#' Calculate Index
#' Calculate the Nature Index for a major habitat, or calculate a thematic
#' index.
#' A time series of index values are calculated for each of one or more NIunits.
#' NIunits as well as years included in the time series are specified in
#' \code{x}.
#' Index calculations and associated terminology are explained in the vignette
#' \code{NatureIndexCalculation}.
#' \code{calculateIndex} produces an extensive output for each index value
#' to facilitate further analyses of the results. In addition to a sample of
#' \code{nsim} draws of the index estimate, output includes data describing
#' indicators, ICunits, and BSunits included in the input data set, imputations
#' if present in the data, weights per combination of BSunits and indicators,
#' calculation parameters etc.
#' The vignette \code{objectsInNIcalc} gives a detailed description of output
#' objects generated by \code{calculateIndex} and provides an overview of
#' methods developed for \code{niOutput}, \code{niSeries}, and \code{niValue}
#' classes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{niInput}} and \code{\link{niImputations}} for more
#' detailed description of input data, \code{\link{niOutput}} for more detailed
#' description of class \code{niOutput} objects. \cr The following methods are
#' available within \code{NIcalc} to display and summarize results produced by
#' \code{calculateIndex}: \code{\link{summary.niOutput}},
#' \code{\link{summary.niSeries}}, \code{\link{plot.niSeries}},
#' \code{\link{summaryWeights}}, \code{\link{plot.niValue}}, and
#' \code{\link{plotWeights}}. \cr \code{calculateIndex} calls a series of
#' other functions within NIcalc: \code{\link{calculateBSunitWeights}},
#' \code{\link{calculateNIunitWeights}}, \code{\link{calculateWeights}},
#' \code{\link{sampleObsMat}},\code{\link{scaleObsMat}},
#' \code{\link{indexCalculation}}, and \code{\link{indexCalculationPerBSunit}}.
#' @name calculateIndex
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Bård Pedersen
#' @param x list of class \code{niInput}.
#' @param imputations optional list of class \code{niImputations}.
#' @param awBSunit character, name of variable in \code{x$BSunit} used to calculate
#' NIunit weights.
#' @param nsim integer - number of bootstrap simulations, default is 1000.
#' @param ... further arguments passed on to \code{\link{calculateBSunitWeights}}
#' (\code{fids, tgroups, keys, w}), \code{\link{calculateNIunitWeights}}
#' (\code{awbs, awBSunit}), and \code{\link{scaleObsMat}}
#' (\code{truncAtRef}).
#' @return \code{calculateIndex} returns a list of class \code{niOutput} where each
#' list element is itself a list of class \code{niSeries} containing the index results
#' for an NIunit. Each element of an \code{niSeries} list again is a list of
#' class \code{niValue}. Objects of class \code{niValue} contain the results from
#' the calculation of a single Nature Index or thematic index value.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Calculation of a thematic index:
#' themeImputes <- imputeData(x = themeData,
#' nSim = 1000,
#' transConst = 0.01,
#' maxit = 20,
#' printFlag = TRUE)
#' carnivoreIndex <- calculateIndex(x = themeData,
#' imputations = themeImputes,
#' nsim = 1000,
#' fids = FALSE,
#' tgroups = FALSE,
#' keys = "ignore",
#' w = 0,
#' awbs = TRUE,
#' awBSunit = "Skog")
#' }
#' @export
calculateIndex <- function(x = NULL,
imputations = NULL,
awBSunit = NULL,
nsim = 1000, ...) {
y <- match.call()
# Check if all input objects are of the right class.
if (length(x) == 0) {
stop("Required argument 'x' missing with no default", call. = TRUE)
dataSet <- x
if (!is.niInput(dataSet)) {
stop(paste("Object '",y[2],"' is not a list of class 'niInput'.",sep=""), call. = TRUE)
imputationsPresent <- length(imputations) > 0
if (imputationsPresent & (!is.niImputations(imputations))) {
stop(paste("Object '",y[3],"' is not a list of class 'niImputations'.",sep=""), call. = TRUE)
if (length(awBSunit) == 0) {
stop("Required argument 'awBSunit' missing with no default", call. = TRUE)
} else if (length(which(names(dataSet$BSunits) == awBSunit)) == 0) {
stop(paste("No variable with name '", awBSunit,"' in 'x$BSunits'", sep=""), call. = TRUE)
BSunitWeightVariable <- dataSet$BSunits[[which(names(dataSet$BSunits) == awBSunit)]]
