sim_family: sim_family

sim_familyR Documentation



Simulated counts data from a series of simulated family trees




A list containing a data.frame in the "DF" slot containing the mean counts and meta-data, and a matrix containing the kinship matrix across all families in the "IBD" slot.


Data are simulated counts from 30 families and includes X and Z design matrices, as well as a single large kinship matrix. Kinships between family members are dictated by the simulated family, i.e. sibs=0.5, parent-sib=0.5, sib-grandparent=0.25, etc. These kinships, along with 2 other random effects, are used to induce a defined covariance between simulated obserations as such:

Z:= random effect design matrix, n X q G:= matrix of variance components, including kinship matrix

LL^T = Chol(ZGZ^T) := the Cholesky decomposition of the random effect contribution to the sample covariance Ysim:= simulated means based on exp(offset + Xbeta + Zb) Y = LYsim := simulated means with defined covariance



MikeDMorgan/miloR documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 8:39 p.m.