
#Correlation betwen gistic and mRNA-exp data



#Load used packages

mRNA_exp <- fread("ACC.rnaseqv2__illuminahiseq_rnaseqv2__unc_edu__Level_3__RSEM_genes_normalized__data.data.txt",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
GISTIC <- fread("all_data_by_genes.txt",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#Sample_id common for both tables
samples_mRNA <- colnames(mRNA_exp)[2:length(colnames(mRNA_exp))]
samples_mRNA <- gsub("-[A-Z0-9]*-[A-Z0-9]*-[A-Z0-9]*$","",samples_mRNA)

samples_GISTIC <- colnames(GISTIC)[4:length(colnames(GISTIC))]
samples_GISTIC <- gsub("-[A-Z0-9]*-[A-Z0-9]*-[A-Z0-9]*$","",samples_GISTIC)

common_samples <- intersect(samples_GISTIC,samples_mRNA)

#Shorten TCGA-barcode
colnames(mRNA_exp)[2:length(colnames(mRNA_exp))] <- samples_mRNA
colnames(GISTIC)[4:length(colnames(GISTIC))] <- samples_GISTIC

#Trim away samples not in common_samples
mRNA_exp <- select(mRNA_exp,c("Hybridization REF",common_samples))
GISTIC <- select(GISTIC,c("Gene Symbol","Locus ID","Cytoband",common_samples))

#Gene_id common for both tables
gene_GISTIC <- GISTIC$`Gene Symbol`
#Rename samples with gene_name|21039123 to gene_name
gene_GISTIC <- gsub("\\|.*","",gene_GISTIC)
#Some samples have "small characters" -Problem?

gene_mRNA <- mRNA_exp$`Hybridization REF`
gene_mRNA <- gsub("\\|.*","",gene_mRNA)

common_genes <- intersect(gene_mRNA,gene_GISTIC)

#Rewrite gene-id:s
mRNA_exp$`Hybridization REF` <- gene_mRNA
GISTIC$`Gene Symbol` <- gene_GISTIC

#Trim away genes not in common_genes
GISTIC <- GISTIC[GISTIC$`Gene Symbol` %in% common_genes ,]
mRNA_exp <- mRNA_exp[mRNA_exp$`Hybridization REF` %in% common_genes ,]

#Some genes in GISTIC have same gene_sympol but several locust positions about 300 casesof 18k. Remove these
GISTIC <- GISTIC[!duplicated(GISTIC$`Gene Symbol`) ,] 
mRNA_exp <- mRNA_exp[!duplicated(mRNA_exp$`Hybridization REF`) ,]

#GISTIC cytoband and locust id not needed 
GISTIC <- GISTIC[, -(2:3)]

gene_vector <- as.character(GISTIC$`Gene Symbol`)

get_correlation <- function(gene_name){
  CN <- as.numeric(GISTIC[GISTIC$`Gene Symbol` == gene_name ,][, -1])
  EXP <- as.numeric(mRNA_exp[mRNA_exp$`Hybridization REF` == gene_name ,][, -1])
  correlation_list <- cor.test(CN,EXP,method="pearson")
  return_vector <- c(correlation_list$estimate,correlation_list$p.value)
  names(return_vector) <- c("correlation","p-value")

#Sample 1000 random samples from gene_vector

#gene_vector <- sample(gene_vector,1000)

#### Returns same value for all !!! 
correlation_table <- list(1:length(gene_vector))
correlation_table <- sapply(gene_vector,get_correlation) # Takes about 18s for 1000 -> 5min for 18k 

#Switch column to rows
correlation_table <- t(correlation_table)
correlation_table <- as.data.frame(correlation_table)

#Omit all NA:s
correlation_table <- na.omit(correlation_table)

#Order highest to lowest
correlation_table <- correlation_table[order(correlation_table$correlation),]

#Density plot of correlation
pdf("Density plot ACC.pdf")
d <- density(correlation_table$correlation) # returns the density data 
plot(d,main="Density plot ACC")

# For top N greatest correlation plot
N <- 100
#top_N_corr <- order(abs(correlation_table$correlation), decreasing=TRUE)[1:N]
#top_N_corr <- rownames(correlation_table)[top_N_corr]

#For random sampling for plotting
top_N_corr <- sample(rownames(correlation_table),N)


pdf("Top N correlation ACC.pdf")

for (gene_name in top_N_corr){
  EXP <-   as.numeric(mRNA_exp[mRNA_exp$`Hybridization REF` == gene_name ,][, -1])
  CN <- as.numeric(GISTIC[GISTIC$`Gene Symbol` == gene_name ,][, -1])
  DF <- data.frame(EXP,CN)
  corr <- cor(EXP,CN)
  corr <- round(corr,3)
  ggplot(DF, aes(EXP, CN)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_minimal() +
    ggtitle(paste(gene_name,corr,sep="  --  corr = "))

NilsWeng/TCGAproject_repo documentation built on May 14, 2019, 4:07 a.m.