
Defines functions shapley_setup_forecast setup_computation

Documented in setup_computation

#' Sets up everything for the Shapley values computation in [shapr::explain()]
#' @inheritParams default_doc
#' @inheritParams explain
#' @inherit default_doc
#' @export
setup_computation <- function(internal, model, predict_model) {
  # model and predict_model are only needed for type AICc of approach empirical, otherwise ignored
  type <- internal$parameters$type

  # setup the Shapley framework
  internal <- if (type == "forecast") shapley_setup_forecast(internal) else shapley_setup(internal)

  # Setup for approach
  internal <- setup_approach(internal, model = model, predict_model = predict_model)


#' @keywords internal
shapley_setup_forecast <- function(internal) {
  exact <- internal$parameters$exact
  n_features0 <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations
  is_groupwise <- internal$parameters$is_groupwise
  group_num <- internal$objects$group_num
  horizon <- internal$parameters$horizon
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names

  X_list <- W_list <- list()

  # Find columns/features to be included in each of the different horizons
  col_del_list <- list()
  col_del_list[[1]] <- numeric()
  if (horizon > 1) {
    k <- 2
    for (i in rev(seq_len(horizon)[-1])) {
      col_del_list[[k]] <- c(unlist(col_del_list[[k - 1]]), grep(paste0(".F", i), feature_names))
      k <- k + 1

  cols_per_horizon <- lapply(rev(col_del_list), function(x) if (length(x) > 0) feature_names[-x] else feature_names)

  horizon_features <- lapply(cols_per_horizon, function(x) which(internal$parameters$feature_names %in% x))

  # Apply feature_combination, weigth_matrix and feature_matrix_cpp to each of the different horizons
  for (i in seq_along(horizon_features)) {
    this_featcomb <- horizon_features[[i]]
    n_this_featcomb <- length(this_featcomb)

    this_group_num <- lapply(group_num, function(x) x[x %in% this_featcomb])

    X_list[[i]] <- feature_combinations(
      m = n_this_featcomb,
      exact = exact,
      n_combinations = n_combinations,
      weight_zero_m = 10^6,
      group_num = this_group_num

    W_list[[i]] <- weight_matrix(
      X = X_list[[i]],
      normalize_W_weights = TRUE,
      is_groupwise = is_groupwise

  # Merge the feature combination data.table to single one to use for computing conditional expectations later on
  X <- rbindlist(X_list, idcol = "horizon")
  X[, N := NA]
  X[, shapley_weight := NA]
  data.table::setorderv(X, c("n_features", "horizon"), order = c(1, -1))
  X[, horizon_id_combination := id_combination]
  X[, id_combination := 0]
  X[!duplicated(features), id_combination := .I]
  X[, tmp_features := as.character(features)]
  X[, id_combination := max(id_combination), by = tmp_features]
  X[, tmp_features := NULL]

  # Extracts a data.table allowing mapping from X to X_list/W_list to be used in the compute_shapley function
  id_combination_mapper_dt <- X[, .(horizon, horizon_id_combination, id_combination)]

  X[, horizon := NULL]
  X[, horizon_id_combination := NULL]
  data.table::setorder(X, n_features)
  X <- X[!duplicated(id_combination)]

  W <- NULL # Included for consistency. Necessary weights are in W_list instead

  ## Get feature matrix ---------
  S <- feature_matrix_cpp(
    features = X[["features"]],
    m = n_features0

  #### Updating parameters ####

  # Updating parameters$exact as done in feature_combinations
  if (!exact && n_combinations >= 2^n_features0) {
    internal$parameters$exact <- TRUE # Note that this is exact only if all horizons use the exact method.

  internal$parameters$n_combinations <- nrow(S) # Updating this parameter in the end based on what is actually used.

  # This will be obsolete later
  internal$parameters$group_num <- NULL # TODO: Checking whether I could just do this processing where needed
  # instead of storing it

  internal$objects$X <- X
  internal$objects$W <- W
  internal$objects$S <- S
  internal$objects$S_batch <- create_S_batch_new(internal)

  internal$objects$id_combination_mapper_dt <- id_combination_mapper_dt
  internal$objects$cols_per_horizon <- cols_per_horizon
  internal$objects$W_list <- W_list
  internal$objects$X_list <- X_list


#' @keywords internal
shapley_setup <- function(internal) {
  exact <- internal$parameters$exact
  n_features0 <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations
  is_groupwise <- internal$parameters$is_groupwise

  group_num <- internal$objects$group_num

  X <- feature_combinations(
    m = n_features0,
    exact = exact,
    n_combinations = n_combinations,
    weight_zero_m = 10^6,
    group_num = group_num

