# Creation of the NetCDF file for the whole project
# The design of the NetCDF file is as follows:
# Dimensions: Stations
# Distributions
# Estimation methods
# Length of record
# Optionally: number of random runs
# Variables:
# - First the variables depending only on the station:
# Flom_DOGN
# Year
# Time
# Longitude
# Latitude
# Catchment size...
# - Variables depending on the station, the distribution, the method and the length of record
# Parameter estimate
# Standard error of estimate
# Goodness of fit parameters: CS, KS, AD, BS, QS, FF
# Return levels for 10, 20,50, 100, 200, 500 year events
# - Then optionally, the variables depending on the lenght of the record and the number of random runs:
# index of selected data points
# Clean workspace, load libraries and source scripts ---------------------------------
## In order to get the fitdistr package
# packages <- c("devtools","quadprog")
# if (length(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages()))) > 0) {
# install.packages(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages())))
# }
# library(devtools)
# if (length(setdiff("fitdistrib", rownames(installed.packages()))) > 0) {
# install_github("fbaffie/fitdistrib")
# }
# rm(list = ls()) # clean out workspace and set working directory
# Load libraries
# library(RNetCDF) # To work with NetCDF files
# library(fitdistrib) # My own package for fitting distributions
# library(lubridate)
# library(parallel) # to detect number of cores
# library(foreach) # for parallel for loops
################################### BIG FUNCTION TO PARAMETRIZE
#' create_empty_nc
#' @param dat Flood data. The default is the data inculded in this package.
#' @description Function to create the structure of the NetCDF file.
#' @return
#' @importFrom RNetCDF create.nc att.put.nc dim.def.nc var.def.nc var.put.nc sync.nc
#' @export
#' @examples summary(flood_data)
#' # update_nc_structure()
create_empty_nc <- function(dat = flood_data, meta_dat = flood_metadata, min_years_data = 30) {
# Let's only take stations that have more than 30 years of record. (This could be later parametrized in the NC_DATABASE functions)
meta_dat <- subset(meta_dat, meta_dat$record_length >= min_years_data)
## Defining key parameters and dimensions
dim.station <- length(meta_dat$regine_main)
dim.distr <- 5
dim.method <- 4
dim.param <- 3
dim.length_total_record <- 150
dim.random_runs <- 50
dim.characters <- 64
sampling_years <- seq(30, 90, 5) # Subsampling from min_years_data until 90 years of data, increments of 5 years
dim.max_subsample <- max(sampling_years)
dim.length_rec <- length(sampling_years) + 1 # The last index is for storing the full record.
distr.name <- c("gumbel", "gamma", "gev", "gl", "pearson")
method.name <- c("mle", "Lmom", "mom", "bayes")
## Create an empty NC file with the parameters defined above
# Creation of the CDF dataset and definition of the dimensions
nc <- create.nc("output/flood_database.nc") # CHECK DIR
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "title", "NC_CHAR", "Flood frequency analysis results")
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "history", "NC_CHAR", paste("Created on", base::date()))
station.name <- meta_dat$station_name
station.name <- rep("to_fix", length(meta_dat$station_name)) # TEMP FIX before dealing with special characters
# station.utmN <- meta_dat$station_name
# station.utmE <- meta_dat$station_name
station.long <- meta_dat$longitude
station.lat <- meta_dat$latitude
catchment.size <- meta_dat$area_total
catchment.min.height <- meta_dat$height_minimum
catchment.max.height <- meta_dat$height_maximum
Q <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.station, dim.length_total_record))
FGP <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.station, dim.length_total_record))
years <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.station, dim.length_total_record))
dates <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.station, dim.length_total_record))
