#' Calculate ADI and ADI-3 from census data.
#' Calculate the Area Deprivation Index and Berg Indices (ADI-3) using decennial
#' US census or American Community Survey (ACS) variables.
#' The function [get_adi()] calls this function by default as its final step,
#' but some users may want to calculate ADI and ADI-3 values for different
#' combinations of areas in a given data set. [`get_adi`]`(raw_data_only =
#' TRUE)` returns the raw census data used to calculate ADI and ADI-3. Users may
#' select subsets of such a data set and pipe them into `calculate_adi()`.
#' This function discerns what kind of census data that `data` contains (ACS, or
#' one of the decennial censuses) by checking for the existence of key variables
#' unique to each kind of data set.
#' Areas listed as having zero households are excluded from ADI and ADI-3
#' calculation. Their resulting ADIs and ADI-3s will be `NA`.
#' If calling this function directly (i.e., not via [get_adi()]) on a data set
#' that contains median household income (B19013_001) and does not contain
#' median family income (B19113_001), median household income will be used in
#' place of median family income, with a `warning()`. See the "Missingness and
#' imputation" section of [get_adi()].
#' @seealso For more information, see [get_adi()], especially the sections
#' titled **ADI and ADI-3 factor loadings** and **Missingness and
#' imputation**.
#' @param data_raw A data frame, [`tibble`][tibble::tibble], or [`sf`][sf::sf]
#' object ultimately obtained via [tidycensus::get_acs()] or
#' [tidycensus::get_decennial()], having the data necessary to compute the
#' indicators of the ADI and ADI-3.
#' The columns of his data frame must be named according to the elements of
#' the `variable` column in [`acs_vars`] and/or [`decennial_vars`].
#' The easiest way to obtain data like this is to run
#' [`get_adi`]`(raw_data_only = TRUE)`.
#' @param keep_indicators Logical indicating whether or not to keep the
#' component indicators of the ADI and ADI-3 as well as the original census
#' variables used to calculate them. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' See [`acs_vars`] and [`decennial_vars`] for basic descriptions of the raw
#' census variables.
#' @param seed Passed to the `seed` argument of [mice::mice()] when imputation
#' is needed.
#' @return A [`tibble`][tibble::tibble] (or [`sf`][sf::sf]) with the same number
#' of rows as `data`. Columns include `GEOID`, `NAME`, `ADI`, `Financial
#' Strength`, `Economic_Hardship_and_Inequality`, and
#' `Educational_Attainment`. Further columns containing the indicators and raw
#' values will also be present if `keep_indicators = TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Wrapped in \dontrun{} because these examples require a Census API key.
#' raw_census <- get_adi("state", year = 2017, raw_data_only = TRUE)
#' calculate_adi(raw_census)
#' calculate_adi(raw_census, keep_indicators = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
calculate_adi <- function(data_raw, keep_indicators = FALSE, seed = NA) {
if (!is.data.frame(data_raw)) {
"data must be a tibble, sf tibble, or data-frame-like object",
.call = FALSE
# Returns the name of the column in data_raw that contains data on total
# number of households per area.
total_hh_colname <- get_total_hh_colname(data_raw)
# Logical vector indicating whether or not each area has a nonzero number of
# households.
nonzero_hh_lgl <- data_raw[[total_hh_colname]] != 0
# Calculate the 15 ADI indicators from the raw census data.
indicators <- calculate_indicators(data_raw)
# Filter the data to only include areas with more than zero households.
indicators_hh_only <- indicators %>% dplyr::filter(!!nonzero_hh_lgl)
if (nrow(indicators_hh_only) < 30L) {
"\nCalculating ADI and ADI-3 values from fewer than 30 locations.",
"\nIt is recommended to add more in order to obtain trustworthy results."
# Performs single imputation if there is any missingness in the data.
if (anyNA(indicators_hh_only)) {
indicators_hh_only <-
indicators_hh_only %>%
m = 1L,
maxit = 50L,
method = "pmm",
seed = seed,
printFlag = FALSE
) %>%
error = function(e) {
"Imputation unsuccessful. ",
"Neither ADIs nor ADI-3s were calculated.",
"\n\nRun rlang::last_error()$adi_indicators to access the ",
"indicator data",
"\nwhose missingness could not be imputed. These data exclude ",
"areas with zero households.",
"\n\nRun rlang::last_error()$adi_raw_data to access the raw ",
"census data,\n",
"which includes areas with zero households (identified by the ",
'column named "', total_hh_colname, '").'
