
Defines functions item_overview

Documented in item_overview

#' Item Overview
#' Shows all (squared) factor loadings of all items in all models in a plot grid
#' of bar plots.
#' @param data Object of class IPV as created by the function 'ipv_est'
#' @param tests character; vector of tests to be included in the overview;
#'   defaults to 'all', in which case all are displayed
#' @param facets character; vector of facets to be included in the overview;
#'   defaults to 'all', in which case all are displayed
#' @param squared logical; should factor loadings be squared?; defaults to TRUE
#' @param file_name character; name of the file to save. Supported formats are:
#'   "pdf" (highest quality and smallest file size), "png", "jpeg"; defaults to
#'   "none".
#' @param dpi integer; resolution in dots per inch for "png" and "jpeg" files;
#'   defaults to 500.
#' @param color character; vector of hex codes for colors; defaults to the
#'   colors "#DAD8D8" (gray), "#11C1FF" (light blue), and "#007AD6" (blue)
#' @param font character; font of the plot labels; defaults to "sans"
#' @param size_font integer; size of the fonts relative to default; defaults to
#'   1
#' @param wrap integer; number of rows of plots per facet; defaults to 1
#' @param width integer; factor to scale the overall width of the file with; defaults to 1
#' @param height integer; factor to scale the overall height of the file with; defaults to 1
#' @return gg / ggplot object; plot grid with one bar plot per item showing
#'   (squared) factor loadings of that item in all IPV models, arranged by
#'   facets and tests
#' @details File output produces much more reliable results than display within
#'   R. Display within R may scatter elements of the chart and distort the
#'   overall appearance.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Honesty/Humility and Agreeableness items
#' # the use of file output is recommended
#' # to prevent irregular placement of plot labels
#' # Estimation takes some time.
#' \dontrun{res <- ipv_est(
#'   HEXACO[ ,grep("^H|^A", names(HEXACO))],
#'   "HA")
#' item_overview(res)} # file output is recommended (see details)
item_overview <- function(
  tests = "all",
  facets = "all",
  squared = TRUE,
  file_name = "none",
  dpi = 500,
  color = NULL,
  font = "sans",
  size_font = 1,
  wrap = 1,
  width = 1,
  height = 1) {

  # throw away unnecessary information
  data <- data$est_raw

  # helper variables -----------------------------------------------------------

  nested <- length(levels(data$global$fls$subfactor)) > 1
  if (is.null(color)) {
    if (nested) {color <- c("#DAD8D8", "#11C1FF", "#007AD6")}
    else {color <- c("#11C1FF", "#007AD6")}

  # data preparation -----------------------------------------------------------

  # nested case (multiple tests) ----

  if (nested) {
    # collect factor loadings
    loads <- data$global$fls
    names(loads) <- c(
    loads$facet <- NA
    loads$facet_loading <- NA
    loads <- loads[ ,c(1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 7)]
    temp <- lapply(data$tests, '[[', 1)
    temp[!is.na(temp)] <- lapply(
      function(x){ # rename items uniquely
      x$item <- as.character(paste(
        sep = ".",
    temp <- do.call("rbind", temp)
    fcts <- temp$subfactor
    names(fcts) <- temp$item
    facet_loadings <- temp$subfactor_loading
    names(facet_loadings) <- temp$item
    loads$facet <- fcts[as.character(loads$item)]
    loads$facet_loading <- facet_loadings[as.character(loads$item)]

    # set loadings < 0 to NA and throw warning if so
    loads[ ,5:7][apply(loads[,5:7], 2, function(x) x < 0)] <- NA
    if (any(is.na(loads))) {
        " negative factor loadings set to 0 for display.",
        sep = ""))
    loads[is.na(loads)] <- 0

    # squared loadings are variance portions (as in formula of center distances)
    if (squared) {
      loads[ ,5:7] <- apply(loads[ ,5:7], 2, function(x){
        x <- x ^ 2

    # factor loadings in long format
    long <- reshape2::melt(loads, id.vars = 4, measure.vars = 5:7)
    long$variable <- as.character(long$variable)
    long$variable[long$variable == "construct_loading"] <-
    long$variable[long$variable == "test_loading"] <-
    long$variable[long$variable == "facet_loading"] <-
    long$variable <- factor(
      levels = unique(long$variable)) # conserves level order
    long$test <- rep(
      long[(1 / 3 * nrow(long) + 1) : (2 / 3 * nrow(long)), "variable"],

    # hierarchical data structure as list to sort plots
    chunks <- long[(2 / 3 * nrow(long) + 1) : nrow(long), ]
    chunks <- split(
      f = chunks[ ,"test"],
      drop = TRUE)
    for (i in seq_along(chunks)) {
      chunks[[i]] <- split(
        f = droplevels(chunks[[i]][ ,"variable"]))
      chunks[[i]] <- lapply(chunks[[i]], '[[', 1)

  # simple case (one test) ----------

  } else {

    # collect factor loadings
    loads <- data$tests[[1]]$fls
    names(loads) <- c(

    # set loadings < 0 to NA and throw warning if so
    loads[ ,4:5][apply(loads[,4:5], 2, function(x) x < 0)] <- NA
    if (any(is.na(loads))) {
        " negative factor loadings set to 0 for display.",
        sep = ""))
    loads[is.na(loads)] <- 0

    # squared loadings are variance portions (as in formula of center distances)
    if (squared) {
      loads[ ,4:5] <- apply(loads[ ,4:5], 2, function(x){
        x <- x ^ 2