# Loop over the stations to fill variables: Q, ADD FLOOD GENERATING PROCESS!
for (i in seq(along = meta_dat$regine_main)) {
indexes <- which(dat$regine_main == meta_dat$regine_main[i])
# Matrices
Q[i, 1:meta_dat$record_length[i]] <- dat$flom_DOGN[indexes]
FGP[i, 1:meta_dat$record_length[i]] <- dat$fgp[indexes]
years[i, 1:meta_dat$record_length[i]] <- dat$year[indexes]
dates[i, 1:meta_dat$record_length[i]] <- dat$date[indexes]
random_indexes <- array(NA, dim = c(dim.station, dim.random_runs, length(sampling_years), dim.max_subsample))
dim.def.nc(nc, "station", dim.station)
dim.def.nc(nc, "distr", dim.distr)
dim.def.nc(nc, "method", dim.method)
dim.def.nc(nc, "param", dim.param)
dim.def.nc(nc, "length.rec", dim.length_rec)
dim.def.nc(nc, "length_total_record", dim.length_total_record)
dim.def.nc(nc, "random_runs", dim.random_runs)
dim.def.nc(nc, "max_string_length", dim.characters)
dim.def.nc(nc, "subsampling", length(sampling_years))
dim.def.nc(nc, "max_subsample", dim.max_subsample)
# dim.def.nc(nc, "scalars", 1)
# sync.nc(nc)
# Definition of the variables and which dimension they are linked to
# Input data
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "Q", vartype = "NC_FLOAT", dimensions = c("station", "length_total_record"))
att.put.nc(nc, "Q", "missing_value", "NC_FLOAT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "Q", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "Flood record")
att.put.nc(nc, "Q", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "Yearly flood records (averaged maximum daily flow in m3/s) for Norway")
var.put.nc(nc, "Q", Q)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "FGP", vartype = "NC_FLOAT", dimensions = c("station", "length_total_record"))
att.put.nc(nc, "FGP", "missing_value", "NC_FLOAT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "FGP", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "FGP")
att.put.nc(nc, "FGP", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "Flood generating process for each event (%rain)")
var.put.nc(nc, "FGP", FGP)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "record.length", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = "station")
att.put.nc(nc, "record.length", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "record.length", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "Record length")
att.put.nc(nc, "record.length", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "Flood records length for each station")
var.put.nc(nc, "record.length", meta_dat$record_length)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "years", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = c("station", "length_total_record"))
att.put.nc(nc, "years", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "years", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "Years of record")
att.put.nc(nc, "years", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "Years of record")
var.put.nc(nc, "years", years)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "dates", vartype = "NC_CHAR", dimensions = c("max_string_length", "station", "length_total_record"))
att.put.nc(nc, "dates", "missing_value", "NC_CHAR", "NA")
att.put.nc(nc, "dates", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "Dates of record")
att.put.nc(nc, "dates", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "Dates of record")
var.put.nc(nc, "dates", datesc)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "distr.name", vartype = "NC_CHAR", dimensions = c("max_string_length", "distr"))
att.put.nc(nc, "distr.name", "missing_value", "NC_CHAR", "NA")
att.put.nc(nc, "distr.name", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "Distributions used: gumbel, gamma, gev, gl, pearson")
var.put.nc(nc, "distr.name", distr.name)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "method.name", vartype = "NC_CHAR", dimensions = c("max_string_length", "method"))
att.put.nc(nc, "method.name", "missing_value", "NC_CHAR", "NA")
att.put.nc(nc, "method.name", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "Estimation methods used: mle, Lmom, mom, bayes")
var.put.nc(nc, "method.name", method.name)
