
Defines functions sample_ctree create_ctree prepare_data.ctree setup_approach.ctree

Documented in create_ctree prepare_data.ctree sample_ctree setup_approach.ctree

#' @rdname setup_approach
#' @param ctree.mincriterion Numeric scalar or vector. (default = 0.95)
#' Either a scalar or vector of length equal to the number of features in the model.
#' Value is equal to 1 - \eqn{\alpha} where \eqn{\alpha} is the nominal level of the conditional independence tests.
#' If it is a vector, this indicates which value to use when conditioning on various numbers of features.
#' @param ctree.minsplit Numeric scalar. (default = 20)
#' Determines minimum value that the sum of the left and right daughter nodes required for a split.
#' @param ctree.minbucket Numeric scalar. (default = 7)
#' Determines the minimum sum of weights in a terminal node required for a split
#' @param ctree.sample Boolean. (default = TRUE)
#' If TRUE, then the method always samples `n_samples` observations from the leaf nodes (with replacement).
#' If FALSE and the number of observations in the leaf node is less than `n_samples`,
#' the method will take all observations in the leaf.
#' If FALSE and the number of observations in the leaf node is more than `n_samples`,
#' the method will sample `n_samples` observations (with replacement).
#' This means that there will always be sampling in the leaf unless
#' `sample` = FALSE AND the number of obs in the node is less than `n_samples`.
#' @inheritParams default_doc_explain
#' @export
setup_approach.ctree <- function(internal,
                                 ctree.mincriterion = 0.95,
                                 ctree.minsplit = 20,
                                 ctree.minbucket = 7,
                                 ctree.sample = TRUE, ...) {
  defaults <- mget(c("ctree.mincriterion", "ctree.minsplit", "ctree.minbucket", "ctree.sample"))

  internal <- insert_defaults(internal, defaults)


#' @inheritParams default_doc
#' @rdname prepare_data
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
prepare_data.ctree <- function(internal, index_features = NULL, ...) {
  x_train <- internal$data$x_train
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  ctree.mincriterion <- internal$parameters$ctree.mincriterion
  ctree.minsplit <- internal$parameters$ctree.minsplit
  ctree.minbucket <- internal$parameters$ctree.minbucket
  ctree.sample <- internal$parameters$ctree.sample
  labels <- internal$objects$feature_specs$labels

  X <- internal$objects$X

  dt_l <- list()

  if (is.null(index_features)) {
    features <- X$features
  } else {
    features <- X$features[index_features]

  # this is a list of all 2^M trees (where number of features = M)
  all_trees <- lapply(
    X = features,
    FUN = create_ctree,
    x_train = x_train,
    mincriterion = ctree.mincriterion,
    minsplit = ctree.minsplit,
    minbucket = ctree.minbucket

  for (i in seq_len(n_explain)) {
    l <- lapply(
      X = all_trees,
      FUN = sample_ctree,
      n_samples = n_samples,
      x_explain = x_explain[i, , drop = FALSE],
      x_train = x_train,
      n_features = n_features,
      sample = ctree.sample

    dt_l[[i]] <- data.table::rbindlist(l, idcol = "id_combination")
    dt_l[[i]][, w := 1 / n_samples]
    dt_l[[i]][, id := i]
    if (!is.null(index_features)) dt_l[[i]][, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(dt_l, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
  dt[id_combination %in% c(1, 2^n_features), w := 1.0]

  # only return unique dt
  dt2 <- dt[, sum(w), by = c("id_combination", labels, "id")]
  setnames(dt2, "V1", "w")


#' Make all conditional inference trees
#' @param given_ind Numeric value. Indicates which features are conditioned on.
#' @inheritParams default_doc
#' @param mincriterion Numeric scalar or vector. (default = 0.95)
#' Either a scalar or vector of length equal to the number of features in the model.
#' Value is equal to 1 - \eqn{\alpha} where \eqn{\alpha} is the nominal level of the conditional independence tests.
#' If it is a vector, this indicates which value to use when conditioning on various numbers of features.
#' @param minsplit Numeric scalar. (default = 20)
#' Determines minimum value that the sum of the left and right daughter nodes required for a split.
#' @param minbucket Numeric scalar. (default = 7)
#' Determines the minimum sum of weights in a terminal node required for a split
#' @param use_partykit String. In some semi-rare cases `partyk::ctree` runs into an error related to the LINPACK
#' used by R. To get around this problem, one may fall back to using the newer (but slower) `partykit::ctree`
#' function, which is a reimplementation of the same method. Setting this parameter to `"on_error"` (default)
#' falls back to  `partykit::ctree`, if `party::ctree` fails. Other options are `"never"`, which always
#' uses `party::ctree`, and `"always"`, which always uses `partykit::ctree`. A warning message is
#' created whenever `partykit::ctree` is used.
#' @return List with conditional inference tree and the variables conditioned/not conditioned on.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Annabelle Redelmeier, Martin Jullum
create_ctree <- function(given_ind,
                         use_partykit = "on_error") {
  dependent_ind <- seq_len(ncol(x_train))[-given_ind]

