Man pages for NCBI-Hackathons/robustSingleCell
Robust Subpopulation dEcision Trees

alignAlign two binary ordered trees
as_binary_treeGeneric method for convert trees to binary tree
as_binary_tree.defaultConvert a newick string as a binary tree object
as_binary_tree.hclustConvert a hclust object as a binary tree object
as_binary_tree.phyloConvert a phylo object as a binary tree object
as_phyloConvert a binary tree as phylo object
binary_treeCreate a binary tree object
clustertree_constructionConstruct clustering tree from proportion graph
construct_hierarchyConstruct Hierarchy based on Cluster Mean
cost_matrixCreate cost matrix based on distance
create_align_objectCreate alignment object
DE_level_ksensitive DE at level k of the hierarchy
fill_matrixFill T matrix and F map
get_HVGGet highly variable genes
get_jaccardreturn the pairwise Jaccard coefficients between two...
initializeIntialize the T matrix and F map
PhenoGraphVarResPhenoGraph Clustering with Various Resolution
plot.binary_treePlot binary tree
plot_graphPlot a igraph object
plot.hierarchyPlot Hierarchy Constructed
postorder_labelsGet labels by postorder traversal
preprocess_dataPreprocess 10X dataset
sens_DEsensitive DE at all levels of the hierarchy
sensDE_limmaUse limma to find differentially expressed genes
SimpleDEDifferential expression that iteratively compares one cluster...
test_alignment_configurationTest alignment method
test_hierarchy_constructionTest hierarchy construction
tracebackTraceback for constructing aligned tree
NCBI-Hackathons/robustSingleCell documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:27 a.m.