class = "imputation_unsuccessful",
adi_indicators =
# 15 ADI indicators data, accessible via
# rlang::last_error()$adi_indicators
data_raw %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::select("GEOID", dplyr::starts_with("NAME")) %>%
dplyr::filter(!!nonzero_hh_lgl) %>%
adi_raw_data =
# Raw census data, which includes the areas with zero households,
# accessible via rlang::last_error()$adi_raw_data
data_raw %>%
indicators[nonzero_hh_lgl, ] <- indicators_hh_only
message("\nSingle imputation performed")
# Iterate over four different sets of variables to create four different
# indices. The first is the traditional ADI, the rest are the traditional ADI
# indicators split into three meaningful categories: the Berg Indices, or
# ADI-3.
adi <-
# This is so we grab the correct one of
# medianFamilyIncome/medianHouseholdIncome, which we made sure
# would be the first column name in indicators_hh_only.
!!names(indicators_hh_only)[1L] := -1,
"medianMortgage" = -1,
"medianRent" = -1,
"medianHouseValue" = -1,
"pctFamiliesInPoverty" = +1,
"pctOwnerOccupiedHousing" = -1,
"ratioThoseMakingUnder10kToThoseMakingOver50k" = +1,
"pctPeopleLivingBelow150PctFederalPovertyLevel" = +1,
"pctHouseholdsWithChildrenThatAreSingleParent" = +1,
"pctHouseholdsWithNoVehicle" = +1,
"pctPeopleWithWhiteCollarJobs" = -1,
"pctPeopleUnemployed" = +1,
"pctPeopleWithAtLeastHSEducation" = -1,
"pctPeopleWithLessThan9thGradeEducation" = +1,
"pctHouseholdsWithOverOnePersonPerRoom" = +1
Financial_Strength =
# This is so we grab the correct one of
# medianFamilyIncome/medianHouseholdIncome, which we made sure
# would be the first column name in indicators_hh_only.
!!names(indicators_hh_only)[1L] := +1,
"medianMortgage" = +1,
"medianRent" = +1,
"medianHouseValue" = +1,
"pctPeopleWithWhiteCollarJobs" = +1
Economic_Hardship_and_Inequality =
c("pctFamiliesInPoverty" = +1,
"pctOwnerOccupiedHousing" = -1,
"ratioThoseMakingUnder10kToThoseMakingOver50k" = +1,
"pctPeopleLivingBelow150PctFederalPovertyLevel" = +1,
"pctHouseholdsWithChildrenThatAreSingleParent" = +1,
"pctHouseholdsWithNoVehicle" = +1,
"pctPeopleUnemployed" = +1),
Educational_Attainment =
c("pctPeopleWithAtLeastHSEducation" = +1,
"pctPeopleWithLessThan9thGradeEducation" = -1,
"pctHouseholdsWithOverOnePersonPerRoom" = -1)
result_vec = rep_len(NA_real_, length.out = length(nonzero_hh_lgl)),
indicators_hh_only = indicators_hh_only,
nonzero_hh_lgl = nonzero_hh_lgl
out <-
if (keep_indicators) {
dplyr::bind_cols(data_raw, adi, indicators),
} else dplyr::bind_cols(data_raw[1L:2L], adi)
attr(out, "loadings") <- attr(out$ADI, "loadings")
class(out) <- c("adi", class(out))
calc_adi_col <- function(expected_signs,
nonzero_hh_lgl) {
# Principal-components analysis (PCA) of the statistics that produces
# the raw ADI and ADI-3 scores
fit <- psych::principal(indicators_hh_only[names(expected_signs)])
# Sometimes the PCA produces results that are completely reversed (i.e.,
# it gives deprived areas low ADIs and less deprived areas high ADIs).
# A check is performed below to see if this has occurred.
# 1. The signage of the factor loadings are multiplied by their expected
# signage according to Singh's original research (present in the unnamed
# vector of 1s and -1s below). This produces a vector of 1s and -1s,
# with a 1 indicating a factor loading in the expected direction and a
# -1 indicating a factor loading in the wrong direction.
# 2. The sum() of this vector is computed.
# 3. The sign() of this sum is computed and saved into a variable called
# "signage_flipper". It will equal 1 or -1. It will equal 1 if most of
# the factor loadings have the same sign as the original Singh factor
# loadings. It will be -1 if not. It will never equal 0 because there is
# an odd number of factor loadings.
signage_flipper <- sign(sum(sign(fit$loadings) * expected_signs))
