
Defines functions CrossCorr

Documented in CrossCorr

CrossCorr=function(FirstTimeSeries , SecondTimeSeries , nLags=2 ,type = "correlation",PlotIt=FALSE,main,...){
  # res = CrossCorr(FirstTimeSeries, SecondTimeSeries)
  # CrossCorr computes or plots the sample cross-correlation function.
  # Compute or plot the sample cross-correlation function (XCF) between
  # univariate, stochastic time series.
  # Beware, CrossCorr assumes implicitly that both time series have the same 
  # frequency and thus accepts simple numerical vectors.
  # FirstTimeSeries     [1:n] vector of observations of the first univariate time series for
  #                     which the sample XCF is computed or plotted. The last row of Series1
  #                     contains the most recent observation.
  # SecondTimeSeries    [1:n] vector of observations of the second univariate time series for
  #                     which the sample XCF is computed or plotted. The last row of Series2
  #                     contains the most recent observation.
  # nLags               Positive, scalar integer indicating the number of lags of the XCF
  #                     to compute. If empty or missing, the default is to compute the XCF at
  #                     lags 0, +/-1, +/-2,...,+/-T, where T is the smaller of 20 or one less
  #                     than the length of the shortest series. Default is 2
  # type                either "correlation" or "covariance". Default is "correlation"
  # PlotIt              If TRUE, output is plotted as a dashboard with values as bars against various lags, 
  #                     for the lag with highest cross correlation or covariance additionally 
  #                     the spearman rank correlation with a scatter plot is shown. Default is FALSE
  # main                Title of plot.
  # ...                 Further arguments passed on to output of ccf function
  # XCF                 Sample cross correlation function between Series1 and Series2. XCF
  #                     is a vector of length 2*nLags + 1 corresponding to lags 0, +/-1, +/-2,
  #                     ... +/-nLags. The center element of XCF contains the zeroth lag cross
  #                     correlation. XCF will be a row (column) vector if Series1 is a row
  #                     (column) vector.
  # Lags                Vector of lags corresponding to XCF (-nLags to +nLags).
  # Bounds              Two element vector indicating the approximate upper and lower
  #                     confidence bounds assuming the input series are completely uncorrelated.
  #   Create a random sequence of 100 Gaussian deviates, and a delayed version
  #   lagged by 4 samples. Then see the XCF peak at the 4th lag:
  #     randn('state',100)               # Start from a known state.
  #     x           = randn(100,1)       # 100 Gaussian deviates ~ N(0,1).
  #     y           = lagmatrix(x , 4)   # Delay it by 4 samples.
  #     y(isnan(y)) = 0                  # Replace NaN's with zeros.
  #     crosscorr(x,y)                   # It should peak at the 4th lag.
  # NOTE: MT auch ccf in R, naeher vergleichen
  if (length(FirstTimeSeries) != length(SecondTimeSeries))
    warning('Timeseries do not have to same length.')
  if (!is.vector(FirstTimeSeries) |
    warning('One ore both Timeseries are not vectors, Plotting may not work, ccf function may not work.')
  if (sum(!is.finite(FirstTimeSeries)) != 0 |
      sum(!is.finite(SecondTimeSeries)) != 0)
      'One ore both Timeseries have NaN values, Please check if you used the parameter na.action = na.omit correctly for ccf.'
  res1 = ccf(
    lag.max = nLags,
    type = type,
    plot = FALSE,
  ind = which.max(abs(res1$acf)) - 1#ignore lag zero
  if (missing(main))
    main = paste('Maximum of ccf(TS1,TS2) =',
                 round(res1$acf[ind], 2),
                 'at lag =',
                 ind - nLags)
  if (PlotIt) {
    Name1 = deparse1(substitute(FirstTimeSeries))
    Name2 = deparse1(substitute(SecondTimeSeries))
    def.par <-
      par(no.readonly = TRUE)# save default, for resetting...
    m <-
      graphics::layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2), 2, 2))
    res1 = ccf(
      lag.max = nLags,
      type = type,
      plot = PlotIt,
      main = main,
    #The lag k value returned by ccf(x, y) estimates the correlation between x[t+k] and y[t].
    TSslagged = cbind(LagVector(as.numeric(FirstTimeSeries), ind - nLags),
    TSslagged = TSslagged[complete.cases(TSslagged), ]
    if (type == "correlation") {
      xlab = paste0('TS1 = ', Name1, ", lag = ", ind - nLags)
      ylab = paste0('TS2 = ', Name2)
        TSslagged[, 1],
        TSslagged[, 2],
        xlab = xlab,
        ylab = ylab,
        main = paste(
          'Spearman Correlation =',
          round(cor(TSslagged[, 1], TSslagged[, 2], method = 'spearman'), 2),
          'at lag =',
          ind - nLags
    if (type == "covariance") {
      ylab = paste0('lag(TS1 =',
                    ind - nLags,
                    '(black) TS2(blue) = ',
        TSslagged[, 1],
        type = 'l',
        col = 'black',
        xlab = 'Time',
        ylab = ylab,
        main = paste('Spearman Covariance =', round(
          cov(TSslagged[, 1], TSslagged[, 2], method = 'spearman'), 2
        ), 'at lag =', ind - nLags)
      points(TSslagged[, 2], type = 'l', col = 'blue')
  bounds =  c(2, -2) / sqrt(length(FirstTimeSeries))

  # res2=ccf(FirstTimeSeries, SecondTimeSeries, lag.max = nLags, type = "covariance",
  #     plot = PlotIt, na.action = na.fail)

Mthrun/TSAT documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 11:15 p.m.