Man pages for Nanostring-Biostats/GeomxTools
NanoString GeoMx Tools

aggregateCountsAggregate probe counts to target level for feature data
as.SeuratConvert GeoMxSet Object to SeuratObject
as.SpatialExperimentConvert Object to SpatialExperiment
checkQCFlagsCheck QC Flags in the GeoMxSet and removes the probe or...
compareToConfigCompare given PKC probes to probes in config file
computeNormalizationFactorsGenerate normalization factors
countsShiftedByOneAccessor to check if "exprs" 'assDataElement' was shifted by...
hkNamesReturn the House Keeper positive controls for protein
iggNamesReturn the IgG negative controls for protein
logtBaseGet take the log of a numeric vector
mixedModelDERun a mixed model on GeoMxSet
NanoStringGeoMxSet-classClass to Contain NanoString Spatial Expression Level Assays
ngeoMeanGet the geometric mean of a vector
ngeoSDGet the geometric standard deviation of a vector
plotConcordanceGenerate concordance figure of targets based on user provided...
plotNormFactorConcordanceGenerate concordance figure of normalization factors based on...
qcProteinSignalGenerate Protein QC signal boxplot figure
qcProteinSignalNamesGenerate list of proteins ordered by SNR
readDccFileRead DCC File
readNanoStringGeoMxSetRead 'NanoStringGeoMxSet'
readPKCFileRead PKC File
setBackgroundQCFlagsAdd background QC flags to NanoStringGeoMxSet object protocol...
setBioProbeQCFlagsAdd probe QC flags to NanoStringGeoMxSet object feature data
setGeoMxQCFlagsAdd GeoMx segment QC flags to NanoStringGeoMxSet object...
setQCFlags-NanoStringGeoMxSet-methodAdd QC flags to feature and protocol data simultaneously
setSegmentQCFlagsAdd segment QC flags to protocol data
setSeqQCFlagsAdd sequencing QC flags to NanoStringGeoMxSet object protocol...
shiftCountsOneAdd one to all counts in an expression matrix
summarizeNegativesCalculate negative probe summary stats
updateGeoMxSetUpdate GeoMxSet object to current version
writeNanoStringGeoMxSetwrite 'NanoStringGeoMxSet'
Nanostring-Biostats/GeomxTools documentation built on Dec. 17, 2024, 11:50 a.m.