# 4. The variable signage_flipper is multiplied by the PCA scores
# before standardization. In effect, this flips the ADIs in the right
# direction (multiplies their scores by -1) if they were reversed, and
# it keeps them the same (multiplies their scores by 1) if they were
# not reversed.
# The raw ADI scores are standardized to have a mean of 100 and SD of 20
result_vec[nonzero_hh_lgl] <-
as.numeric(fit$scores * signage_flipper * 20 + 100)
# We also want the loadings tables for each of the three factors
attr(result_vec, "loadings") <-
factor = row.names(fit$loadings),
loading = as.double(fit$loadings)
get_total_hh_colname <- function(data_raw) {
# Returns the name of the column that contains data on the total number of
# households per area.
total_hh_colname <-
x = colnames(data_raw),
y = c("P018001", "P015001", "P0030001", "B11005_001")
if (length(total_hh_colname) != 1L) {
"As of sociome 1.1.0, the data set must have exactly one of the",
"\nfollowing columns, so that zero-houshold areas may be removed:",
"\n\nP018001, P015001, P0030001, B11005_001"
calculate_indicators <- function(data) {
# Calculates the 15 ADI indicators, first checking to see what kind of data
# are in the data set to see if it's ACS data, 2000 decennial census data,
# etc.
colnames <- colnames(data)
indicators <-
if (any(colnames == "B17010_001")) {
factors_from_acs(data, colnames)
} else if (any(colnames == "P077001")) {
} else if (any(colnames == "P107A001")) {
} else {
stop("Data missing at least one variable necessary to calculate ADI.")
# Changes non-finite values (including NaN) to NA.
indicators[!is.finite(as.matrix.data.frame(indicators))] <- NA
# Selects the relevant variables from the tidycensus::get_acs() output, then
# wrangles them into a data frame that contains the specific measures that are
# used to calculate ADI and ADI-3
#' @importFrom rlang .data
factors_from_acs <- function(data_raw, colnames) {
data_indicators <- as.data.frame(data_raw)
# In case data is an sf tibble, this causes the geometry column to become
# "unsticky", allowing it to be removed by the subsequent dplyr::select()
# command so that it doesn't interfere with the imputation that may follow.
# Before 2010, C24010_040 contained the "civilian female age 16+ in
# white-collar occupations" data, but starting in 2010 C24010_039 contained
# these data. If C24010_040 is in data_raw and C24010_039 is not, the former
# is renamed to C24010_039. If they are both in the data a warning() is
# thrown, C24010_040 is ignored, and only C24010_039 will be used. Since
# get_adi() never passes both of these variables to calculate_adi(), this will
# only be a problem if the user uses calculate_adi() manually.
if (any(colnames == "C24010_040")) {
if (any(colnames == "C24010_039")) {
"\nThe variables C24010_039 and C24010_040 are both present.",
'\nC24010_039 will be used for "civilian females age 16+ in',
'\nwhite-collar occupations", which is incorrect for pre-2010 data.',
"\nIf seeking pre-2010 estimates, remove C24010_039 from dataset.",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
} else {
data_indicators <- data_indicators %>%
dplyr::rename("C24010_039" = "C24010_040")
# B19113_001 (median family income) is unavailable for at the block group
# level for 2015 or 2016 data, so B19013_001 (median household income) is used
# instead. If B19013_001 is in the data and B19113_001 is not, B19013_001 will
# be renamed to B19113_001, and a warning will be thrown if get_adi()'s
# version of the warning was not detected in "warnings()". The special
# variable median_income_name is created so that the eventual output properly
# identifies which kind of median income was used.
if (any(colnames == "B19013_001") && !any(colnames == "B19113_001")) {
if (!any(grepl("B19113_001", names(warnings())))) {
"\nMedian household income (B19013_001) is being used in place of ",
"\nmedian family income (B19113_001).",
"\n\nThis is desirable only for 2015 or 2016 block group-level data.",
'\n\nSee the "Missingness and imputation" section of ?get_adi, ',
"as well as:",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
data_indicators <- data_indicators %>%
dplyr::rename("B19113_001" = "B19013_001")
median_income_name <- "medianHouseholdIncome"
} else {
median_income_name <- "medianFamilyIncome"
