
Defines functions facet_nested combine_nested_vars merge_strips

#' @title Layout panels in a grid with nested strips
#' @description \code{facet_nest()} form a matrix of panels defined by row and
#'   column faceting variables and nests grouped facets.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::facet_grid
#' @param nest_line a \code{logical} vector of length 1, indicating whether to
#'   draw a nesting line to indicate the nesting of variables.
#' @param resect  a \code{unit} vector of length 1, indicating how much the
#'   nesting line should be shortened.
#' @param bleed a \code{logical} vector of length 1, indicating wether merging
#'   of lower-level variables is allowed when the higher-level variables are
#'   seperate. See details.
#' @details Unlike \code{facet_grid()}, this function only automatically expands
#'   missing variables when they have no variables in that direction, to allow
#'   for unnested variables. It still requires at least one layer to have all
#'   faceting variables.
#'   Hierarchies are inferred from the order of variables supplied to
#'   \code{rows} or \code{cols}. The first variable is interpreted to be the
#'   outermost variable, while the last variable is interpreted to be the
#'   innermost variable. They display order is always such that the outermost
#'   variable is placed the furthest away from the panels. Strips are
#'   automatically grouped when they span a nested variable.
#'   The \code{bleed} argument controls wether lower-level variables are allowed
#'   to be merged when higher-level are different, i.e. they can bleed over
#'   hierarchies. Suppose the \code{facet_grid()} behaviour would be the
#'   following:
#'   \code{[_1_][_2_][_2_]} \cr \code{[_3_][_3_][_4_]}
#'   In such case, the default \code{bleed = FALSE} argument would result in the
#'   following:
#'   \code{[_1_][___2____]} \cr \code{[_3_][_3_][_4_]}
#'   Whereas \code{bleed = TRUE} would allow the following:
#'   \code{[_1_][___2____]} \cr \code{[___3____][_4_]}
#' @export
#' @seealso See \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_grid}} for descriptions of the
#'   original arguments. See \code{\link[grid]{unit}} for the construction of a
#'   \code{unit} vector.
#' @examples
#' df <- iris
#' df$nester <- ifelse(df$Species == "setosa",
#'                     "Short Leaves",
#'                     "Long Leaves")
#' ggplot(df, aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   facet_nested(~ nester + Species)
facet_nested <- function(
    rows = NULL, cols = NULL, scales = "fixed", space = "fixed",
    shrink = TRUE, labeller = "label_value", as.table = TRUE,
    switch = NULL, drop = TRUE, margins = FALSE, facets = NULL,
    nest_line = FALSE, resect = unit(0, "mm"), bleed = FALSE
) {
    if (!is.null(facets)) {
        rows <- facets
    if (is.logical(cols)) {
        margins <- cols
        cols <- NULL
    scales <- match.arg(scales, c("fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free"))
    free <- list(x = any(scales %in% c("free_x", "free")),
                 y = any(scales %in% c("free_y", "free")))

    space <- match.arg(space, c("fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free"))
    space_free <- list(x = any(space %in% c("free_x", "free")),
                       y = any(space %in% c("free_y", "free")))

    if (!is.null(switch) && !switch %in% c("both", "x", "y")) {
        stop("switch must be either 'both', 'x', or 'y'", call. = FALSE)

    facets_list <- .int$grid_as_facets_list(rows, cols)
    n <- length(facets_list)
    if (n > 2L) {
        stop("A grid facet specification can't have more than two dimensions",
             .call = FALSE)
    if (n == 1L) {
        rows <- quos()
        cols <- facets_list[[1]]
    } else {
        rows <- facets_list[[1]]
        cols <- facets_list[[2]]
    labeller <- .int$check_labeller(labeller)
    ggproto(NULL, FacetNested, shrink = shrink,
            params = list(
                rows = rows,
                cols = cols,
                margins = margins,
                free = free,
                space_free = space_free,
                labeller = labeller,
                as.table = as.table,
                switch = switch,
                drop = drop,
                nest_line = nest_line,
                resect = resect,
                bleed = bleed

#' @usage NULL
#' @export
#' @rdname ggnomics_extensions
FacetNested <- ggproto(
    "FacetNested", FacetGrid,
    map_data = function(data, layout, params) {
        # Handle empty data
        if (.int$empty(data)) {
            return(cbind(data, PANEL = integer(0)))
        # Setup variables
        rows <- params$rows
        cols <- params$cols

        vars <- c(names(rows), names(cols))
        margin_vars <- list(intersect(names(rows), names(data)),
                            intersect(names(cols), names(data)))

        # Add variables
        data <- reshape2::add_margins(data, margin_vars, params$margins)
        facet_vals <- .int$eval_facets(c(rows, cols), data, params$plot$env)

        # Only set as missing if it has no variable in that direction
        missing_facets <- character(0)
        if (!any(names(rows) %in% names(facet_vals))){
            missing_facets <- c(missing_facets,
                                setdiff(names(rows), names(facet_vals)))
        if (!any(names(cols) %in% names(facet_vals))){
            missing_facets <- c(missing_facets,
                                setdiff(names(cols), names(facet_vals)))