## TEMP: we need to get the names back but we need to deal with the special characters.
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "station.name", vartype = "NC_CHAR", dimensions = c("max_string_length", "station"))
att.put.nc(nc, "station.name", "missing_value", "NC_CHAR", "NA")
var.put.nc(nc, "station.name", station.name)
# sync.nc(nc)
# var.def.nc(nc, varname = "station.utmN", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = "station")
# att.put.nc(nc, "station.utmN", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
# var.put.nc(nc, "station.utmN", station.utmN)
# sync.nc(nc)
# var.def.nc(nc, varname = "station.utmE", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = "station")
# att.put.nc(nc, "station.utmE", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
# var.put.nc(nc, "station.utmE", station.utmE)
# sync.nc(nc)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "station.long", vartype = "NC_FLOAT", dimensions = "station")
att.put.nc(nc, "station.long", "missing_value", "NC_FLOAT", -9999)
var.put.nc(nc, "station.long", station.long)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "station.lat", vartype = "NC_FLOAT", dimensions = "station")
att.put.nc(nc, "station.lat", "missing_value", "NC_FLOAT", -9999)
var.put.nc(nc, "station.lat", station.lat)
# Station numbers are integers, but we use float because thez are too big
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "station.number", vartype = "NC_FLOAT", dimensions = "station")
att.put.nc(nc, "station.number", "missing_value", "NC_FLOAT", -9999)
var.put.nc(nc, "station.number", meta_dat$station_number)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "catchment.size", vartype = "NC_FLOAT", dimensions = "station")
att.put.nc(nc, "catchment.size", "missing_value", "NC_FLOAT", "NA")
var.put.nc(nc, "catchment.size", catchment.size)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "catchment.min.height", vartype = "NC_FLOAT", dimensions = "station")
att.put.nc(nc, "catchment.min.height", "missing_value", "NC_CHAR", "NA")
var.put.nc(nc, "catchment.min.height", catchment.min.height)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "catchment.max.height", vartype = "NC_FLOAT", dimensions = "station")
att.put.nc(nc, "catchment.max.height", "missing_value", "NC_CHAR", "NA")
var.put.nc(nc, "catchment.max.height", catchment.max.height)
# Saving parameters that will be used in creating the fitting data
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "min_years_data", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = NA)
att.put.nc(nc, "min_years_data", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "min_years_data", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "The minimum number of years the random subsamples have")
var.put.nc(nc, "min_years_data", min_years_data)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "dim.random_runs", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = NA)
att.put.nc(nc, "dim.random_runs", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "dim.random_runs", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "The number of random subsamples for every subsampling length")
var.put.nc(nc, "dim.random_runs", dim.random_runs)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "dim.length_rec", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = NA)
att.put.nc(nc, "dim.length_rec", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "dim.length_rec", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "The length of the dimension where subsampling results will be stored.")
att.put.nc(nc, "dim.length_rec", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "This is 30: 23 subsamples up to 140 years of data + margin + i=30 for the full record")
var.put.nc(nc, "dim.length_rec", dim.length_rec)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "sampling_years", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = "subsampling")
att.put.nc(nc, "sampling_years", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "sampling_years", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "The various length of record used for subsampling")
var.put.nc(nc, "sampling_years", sampling_years)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "random_indexes", vartype = "NC_INT", dimensions = c("station", "random_runs", "subsampling", "max_subsample"))
att.put.nc(nc, "random_indexes", "missing_value", "NC_INT", -9999)
att.put.nc(nc, "random_indexes", "short_name", "NC_CHAR", "The various indexes used for subsampling")
var.put.nc(nc, "random_indexes", random_indexes)
# Model results (parameter estimates and standard error)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "param.estimate", vartype = "NC_FLOAT",
dimensions = c("station", "distr", "method", "param", "length.rec", "random_runs"))
att.put.nc(nc, "param.estimate", "missing_value", "NC_FLOAT", -9999)
param.estimate <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.station, dim.distr, dim.method, dim.param, dim.length_rec, dim.random_runs))
var.put.nc(nc, "param.estimate", param.estimate)
var.def.nc(nc, varname = "param.se", vartype = "NC_FLOAT",
