
Defines functions cleanTagRegistrations

Documented in cleanTagRegistrations

#' Fix systematic problems with the tag registration database.
#' Some tag registrations had problems.  The list of all registered
#' tags is obtained from the motus-wts.org server.  A cleaned-up
#' database suitable for the find_tags_motus program is generated,
#' including an events table which indicates when tags were activated
#' and inactivated.  This allows the database to be used against any
#' receiver dataset, regardless of the dates.
#' @param m data.frame with full tag info from motus, as returned by
#' motusSearchTags()
#' @param s safeSQL object; database where tables "tags" and "events" will
#'     be created.
#' @param cleanBI logical; if TRUE, attempt to clean the burst interval;
#' otherwise, leave it as-is.  Default: FALSE.
#' @return returns modified m.
#' Side effect:
#' \itemize{
#' \item creates or overwrite the table "tags"
#' in \code{s}, which will contain cleaned tag registrations
#' \item creates or overwrites table "events" in \code{s}, which contains activation / deactivation
#' timestamps for each tag deployment.
#' \item updates the file "tags.csv" in the metadata history repository
#' }
#' The \code{events} table looks like this:
#' \strong{events:}
#' \itemize{
#' \item ts    timestamp for event
#' \item tagID motus tag ID for event
#' \item event integer: 1 is activation; 0 is deactivation
#' }

#' @note:
#' For Lotek coded ID tags, the registrations are cleaned up like so:
#' \itemize{
#' \item empirical gap values are replaced with nominal values from
#' the Lotek codeset
#' \item burst intervals are replaced by the mean of nearby good
#'   values.  Nearby means within 0.05s, and good means no more than
#'   0.0005 s shorter than the longest nearby BI.
#' }
#' Registration problems appear to be mainly from dropped USB packets,
#' when the computer used to make tag recordings has not been able to
#' keep up with the full funcubedongle sampling rate.  The result is
#' overly variable estimates of gap values and burst intervals, with a
#' bias downward from the true values (since dropped packets represent
#' lost time).
#' The tag activation events are generated using these items from the
#' motus database, in order of preference (i.e. the first available
#' item is used):
#' \enumerate{
#' \item tsStart - the starting date for a tag deployment record;
#' tsStartCode = 1L
#' \item dateBin - the start of the quarter year in which the tag was
#' expected to be deployed;
#' tsStartCode = 2L
#' \item ts - the date the tag was registered;
#' tsStartCode = 3L
#' }
#' Tag deactivation events are generated using these items, again
#' in order of preference:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item tsEnd - the ending date for a tag deployment; e.g. if a tag
#' was found, or manually deactivated; tsEndCode = 1L
#' \item tsStart for a different deployment of the same tag; tsEndCode = 2L
#' \item tsStart + predictTagLifespan(model, BI) * marginOfError
#' if the tag model is known; tsEndCode = 3L
#' \item tsStart + predictTagLifespan(guessTagModel(speciesID), BI) * marginOfError
#' if the species is known; tsEndCode = 4L
#' \item 90 days if no other information is available; tsEndCode = 5L
#' }
#' Also, as of 6 April 2016, we're using a lifetime of 700 days for tags in the
#' Taylr 2013 project (gulls)
#' @return path to an sqlite database usable by the tag finder; it will have these tables:
#' \strong{tags:}
#' \itemize{
#' \item tagID      motus tag ID
#' \item nomFreq    nominal frequency, in MHz e.g. 166.38
#' \item offsetFreq offset from nominal, in kHz
#' \item param1     first interpulse gap
#' \item param2     second interpulse gap
#' \item param3     third interpulse gap
#' \item period     burst interval
#' \item mfgID      lotek ID code
#' \item codeSet    Lotek codeset name
#' }
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

cleanTagRegistrations = function(m, s, cleanBI = FALSE) {

    m = subset(m, projectID != 0 & !is.na(period) & period > 0)

    ## add columns we need for lookups

    m = as.tbl(m) %>%
        mutate (
            id = as.integer(mfgID),    ## id as bare mfgID, without fractional part and in integer form
            bi = round(period * 20)/20      ## burst interval rounded to 0.05 s