# Set method parameters for calculation of weights and indices and parameters determining output format.
setCalculationParameters <- function(fids = TRUE,
tgroups = TRUE,
keys = "specialWeight",
w = 0.5,
awbs = TRUE,
stochastic = "observations",
truncAtRef = TRUE) {
return(list(fids = fids,
tgroups = tgroups,
keys = keys,
w = w,
awbs = awbs,
stochastic = stochastic,
truncAtRef = truncAtRef))
param <- setCalculationParameters(...)
param$imputations <- imputationsPresent
param$awBSunit <- awBSunit
# Record number of years, NIunits, ICunits and their names / IDs
nYears <- length(dataSet$indicatorValues)
yearNames <- names(dataSet$indicatorValues)
nNIunits <- dim(dataSet$NIunits)[2]
NIunitNames <- dimnames(dataSet$NIunits)[[2]]
ICunitIds <- unique(as.vector(dataSet$ICunits)[!is.na(as.vector(dataSet$ICunits))])
nICunits <- length(ICunitIds)
# Determine whether there are observations from all ICunits for each year
obs <- imps <- allObs <- NULL
for (i in yearNames) {
obss <- dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$ICunitId[which((dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$expectedValue >= 0) &
obs <- c(obs,list(obss))
names(obs)[length(obs)] <- i
if (imputationsPresent) {
for (i in yearNames) {
impss <- imputations$identifiers$ICunitId[imputations$identifiers$year == i]
imps <- c(imps,list(impss))
names(imps)[length(imps)] <- i
for (i in yearNames) {
allObs[i] <- sum(ICunitIds %in% c(obs[[i]],imps[[i]])) == nICunits
} else {
for (i in yearNames) {
allObs[i] <- sum(ICunitIds %in% obs[[i]]) == nICunits
# Decide whether weights should be calculated for each year
weightsEachYear <- FALSE
weightsEachYear <- sum(!allObs) > 0
param$weights <- ifelse(weightsEachYear,"Recalculated each year",
"Identical all years")
param$nsim <- nsim
# Check if nsim and number of imputations per missing indicator observation are equal
if (imputationsPresent) {
if (dim(imputations$imputations)[2] < nsim) {
warning(paste("Imputed values per missing indicator observation, ",
", are less than the number of simulations ",nsim,".\n",
"The ",dim(imputations$imputations)[2],
" values will be reused equally frequently in the simulations.",sep=""))
newDim <- dim(imputations$imputations)[2] * ((nsim%%dim(imputations$imputations)[2] > 0) +
antRep <- ((nsim%%dim(imputations$imputations)[2] > 0) + nsim%/%dim(imputations$imputations)[2])
newMat <- matrix(rep(imputations$imputations,antRep),
nrow = dim(imputations$imputations)[1],
ncol = newDim)
for (i in 1:dim(imputations$imputations)[1]) {
newMat[i,dim(imputations$imputations)[2]:newDim] <- sample(newMat[i,dim(imputations$imputations)[2]:newDim])
imputations$imputations <- newMat
message(paste("Indices for NIunits '",paste(NIunitNames,collapse = "', '"),
"'\nand years '",paste(yearNames,collapse = "', '"),
"' will be calculated.\n",
"The ",nYears*nNIunits," index distributions will each be based on ",nsim,
" simulations.",
"\nThere are ", nICunits,
" ICunits with observations in data set '",y[2],"'.",sep=""))
# Skriv beskjed om vektene
if (weightsEachYear) {
message("\nWeights will be recalculated for each year")
if ("fidelity" %in% names(dataSet$indicators)) {
fidelityVariable <- which(match(names(dataSet$indicators), table = c("fidelity"), nomatch = 0) != 0)
} else {
matchNames <- c("id", "name","keyElement","functionalGroup","functionalGroupId","scalingModel","scalingModelId")
fidelityVariable <- which(match(names(dataSet$indicators), table = matchNames, nomatch = 0) == 0)
# Decide how indicator observations and reference values will be treated through the calculations
refMethod <- ifelse(param$stochastic %in% c("reference","both"),"sample","constant")
obsMethod <- ifelse(param$stochastic %in% c("observations","both"),"sample","constant")
