
Defines functions findUnixBinary native2win win2native winedriveMap winedriveTr winedriveRTr

findUnixBinary <- function(x){
  ## --- Environmental variable ---
  tmp <- Sys.getenv(toupper(x))
  if (nchar(tmp) != 0 && file.exists(tmp)){
  ## else

  ## --- Standard place ---
  tmp <- paste("/usr/bin", x, sep = "")
  if (file.exists(tmp)){
  ## else ...

  ## --- Which ---
  tmp <- system(paste("which ", x, sep = ""), intern = TRUE)
  if (length(tmp) != 0 && file.exists(tmp)){
  ## else ..

  ## --- Locate ---
  tmp <- system(paste("locate ", x, " | grep bin/", x, "$", sep = ""),
                intern = TRUE)
  tmp <- tmp[length(tmp)]  ## keep only last hit
  if (length(tmp) > 0 && file.exists(tmp)){
  stop(paste("couldn't find", x, "binary file"))

native2win <- function(x,
                       useWINE = .Platform$OS.type != "windows",
                       newWINE = TRUE,
                       WINEPATH = NULL){
  ## Translate Unix path to Windows (wine) path
  if (useWINE){
    if (newWINE){
      if (is.null(WINEPATH)){
        WINEPATH <- findUnixBinary(x = "winepath")
      x <- system(paste(WINEPATH, "-w", x), intern = TRUE)
      gsub("\\\\", "/", x)  ## under wine BUGS cannot use \ or \\
    } else {
  } else {

win2native <- function(x,
                       useWINE = .Platform$OS.type != "windows",
                       newWINE = TRUE,
                       WINEPATH = NULL){
  ## Translate Windows path to native (unix) path
  if (useWINE){
    if (newWINE){
      if (is.null(WINEPATH)){
        WINEPATH <- findUnixBinary(x = "winepath")
      system(paste(WINEPATH, " \"", x, "\"", sep = ""), intern = TRUE)
    } else {
  } else {

winedriveMap <- function(config = "~/.wine/config"){
  ## Get drive mapping table from ~/.wine/config
  if (!file.exists(config)){
  con <- readLines(config)
  con <- con[-grep("^;", con)]
  drive <- con[grep("^\\[Drive ", con)]
  drive <- substr(drive, 8, 8)
  drive <- paste(drive, ":", sep = "")
  path <- con[grep("Path", con)]
  len <- length(drive)
  path <- path[1:len]
  dir <- sapply(path, function(x){
    foo <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\""))
  dir <- sub("%HOME%", tools::file_path_as_absolute("~"), dir)
  data.frame(drive = I(drive), path = I(dir), row.names = NULL)

winedriveTr <- function(windir, DriveTable = winedriveMap()){
  ## Translate Windows path to native (Unix) path
  win.dr <- substr(windir, 1, 2)
  ind <- pmatch(toupper(win.dr), DriveTable$drive)
  native.dr <- DriveTable$path[ind]
  sub(win.dr, native.dr, windir)

winedriveRTr <- function(unixpath, DriveTable = winedriveMap()){
  ## Translate Unix path to Windows (wine) path
  blocks <- strsplit(unixpath, "/")[[1]]
  cblocks <- c("/",
               sapply(1 + seq(along = blocks[-1]),
                      function(n) paste(blocks[1:n], collapse = "/")))
  path <- match(cblocks, DriveTable$path)
  if (any(!is.na(path))){
    unixdir <- cblocks[which.min(path)]
    windrive <- paste(DriveTable$drive[min(path, na.rm = TRUE)],
                      sep = "")
    winpath <- sub("//", "/", sub(unixdir, windrive, unixpath))  ## kludge
  } else {
    stop("can't find equivalent Windows path: file may be inaccessible")
MultiBUGS/R2MultiBUGS documentation built on Aug. 14, 2019, 3:15 p.m.