    ## cleanup gap values from codesets

    codeSets = c("Lotek3", "Lotek4","Lotek6M")

    ## tags not in a known codeset are left alone (these might be beepers, e.g.)
    other = m %>% filter_ (~!codeSet %in% codeSets)

    ## clean up gaps
    clean = NULL

    for (cs in codeSets) {

        lt = ltGetCodeset(cs)

        clean = clean %>%
                m %>% filter_(~codeSet==cs) %>%
                left_join(lt, by=c("id"="id"))

    if (cleanBI) {
        ## generate a best estimate of precise BI for each rounded (to 0.1s) value

        bi = clean %>% select(bi, period) %>%
            group_by(bi) %>%

        clean = clean %>% left_join(bi, by="bi")

        badBI = clean %>% filter(abs(avgPer-period) > 0.08) %>% collect
        if ( badBI %>% nrow > 0) {
            cat("Problem; these tags have bad looking BI:\n")
            badBI <<- badBI
            stop("go back and revisit tag burst interval cleanup")
        ## copy over better gaps, but not BI for the "uncleaned" database
        unclean = clean %>%
            mutate(param1 = g1, param2 = g2, param3 = g3) %>%
            select(-id, -bi, -g1, -g2, -g3, -avgPer) %>%

        clean = clean %>%
            mutate(param1 = g1, param2 = g2, param3 = g3, period = avgPer) %>%
            select(-id, -bi, -g1, -g2, -g3, -avgPer) %>%

    } else {

        ## just rename g1->param1, g2->param2, g3->param3

        clean = clean %>%
            mutate(param1 = g1, param2 = g2, param3 = g3) %>%
            select(-id, -bi, -g1, -g2, -g3) %>%

    ## sanity check on deployment times.  If tsStart and tsEnd are both
    ## specified in the database, make sure tsStart <= tsEnd

    insane = which((! is.na(clean$tsStart)) &
            (! is.na(clean$tsEnd)) &
            clean$tsStart > clean$tsEnd)

    if (length(insane) > 0) {
        warning("One or more tag deployments have tsEnd < tsStart; these tags are involved:\n ",
             paste(clean$tagID[insane], collapse=", "),
             "\nFor these tags, these corrections are applied:\n
 - if the start and end times are on the same day, tsEnd will be\n
   set to tsStart + 24 hours\n
 - otherwise, tsEnd will be calculated based on tag lifespan, as if it had not been provided\n")
        sameDay = trunc(clean$tsStart[insane], "day") == trunc(clean$tsEnd[insane], "day")
        if (any(sameDay))
            clean$tsEnd[insane[sameDay]] = clean$tsStart[insane[sameDay]] + 24*3600
        if (!all(sameDay))
            clean$tsEnd[insane[! sameDay]] = NA

    ##-------------------- tsStart --------------------
    clean$tsStartCode = 1L
    noTsStart = is.na(clean$tsStart)

    ## at worst, we use the registration date
    clean$tsStart[noTsStart] = clean$tsSG[noTsStart]
    clean$tsStartCode[noTsStart] = 3L

    ## if a dateBin was specified, use that
    haveDateBin = noTsStart & ! is.na(clean$dateBin)
    clean$tsStartCode[haveDateBin] = 2L

    clean$tsStart[haveDateBin] = subset(clean, haveDateBin) %>%
        with( paste(substr(dateBin, 1, 4), (as.numeric(substring(dateBin,6)) - 1) * 3 + 1, 1, sep="-")) %>%
        ymd(tz="GMT") %>% as.numeric

    ##-------------------- tsEnd --------------------
    ## Compute tsEnd for tag deployments which don't have it (i.e. most)
    ## If the tag model is specified, use predictTagLifespan;
    ## If no tag model is specified, use the species to lookup a tag model.
    ## Otherwise, use 90 days.

    clean$tsEndCode = 1L
    dayToSec = 24 * 3600

    noTsEnd = is.na(clean$tsEnd)

