
#' @include NCRNbirds_Class_def.R getVisits.R getBirds.R getDesign.R
#' @title CountXVisit
#' @description Produces a Count X Visit matrix for use in analyses
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by left_join matches mutate select summarize ungroup vars
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang !!! syms
#' @importFrom tidyr spread 
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @param object An \code{NCRNbirds} object or a \code{list} of such objects.
#' @param parks A character vector of park codes. Only visits within these parks will be returned.
#' @param points A character vector. The names of one or more points where the data was collected.
#' @param AOU A character vector. One or more AOU (American Onothological Union) codes of bird species.
#' @param years A vector of numbers. Will return only data from the indicated years.
#' @param times A numeric vector of length 1 passed on to \code{\link{getVisits}}. Returns only data from points where the number of years that a point has 
#' been visited is greater or equal to the value of \code{times}. This is determined based on the data found in the \code{Visits} slot.
#' @param band A numeric vector. Defaults to NA. Only observations whose \code{Distance_id} field matches a value in \code{band} will be returned. 
#' \code{NA} returns all bands.
#' @param visits The visits that will be used for the matrix. Defaults to \code{NA}. See Details below.
#' @param max Logical, defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE} then the matrix will also include a single column with the maximum detections seen at 
#' each point across all the visits specified in the \code{visits} argument.
#' @param type Either "count", the default of "occupancy". Determines the type of data in the matrix. If "count" then each number will represent the
#' number of birds observed. If "occupancy" then the data will be 1 if one or more birds is observed, and 0 otherwise. 
#' @param site Character. Select sites in "Forest" or "Grassland" habitats. Defaults to selecting both site types.
#' @param dist Character. Filter data by disturbance code(s). See network documentation for list and meanings of codes. 
#' @param wind Numeric. Filter data by wind code(s). See network documentation for list and meanings of codes.
#' @param sky Numeric. Filter data by sky condition code(s). See network documentation for list and meanings of codes.
#' @param output Either "dataframe" (the default) or "list". Note that this must be in quotes. Determines the type of output from the function.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{getBirds}
#' @details This produces a Count X Visit matrix for a \code{NCRNbirds} object or a \code{list} of such objects. Each row of the matrix
#'  will correspond to a different point in a different year. The columns of the matrix will be the park code, the point name, the year 
#'  visited, and a column of abundances of the indcated species at that visit. If multiple species are indicated in \code{AOU}, their 
#'  abundances will be totaled. If \code{max=T} then the maximum accross all visits will be returned as well as the indvidual visit totals.
#'  If \code{visits} is left as \code{NA} then the visits used will be 1 through the number of visits indicated in the \code{visits} slot. 
#'  Otherwise a numeric vectore e.g. c(1,2) can be used to select which visits are used. 

#'  If \code{type} is set as "occupancy" the the matix will have 1 for visits where a site is occuped and 0 forvisits where it is unoccupied rather than 
#'  abundances. 
#' @export


setGeneric(name="CountXVisit",function(object,parks= NA, points=NA,AOU=NA,years=NA,times=NA,band=NA,visits=NA, max=F, type="count", site=NA, dist=NA, 
                                       wind =NA, sky= NA, output="dataframe",...){standardGeneric("CountXVisit")}, signature="object")

setMethod(f="CountXVisit", signature=c(object="list"),

          function(object, parks, points, AOU, years, times, band, visits, max, type, site, dist, wind, sky, output,...) {
            OutMat<-lapply(X=object, FUN=CountXVisit,parks=parks, points=points, AOU=AOU, years=years, times=times,band=band,visits=visits,max=max,
                           type=type, site= site, dist= dist, wind=wind, sky=sky,...)
                   list= return(OutMat),
                   dataframe= return(rbindlist(OutMat, use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)) 

setMethod(f="CountXVisit", signature=c(object="NCRNbirds"),
          function(object,parks, points,AOU,years,times, band,visits, max, type,site,dist,wind,sky,...){
            ## This makes a matrix with 1 for visits that occured and NA for visits that did not occur (such as only
            ##  visiting a point once instead of twice)
            visits<-if(anyNA(visits)) 1:getDesign(object,info="visits") else visits
            VisitMat<-getVisits(object=object,parks=parks, points=points,years=years,
                                times=times,visits=visits, site=site, dist=dist, wind=wind, sky=sky) %>%
              mutate(Visit=paste0("Visit",Visit),Visited=1) %>%
              dplyr::select(Admin_Unit_Code,Point_Name,Year,Visit,Visited) %>%
              spread(key=Visit, value=Visited)
            ## This makes a matrix that has the value of the count for each visit, summed across all intervals. If there is no 
            ## data there will be a "0", but this will occur for both missed visits and zero counts.

            CountMat<-getVisits(object=object,parks=parks, points=points, years=years, times=times, visits=visits,
                                site=site, dist=dist, wind=wind, sky=sky)%>%
              dplyr::select(Admin_Unit_Code,Point_Name,EventDate,Visit,Year) %>%
              left_join(getBirds(object=object, points=points, AOU=AOU, years=years, band=band, ...))%>% 
              mutate(Visit=paste0("Visit",Visit)) %>%
              group_by(Admin_Unit_Code,Point_Name, Year, Visit) %>%
                        count= sum(Bird_Count),
                        occupancy=  min(Bird_Count,1) )) %>% #if Bird_Count is 0, Count will be 0, otherwise it will be 1 
            ## Now we need to multiply the Visit1, Visit2 etc. columns from each matrix so that missing visits will get
            ## NA instead of 0 in the output
            if( ncol( CountMat)> 3) {
            CountMat<-CountMat %>% ungroup  # to fix errors with dplyr when maniplating grouped tables
            if(max & nrow(CountMat)>0){
              VisitCols<-CountMat %>% dplyr::select(-c(Admin_Unit_Code, Point_Name, Year)) %>% names
              CountMat<-CountMat %>%mutate(Max=pmax(!!!syms(VisitCols), na.rm=T))
NCRN/NCRNbirds documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 12:12 p.m.