

seqs = function(length, chunksize) {
  # This function breaks a vector of index numbers into chunks
  # ensuring that the last sequence is only as long as the provided
  # length. This is for staging row processing in chunks without
  # causes reference errors at the end.
  seed = seq(from=1, to=length, by=chunksize)
  most = lapply(head(seed, -1), function(x) {
  last = tail(seed,1):length
  c(most, list(last))

gtbackoff = function(ngram_size = 6, start=1) {
  gc() # recover memory. We need a lot
  # loop through each ngram size
  for(ngram in start:ngram_size) {

    # file path for gramfreq table
    fp = file.path('data-raw', paste0('gramfreq', ngram,'.rds'))
    # read in gram frequency table
    gramfreq = readRDS(fp)

    if(ngram == 1) {
      sugg = gramfreq
      sugg[, gtprop := goodTuringProportions(freq)]
      sugg[, ngramL := ngram ]
      sugg = sugg[order(gtprop), tail(.SD, 30)]
      fp = file.path('data-raw', 'gram1.rds')
      saveRDS(sugg, fp)


    # get key columns by name
    keycolumns = grep('^key\\d', names(gramfreq), value=TRUE)
    # set keys on gramfreq table
    setkeyv(gramfreq, keycolumns)
    # create keygroup table for smoothing iterations
    keygroups = gramfreq[ , .(COUNT = .N), by=keycolumns]

    # file path for lower ngram
    fp = file.path('data-raw', paste0('gram', ngram-1, '.rds'))
    lowgram = readRDS(fp)

    # file path for ngram table
    fp = file.path('data-raw', paste0('gram', ngram,'.rds'))
    # remove file if it already exists
    if(file.exists(fp)) { file.remove(fp)}
    # prepare for multi-threaded processing
    for(ixs in seqs(nrow(keygroups), 20000)) {
      grams =
        foreach(x = ixs) %dopar% {
          kg = keygroups[x]
          # subset keygroup records from full table
          sugg = gramfreq[.(kg[,keycolumns,with=FALSE])]
          # calculate Good-Turing proportions for seen records
          sugg[,gtprop := goodTuringProportions(freq)]
          # calculate prevalence of unseen grams
          P0 = goodTuring(sugg$freq)$P0

          # add ngram length to suggestions
          sugg[, ngramL := ngram ]

          if(P0 %in% c(0,1)) { # catch groups where Good-Turing estimation fails
            combined = sugg  # don't smooth with lowgrams
          } else {
            # subset lowgrams that match keys -1, unless we're in bigrams
            if(ngram == 2) {
              lower = lowgram
            } else {
              lower = lowgram[.(kg[,tail(keycolumns, -1),with=FALSE])]
            # calculate proportion of bigrams that's already covered in dt3
            lower_CoverP = lower[suggest %in% sugg$suggest, gtprop] %>% sum
            # remove suggestions already in higher ngram, keep select amount
            sugg_lower = lower[!suggest %in% sugg$suggest, tail(.SD, 30-(5*(ngram-1)))]
            # rescale prop after removing covered ngrams proportion from 1
            sugg_lower[, gtprop := gtprop / (1 - lower_CoverP)]
            # rescale prop as share of P0
            sugg_lower[, gtprop := gtprop * P0]

            # add key keys to lower gram suggestions
            for(k in head(keycolumns)) {
              sugg_lower[, (k) := kg[[k]]]

            # bind lower level ngram with higher
            combined = rbindlist(list(sugg, sugg_lower), use.names=TRUE, fill = FALSE)
          # keep only a specified number of suggestions
          combined[order(gtprop), tail(.SD, 30-(5*(ngram-1)))]

        } %>%
        rbindlist(use.names=FALSE, fill = FALSE)

      if(file.exists(fp)) {
        grams = rbindlist(list(readRDS(fp), grams), use.names=FALSE, fill = FALSE)
      saveRDS(grams, fp, compress=FALSE)

    grams = readRDS(fp)
    setkeyv(grams, c(keycolumns, 'suggest', 'gtprop'))
    saveRDS(grams, fp)

Mikuana/NextWordR documentation built on May 8, 2019, 10:49 a.m.