
Defines functions DelaunayClassificationError

Documented in DelaunayClassificationError

DelaunayClassificationError = function(Data, ProjectedPoints, Cls, LC = NULL,
                                       Gabriel = FALSE, PlotIt = FALSE,
                                       Plotter = "native", Colors = NULL,
                                       LineColor= 'grey',
                                       main = "Name of Projection", mainSize = 24,
                                       xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", xlim, ylim,
                                       pch, lwd,
                                       Margin = list(t=50,r=0,l=0,b=0)){
  # DCE  = DelaunayClassificationError(Data,ProjectedPoints,Cls) 
  # [DCE,DCEperPoint] = DelaunayClassificationError(Data,ProjectedPoints,Cls) 
  # [DCE,DCEperPoint,nn,AnzNN,NNdists,HD] = DelaunayClassificationError(OutputDelaunay,InputDistances,Cls) 
  # calculates DCE i.e the Delaunay classification error
  # Data[1:n,1:d]					      Numeric matrix with n cases and d variables
  # ProjectedPoints[1:n,1:2]		Numeric matrix with 2D points in cartesian coordinates
  # Cls[1:n]						        Numeric vector with class labels
  # LC                        Numeric vector of two values determining grid size of the underlying projection
  # Gabriel                   Boolean: TRUE/FALSE => Gabriel/Delauny graph (Default: FALSE => Delaunay)
  # PlotIt                    Boolean: TRUE/FALSE => Plot/Do not plot (Default: FALSE)
  # Plotter                   Character with plot technique (native or plotly)
  # Colors                    Character vector of class colors for points
  # LineColor                 Character of line color used for edges of graph
  # main                      Character plot title
  # mainSize                  Numeric size of plot title
  # xlab                      Character name of x ax
  # ylab                      Character name of y ax
  # xlim                      Numeric vector with two values defining x ax range
  # ylim                      Numeric vector with two values defining y ax range
  # pch                       Numeric of point size (graphic parameter)
  # lwd                       Numeric of linewidth (graphic parameter)
  # Margin                    Margin of plotly plot
  # DCE                            DelaunayClassificationError 
  #                                NOTE the rest is just for development purposes
  # DCEperPoint(1:n)               unnormalized DCE of each point: DCE = mean( DCEperPoint)
  # nn                             the number of points in a relevant neghborhood: 0.5 * 85percentile(AnzNN)
  # AnzNN(1:n)                     the number of points with a delaunay graph neighborhood
  # NNdists(1:n,1:nn)              the distances within the relevant nehborhoot, 0 for inner cluster distances
  # HD(1:nn)                       HD = HarmonicDecay(nn) i.e weight function for the NNdists: DCEperPoint = HD*NNdists
  # IsInterDistance                Distances to the nn closest neighbors
  # DelaunayDists                  Distance matrix implied by high dimensional
  #                                distances and the underlying Delaunay
  #                                (Gabriel) graph
  # ProjectionGraphError           Plotly object in case, plotly is chosen
  # author: MT 07/2016, Sept 2016, Ausgabeparameteranpassung an ALU
  # Checked in 06/2018 by MT
  ## Catch Wrong Input
  if(!is.numeric(Data) | !is.matrix(Data)){
    stop("Data is not a numeric matrix")
  if(!is.numeric(ProjectedPoints) | !is.matrix(ProjectedPoints)){
    stop("ProjectedPoints is not a numeric matrix")
  if(!is.numeric(Cls) | !is.vector(Cls)){
    stop("Cls is not a numeric matrix")
    stop('ProjectedPoints is a list not a matrix')
  if(Plotter == "native"){
  }else if(Plotter == "plotly"){
  c = ncol(ProjectedPoints)
  if (c > 3 | c < 2){
    stop(paste0('Wrong number of Columns of ProjectedPoints: ', c))
  if(c == 3){ #Falls mit Key muss dieser in erster Spalte sein