if(!weightsEachYear) {
# If weights are identical for all years, The sets of ICunits and reference values will also be
# identical for all years.
# Calculate weights common for all years
message("\nCalculating weights that are the same for all years ..... ")
xxx <- calculateBSunitWeights(ICunits = dataSet$ICunits,
indicators = dataSet$indicators$name,
fidelity = dataSet$indicators[[fidelityVariable]],
trophicGroup = dataSet$indicators$functionalGroup,
keyElement = dataSet$indicators$keyElement,
fids = param$fids,
tgroups = param$tgroups,
keys = param$keys,
w = param$w)
yyy <- calculateNIunitWeights(BSunits = dataSet$BSunits$name,
NIunits = dataSet$NIunits,
awbs = param$awbs,
awBSunit = BSunitWeightVariable)
NIWeights <- calculateWeights(BSunitWeights = xxx,NIunitWeights = yyy)
# Sample reference values common for all years
message("\nSampling reference values ..... ")
refType <- rep("tradObs",length(dataSet$referenceValues$ICunitId))
custom <- !is.na(dataSet$referenceValues$customDistributionUUID)
refType[custom] <- "customObs"
refmat <- sampleObsMat(ICunitId = dataSet$referenceValues$ICunitId,
value = dataSet$referenceValues$expectedValue,
distrib = dataSet$referenceValues$distributionFamilyName,
mu = dataSet$referenceValues$distParameter1,
sig = dataSet$referenceValues$distParameter2,
customDistribution = dataSet$referenceValues$customDistribution,
imputations = NULL,
obsMethod = refMethod,
obsType = refType,
impYear = NULL,
nsim = nsim)
# If necessary, sample reference values for the calculation of the bbb statistic
if (refMethod == "sample") {
refmatbbb <- sampleObsMat(ICunitId = dataSet$referenceValues$ICunitId,
value = dataSet$referenceValues$expectedValue,
distrib = dataSet$referenceValues$distributionFamilyName,
mu = dataSet$referenceValues$distParameter1,
sig = dataSet$referenceValues$distParameter2,
customDistribution = dataSet$referenceValues$customDistribution,
imputations = NULL,
obsMethod = "constant",
obsType = refType,
impYear = NULL,
nsim = nsim)
} else {
refmatbbb <- refmat
indices <- bbb <- indicesBSunits <- bbbBSunits <- indicatorIndices <- NULL
for (i in yearNames) {
# For each year: sample bootmat
message(paste("\nSampling and scaling indicator observations from ",i,"..... "))
obsType <- rep("tradObs",length(c(obs[[i]],imps[[i]])))
custom <- !is.na(dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$customDistributionUUID)
obsType[custom] <- "customObs"
obsType[dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$ICunitId %in% imps[[i]]] <- "imputations"
bootmat <- sampleObsMat(ICunitId = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$ICunitId,
value = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$expectedValue,
distrib = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$distributionFamilyName,
mu = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$distParameter1,
sig = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$distParameter2,
customDistribution = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$customDistribution,
imputations = imputations,
obsMethod = obsMethod,
obsType = obsType,
impYear = i,
nsim = nsim)
# For each year: If necessary, sample indicator observations for the calculation of the bbb statistic
if (obsMethod == "sample") {
bootmatbbb <- sampleObsMat(ICunitId = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$ICunitId,
value = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$expectedValue,
distrib = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$distributionFamilyName,