# The absence of B25003_001 (occupied housing units) is assumed to indicate
# that ADI and ADI-3 calculated using 2010 decennial census data was
# requested. This request results in mostly 2010 5-year ACS estimates being
# used, except for the handful of 2010 decennial census variables that are
# applicable to ADI and ADI-3 indicator calculation. This is handled by simply
# renaming the decennial census variables to their ACS counterparts.
if (!any(colnames == "B25003_001")) {
data_indicators <- data_indicators %>%
"B25003_001" = "H003002",
"B25003_002" = "H014002",
"B11005_002" = "P020002",
"B11005_005" = "P020008"
# Below, the presence or absence of various census variables are used to
# discern which year of data is being used, and the calculation of the
# indicators is adjusted accordingly.
if (!any(colnames == "B23025_005")) {
data_indicators <- data_indicators %>%
B23025_005 = .data$B23001_008 + .data$B23001_015 +
.data$B23001_022 + .data$B23001_029 + .data$B23001_036 +
.data$B23001_043 + .data$B23001_050 + .data$B23001_057 +
.data$B23001_064 + .data$B23001_071 + .data$B23001_076 +
.data$B23001_081 + .data$B23001_086 + .data$B23001_094 +
.data$B23001_101 + .data$B23001_108 + .data$B23001_115 +
.data$B23001_122 + .data$B23001_129 + .data$B23001_136 +
.data$B23001_143 + .data$B23001_150 + .data$B23001_157 +
.data$B23001_162 + .data$B23001_167 + .data$B23001_172,
B23025_003 = .data$B23001_006 + .data$B23001_013 +
.data$B23001_020 + .data$B23001_027 + .data$B23001_034 +
.data$B23001_041 + .data$B23001_048 + .data$B23001_055 +
.data$B23001_062 + .data$B23001_069 + .data$B23001_074 +
.data$B23001_079 + .data$B23001_084 + .data$B23001_092 +
.data$B23001_099 + .data$B23001_106 + .data$B23001_113 +
.data$B23001_120 + .data$B23001_127 + .data$B23001_134 +
.data$B23001_141 + .data$B23001_148 + .data$B23001_155 +
.data$B23001_160 + .data$B23001_165 + .data$B23001_170
if (any(colnames == "B15002_001")) {
data_indicators <- data_indicators %>%
Nless9thgrade = .data$B15002_003 + .data$B15002_020 +
.data$B15002_004 + .data$B15002_021 + .data$B15002_005 +
.data$B15002_022 + .data$B15002_006 + .data$B15002_023,
Nhighschoolup = .data$B15002_011 + .data$B15002_028 +
.data$B15002_012 + .data$B15002_029 + .data$B15002_013 +
.data$B15002_030 + .data$B15002_014 + .data$B15002_031 +
.data$B15002_015 + .data$B15002_032 + .data$B15002_016 +
.data$B15002_033 + .data$B15002_017 + .data$B15002_034 +
.data$B15002_018 + .data$B15002_035,
B15003_001 = .data$B15002_001
} else {
data_indicators <- data_indicators %>%
Nless9thgrade = .data$B15003_002 + .data$B15003_003 +
.data$B15003_004 + .data$B15003_005 + .data$B15003_006 +
.data$B15003_007 + .data$B15003_008 + .data$B15003_009 +
.data$B15003_010 + .data$B15003_011 + .data$B15003_012,
Nhighschoolup = .data$B15003_017 + .data$B15003_018 +
.data$B15003_019 + .data$B15003_020 + .data$B15003_021 +
.data$B15003_022 + .data$B15003_023 + .data$B15003_024 +
data_indicators %>%
Fpoverty = .data$B17010_002 / .data$B17010_001,
OwnerOcc = .data$B25003_002 / .data$B25003_001,
incomegreater50 = .data$B19001_011 + .data$B19001_012 +
.data$B19001_013 + .data$B19001_014 + .data$B19001_015 +
.data$B19001_016 + .data$B19001_017,
IncomeDisparity = log(100 * (.data$B19001_002 / .data$incomegreater50)),
less150poverty = .data$C17002_002 + .data$C17002_003 +
.data$C17002_004 + .data$C17002_005,
less150FPL = .data$less150poverty / .data$C17002_001,
singlePchildren = .data$B11005_005 / .data$B11005_002,
novehiclesum = .data$B25044_003 + .data$B25044_010,
pnovehicle = .data$novehiclesum / .data$B25044_001,
sumprofs = .data$C24010_003 + .data$C24010_039,
whitecollar = .data$sumprofs / .data$C24010_001,
unemployedPct = .data$B23025_005 / .data$B23025_003,
Phighschoolup = .data$Nhighschoolup / .data$B15003_001,
Pless9grade = .data$Nless9thgrade / .data$B15003_001,
SUMcrowded = .data$B25014_005 + .data$B25014_006 +
.data$B25014_007 + .data$B25014_011 + .data$B25014_012 +
Pcrowded = .data$SUMcrowded / .data$B25014_001
) %>%
# Make sure to keep median_income_name as the first one so that the
# medianFamilyIncome/medianHouseholdIncome check can be properly performed
# later on.
!!median_income_name := "B19113_001",
"medianMortgage" = "B25088_002",
"medianRent" = "B25064_001",
"medianHouseValue" = "B25077_001" ,
"pctFamiliesInPoverty" = "Fpoverty",
"pctOwnerOccupiedHousing" = "OwnerOcc",
"ratioThoseMakingUnder10kToThoseMakingOver50k" = "IncomeDisparity",
"pctPeopleLivingBelow150PctFederalPovertyLevel" = "less150FPL",
"pctHouseholdsWithChildrenThatAreSingleParent" = "singlePchildren",
"pctHouseholdsWithNoVehicle" = "pnovehicle",
"pctPeopleWithWhiteCollarJobs" = "whitecollar",
"pctPeopleUnemployed" = "unemployedPct",
"pctPeopleWithAtLeastHSEducation" = "Phighschoolup",
"pctPeopleWithLessThan9thGradeEducation" = "Pless9grade",
"pctHouseholdsWithOverOnePersonPerRoom" = "Pcrowded"