    ProjectedPoints = ProjectedPoints[, 2:3]
  AnzPunkte = length(Cls)
  if(length(Cls) < 3){
    stop('DelaunayClassificationError: at least 3 points required')
  #Calculate Delaunay Graph in Outputspace  
  if(is.null(LC)){ #Berechne Delaunay Graphen, eigene Funktion, falls das mal auf CRAN soll
    del = Delaunay4Points(Points = ProjectedPoints, Gabriel = Gabriel, IsToroid = FALSE)
      del = del[[1]]
    # Im toroiden fall gibts die ESOM definition, wo x und y vertauscht sind
    #del = Delaunay4Points(Points = ProjectedPoints, IsToroid = TRUE, Grid = LC[c(2, 1)])
    del = Delaunay4Points(Points = ProjectedPoints, Gabriel = Gabriel, IsToroid = TRUE, LC = LC)
      del = del[[1]]
  # Alte Funktion des HarmonicDecay - die wurde Anfang Juli 2023 geaendert
  HarmonicDecay2 = function(n) {
    #  HD = HarmonicDecay(n)
    # calculates the Harmonic Decay Numbers HarmonicDecay(i,n) for i=1...n
    # HarmonicDecay(i,n) = sum(1/k) , k=i...n
    # Laws:
    # HarmonicDecay(1,n) = Harmonic number HN(n) = 1+1/2+...1/n
    #                      this approximates to:  log(n)+ 0.5772156649+ 1/(2*n)
    # HarmonicDecay(n,n) = 1/n
    # INPUT
    # n      n > 0 natural number
    # OUTPUT
    # HD(1:n)       HD(i) = HarmonicDecay(i,n)
    # MT Sept 2016
    if (n < 1)
      HD = NaN
    OneToN = c(1:n) # 1...n
    HD = OneToN * NaN
    OneOverN = 1 / OneToN    # 1/1, ... 1/n
    for (i in 1:n) {
      HD[i] = sum(OneOverN[i:n])  # 1/i+ ...+ 1/n
    #plot(OneToN,HD,ylab = 'HarmonicDecay(i,n)',xlab = 'i',main = 'HarmonicDecay')
  HarmonicDecay = function(kj, n) {
    #  HD = HarmonicDecay(n)
    # calculates the Harmonic Decay Numbers HarmonicDecay(i,n) for i=1...n
    # HarmonicDecay(i,n) = sum(1/k) , k=i...n
    # Laws:
    # HarmonicDecay(1,n) = Harmonic number HN(n) = 1+1/2+...1/n
    #                      this approximates to:  log(n)+ 0.5772156649+ 1/(2*n)
    # HarmonicDecay(n,n) = 1/n
    # INPUT
    # n      n > 0 natural number
    # OUTPUT
    # HD(1:n)       HD(i) = HarmonicDecay(i,n)
    # MT Sept 2016
    if (n < 1)
      HD = NaN
    OneToN = c(1:n) # 1...n
    OneToN[OneToN > (kj-1)] = kj - 1
    HD = OneToN * NaN
    OneOverN = 1 / OneToN    # 1/1, ... 1/n
    for (i in 1:n) {
      HD[i] = sum(OneOverN[i:n])  # 1/i+ ...+ 1/n
    #plot(OneToN,HD,ylab = 'HarmonicDecay(i,n)',xlab = 'i',main = 'HarmonicDecay')
    return(c(HD[1], HD[1:(length(HD)-1)]))
  #Gewichte mit Euklid der Delaunay kanten
  #Dist = as.matrix(dist(Data)) * del
    Dist = Data * del
    Dist = as.matrix(dist(Data)) * del
  ind             = which(Dist == 0, arr.ind = T)
  Dist[ind]       = NaN #Fuer spaeteres Sortieren sollten nicht direkt verbundene Punkte NaN sein, statt 0
  diag(Dist)      = NaN
  IsInterDistance = Dist * NaN     # IsInterDistance(i,j) =1 wenn die punkte i,j in verschiedene clustern
  DelaunayDists   = Dist * NaN
  for(i in 1:nrow(Data)){
    SortInd              = order(Dist[, i], decreasing = F, na.last = T)
    currentClass         = Cls[i]
    cc                   = Cls[SortInd]
    IsInterDistance[, i] = currentClass != cc   # die inneren Distanzen Null setzen
    DelaunayDists[, i]   = Dist[SortInd, i]
  # jetzt die Anzahl der betrachten naesten Nachbarn und die Gewichtung ermitteln
  AnzNN = c()
  for(i in 1:nrow(Data)){
    AnzNN = c(AnzNN, sum(!is.nan(Dist[, i]))) #Anzahl echter Voronoi-Zelen
  NN95 = round(stats::quantile(x = AnzNN, c(0.95)), 0)
  #nn      = round(NN95 / 2) # die Betrachtete nachbarschaft sind die Nachsten Nachbarn von 1...nn
  nn      = max(AnzNN)       # die Betrachtete nachbarschaft sind die Nachsten Nachbarn von 1...nn
  NNdists = IsInterDistance[1:nn, ]  # die ersten nn direkten Nachbahrn bzfl der Distanzengroesse
  for(i in 1:nrow(Data)){
    if(AnzNN[i] < nn){ #Setze 0, falls nicht direkt benachbahrt
      NotInterInd = seq(from = AnzNN[i] + 1, to = nn, by = 1)
      NNdists[NotInterInd, i] = 0
  # JM:
  # AnzNN, HarmonicDecay
  # N x max(nn)
  # lapply(AnzNN, HarmonicDecay)