mu = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$distParameter1,
sig = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$distParameter2,
customDistribution = dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$customDistribution,
imputations = imputations,
obsMethod = "constant",
obsType = obsType,
impYear = i,
nsim = nsim)
} else {
bootmatbbb <- bootmat
# For each year: organize bootmat and refmat so they conform
refmati <- refmat[as.character(dimnames(bootmat)[[1]]),]
refmatbbbi <- refmatbbb[as.character(dimnames(bootmat)[[1]]),]
# For each year: scale indicator observations
scaleVec <- dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$scalingModel
names(scaleVec) <- dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$ICunitId
scaleVec <- scaleVec[dimnames(bootmat)[[1]]]
scaledBootmat <- scaleObsMat(bootmat = bootmat,
refmat = refmati,
scalingModel = scaleVec,
truncAtRef = param$truncAtRef)
# For each year: scale indicator observations for the calculation of the bbb statistic
scaledBootmatbbb <- scaleObsMat(bootmat = bootmatbbb,
refmat = refmatbbbi,
scalingModel = scaleVec,
truncAtRef = param$truncAtRef)
# For each year: calculate indices for all NIunits
indices[[i]] <- indexCalculation(ICunits = dataSet$ICunits,
NIWeights = NIWeights,
scaledBootmat = scaledBootmat,
nsim = nsim)
bbb[[i]] <- indexCalculation(ICunits = dataSet$ICunits,
NIWeights = NIWeights,
scaledBootmat = scaledBootmatbbb,
nsim = nsim)
indicesBSunits[[i]] <- indexCalculationPerBSunit(ICunits = dataSet$ICunits,
BSWeights = xxx,
scaledBootmat = scaledBootmat,
nsim = nsim)
bbbBSunits[[i]] <- indexCalculationPerBSunit(ICunits = dataSet$ICunits,
BSWeights = xxx,
scaledBootmat = scaledBootmatbbb,
nsim = nsim)
# Assemble results in a list object of class NIoutput
outputObject <- NULL
for (j in dimnames(dataSet$NIunits)[[2]]) {
outputObjectj <- NULL
for (i in yearNames) {
indicatorsj <- dimnames(NIWeights[[j]]) [[2]] [which(colSums(NIWeights[[j]],na.rm = TRUE) > 0)]
BSunitsj <- dimnames(NIWeights[[j]]) [[1]] [which(rowSums(NIWeights[[j]],na.rm = TRUE) > 0)]
ICunitsj <- dataSet$ICunits[BSunitsj,indicatorsj]
ICunitsinj <- unique(ICunitsj[!(is.na(ICunitsj))])
indicatorDataj <- dataSet$indicators[dataSet$indicators$name %in% indicatorsj,]
BSunitDataj <- dataSet$BSunits[dataSet$BSunits$name %in% BSunitsj,]
indexj <- indices[[i]][[j]]
bbbj <- bbb[[i]][[j]][1]
indicesBSunitsj <- indicesBSunits[[i]][BSunitsj,]
bbbBSunitsj <- bbbBSunits[[i]][BSunitsj,1]
indexWeightsj <- NIWeights[[j]][BSunitsj,indicatorsj]
BSunitWeightsj <- xxx[BSunitsj,indicatorsj]
NIunitWeightsj <- yyy[BSunitsj,j]
imputationsji <- ICunitsinj[ICunitsinj %in% imps[[i]]]
imputationsj <- imputations$identifiers[(imputations$identifiers$ICunitId %in% imputationsji) &
(imputations$identifiers$year == i),c(2,1)]
if (imputationsPresent) {
nImputationsj <- dim(imputationsj)[1]
} else {
nImputationsj <- 0
metadataj <- c(length(indicatorsj),length(BSunitsj),
names(metadataj) <- c("nIndicators","nBSunits","nICunits","nImputations")
outputObjectj[[i]] <- niValue(indexArea = j,
call = y,
calculationParameters = param,
metadata = metadataj,
year = as.integer(i),
indicators = indicatorsj,
indicatorData = indicatorDataj,
ICunits = ICunitsinj,
ICunitMatrix = ICunitsj,
imputations = imputationsj,
BSunits = BSunitsj,
BSunitData = BSunitDataj,
BSunitWeights = BSunitWeightsj,
NIunitWeights = NIunitWeightsj,
BSunitIndices = indicesBSunitsj,
BSunitbbb = bbbBSunitsj,
indexWeights = indexWeightsj,
index = indexj,
bbb = bbbj)
outputObject[[j]] <- niSeries(outputObjectj)
outputObject <- niOutput(outputObject)