  if (length(given_ind) %in% c(0, ncol(x_train))) {
    datact <- list()
  } else {
    y <- x_train[, dependent_ind, with = FALSE]
    x <- x_train[, given_ind, with = FALSE]
    df <- data.table::data.table(cbind(y, x))
    colnames(df) <- c(paste0("Y", seq_len(ncol(y))), paste0("V", given_ind))

    ynam <- paste0("Y", seq_len(ncol(y)))
    fmla <- as.formula(paste(paste(ynam, collapse = "+"), "~ ."))

    # Run party:ctree if that works. If that fails, run partykit instead
    if (use_partykit == "on_error") {
      datact <- tryCatch(expr = {
          data = df,
          controls = party::ctree_control(
            minbucket = minbucket,
            mincriterion = mincriterion
      }, error = function(ex) {
        warning("party::ctree ran into the error: ", ex, "Using partykit::ctree instead!")
          data = df,
          control = partykit::ctree_control(
            minbucket = minbucket,
            mincriterion = mincriterion,
            splitstat = "maximum"
    } else if (use_partykit == "never") {
      datact <- party::ctree(fmla,
        data = df,
        controls = party::ctree_control(
          minbucket = minbucket,
          mincriterion = mincriterion
    } else if (use_partykit == "always") {
      warning("Using partykit::ctree instead of party::ctree!")
      datact <- partykit::ctree(fmla,
        data = df,
        control = partykit::ctree_control(
          minbucket = minbucket,
          mincriterion = mincriterion,
          splitstat = "maximum"
    } else {
      stop("use_partykit needs to be one of 'on_error', 'never', or 'always'. See ?create_ctree for details.")
  return(list(tree = datact, given_ind = given_ind, dependent_ind = dependent_ind))

#' Sample ctree variables from a given conditional inference tree
#' @param tree List. Contains tree which is an object of type ctree built from the party package.
#' Also contains given_ind, the features to condition upon.
#' @param n_samples Numeric. Indicates how many samples to use for MCMC.
#' @param x_explain Matrix, data.frame or data.table with the features of the observation whose
#' predictions ought to be explained (test data). Dimension `1\timesp` or `p\times1`.
#' @param x_train Matrix, data.frame or data.table with training data.
#' @param n_features Positive integer. The number of features.
#' @param sample Boolean. True indicates that the method samples from the terminal node
#' of the tree whereas False indicates that the method takes all the observations if it is
#' less than n_samples.
#' @return data.table with `n_samples` (conditional) Gaussian samples
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Annabelle Redelmeier
sample_ctree <- function(tree,
                         sample) {
  datact <- tree$tree
  using_partykit <- (class(datact)[1] != "BinaryTree")

  cnms <- colnames(x_explain)
  if (length(tree$given_ind) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
    ret <- x_explain
  } else {
    given_ind <- tree$given_ind

    dependent_ind <- tree$dependent_ind

    x_explain_given <- x_explain[,
      drop = FALSE,
      with = FALSE
    ] #
    xp <- x_explain_given
    colnames(xp) <- paste0("V", given_ind) # this is important for where() below

    if (using_partykit) {
      fit.nodes <- predict(
        object = datact,
        type = "node"
      # newdata must be data.frame + have the same colnames as x
      pred.nodes <- predict(
        object = datact, newdata = xp,
        type = "node"
    } else {
      fit.nodes <- party::where(object = datact)
      # newdata must be data.frame + have the same colnames as x
      pred.nodes <- party::where(object = datact, newdata = xp)

    rowno <- seq_len(nrow(x_train))

    use_all_obs <- !sample & (length(rowno[fit.nodes == pred.nodes]) <= n_samples)

    if (use_all_obs) {
      newrowno <- rowno[fit.nodes == pred.nodes]
    } else {
      newrowno <- sample(rowno[fit.nodes == pred.nodes], n_samples,
        replace = TRUE

    depDT <- data.table::data.table(x_train[newrowno,
      drop = FALSE,
      with = FALSE

    givenDT <- data.table::data.table(x_explain[1,
      drop = FALSE,
      with = FALSE
    ret <- cbind(depDT, givenDT)
    data.table::setcolorder(ret, colnames(x_train))
    colnames(ret) <- cnms

NorskRegnesentral/shapr documentation built on April 19, 2024, 1:19 p.m.