values are
#' levels of marker. Values must be of the form or "<num_1>" or "<num_1>~<num_2>", where
#' <num_1> is the level for the marker and <num_2> is the total number of levels for
#' the marker.
#' @details
#' This is effectively an AND statement across all markers specified in the
#' single FAUST population annotation.
#' @importFrom stringr str_locate str_sub
.is_faust_ann_a_match_pop <- function(faust_ann, pop){

  # vector to save if a match or not.
  # initialise to all TRUE, and then set to
  # FALSE if no match for a given marker
  match <- rep(TRUE, length(faust_ann))
  for(i in seq_along(pop)){
    match <- match & .is_faust_ann_a_match_for_marker(faust_ann = faust_ann,
                                                      marker = names(pop)[i],
                                                      level = pop[[i]])

#' @title Check if FAUST annotation has as given level for a given marker
#' @inheritParams .get_faust_pop
#' @param marker character. Name of marker.
#' @param level character. Level of marker, e.g. "1", "2" or "3".
.is_faust_ann_a_match_for_marker <- function(faust_ann, marker, level){
  k <- 1
  while(faust_ann[[1]][k] == "0_0_0_0_0"){
    if(k >= nrow(faust_ann)) return(rep(FALSE, nrow(faust_ann)))
    k <- k + 1
  typical_cluster_annotation <- faust_ann[[1]][k]
  faust_ann_level_loc_start <- stringr::str_locate(typical_cluster_annotation, marker)[,"end"][[1]] + 2
  faust_ann_level <- stringr::str_sub(faust_ann[[1]], faust_ann_level_loc_start, faust_ann_level_loc_start + stringr::str_length(level) - 1)
  level == faust_ann_level
MiguelRodo/faustutils documentation built on March 26, 2021, 11:50 p.m.