#' @importFrom rlang .data
factors_from_2000_decennial <- function(data_raw) {
# Selects the relevant variables from the tidycensus::get_decennial() output,
# then wrangles them into a data frame that contains the specific measures
# that are used to calculate ADI and ADI-3
data_raw %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
# In case data is an sf tibble, this causes the geometry column to become
# "unsticky", allowing it to be removed by the subsequent dplyr::select()
# command so that it doesn't interfere with the imputation that may follow.
Fpoverty = .data$P090002 / .data$P090001,
OwnerOcc = .data$H004002 / .data$H004001,
incomegreater50 = .data$P052011 + .data$P052012 + .data$P052013 +
.data$P052014 + .data$P052015 + .data$P052016 + .data$P052017,
IncomeDisparity = log(100 * (.data$P052002 / .data$incomegreater50)),
less150poverty = .data$P088002 + .data$P088003 + .data$P088004 +
.data$P088005 + .data$P088006,
less150FPL = .data$less150poverty / .data$P088001,
singlePchildren = .data$P019005 / .data$P019002,
novehiclesum = .data$H044003 + .data$H044010,
pnovehicle = .data$novehiclesum / .data$H044001,
sumprofs = .data$P050003 + .data$P050050,
whitecollar = .data$sumprofs / .data$P050001,
unemployedLabor = .data$P043007 + .data$P043014,
allLabor = .data$P043005 + .data$P043012,
unemployedPct = .data$unemployedLabor / .data$allLabor,
Nhighschoolup = .data$P037011 + .data$P037028 + .data$P037012 +
.data$P037029 + .data$P037013 + .data$P037030 + .data$P037014 +
.data$P037031 + .data$P037015 + .data$P037032 + .data$P037016 +
.data$P037033 + .data$P037017 + .data$P037034 + .data$P037018 +
Phighschoolup = .data$Nhighschoolup / .data$P037001,
Nless9thgrade = .data$P037003 + .data$P037020 + .data$P037004 +
.data$P037021 + .data$P037005 + .data$P037022 +
.data$P037006 + .data$P037023,
Pless9grade = .data$Nless9thgrade / .data$P037001,
SUMcrowded = .data$H020005 + .data$H020006 + .data$H020007 +
.data$H020011 + .data$H020012 + .data$H020013,
Pcrowded = .data$SUMcrowded / .data$H020001
) %>%
# Make sure to keep "medianFamilyIncome" as the first one so that the
# medianFamilyIncome/medianHouseholdIncome check can be properly performed
# later on.
"medianFamilyIncome" = "P077001",
"medianMortgage" = "H091001",
"medianRent" = "H063001",
"medianHouseValue" = "H085001" ,
"pctFamiliesInPoverty" = "Fpoverty",
"pctOwnerOccupiedHousing" = "OwnerOcc",
"ratioThoseMakingUnder10kToThoseMakingOver50k" = "IncomeDisparity",
"pctPeopleLivingBelow150PctFederalPovertyLevel" = "less150FPL",
"pctHouseholdsWithChildrenThatAreSingleParent" = "singlePchildren",
"pctHouseholdsWithNoVehicle" = "pnovehicle",
"pctPeopleWithWhiteCollarJobs" = "whitecollar",
"pctPeopleUnemployed" = "unemployedPct",
"pctPeopleWithAtLeastHSEducation" = "Phighschoolup",
"pctPeopleWithLessThan9thGradeEducation" = "Pless9grade",
"pctHouseholdsWithOverOnePersonPerRoom" = "Pcrowded"
#' @importFrom rlang .data
factors_from_1990_decennial <- function(data_raw) {
data_raw %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