    # factor loadings in long format
    long <- reshape2::melt(loads, id.vars = 3, measure.vars = 4:5)
    long$variable <- as.character(long$variable)
    long$variable[long$variable == "test_loading"] <-
    long$variable[long$variable == "facet_loading"] <-
    long$variable <- factor(
      levels = unique(long$variable)) # conserves level order

    long$test <- rep(
      long[1 : (1 / 2 * nrow(long)), "variable"],

    # hierarchical data structure as list to sort plots
    chunks <- long[(1 / 2 * nrow(long) + 1) : nrow(long), ]

    # code below as in nested for convenience
    chunks <- split(
      f = chunks[ ,"test"],
      drop = TRUE)

    for (i in seq_along(chunks)) {
      chunks[[i]] <- split(
        f = droplevels(chunks[[i]][ ,"variable"]))
      chunks[[i]] <- lapply(chunks[[i]], '[[', 1)

  # select requested tests and facets
  if(all(!tests == "all")) {
    chunks <- chunks[names(chunks) %in% tests]

  if(all(!facets == "all")) {
    chunks <- lapply(chunks, function(x) {
      y <- x[names(x) %in% facets]

  # plot creation --------------------------------------------------------------

  plots <- list()

    ## individual item plot for each item

  for (i in names(chunks)) { # i = test, only one in simple case
    for (j in names(chunks[[i]])) { # j = facet
      # for loop doesn't work properly with ggplot, so lapply instead
      # see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31993704/
      plots[[i]][[j]] <- lapply(
        function(x) {
          title <-
          p <- ggplot2::ggplot(
            long[which(long$item == x), ]) +

            # initialize
            ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
            ggplot2::ylim(0,1) +
              panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
              panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_line(
                color = "gray", size = .25, linetype = "dashed"),
              panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
              legend.position    = "none",
              axis.title.x       = ggplot2::element_blank(),
              axis.title.y       = ggplot2::element_blank(),
              plot.margin        = grid::unit(c(0, 0, .5, 0), "in"),
              axis.text          = ggplot2::element_text(size = 6 * size_font),
              axis.text.y        = ggplot2::element_text(color = "gray", size = 6 * size_font),
              plot.title         = ggplot2::element_text(
                hjust = .5,
                vjust = -8 / size_font,
                size = 11 * size_font)) +

            # bar plot
                x = long[which(long$item == x), ]$variable,
                y = long[which(long$item == x), ]$value),
              width = .99,
              fill = color) +
              utils::tail(strsplit(as.character(x), split = "\\.")[[1]], 1))

          # one y-axis text per row looks cleaner
          if (which(chunks[[i]][[j]] == x) > 1) {
            p <-  p +
                axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank())
      names(plots[[i]][[j]]) <- chunks[[i]][[j]]

    ## plot grid --------------------

  nrows <- unlist(lapply(plots, length))
  wdth <- max(unlist(lapply(plots, function(x) lapply(x, length))))
  fcts <- chunks
  tsts <- chunks

  for (i in seq_along(chunks)) {
    for (j in seq_along(chunks[[i]])) {

  # plot grid of item plots for each facet
      fcts[[i]][[j]] <- cowplot::plot_grid(
        plotlist = plots[[i]][[j]][1:wdth], # adds empty plots at the rear
        nrow = wrap)

  # plot grid of facet plot grids for each test
    tsts[[i]] <- cowplot::plot_grid(
      plotlist = fcts[[i]],
      labels = names(plots[[i]]),
      ncol = 1,
      vjust = -.5 / size_font,
      label_size = 14 * size_font,
      label_fontfamily = font)

  if(!is.null(data$global)) {
    # overall plot grid of test plot grids
    grd <- cowplot::plot_grid(
      plotlist = tsts,
      labels = names(plots),
      ncol = 1,
      vjust = (5.5 * nrows + 1) / size_font,
      rel_heights = nrows,
      scale = .8,
      label_size = 14 * size_font,
      label_fontfamily = font) +
        plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(l = 1.5, unit = "cm")
  } else {
    grd <- tsts[[1]] +
        plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 1.5, r = 1.5, l = 1.5, unit = "cm")

  # optional file save ---------------------------------------------------------

  ## .pdf ---------------------------

  if (substring(file_name, nchar(file_name) - 3 + 1) == "pdf") {
                    width = width * 2 * wdth, # * size,
                    height = height * 2 * (sum(nrows) + length(nrows) - 1) * wrap, # * size,
                    units = "in",
                    dpi = dpi,
                    limitsize = FALSE)

  ## .png ---------------------------

  if (substring(file_name, nchar(file_name) - 3 + 1) == "png") {
                    width = width * 2 * wdth, # * size,
                    height = height * 2 * (sum(nrows) + length(nrows) - 1) * wrap, # * size,
                    units = "in",
                    dpi = dpi,
                    limitsize = FALSE)

  ## .jpeg --------------------------

  if (substring(file_name, nchar(file_name) - 3 + 1) == "peg") {
                    width = width * 2 * wdth, # * size,
                    height = height * 2 * (sum(nrows) + length(nrows) - 1) * wrap, # * size,
                    units = "in",
                    dpi = dpi,
                    limitsize = FALSE)

  # return ---------------------------------------------------------------------


NilsPetras/IPV documentation built on July 19, 2023, 9:12 p.m.