  # Get weighted matrix ----------------
  W <- weight_matrix(
    X = X,
    normalize_W_weights = TRUE,
    is_groupwise = is_groupwise

  ## Get feature matrix ---------
  S <- feature_matrix_cpp(
    features = X[["features"]],
    m = n_features0

  #### Updating parameters ####

  # Updating parameters$exact as done in feature_combinations
  if (!exact && n_combinations >= 2^n_features0) {
    internal$parameters$exact <- TRUE

  internal$parameters$n_combinations <- nrow(S) # Updating this parameter in the end based on what is actually used.

  # This will be obsolete later
  internal$parameters$group_num <- NULL # TODO: Checking whether I could just do this processing where needed
  # instead of storing it

  internal$objects$X <- X
  internal$objects$W <- W
  internal$objects$S <- S
  internal$objects$S_batch <- create_S_batch_new(internal)


#' Define feature combinations, and fetch additional information about each unique combination
#' @param m Positive integer. Total number of features.
#' @param exact Logical. If `TRUE` all `2^m` combinations are generated, otherwise a
#' subsample of the combinations is used.
#' @param n_combinations Positive integer. Note that if `exact = TRUE`,
#' `n_combinations` is ignored. However, if `m > 12` you'll need to add a positive integer
#' value for `n_combinations`.
#' @param weight_zero_m Numeric. The value to use as a replacement for infinite combination
#' weights when doing numerical operations.
#' @param group_num List. Contains vector of integers indicating the feature numbers for the
#' different groups.
#' @return A data.table that contains the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{id_combination}{Positive integer. Represents a unique key for each combination. Note that the table
#' is sorted by `id_combination`, so that is always equal to `x[["id_combination"]] = 1:nrow(x)`.}
#' \item{features}{List. Each item of the list is an integer vector where `features[[i]]`
#' represents the indices of the features included in combination `i`. Note that all the items
#' are sorted such that `features[[i]] == sort(features[[i]])` is always true.}
#' \item{n_features}{Vector of positive integers. `n_features[i]` equals the number of features in combination
#' `i`, i.e. `n_features[i] = length(features[[i]])`.}.
#' \item{N}{Positive integer. The number of unique ways to sample `n_features[i]` features
#' from `m` different features, without replacement.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Nikolai Sellereite, Martin Jullum
#' @examples
#' # All combinations
#' x <- feature_combinations(m = 3)
#' nrow(x) # Equals 2^3 = 8
#' # Subsample of combinations
#' x <- feature_combinations(exact = FALSE, m = 10, n_combinations = 1e2)
feature_combinations <- function(m, exact = TRUE, n_combinations = 200, weight_zero_m = 10^6, group_num = NULL) {
  m_group <- length(group_num) # The number of groups

  # Force user to use a natural number for n_combinations if m > 13
  if (m > 13 && is.null(n_combinations) && m_group == 0) {
        "Due to computational complexity, we recommend setting n_combinations = 10 000\n",
        "if the number of features is larger than 13 for feature-wise Shapley values.\n",
        "Note that you can force the use of the exact method (i.e. n_combinations = NULL)\n",
        "by setting n_combinations equal to 2^m where m is the number of features.\n"

  # Not supported for m > 30
  if (m > 30 && m_group == 0) {
        "Currently we are not supporting cases where the number of features is greater than 30\n",
        "for feature-wise Shapley values.\n"
  if (m_group > 30) {
        "For computational reasons, we are currently not supporting group-wise Shapley values \n",
        "for more than 30 groups. Please reduce the number of groups.\n"

  if (!exact) {
    if (m_group == 0) {
      # Switch to exact for feature-wise method
      if (n_combinations >= 2^m) {
        n_combinations <- 2^m
        exact <- TRUE
            "Success with message:\n",
            "n_combinations is larger than or equal to 2^m = ", 2^m, ". \n",
            "Using exact instead.\n"
    } else {
      # Switch to exact for feature-wise method
      if (n_combinations >= (2^m_group)) {
        n_combinations <- 2^m_group
        exact <- TRUE
            "Success with message:\n",
            "n_combinations is larger than or equal to 2^group_num = ", 2^m_group, ". \n",
            "Using exact instead.\n"

  if (m_group == 0) {
    # Here if feature-wise Shapley values
    if (exact) {
      dt <- feature_exact(m, weight_zero_m)
    } else {
      dt <- feature_not_exact(m, n_combinations, weight_zero_m)
      p <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
      dt[, p := NULL]
  } else {
    # Here if group-wise Shapley values
    if (exact) {
      dt <- feature_group(group_num, weight_zero_m)
    } else {
      dt <- feature_group_not_exact(group_num, n_combinations, weight_zero_m)
      p <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
      dt[, p := NULL]