dimensions = c("station", "distr", "method", "param", "length.rec", "random_runs"))
att.put.nc(nc, "param.se", "missing_value", "NC_FLOAT", -9999)
param.se <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.station, dim.distr, dim.method, dim.param, dim.length_rec, dim.random_runs))
var.put.nc(nc, "param.se", param.se)
sync.nc(nc) # Save what we've done so far
#' fillup_nc_parallel
#' @description Function to fill upthe NetCDF database
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import parallel
#' @import foreach
#' @import fitdistrib
#' @importFrom RNetCDF open.nc var.get.nc close.nc
#' @examples
fillup_nc_parallel <- function(dat = flood_data, meta_dat = flood_metadata, nc_path = "output/flood_database.nc") {
# st_start <- 1
# st_end <- 20
# library(RNetCDF)
# library(doSNOW)
# library(foreach)
# library(parallel)
## To run if updating or creating the nc file from scratch --------------
set.seed(1234) # So that the random runs are reproducible
nc <- open.nc(nc_path, write = TRUE) # Put FALSE for read-only # CHECK DIR
Q <- var.get.nc(nc, "Q")
# Getting dimensional data from the empty database (TO TIDY UP)
distr.name <- var.get.nc(nc, "distr.name")
method.name <- var.get.nc(nc, "method.name")
dim.distr <- length(distr.name)
dim.method <- length(method.name)
dim.length_rec <- var.get.nc(nc, "dim.length_rec")
dim.param <- 3
dim.characters <- 64
dim.random_runs <- var.get.nc(nc, "dim.random_runs")
min_years_data <- var.get.nc(nc, "min_years_data")
sampling_years <- var.get.nc(nc, "sampling_years")
dim.max_subsample <- max(sampling_years)
# Dumping all console output into errorlog.txt
sink("output/errorlog.txt") # CHECK DIR
## Stuff for paralell computing
# if(mysystem == "Linux") library(doMC) # parallel backend Linux
if (mysystem == "Windows") library(doSNOW) # parallel backend Windows
# detect number of cores for parallel computing
ncores<-detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE)
if (mysystem=="Windows")cl<-makeCluster(ncores-1) # leave one core free
# if(mysystem=="Linux") registerDoMC(ncores-15) # for starting the parallel calculations
if (mysystem=="Windows") registerDoSNOW(cl) # for starting the parallel calculations
# Test line below
# out.temp <- foreach(st=st_start:st_end,.packages='fitdistrib') %dopar% {
# foreach starts the paralell loop. In order to gain computing speed when using non-Bayesian methods- the parallel loop should be here
out.temp <- foreach(st=1:length(meta_dat$station_number),.packages='fitdistrib') %dopar% {
# for (st in seq(along = meta_dat$regine_main)) {
# for (st in 1:5) {
# Need to store results from each parallel chain in temporary arrays
estimate <- array(NA, dim = c(dim.distr, dim.method, dim.param, dim.length_rec, dim.random_runs))
se <- array(NA, dim = c(dim.distr, dim.method, dim.param, dim.length_rec, dim.random_runs))
temp.Q <- as.vector(na.omit(Q[st, ]))
# we might resample with relplacement records that are longer than the original one. No limitation on the original recird length
temp.random_indexes <- array(NA, dim = c(dim.random_runs, length(sampling_years), dim.max_subsample))
# if (length(temp.Q) < min_years_data) {
# print("This station number has NULL or not enough data")
# print(meta_dat$station_number[st])
# next(st)
# } else {
# Computed random indexes before the for loops on distr and methods
# We now resample with replacement records of length min
for (rs in 1:dim.random_runs) { # sampling.int is by default without replacement
for (j in 1 : length(sampling_years)){
# now we sample with replacement. We could also sample with replacement for the full length of record
# for each station but this requires some playing with indices
temp.random_indexes[rs, j, 1:sampling_years[j]] <- sample.int(length(temp.Q), sampling_years[j], replace = TRUE)
} # for j
} # for rs
for (d in 1:5) {
distr <- distr.name[d]
for (m in 1:3) { # k # bayes is m=4
# m=4 # k
method <- method.name[m]
print("Computing full dataset")
# Allocation the appropriate function for d and m
FUN <- match.fun(paste(as.character(distr), "_", as.character(method), collapse = "", sep = ""))
param <- FUN(temp.Q)
if (length(na.omit(param$estimate)) == length(param$estimate)) {
estimate[d,m,1:2,dim.length_rec,1] <- param$estimate[1:2]
se[d,m,1:2,dim.length_rec,1] <- param$se[1:2]
if (length(param$estimate == 3)) {
estimate[d,m,3,dim.length_rec,1] <- param$estimate[3]
se[d,m,3,dim.length_rec,1] <- param$se[3]
} # if
} # if
if (m < 4) { # Random sampling of Bayes takes a very long time # k
for (j in 1 : length(sampling_years)){
for (rs in 1:dim.random_runs) {
sample_q <- temp.Q[temp.random_indexes[rs, j, 1:sampling_years[j]]]
param.sample <- FUN(sample_q)
if (length(na.omit(param.sample$estimate)) == length(param.sample$estimate)) {
estimate[d,m,1:2,j,rs] <- param.sample$estimate[1:2]
se[d,m,1:2,j,rs] <- param.sample$se[1:2]
if (length(param.sample$estimate ==3)) {
estimate[d,m,3,j,rs] <- param.sample$estimate[3]
se[d,m,3,j,rs] <- param.sample$se[3]
} # if
} # if
} # for rs
} # for j
} # if m < 4
} # for m
} # for d
# } # else
out.temp <- list(estimate = estimate, se = se, random = temp.random_indexes)