  #tmpVar = lapply(AnzNN, HarmonicDecay)
  #tmpN = dim(ProjectedPoints)[1]
  #HarmonicMat = matrix(0, tmpN, nn)
  #for(i in 1:length(tmpVar)){
  #  tmpVec1 = tmpVar[[i]]
  #  tmpVec2 = c(tmpVec1, rep(0, nn - length(tmpVec1)))
  #  HarmonicMat[i,] = tmpVec2
  # FIX: HarmonicDecay:

  NNdists     = t(NNdists)
  #HD         = HarmonicDecay(nn) # die Gewichtungsfuktion ausrechnen
  #DCEperPoint = NNdists %*% HD
  HD          = t(sapply(AnzNN, HarmonicDecay, nn))
  DCEpre      = NNdists * HD   # Gewicht * Distanzen: Vektorielle multiplikation
  DCEperPoint = apply(DCEpre, 1, sum)
  #DCEperPoint = apply(NNdists, 1, sum) #%*% HD   # Gewicht * Distanzen: Vektorielle multiplikation
  DCE         = mean(DCEperPoint, na.rm = T)  # DCE = DCEperPoint/AnzPunkte
  plotOut = "plotlyObject"
    if(Plotter == "native"){
      ind = which(DCEperPoint>0)
      DataVisualizations::PlotGraph2D(AdjacencyMatrix = del, Points = ProjectedPoints,
                                      lwd = lwd)
      #main=paste0(main, " - GCE:", round(DCE, 3))
      plotOut = DataVisualizations::PlotGraph2D(AdjacencyMatrix = del,
                                                Points          = ProjectedPoints,
                                                Cls             = Cls,
                                                Plotter         = "plotly",
                                                pch             = pch,
                                                lwd             = lwd,
                                                main            = main,
                                                mainSize        = mainSize,
                                                Colors          = Colors,
                                                LineColor       = LineColor,
                                                xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
      N = length(DCEperPoint)
      ErroxIdx  = which(DCEperPoint>0)
      NormalIdx = 1:N#setdiff(1:N, ErroxIdx)
      NoError   = round(DCEperPoint[NormalIdx], 2)
      Error     = round(DCEperPoint[ErroxIdx], 2)

      if(length(ErroxIdx) > 1){
        plotOut = plotly::add_markers(p = plotOut,
                                      x = ProjectedPoints[ErroxIdx,1],
                                      y = ProjectedPoints[ErroxIdx,2],
                                      text = Error, hoverinfo = 'text',
                                      type = "scatter",
                                      marker = list(size = pch, color = Colors[Cls[ErroxIdx]],
                                                    line = list(color = "red",
                                                                width = 2.5)))
      plotOut = plotly::layout(p = plotOut, margin = Margin)
      plotOut = plotly::hide_legend(p = plotOut)
# "black",#
  return(list("DCE"             = DCE,
              "DCEperPoint"     = DCEperPoint,
              "nn"              = nn,
              "AnzNN"           = AnzNN,
              "NNdists"         = NNdists,
              "HD"              = HD,
              "IsInterDistance" = IsInterDistance,
              "DelaunayDists"   = DelaunayDists,
              "ProjectionGraphError" = plotOut))
Mthrun/DatabionicSwarm documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:51 a.m.