} else {
# If weights are not identical for all years, reference values need to be selected for each year.
# Sample reference values for all ICunits
message("\nSampling reference values ..... ")
refType <- rep("tradObs",length(dataSet$referenceValues$ICunitId))
custom <- !is.na(dataSet$referenceValues$customDistributionUUID)
refType[custom] <- "customObs"
refmat <- sampleObsMat(ICunitId = dataSet$referenceValues$ICunitId,
value = dataSet$referenceValues$expectedValue,
distrib = dataSet$referenceValues$distributionFamilyName,
mu = dataSet$referenceValues$distParameter1,
sig = dataSet$referenceValues$distParameter2,
customDistribution = dataSet$referenceValues$customDistribution,
imputations = NULL,
obsMethod = refMethod,
obsType = refType,
impYear = NULL,
nsim = nsim)
# If necessary, sample reference values for the calculation of the bbb statistic
if (refMethod == "sample") {
refmatbbb <- sampleObsMat(ICunitId = dataSet$referenceValues$ICunitId,
value = dataSet$referenceValues$expectedValue,
distrib = dataSet$referenceValues$distributionFamilyName,
mu = dataSet$referenceValues$distParameter1,
sig = dataSet$referenceValues$distParameter2,
customDistribution = dataSet$referenceValues$customDistribution,
imputations = NULL,
obsMethod = "constant",
obsType = refType,
impYear = NULL,
nsim = nsim)
} else {
refmatbbb <- refmat
# For each year:
xxx <- yyy <- NIWeights <- NULL
indices <- bbb <- indicesBSunits <- bbbBSunits <- indicatorIndices <- NULL
for (i in yearNames) {
# For each year: select ICunits
ICunitIdi <- c(obs[[i]],imps[[i]])
indicatorValuesi <- dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]][dataSet$indicatorValues[[i]]$ICunitId %in% ICunitIdi,]
# For each year: modify ICunit matrix
ICunitsi <- dataSet$ICunits
ICunitsi[!(ICunitsi %in% ICunitIdi)] <- NA
# For each year: calculate weights
xxx[[i]] <- calculateBSunitWeights(ICunits = ICunitsi,
indicators = dataSet$indicators$name,
fidelity = dataSet$indicators[[fidelityVariable]],
trophicGroup = dataSet$indicators$functionalGroup,
keyElement = dataSet$indicators$keyElement,
fids = param$fids,
tgroups = param$tgroups,
keys = param$keys,
w = param$w)
yyy[[i]] <- calculateNIunitWeights(BSunits = dataSet$BSunits$name,
NIunits = dataSet$NIunits,
awbs = param$awbs,
awBSunit = BSunitWeightVariable)
NIWeights[[i]] <- calculateWeights(BSunitWeights = xxx[[i]],NIunitWeights = yyy[[i]])
# For each year: sample bootmat
message(paste("\nSampling and scaling indicator observations from ",i,"..... "))
obsType <- rep("tradObs",length(ICunitIdi))
custom <- !is.na(indicatorValuesi$customDistributionUUID)
obsType[custom] <- "customObs"
obsType[indicatorValuesi$ICunitId %in% imps[[i]]] <- "imputations"
bootmati <- sampleObsMat(ICunitId = indicatorValuesi$ICunitId,
value = indicatorValuesi$expectedValue,
distrib = indicatorValuesi$distributionFamilyName,
mu = indicatorValuesi$distParameter1,
sig = indicatorValuesi$distParameter2,
customDistribution = indicatorValuesi$customDistribution,
imputations = imputations,
obsMethod = obsMethod,
obsType = obsType,
impYear = i,
nsim = nsim)
# For each year: If necessary, sample indicator observations for the calculation of the bbb statistic
if (obsMethod == "sample") {
bootmatbbbi <- sampleObsMat(ICunitId = indicatorValuesi$ICunitId,
value = indicatorValuesi$expectedValue,
distrib = indicatorValuesi$distributionFamilyName,
mu = indicatorValuesi$distParameter1,
sig = indicatorValuesi$distParameter2,
customDistribution = indicatorValuesi$customDistribution,