#' @keywords internal
feature_exact <- function(m, weight_zero_m = 10^6) {
  dt <- data.table::data.table(id_combination = seq(2^m))
  combinations <- lapply(0:m, utils::combn, x = m, simplify = FALSE)
  dt[, features := unlist(combinations, recursive = FALSE)]
  dt[, n_features := length(features[[1]]), id_combination]
  dt[, N := .N, n_features]
  dt[, shapley_weight := shapley_weights(m = m, N = N, n_components = n_features, weight_zero_m)]


#' @keywords internal
feature_not_exact <- function(m, n_combinations = 200, weight_zero_m = 10^6, unique_sampling = TRUE) {
  # Find weights for given number of features ----------
  n_features <- seq(m - 1)
  n <- sapply(n_features, choose, n = m)
  w <- shapley_weights(m = m, N = n, n_features) * n
  p <- w / sum(w)

  feature_sample_all <- list()
  unique_samples <- 0

  if (unique_sampling) {
    while (unique_samples < n_combinations - 2) {
      # Sample number of chosen features ----------
      n_features_sample <- sample(
        x = n_features,
        size = n_combinations - unique_samples - 2, # Sample -2 as we add zero and m samples below
        replace = TRUE,
        prob = p

      # Sample specific set of features -------
      feature_sample <- sample_features_cpp(m, n_features_sample)
      feature_sample_all <- c(feature_sample_all, feature_sample)
      unique_samples <- length(unique(feature_sample_all))
  } else {
    n_features_sample <- sample(
      x = n_features,
      size = n_combinations - 2, # Sample -2 as we add zero and m samples below
      replace = TRUE,
      prob = p
    feature_sample_all <- sample_features_cpp(m, n_features_sample)

  # Add zero and m features
  feature_sample_all <- c(list(integer(0)), feature_sample_all, list(c(1:m)))
  X <- data.table(n_features = sapply(feature_sample_all, length))
  X[, n_features := as.integer(n_features)]

  # Get number of occurences and duplicated rows-------
  is_duplicate <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
  r <- helper_feature(m, feature_sample_all)
  X[, is_duplicate := r[["is_duplicate"]]]

  # When we sample combinations the Shapley weight is equal
  # to the frequency of the given combination
  X[, shapley_weight := r[["sample_frequence"]]]

  # Populate table and remove duplicated rows -------
  X[, features := feature_sample_all]
  if (any(X[["is_duplicate"]])) {
    X <- X[is_duplicate == FALSE]
  X[, is_duplicate := NULL]
  data.table::setkeyv(X, "n_features")

  # Make feature list into character
  X[, features_tmp := sapply(features, paste, collapse = " ")]

  # Aggregate weights by how many samples of a combination we observe
  X <- X[, .(
    n_features = data.table::first(n_features),
    shapley_weight = sum(shapley_weight),
    features = features[1]
  ), features_tmp]

  X[, features_tmp := NULL]
  data.table::setorder(X, n_features)

  # Add shapley weight and number of combinations
  X[c(1, .N), shapley_weight := weight_zero_m]
  X[, N := 1]
  ind <- X[, .I[data.table::between(n_features, 1, m - 1)]]
  X[ind, p := p[n_features]]
  X[ind, N := n[n_features]]

  # Set column order and key table
  data.table::setkeyv(X, "n_features")
  X[, id_combination := .I]
  X[, N := as.integer(N)]
  nms <- c("id_combination", "features", "n_features", "N", "shapley_weight", "p")
  data.table::setcolorder(X, nms)


#' Calculate Shapley weight
#' @param m Positive integer. Total number of features/feature groups.
#' @param n_components Positive integer. Represents the number of features/feature groups you want to sample from
#' a feature space consisting of `m` unique features/feature groups. Note that ` 0 < = n_components <= m`.
#' @param N Positive integer. The number of unique combinations when sampling `n_components` features/feature
#' groups, without replacement, from a sample space consisting of `m` different features/feature groups.
#' @param weight_zero_m Positive integer. Represents the Shapley weight for two special
#' cases, i.e. the case where you have either `0` or `m` features/feature groups.
#' @return Numeric
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Nikolai Sellereite
shapley_weights <- function(m, N, n_components, weight_zero_m = 10^6) {
  x <- (m - 1) / (N * n_components * (m - n_components))
  x[!is.finite(x)] <- weight_zero_m