    ## at worst, use tsStart + 90 days
    clean$tsEnd[noTsEnd] = clean$tsStart[noTsEnd] + 90 * dayToSec

    ## set code for worst case
    clean$tsEndCode[noTsEnd] = 5L

    ## see whether a tag model was specified
    haveModel = noTsEnd & ! is.na(clean$model)
    clean$tsEndCode[haveModel] = 3L

    ## when the model is missing, see whether a species was specified
    haveSpecies = noTsEnd & ! haveModel & ! is.na(clean$speciesID)
    clean$tsEndCode[haveSpecies] = 4L

    if (sum(haveSpecies) > 0) {
        clean$model[haveSpecies] = guessTagModel(clean$speciesID[haveSpecies])
        haveModel = noTsEnd & ! is.na(clean$model)

    ## use the specified or guessed model to estimate lifespan, with 50 % margin of error
    lifeSpan = predictTagLifespan(clean$model[haveModel], clean$period[haveModel])

    clean$tsEnd[haveModel] = clean$tsStart[haveModel] + lifeSpan * dayToSec * 1.5

    ## look for overlapping deployments of a given tag, likely due to
    ## overestimating tsSEnd.  When found, make tsEnd for the earlier
    ## deployment 1s before tsStart for the next.   If we just left them
    ## overlapping like this:

    ##  ------+------------------+---------------+-------------+------ (time)
    ##        |                  |               |             |
    ##     tsStart1          tsStart2          tsEnd1         tsEnd2

    ## then the tag would not be seen as active between tsEnd1 and tsEnd2.
    ## So we correct that situation to this:

    ##                        tsEnd1
    ##                          |
    ##  ------+-----------------++-----------------------------+------ (time)
    ##        |                  |                             |
    ##     tsStart1          tsStart2                         tsEnd2

    overlap = clean %>% inner_join (clean, by="tagID") %>%
        filter (tsStart.x < tsStart.y & tsStart.y <= tsEnd.x)

    if (nrow(overlap) > 0) {
        fixtsEnd = overlap %>% mutate (tsEnd.x = tsStart.y - 1) %>%
            transmute (deployID = deployID.x, tsEnd = tsEnd.x)

        clean[match(fixtsEnd$deployID, clean$deployID), "tsEnd"] = fixtsEnd$tsEnd
        clean[match(fixtsEnd$deployID, clean$deployID), "tsEndCode"] = 2L

    ## remove duplicates, which are due to multiple deployments
    nodups = subset(clean, ! duplicated(tagID))

    ## clean up the nominal frequency, which has issues upstream:
    nodups$nomFreq = round(nodups$nomFreq, 3)          ## upstream problems with conversion from lower-precision float
    nodups$nomFreq[nodups$nomFreq==166.376] == 166.38  ## from my own registration mistakes

    dbWriteTable(s$con, "tmptags", nodups %>% as.data.frame, row.names=FALSE, overwrite=TRUE)
    s("delete from tags where tagID in (select distinct tagID from tmptags)")
    s("insert into tags select * from tmptags")
    s("drop table tmptags")

    ## re-record tags table summary in the history repo
    s("select tagID, manufacturer, model, codeSet, nomFreq, mfgID, period from tags order by tagID") %>%
    write.csv(file.path(MOTUS_PATH$METADATA_HISTORY, "tags.csv"), row.names=FALSE)

    ## now create events table
    ## This has the columns: ts, tagID, event (0 or 1)

    tagOn  = clean %>% filter(!is.na(tsStart)) %>% transmute(ts=tsStart, tagID=tagID, event=1L)
    tagOff = clean %>% filter(!is.na(tsEnd))   %>% transmute(ts=tsEnd,   tagID=tagID, event=0L)

    events = tagOn %>% bind_rows(tagOff) %>% arrange(ts)

    dbWriteTable(s$con, "tmpevents", events %>% as.data.frame, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
    s("delete from events where tagID in (select distinct tagID from tmpevents)")
    s("insert into events select * from tmpevents")
    s("drop table tmpevents")
    s("create index if not exists events_ts on events(ts)")

    return (clean)
MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.