imputations = imputations,
obsMethod = "constant",
obsType = obsType,
impYear = i,
nsim = nsim)
} else {
bootmatbbbi <- bootmati
# For each year: select reference values and organize bootmat and refmat so they conform
refmati <- refmat[as.character(dimnames(bootmati)[[1]]),]
refmatbbbi <- refmatbbb[as.character(dimnames(bootmati)[[1]]),]
# For each year: scale indicator observations
scaleVeci <- indicatorValuesi$scalingModel
names(scaleVeci) <- indicatorValuesi$ICunitId
scaleVeci <- scaleVeci[dimnames(bootmati)[[1]]]
scaledBootmati <- scaleObsMat(bootmat = bootmati,
refmat = refmati,
scalingModel = scaleVeci,
truncAtRef = param$truncAtRef)
# For each year: scale indicator observations for the calculation of the bbb statistic
scaledBootmatbbbi <- scaleObsMat(bootmat = bootmatbbbi,
refmat = refmatbbbi,
scalingModel = scaleVeci,
truncAtRef = param$truncAtRef)
# For each year: calculate indices for all NIunits
indices[[i]] <- indexCalculation(ICunits = ICunitsi,
NIWeights = NIWeights[[i]],
scaledBootmat = scaledBootmati,
nsim = nsim)
bbb[[i]] <- indexCalculation(ICunits = ICunitsi,
NIWeights = NIWeights[[i]],
scaledBootmat = scaledBootmatbbbi,
nsim = nsim)
indicesBSunits[[i]] <- indexCalculationPerBSunit(ICunits = ICunitsi,
BSWeights = xxx[[i]],
scaledBootmat = scaledBootmati,
nsim = nsim)
bbbBSunits[[i]] <- indexCalculationPerBSunit(ICunits = ICunitsi,
BSWeights = xxx[[i]],
scaledBootmat = scaledBootmatbbbi,
nsim = nsim)
# Assemble results in a list object of class NIoutput
outputObject <- NULL
for (j in dimnames(dataSet$NIunits)[[2]]) {
outputObjectj <- NULL
for (i in yearNames) {
indicatorsj <- dimnames(NIWeights[[i]][[j]]) [[2]] [which(colSums(NIWeights[[i]][[j]],na.rm = TRUE) > 0)]
BSunitsj <- dimnames(NIWeights[[i]][[j]]) [[1]] [which(rowSums(NIWeights[[i]][[j]],na.rm = TRUE) > 0)]
ICunitsj <- dataSet$ICunits[BSunitsj,indicatorsj]
ICunitsinj <- unique(ICunitsj[!(is.na(ICunitsj))])
indicatorDataj <- dataSet$indicators[dataSet$indicators$name %in% indicatorsj,]
BSunitDataj <- dataSet$BSunits[dataSet$BSunits$name %in% BSunitsj,]
indexj <- indices[[i]][[j]]
bbbj <- bbb[[i]][[j]][1]
indicesBSunitsj <- indicesBSunits[[i]][BSunitsj,]
bbbBSunitsj <- bbbBSunits[[i]][BSunitsj,1]
indexWeightsj <- NIWeights[[i]][[j]][BSunitsj,indicatorsj]
BSunitWeightsj <- xxx[[i]][BSunitsj,indicatorsj]
NIunitWeightsj <- yyy[[i]][BSunitsj,j]
ICunitsj[is.na(indexWeightsj)] <- NA
ICunitsinj <- unique(ICunitsj[!(is.na(ICunitsj))])
imputationsji <- ICunitsinj[ICunitsinj %in% imps[[i]]]
imputationsj <- imputations$identifiers[(imputations$identifiers$ICunitId %in% imputationsji) &
(imputations$identifiers$year == i),c(2,1)]
if (imputationsPresent) {
nImputationsj <- dim(imputationsj)[1]
} else {
nImputationsj <- 0
metadataj <- c(length(indicatorsj),length(BSunitsj),
names(metadataj) <- c("nIndicators","nBSunits","nICunits","nImputations")
outputObjectj[[i]] <- niValue(indexArea = j,
call = y,
calculationParameters = param,
metadata = metadataj,
year = as.integer(i),
indicators = indicatorsj,
indicatorData = indicatorDataj,
ICunits = ICunitsinj,
ICunitMatrix = ICunitsj,
imputations = imputationsj,
BSunits = BSunitsj,
BSunitData = BSunitDataj,
BSunitWeights = BSunitWeightsj,
NIunitWeights = NIunitWeightsj,
BSunitIndices = indicesBSunitsj,
BSunitbbb = bbbBSunitsj,
indexWeights = indexWeightsj,
index = indexj,
bbb = bbbj)
outputObject[[j]] <- niSeries(outputObjectj)
outputObject <- niOutput(outputObject)
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