} # dopar
# Write the output from all paralell calculations to the NetCDF file.
# Maybe later this might be improved by letting each paralell loop write to the same NetCDF file.
for(st in 1:length(meta_dat$station_number)){
# for(st in st_start:st_end){
if (all(dim(out.temp[st][[1]]$estimate) == c(dim.distr, dim.method, dim.param, dim.length_rec, dim.random_runs)) & is.numeric(out.temp[st][[1]]$estimate)) {
var.put.nc(nc, "param.estimate", data = out.temp[st][[1]]$estimate, start = c(st, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
count = c(1, dim.distr, dim.method, dim.param, dim.length_rec, dim.random_runs))
if (all(dim(out.temp[st][[1]]$se) == c(dim.distr, dim.method, dim.param, dim.length_rec, dim.random_runs)) & is.numeric(out.temp[st][[1]]$se)) {
var.put.nc(nc, "param.se", data = out.temp[st][[1]]$se, start = c(st, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
count = c(1, dim.distr, dim.method, dim.param, dim.length_rec, dim.random_runs))
if (all(dim(out.temp[st][[1]]$random) == c(dim.random_runs, length(sampling_years), dim.max_subsample)) & is.numeric(out.temp[st][[1]]$random)) {
var.put.nc(nc, "random_indexes", data = out.temp[st][[1]]$random, start = c(st, 1, 1, 1),
count = c(1, dim.random_runs, length(sampling_years), dim.max_subsample))
stopCluster(cl) # stop the cluster
sink() # Stop printing console onto file
} # end of fillup_nc_parallel function
# Names of stations that appear twice. This is not a problem, they are different stations
# because they have a different number
# [1] "Sandvatn"
# [1] "Kjeldstad i Garbergelva"
# [1] "Storvatn"
# [1] "SOndre BjOllaavatn"
# [1] "Russaanes"
# [1] "Stabburselv"
# [1] "Helligskogen"
# [1] "Lillefossen"
#' fillup_nc
#' @description Function to fill upthe NetCDF database
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import fitdistrib
#' @importFrom RNetCDF open.nc var.get.nc close.nc
#' @examples
fillup_nc <- function(dat = flood_data, meta_dat = flood_metadata, nc_path = "output/flood_database.nc") {
# st_start <- 1
# st_end <- 2
# library(RNetCDF)
# library(fitdistrib)
# To run if updating or creating the nc file from scratch --------------
nc <- open.nc(nc_path, write = TRUE) # Put FALSE for read-only # CHECK DIR
Q <- var.get.nc(nc, "Q")
# Getting dimensional data from the empty database (TO TIDY UP)
distr.name <- var.get.nc(nc, "distr.name")
method.name <- var.get.nc(nc, "method.name")
dim.distr <- length(distr.name)
dim.method <- length(method.name)
dim.length_rec <- var.get.nc(nc, "dim.length_rec")
dim.param <- 3
dim.characters <- 64
dim.random_runs <- var.get.nc(nc, "dim.random_runs")
min_years_data <- var.get.nc(nc, "min_years_data")
sampling_years <- var.get.nc(nc, "sampling_years")
dim.max_subsample <- max(sampling_years)
# Dumping all console output into errorlog.txt
sink("output/errorlog.txt") # CHECK DIR
for (st in seq(along = meta_dat$station_number)) {
# for (st in 1:3) {
temp.Q <- as.vector(na.omit(Q[st, ]))