#' @keywords internal
helper_feature <- function(m, feature_sample) {
  x <- feature_matrix_cpp(feature_sample, m)
  dt <- data.table::data.table(x)
  cnms <- paste0("V", seq(m))
  data.table::setnames(dt, cnms)
  dt[, sample_frequence := as.integer(.N), by = cnms]
  dt[, is_duplicate := duplicated(dt)]
  dt[, (cnms) := NULL]


#' Analogue to feature_exact, but for groups instead.
#' @inheritParams shapley_weights
#' @param group_num List. Contains vector of integers indicating the feature numbers for the
#' different groups.
#' @return data.table with all feature group combinations, shapley weights etc.
#' @keywords internal
feature_group <- function(group_num, weight_zero_m = 10^6) {
  m <- length(group_num)
  dt <- data.table::data.table(id_combination = seq(2^m))
  combinations <- lapply(0:m, utils::combn, x = m, simplify = FALSE)

  dt[, groups := unlist(combinations, recursive = FALSE)]
  dt[, features := lapply(groups, FUN = group_fun, group_num = group_num)]
  dt[, n_groups := length(groups[[1]]), id_combination]
  dt[, n_features := length(features[[1]]), id_combination]
  dt[, N := .N, n_groups]
  dt[, shapley_weight := shapley_weights(m = m, N = N, n_components = n_groups, weight_zero_m)]


#' @keywords internal
group_fun <- function(x, group_num) {
  if (length(x) != 0) {
  } else {

#' Analogue to feature_not_exact, but for groups instead.
#' Analogue to feature_not_exact, but for groups instead.
#' @inheritParams shapley_weights
#' @inheritParams feature_group
#' @return data.table with all feature group combinations, shapley weights etc.
#' @keywords internal
feature_group_not_exact <- function(group_num, n_combinations = 200, weight_zero_m = 10^6) {
  # Find weights for given number of features ----------
  m <- length(group_num)
  n_groups <- seq(m - 1)
  n <- sapply(n_groups, choose, n = m)
  w <- shapley_weights(m = m, N = n, n_groups) * n
  p <- w / sum(w)

  # Sample number of chosen features ----------
  feature_sample_all <- list()
  unique_samples <- 0

  while (unique_samples < n_combinations - 2) {
    # Sample number of chosen features ----------
    n_features_sample <- sample(
      x = n_groups,
      size = n_combinations - unique_samples - 2, # Sample -2 as we add zero and m samples below
      replace = TRUE,
      prob = p

    # Sample specific set of features -------
    feature_sample <- sample_features_cpp(m, n_features_sample)
    feature_sample_all <- c(feature_sample_all, feature_sample)
    unique_samples <- length(unique(feature_sample_all))

  # Add zero and m features
  feature_sample_all <- c(list(integer(0)), feature_sample_all, list(c(1:m)))
  X <- data.table(n_groups = sapply(feature_sample_all, length))
  X[, n_groups := as.integer(n_groups)]

  # Get number of occurences and duplicated rows-------
  is_duplicate <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
  r <- helper_feature(m, feature_sample_all)
  X[, is_duplicate := r[["is_duplicate"]]]

  # When we sample combinations the Shapley weight is equal
  # to the frequency of the given combination
  X[, shapley_weight := r[["sample_frequence"]]]

  # Populate table and remove duplicated rows -------
  X[, groups := feature_sample_all]
  if (any(X[["is_duplicate"]])) {
    X <- X[is_duplicate == FALSE]
  X[, is_duplicate := NULL]

  # Make group list into character
  X[, groups_tmp := sapply(groups, paste, collapse = " ")]

  # Aggregate weights by how many samples of a combination we have
  X <- X[, .(
    n_groups = data.table::first(n_groups),
    shapley_weight = sum(shapley_weight),
    groups = groups[1]
  ), groups_tmp]

  X[, groups_tmp := NULL]
  data.table::setorder(X, n_groups)

  # Add shapley weight and number of combinations
  X[c(1, .N), shapley_weight := weight_zero_m]
  X[, N := 1]
  ind <- X[, .I[data.table::between(n_groups, 1, m - 1)]]
  X[ind, p := p[n_groups]]
  X[ind, N := n[n_groups]]

  # Adding feature info
  X[, features := lapply(groups, FUN = group_fun, group_num = group_num)]
  X[, n_features := sapply(X$features, length)]