# In case data is an sf tibble, this causes the geometry column to become
# "unsticky", allowing it to be removed by the subsequent dplyr::select()
# command so that it doesn't interfere with the imputation that may follow.
familybelowpoverty = .data$P1230013 + .data$P1230014 + .data$P1230015 +
.data$P1230016 + .data$P1230017 + .data$P1230018 + .data$P1230019 +
.data$P1230020 + .data$P1230021 + .data$P1230022 + .data$P1230023 +
Fpoverty = .data$familybelowpoverty / .data$P0040001,
OwnerOcc = .data$H0030001 / .data$H0020001,
incomeunder10 = .data$P0800001 + .data$P0800002,
incomeover50 = .data$P0800019 + .data$P0800020 + .data$P0800021 +
.data$P0800022 + .data$P0800023 + .data$P0800024 + .data$P0800025,
IncomeDisparity = log(100 * .data$incomeunder10 / .data$incomeover50),
less150poverty = .data$P1210001 + .data$P1210002 + .data$P1210003 +
.data$P1210004 + .data$P1210005,
personspovertydetermined = .data$less150poverty + .data$P1210006 +
.data$P1210007 + .data$P1210008 + .data$P1210009,
less150FPL = .data$less150poverty / .data$personspovertydetermined,
oneparent = .data$P0180002 + .data$P0180003,
allchildren = .data$oneparent + .data$P0180001 + .data$P0180004 +
singlePchildren = .data$oneparent / .data$allchildren,
novehiclesum = .data$H0410001 + .data$H0410003,
vehiclesdetermined = .data$novehiclesum + .data$H0410002 + .data$H0410004,
pnovehicle = .data$novehiclesum / .data$vehiclesdetermined,
sumprofs = .data$P0780001 + .data$P0780002,
allcivilianemployed = .data$P0700002 + .data$P0700006,
whitecollar = .data$sumprofs / .data$allcivilianemployed,
unemployedlabor = .data$P0700003 + .data$P0700007,
allLabor = .data$unemployedlabor + .data$allcivilianemployed,
unemployedPct = .data$unemployedlabor / .data$allLabor,
Nhighschoolup = .data$P0570003 + .data$P0570004 + .data$P0570005 +
.data$P0570006 + .data$P0570007,
people25andover = .data$Nhighschoolup + .data$P0570001 + .data$P0570002,
Phighschoolup = .data$Nhighschoolup / .data$people25andover,
Pless9grade = .data$P0570001 / .data$people25andover,
SUMcrowded = .data$H0210003 + .data$H0210004 + .data$H0210005,
crowdingdetermined = .data$SUMcrowded + .data$H0210001 + .data$H0210002,
Pcrowded = .data$SUMcrowded / .data$crowdingdetermined
) %>%
# Make sure to keep "medianFamilyIncome" as the first one so that the
# medianFamilyIncome/medianHouseholdIncome check can be properly performed
# later on.
"medianFamilyIncome" = "P107A001",
"medianMortgage" = "H052A001",
"medianRent" = "H043A001",
"medianHouseValue" = "H023B001",
"pctFamiliesInPoverty" = "Fpoverty",
"pctOwnerOccupiedHousing" = "OwnerOcc",
"ratioThoseMakingUnder10kToThoseMakingOver50k" = "IncomeDisparity",
"pctPeopleLivingBelow150PctFederalPovertyLevel" = "less150FPL",
"pctHouseholdsWithChildrenThatAreSingleParent" = "singlePchildren",
"pctHouseholdsWithNoVehicle" = "pnovehicle",
"pctPeopleWithWhiteCollarJobs" = "whitecollar",
"pctPeopleUnemployed" = "unemployedPct",
"pctPeopleWithAtLeastHSEducation" = "Phighschoolup",
"pctPeopleWithLessThan9thGradeEducation" = "Pless9grade",
"pctHouseholdsWithOverOnePersonPerRoom" = "Pcrowded"
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