# We have already done this in convert_data.r.
# if (length(temp.Q) < min_years_data) {
# print("This station number has NULL or not enough data")
# print(station.nb.vect[st])
# next(st)
# } else {
# Computed random indexes before the for loops on distr and methods
temp.random_indexes <- array(NA, dim = c(dim.random_runs, length(sampling_years), dim.max_subsample))
j <- 1
while (sampling_years[j] <= max(sampling_years)) {
# sampling_years[j] <= length(temp.Q) && ## This was in the while before which stops it to early for stations with short records
for (rs in 1:dim.random_runs) { # sampling.int is by default without replacement
# now we sample with replacement. We could also sample with replacement for the full length of record
# for each station but this requires some playing with indices
temp.random_indexes[rs, j, 1:sampling_years[j]] <- sample.int(length(temp.Q), sampling_years[j], replace = TRUE)
if (j == length(sampling_years)) { break }
else { j <- j + 1 }
rm(j) # To avoid potential clashes
for (d in 1:5) {
distr <- distr.name[d]
for (m in 1:3) { # k # no bayes
# m=4 # k
method <- method.name[m]
print("Computing full dataset")
# Allocation the appropriate function for d and m
FUN <- match.fun(paste(as.character(distr), "_", as.character(method), collapse = "", sep = ""))
param <- FUN(temp.Q)
# Temporary variables to fill the NC database
temp.param.estimate <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.param))
temp.param.se <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.param))
# Calculate parameters for the full record
if (length(na.omit(param$estimate)) == length(param$estimate)) {
temp.param.estimate[1:2] <- param$estimate[1:2]
temp.param.se[1:2] <- param$se[1:2]
if (length(param$estimate == 3)) {
temp.param.estimate[3] <- param$estimate[3]
temp.param.se[3] <- param$se[3]
# WRITE TO NC on spot 30 of the length_rec dimension
# reminder: param.estimate[st, d, m, p, dim.length_rec, rs]
var.put.nc(nc, "param.estimate", data = temp.param.estimate, start=c(st, d, m, 1, dim.length_rec, 1), count=c(1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1))
var.put.nc(nc, "param.se", data = temp.param.se, start=c(st, d, m, 1, dim.length_rec, 1), count=c(1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1))
# Recreate temporary variables but with 2 extra dimensions for j and rs
temp.param.estimate <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.param, length(sampling_years), dim.random_runs))
temp.param.se <- array(NA,dim=c(dim.param, length(sampling_years), dim.random_runs))
# RANDOM START: Fill up with the random runs with sampled data
# j is the index from 1 to 23 and sampling_years[j] is 30, 35... 140
print("Computing sampled dataset")
if (m < 4) { # Random sampling of Bayes takes a very long time # k
j <- 1
while (sampling_years[j] <= max(sampling_years)) {
# sampling_years[j] <= length(temp.Q) && ## This was in the while before which stops it to early for stations with short records
for (rs in 1:dim.random_runs) {
# Reminder: temp.random_indexes <- array(NA, dim = c(dim.random_runs, length(sampling_years), max_subsample))
sample_q <- temp.Q[temp.random_indexes[rs, j, 1:sampling_years[j]]]
param.sample <- FUN(sample_q)
if (length(na.omit(param.sample$estimate)) == length(param.sample$estimate)) {
temp.param.estimate[1:2, j, rs] <- param.sample$estimate[1:2]
temp.param.se[1:2, j, rs] <- param.sample$se[1:2]
if (length(param.sample$estimate ==3)) {
temp.param.estimate[3, j, rs] <- param.sample$estimate[3]
temp.param.se[3, j, rs] <- param.sample$se[3]
if (j == length(sampling_years)) { break }
else { j <- j + 1 }
# } # k
# reminder: param.estimate[st, d, m, p, dim.length_rec, rs]
var.put.nc(nc, "param.estimate", data = temp.param.estimate, start=c(st, d, m, 1, 1, 1),
count=c(1, 1, 1, 3, length(sampling_years), dim.random_runs))
var.put.nc(nc, "param.se", data = temp.param.se, start=c(st, d, m, 1, 1, 1),
count=c(1, 1, 1, 3, length(sampling_years), dim.random_runs))
# Remove temp variables from memory
} # k
var.put.nc(nc, "random_indexes", data = temp.random_indexes, start=c(st, 1, 1, 1),
count=c(1, dim.random_runs, length(sampling_years), dim.max_subsample))
# } # end of else
sink() # Stop printing console onto file
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