  # Set column order and key table
  data.table::setkeyv(X, "n_groups")
  X[, id_combination := .I]
  X[, N := as.integer(N)]
  nms <- c("id_combination", "groups", "features", "n_groups", "n_features", "N", "shapley_weight", "p")
  data.table::setcolorder(X, nms)


#' Calculate weighted matrix
#' @param X data.table
#' @param normalize_W_weights Logical. Whether to normalize the weights for the combinations to sum to 1 for
#' increased numerical stability before solving the WLS (weighted least squares). Applies to all combinations
#' except combination `1` and `2^m`.
#' @param is_groupwise Logical. Indicating whether group wise Shapley values are to be computed.
#' @return Numeric matrix. See [weight_matrix_cpp()] for more information.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Nikolai Sellereite, Martin Jullum
weight_matrix <- function(X, normalize_W_weights = TRUE, is_groupwise = FALSE) {
  # Fetch weights
  w <- X[["shapley_weight"]]

  if (normalize_W_weights) {
    w[-c(1, length(w))] <- w[-c(1, length(w))] / sum(w[-c(1, length(w))])

  if (!is_groupwise) {
    W <- weight_matrix_cpp(
      subsets = X[["features"]],
      m = X[.N][["n_features"]],
      n = X[, .N],
      w = w
  } else {
    W <- weight_matrix_cpp(
      subsets = X[["groups"]],
      m = X[.N][["n_groups"]],
      n = X[, .N],
      w = w


#' @keywords internal
create_S_batch_new <- function(internal, seed = NULL) {
  n_features0 <- internal$parameters$n_features
  approach0 <- internal$parameters$approach
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations
  n_batches <- internal$parameters$n_batches

  X <- internal$objects$X

  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  if (length(approach0) > 1) {
    X[!(n_features %in% c(0, n_features0)), approach := approach0[n_features]]

    # Finding the number of batches per approach
    batch_count_dt <- X[!is.na(approach), list(
      n_batches_per_approach =
        pmax(1, round(.N / (n_combinations - 2) * n_batches)),
      n_S_per_approach = .N
    ), by = approach]

    # Ensures that the number of batches corresponds to `n_batches`
    if (sum(batch_count_dt$n_batches_per_approach) != n_batches) {
      # Ensure that the number of batches is not larger than `n_batches`.
      # Remove one batch from the approach with the most batches.
      while (sum(batch_count_dt$n_batches_per_approach) > n_batches) {
          n_batches_per_approach := n_batches_per_approach - 1

      # Ensure that the number of batches is not lower than `n_batches`.
      # Add one batch to the approach with most coalitions per batch
      while (sum(batch_count_dt$n_batches_per_approach) < n_batches) {
          which.max(n_S_per_approach / n_batches_per_approach),
          n_batches_per_approach := n_batches_per_approach + 1

    batch_count_dt[, n_leftover_first_batch := n_S_per_approach %% n_batches_per_approach]
    data.table::setorder(batch_count_dt, -n_leftover_first_batch)

    approach_vec <- batch_count_dt[, approach]
    n_batch_vec <- batch_count_dt[, n_batches_per_approach]

    # Randomize order before ordering spreading the batches on the different approaches as evenly as possible
    # with respect to shapley_weight
    X[, randomorder := sample(.N)]
    data.table::setorder(X, randomorder) # To avoid smaller id_combinations always proceeding large ones
    data.table::setorder(X, shapley_weight)

    batch_counter <- 0
    for (i in seq_along(approach_vec)) {
      X[approach == approach_vec[i], batch := ceiling(.I / .N * n_batch_vec[i]) + batch_counter]
      batch_counter <- X[approach == approach_vec[i], max(batch)]
  } else {
    X[!(n_features %in% c(0, n_features0)), approach := approach0]

    # Spreading the batches
    X[, randomorder := sample(.N)]
    data.table::setorder(X, randomorder)
    data.table::setorder(X, shapley_weight)
    X[!(n_features %in% c(0, n_features0)), batch := ceiling(.I / .N * n_batches)]

  # Assigning batch 1 (which always is the smallest) to the full prediction.
  X[, randomorder := NULL]
  X[id_combination == max(id_combination), batch := 1]
  setkey(X, id_combination)

  # Create a list of the batch splits
  S_groups <- split(X[id_combination != 1, id_combination], X[id_combination != 1, batch])

NorskRegnesentral/shapr documentation built on April 19, 2024, 1:19 p.m.