        # Fill in missing values
        if (length(missing_facets) > 0) {
            to_add <- unique(layout[missing_facets])
            data_rep <- rep.int(1:nrow(data), nrow(to_add))
            facet_rep <- rep(1:nrow(to_add), each = nrow(data))
            data <- data[data_rep, , drop = FALSE]
            rownames(data) <- NULL
            facet_vals <- cbind(facet_vals[data_rep, , drop = FALSE],
                                to_add[facet_rep, , drop = FALSE])
            rownames(facet_vals) <- NULL

        # Match columns to facets
        if (nrow(facet_vals) == 0) {
            data$PANEL <- NO_PANEL
        } else {
            facet_vals[] <- lapply(facet_vals[], as.factor)
            facet_vals[] <- lapply(facet_vals[], addNA, ifany = TRUE)
            keys <- plyr::join.keys(facet_vals, layout,
                                    by = vars[vars %in% names(facet_vals)])
            data$PANEL <- layout$PANEL[match(keys$x, keys$y)]
    compute_layout = function(data, params) {
        rows <- params$rows
        cols <- params$cols
        dups <- intersect(names(rows), names(cols))
        if (length(dups) > 0) {
            stop("Facetting variables can only appear in row or cols, not both.\n",
                 "Problems: ", paste0(dups, collapse = "'"), call. = FALSE)
        base_rows <- combine_nested_vars(data, params$plot_env,
                                         rows, drop = params$drop)
        if (!params$as.table) {
            rev_order <- function(x) factor(x, levels = rev(.int$ulevels(x)))
        base_cols <- combine_nested_vars(data, params$plot_env, cols,
                                         drop = params$drop)
        base <- .int$df.grid(base_rows, base_cols)
        base <- reshape2::add_margins(base,
                                      list(names(rows), names(cols)),
        base <- unique(base)
        panel <- plyr::id(base, drop = TRUE)
        panel <- factor(panel, levels = seq_len(attr(panel, "n")))
        rows <- if (!length(names(rows))) {
        } else {
            plyr::id(base[names(rows)], drop = TRUE)
        cols <- if (!length(names(cols))) {
        } else {
            plyr::id(base[names(cols)], drop = TRUE)
        panels <- data.frame(PANEL = panel, ROW = rows, COL = cols,
                             base, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        panels <- panels[order(panels$PANEL), , drop = FALSE]
        rownames(panels) <- NULL
        panels$SCALE_X <- if (params$free$x) {
        } else {
        panels$SCALE_Y <- if (params$free$y) {
        } else {
    draw_panels = function(panels, layout, x_scales, y_scales, ranges, coord,
                           data, theme, params) {
        panel_table <- FacetGrid$draw_panels(panels, layout, x_scales, y_scales,
                                             ranges, coord, data, theme, params)

        # Setup strips
        col_vars  <- unique(layout[names(params$cols)])
        row_vars  <- unique(layout[names(params$rows)])
        attr(col_vars, "type")  <- "cols"
        attr(col_vars, "facet") <- "grid"
        attr(row_vars, "type")  <- "rows"
        attr(row_vars, "facet") <- "grid"

        # Build strips
        strips <- render_strips(col_vars, row_vars, params$labeller, theme)
        switch_x <- !is.null(params$switch) && params$switch %in% c("both", "x")
        switch_y <- !is.null(params$switch) && params$switch %in% c("both", "y")

        # Merging strips
        merge_cols <- apply(col_vars, 2, function(x) any(rle(x)$lengths > 1))
        merge_rows <- apply(row_vars, 2, function(x) any(rle(x)$lengths > 1))

        if (any(merge_cols)) {
            if (switch_x) {
                panel_table <- merge_strips(panel_table, strips$x$bottom,
                                            col_vars, switch_x, params, theme, "x")
            } else {
                panel_table <- merge_strips(panel_table, strips$x$top,
                                            col_vars, switch_x, params, theme, "x")

        if (any(merge_rows)) {
            if (switch_y) {
                panel_table <- merge_strips(panel_table, strips$y$left,
                                            row_vars, switch_y, params, theme, "y")
            } else {
                panel_table <- merge_strips(panel_table, strips$y$right,
                                            row_vars, switch_y, params, theme, "y")

# Helper functions -----------------------------------------------

combine_nested_vars <- function(
    data, env = emptyenv(), vars = NULL, drop = TRUE
) {
    if (length(vars) == 0)
    values <- .int$compact(plyr::llply(data, .int$eval_facets, facets = vars,
                                       env = env))
    has_all <- unlist(lapply(values, length)) == length(vars)
    if (!any(has_all)) {
        missing <- lapply(values, function(x) setdiff(names(vars), names(x)))
        missing_txt <- vapply(missing, .int$var_list, character(1))
        name <- c("Plot", paste0("Layer ", seq_len(length(data) - 1)))
        stop("At least one layer must contain all faceting variables: ",
             .int$var_list(names(vars)), ".\n", paste0("* ", name, " is missing ",
                                                       missing_txt, collapse = "\n"),
             call. = FALSE)
    base <- unique(plyr::ldply(values[has_all]))
    if (!drop) {
        base <- .int$unique_combs(base)
    for (value in values[!has_all]) {
        if (.int$empty(value))
        old <- base[setdiff(names(base), names(value))]
        new <- unique(value[intersect(names(base), names(value))])
        if (drop) {
            new <- .int$unique_combs(new)
        old[setdiff(names(base), names(value))] <- rep("", nrow(old))
        base <- rbind(base, .int$df.grid(old, new))
    if (.int$empty(base)) {
        stop("Facetting variables must have at least one value",
             call. = FALSE)

