
Defines functions .checkInterimObject

#' interim Analysis
#' This function runs the interimCode to takes decisions on dose to drop for
#' next interim step, the decision take can also potentially be to stop the
#' analysis at this interim stage.
#' @param data (Required) Dataset to analyze
#' @param interimCode (Required) Function to execute against the data that
#' should produce a list structure as described below
#' @param uniqueDoses Unique study doses
#' @return The output of the interim code should be an R "list" structure.
#' If an empty list is returned, this signifies that there are no instructions
#' to apply following this interim analysis (ie. don't stop the trial and do
#' not drop any doses)
#' If the return list contains a "STOP" element, and the "STOP" element is a
#' logical value of length 1, this will be used to determine whether the trial
#' should be stopped at this interim.
#' If the return list contains a "DROP" element, and the "DROP" element is a
#' vector of dose values, this will be used to determine which doses to drop
#' before the next interim.
#' Any list elements other than "DROP" or "STOP" will be ignored.
#' @author Mike K Smith \email{mstoolkit@@googlemail.com}
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#'   myData <- data.frame(DOSE=c(0, 15, 30), TEST = 1:3)
#'   myFun <- function(data) {
#'     outList <- list()
#'     outList$STOP <- any(data$TEST) > 5
#'     myTest <- data$TEST > 2
#'     if (any(myTest)) outList$DROP <- data$DOSE[myTest]
#'     outList
#'   }
#'   interimAnalysis(myData, myFun )
#' @export
"interimAnalysis" <- function(
	data,          				#@ Input dataset
	interimCode,    			#@ interim code
	uniqueDoses = NULL			#@ Unique study doses
	# Mango Solutions, Chippenham SN14 0SQ 2006
	# interimAnalysis.R Wed Jun 27 12:36:28 BST 2007 @525 /Internet Time/
	# Author: Romain
	# DESCRIPTION: interim analysis support function
	# KEYWORDS: component:analysis

	# Check data input
	if (!is.data.frame(data)) ectdStop("Interim data must be a data frame")

	# Return if no code
	if( missing(interimCode) || is.null(interimCode) ) return(list())

	# "Try" to execute the interim code
	interimCode <- try( match.fun (interimCode), silent = TRUE)
	if (class(interimCode) == "try-error") ectdStop("The interimCode function generated errors")

	# remove some na's
	data <- stats::na.omit(data)

	# Try to excute the code on the (micro evaluation) data
	uniDoseTest <- "uniDoses" %in% names(formals(interimCode)) & length(uniqueDoses)
	if (uniDoseTest) out <- try( interimCode( data, uniDoses = uniqueDoses )  , silent = TRUE)
	else out <- try( interimCode( data )  , silent = TRUE)

	# Check output from the interim analysis

.checkInterimObject <- function(out) {
	if (class(out) == "try-error") ectdStop("Error when applying the interim code on the data")
	if (is.null(out)) out <- list()
	if (!is.list(out)) ectdStop("The output of the interim code must be a list structure (or NULL)")
	if (length(out) == 0 ) return(out)
	if (!all(names(out) %in% c("STOP", "KEEP", "DROP"))) ectdStop("List returned from interim step can only contain elements 'STOP', 'DROP' and 'KEEP'")
	if (length(out$STOP) && (!is.logical(out$STOP) || length(out$STOP) != 1)) ectdStop("'STOP' element in interim return list must be a single TRUE or FALSE")
	if (length(out$DROP) && !is.numeric(out$DROP)) ectdStop("'DROP' element in interim return list must be a vector of dose levels")
	if (length(out$KEEP) && !is.logical(out$KEEP)) ectdStop("'KEEP' element in interim return list must be a vector of logicals")
	if (all(c("DROP", "KEEP") %in% names(out))) ectdStop("Interim return list cannot contain both a 'DROP' element AND a 'KEEP' element")
MikeKSmith/MSToolkit documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:53 a.m.