
Defines functions repackageRecoveredSGdata

Documented in repackageRecoveredSGdata

#' repackage recovered data into hourly files with appropriate names
#' When raw SG records are recovered from a failed SD card, they need
#' to be grouped into files so that the usual processing code can
#' handle them.  This function does so, then optionally submits the
#' repackaged archive as a file upload to the motus server so that
#' it will be incorporated into the appropriate receiver's DB and
#' then processed.
#' @param filename path to file containing recovered records.
#' @param serno character scalar receiver serial number; this is not
#'     available in records themselves, unfortunately.  Care must be
#'     taken to ensure the correct serial number is given, otherwise
#'     data will appear to come from the wrong receiver.  The GPS
#'     records are used to provide a sanity check on this, if a
#'     deployment for the receiver is known.
#'     example:  "SG-1234BBBK5678"
#' @param bootnum starting boot number of the data, if known.
#'     Default: 1000.  This function tries to detect reboots by
#'     looking for large backward time jumps, but this doesn't always
#'     work, as SGs with cape GPS usually set their system time from
#'     battery-backed realtime clock clock before any file records are
#'     written.
#' @param path character scalar: path in which to create the .zip archive
#' of hourly files.  Default: \code{getwd()}
#' @param submit logical scalar: if TRUE, "upload" the file so it is
#' processed by the motus data-processing server.  Default: FALSE
#' @return character scalar; path to the .zip archive of hourly files created
#' by this function.
#' @details data records can sometimes be extracted from a failed SD card by
#' directly reading blocks from the device and searching for strings of the appropriate
#' form.  With a VFAT file system and the usual SG filing method of "write .txt and .txt.gz
#' files in tandem; delete .txt when .txt.gz is complete", the records written to and deleted
#' as uncompressed .txt files are added to the back of the filesystem's free block list, so are
#' rarely overwritten.  When an SD card is represented by /dev/mmcblk1, the records can be
#' extracted by a root shell (on whichever device holds the SD card) with this command:
#'    strings /dev/mmcblk1 | grep -P '^(G|S|C|T|p[0-9]),[0-9]+([.0-9]+)?,' > recovered_records.txt
#' or, if the card is installed in a remote SG which has connected to
#' the motus/SG server with reverse tunnel port 43210 (for example),
#' this command on the server:
#'    sshpass -p root ssh -T -f -p 43210 root@localhost "strings /dev/mmcblk1 | grep -P '^(G|S|C|T|p[0-9]),[0-9]+([.0-9]+)?,'" > recovered_records.txt &
#' will extract the records on the SG and send them via SSH to the file recovered_records.txt on the server.
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

repackageRecoveredSGdata = function(filename, serno, bootnum=1000, path=getwd(), submit=FALSE) {

    chunkSize = 100000
    outf = NULL
    lastdate = ""
    i = chunkSize + 1
    lastts = 0

    ## create a temporary subfolder for the YYYY-MM-DD hierarchy
    filedir = tempfile(tmpdir = path)

    ## files will start on-the-hour
    outfTemplate = paste0('recovered-', substring(serno, 4), '-%06d-%s-00-00P-all.txt.gz')

    f = file(filename, "r")

    nowdate = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H")

    while (TRUE) {
        ## process one chunk at a time
        x = readLines(f, n=chunkSize)
        if (length(x) == 0)
        parts = strsplit(x, ",", fixed=TRUE)
        ## grab timestamps to hour precision
        ts = structure(as.numeric(sapply(parts, function(x) x[2])), class=c("POSIXt", "POSIXct"))
        dates = strftime(ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H")
        keep = sapply(parts, length) >= 3 & ! is.na(ts) & (dates >= "2000-01-01T00" & dates <= nowdate)
        ts = ts[keep]
        if (length(ts) == 0)
        x = x[keep]
        dates = dates[keep]
        ## calculate bootnums each record, bumping it up wherever the timestamp goes backward by at least an hour
        GPS = grepl("^G", perl=TRUE, x)
        bootnums = rep(bootnum, length(x))
        bootnums[! GPS] = bootnum + cumsum(c(FALSE, diff(ts[! GPS]) < -3600))
        ## bootnum, dates for each GPS record are those for latest non-GPS record preceding it
        lookup = infimum(which(GPS), c(1, which(! GPS))) ## c(1,...) is in case GPS record comes first
        bootnums[GPS] = bootnums[lookup]
        dates[GPS] = dates[lookup]

        ## write out blocks of records by unique (bootnum, hourly date) value
        tapply(1:length(dates), sprintf("%6d %s", bootnums, dates), function(i) {
            datedir = file.path(filedir, substring(dates[i[1]], 1, 10))
            if (! file.exists(datedir))
            outf = gzfile(file.path(datedir, sprintf(outfTemplate, bootnums[i[1]], dates[i[1]])), "a")
            cat ("Doing ", sprintf(outfTemplate, bootnums[i[1]], dates[i[1]]), "\n")
            cat(paste(x[i], collapse="\n"), "\n", file=outf)
        bootnum = max(bootnums)
    safeSys("cd ", filedir, ";", "zip", "-r",  sprintf("../%s_recovered_files.zip", serno), ".", quote=FALSE)
MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.