merge_strips <- function(
    panel_table, strip, vars, switch, params, theme, orient = c("x", "y")
) {
    if (is.null(strip)) {
    n_levels <- nrow(strip[[1]]$layout)
    splitstrip <- lapply(seq_len(n_levels), function(i) {
               x = lapply(strip, function(x) x[i, ]),
               y = lapply(strip, function(x) x[, i]))


    if (params$bleed) {
        merge <- apply(vars, 2, function(x) any(rle(x)$lengths > 1))
    } else {
        merge <- sapply(1:ncol(vars), function(i){
            x <- apply(subset.data.frame(vars, select = seq(i)), 1,
                       paste0, collapse = "")
            return(any(rle(x)$lengths > 1))

    if (orient == "y" && !switch) {
        vars <- rev(vars)
        merge <- rev(merge)
    if (orient == "x" && switch) {
        vars <- rev(vars)
        merge <- rev(merge)
        splitstrip <- rev(splitstrip)

    sizes <- switch(orient,
                    x = do.call(unit.c, lapply(splitstrip, max_height)),
                    y = do.call(unit.c, lapply(splitstrip, max_width)))

    # assign("panel_table", panel_table, 1) TODO: Delete This?

    grabwhat <- switch(orient,
                       x = grepl("strip-t|strip-b", panel_table$layout$name),
                       y = grepl("strip-r|strip-l", panel_table$layout$name))

    pos_y <- unique(panel_table$layout$t[grabwhat])
    pos_x <- unique(panel_table$layout$l[grabwhat])
    panel_pos <- find_panel(panel_table)

    if (orient == "x") {
        nudge <- if (pos_y < panel_pos$t) -1 else -1
        panel_table <- panel_table[-pos_y, ]
        panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, sizes, pos_y + nudge)

    } else {
        nudge <- if (pos_x < panel_pos$l) -1 else 0
        panel_table <- panel_table[, -pos_x]
        panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, sizes, pos_x + nudge)

    for (i in seq_len(n_levels)) {
        if (!merge[i]) {
            panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(
                panel_table, splitstrip[[i]],
                t = pos_y + switch(orient, x = i + nudge, y = 0),
                l = pos_x + switch(orient, x = 0, y = i + nudge),
                z = 2, clip = "on",
                name = paste0("strip-", orient, "-", seq_along(splitstrip[[i]]))
        } else {
            j <- as.numeric(as.factor(vars[, i]))
            ends <- cumsum(rle(j)$lengths)
            starts <- c(1, which(diff(j) != 0) + 1)
            panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(
                panel_table, splitstrip[[i]][starts],
                t = switch(orient, x = pos_y + i + nudge, y = pos_y[starts]),
                b = switch(orient, x = pos_y + i + nudge, y = pos_y[ends]),
                l = switch(orient, x = pos_x[starts], y = pos_x + i + nudge),
                r = switch(orient, x = pos_x[ends],   y = pos_x + i + nudge),
                z = 2, clip = "on",
                name = paste0("strip-", orient, "-", seq_along(splitstrip[[i]][starts]))

            if (params$nest_line && any(starts != ends)) {
                insert_here <- which(starts != ends)
                indicator <- linesGrob(
                    x = switch(orient,
                               x = unit(c(0, 1), "npc") + c(1, -1) * params$resect,
                               y = if (switch) c(1, 1) else c(0, 0)),
                    y = switch(orient,
                               x = if (switch) c(1, 1) else c(0, 0),
                               y = unit(c(0, 1), "npc") + c(1, -1) * params$resect),
                    gp = grid::gpar(col = theme$line$colour,
                                    lty = theme$line$linetype,
                                    lwd = theme$line$size * .pt,
                                    lineend = theme$line$lineend))
                panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(
                    panel_table, lapply(seq_along(insert_here), function(x) indicator),
                    t = switch(orient, x = pos_y + i + nudge,
                               y = pos_y[starts[insert_here]]),
                    b = switch(orient, x = pos_y + i + nudge,
                               y = pos_y[ends[insert_here]]),
                    l = switch(orient, x = pos_x[starts[insert_here]],
                               y = pos_x + i + nudge),
                    r = switch(orient, x = pos_x[ends[insert_here]],
                               y = pos_x + i + nudge),
                    z = 3, clip = "on",
                    name = "nestline"
MikhaelManurung/mdmisc documentation built on March 19, 2020, 1:12 a.m.