
# Libraries -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# library(shapr)
# library(rbenchmark)

# Other functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Sample conditional Gaussian variables
#' @inheritParams sample_copula
#' @return data.table
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Martin Jullum
sample_gaussian <- function(index_given, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, x_explain) {
  # Check input

  # Handles the unconditional and full conditional separtely when predicting
  cnms <- colnames(x_explain)
  if (length(index_given) %in% c(0, m)) {

  dependent_ind <- seq_along(mu)[-index_given]
  x_explain_gaussian <- x_explain[index_given]
  tmp <- condMVNorm::condMVN(
    mean = mu,
    sigma = cov_mat,
    dependent.ind = dependent_ind,
    given.ind = index_given,
    X.given = x_explain_gaussian

  # Makes the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetric
  if (!isSymmetric(tmp[["condVar"]])) {
    tmp[["condVar"]] <- Matrix::symmpart(tmp$condVar)

  ret0 <- mvnfast::rmvn(n = n_samples, mu = tmp$condMean, sigma = tmp$condVar)

  ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = m, nrow = n_samples)
  ret[, index_given] <- rep(x_explain_gaussian, each = n_samples)
  ret[, dependent_ind] <- ret0

  colnames(ret) <- cnms

# Cpp functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #include <RcppArmadillo.h>
# #include <iostream>
# using namespace Rcpp;
# //' Generate Gaussian MC samples
#  //'
# //' @param MC_samples_mat matrix. Matrix of dimension `n_samples` times `n_features` containing samples from the
#  //' univariate standard normal.
# //' @param x_explain_mat matrix. Matrix of dimension `n_explain` times `n_features` containing the observations
#  //' to explain.
# //' @param S matrix. Matrix of dimension `n_combinations` times `n_features` containing binary representations of
#  //' the used coalitions.
# //' @param mu vector. Vector of length `n_features` containing the mean of each feature.
#  //' @param cov_mat mat. Matrix of dimension `n_features` times `n_features` containing the pariwise covariance between
# //' all features.
#  //'
# //' @export
#  //' @keywords internal
# //'
#  //' @return List of length `n_combinations`*`n_samples`, where each entry is a matrix of dimension `n_samples` times
# //' `n_features` containing the conditional MC samples for each coalition and explicand.
#  //' @author Lars Henry Berge Olsen
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# Rcpp::List prepare_data_gaussian_cpp(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                      arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                      arma::mat S,
#                                      arma::vec mu,
#                                      arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   // Pre-allocate result matrix
#   arma::mat ret(n_samples, n_features);
#   // Create a list containing the MC samples for all coalitions and test observations
#   Rcpp::List result_list;
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < S.n_rows; S_ind++) {
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5); // må finnes en bedre løsning her
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     // Loop over the different test observations and combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       ret.cols(S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1); // can using .fill() speed this up?
#         ret.cols(Sbar_now_idx) = MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(trans(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now)), n_samples, 1);
#         result_list.push_back(ret);
#     }
#   }
#   return result_list;
# }
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# Rcpp::List prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_with_wrap(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                                arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                                arma::mat S,
#                                                arma::vec mu,
#                                                arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   // Pre-allocate result matrix
#   arma::mat ret(n_samples, n_features);
#   // Create a list containing the MC samples for all coalitions and test observations
#   Rcpp::List result_list;
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < S.n_rows; S_ind++) {
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5); // må finnes en bedre løsning her
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     // Loop over the different test observations and combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       ret.cols(S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1); // can using .fill() speed this up?
#         ret.cols(Sbar_now_idx) = MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(trans(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now)), n_samples, 1);
#         result_list.push_back(Rcpp::wrap(ret));
#     }
#   }
#   return result_list;
# }
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# Rcpp::List prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_v2(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                         arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                         arma::mat S,
#                                         arma::vec mu,
#                                         arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   // Create a list containing the MC samples for all coalitions and test observations
#   Rcpp::List result_list;
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < S.n_rows; S_ind++) {
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5);
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = trans(MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S));
#     // Loop over the different test observations and Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       arma::mat ret(n_samples, n_features);
#       ret.cols(S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1);
#       ret.cols(Sbar_now_idx) = trans(MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now), 1, n_samples));
#       result_list.push_back(ret);
#     }
#   }
#   return result_list;
# }
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# arma::mat prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_large_mat(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                                   arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                                   arma::mat S,
#                                                   arma::vec mu,
#                                                   arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   int n_coalitions = S.n_rows;
#   // Pre-allocate result matrix
#   arma::mat return_mat(n_coalitions*n_explain*n_samples, n_features);
#   // Create a list containing the MC samples for all coalitions and test observations
#   std::list<arma::mat> result_list;
#   // Rcpp::List result_list;
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < n_coalitions; S_ind++) {
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5); // må finnes en bedre løsning her
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     // Loop over the different test observations and combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       // Maybe faster to create vector 0:(n_samples - 1) and then just add n_samples in each loop.
#       arma::uvec row_indices_now = arma::linspace<arma::uvec>(S_ind*n_explain*n_samples + idx_now*n_samples,
#                                                               S_ind*n_explain*n_samples + idx_now*n_samples + n_samples - 1,
#                                                               n_samples);
#       return_mat.submat(row_indices_now, S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1);
#       return_mat.submat(row_indices_now, Sbar_now_idx) =
#         MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(trans(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now)), n_samples, 1);
#     }
#   }
#   return return_mat;
# }
# // Diff in v2 is where we do the transpose
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# arma::mat prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                                      arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                                      arma::mat S,
#                                                      arma::vec mu,
#                                                      arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   int n_coalitions = S.n_rows;
#   // Pre-allocate result matrix
#   arma::mat return_mat(n_coalitions*n_explain*n_samples, n_features);
#   // Create a list containing the MC samples for all coalitions and test observations
#   std::list<arma::mat> result_list;
#   // Rcpp::List result_list;
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < n_coalitions; S_ind++) {
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5); // må finnes en bedre løsning her
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = trans(MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S));
#     // Loop over the different test observations and combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       // Maybe faster to create vector 0:(n_samples - 1) and then just add n_samples in each loop.
#       arma::uvec row_indices_now = arma::linspace<arma::uvec>(S_ind*n_explain*n_samples + idx_now*n_samples,
#                                                               S_ind*n_explain*n_samples + idx_now*n_samples + n_samples - 1,
#                                                               n_samples);
#       return_mat.submat(row_indices_now, S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1);
#       return_mat.submat(row_indices_now, Sbar_now_idx) =
#         trans(MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now), 1, n_samples));
#     }
#   }
#   return return_mat;
# }
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# arma::cube prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_cube(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                               arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                               arma::mat S,
#                                               arma::vec mu,
#                                               arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   int n_coalitions = S.n_rows;
#   // Pre-allocate result matrix
#   arma::mat aux_mat(n_samples, n_features);
#   arma::cube result_cube(n_samples, n_features, n_explain*n_coalitions);
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < n_coalitions; S_ind++) {
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5); // må finnes en bedre løsning her
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     // Loop over the different test observations and combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       aux_mat.cols(S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1); // can using .fill() speed this up?
#         aux_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) = MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(trans(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now)), n_samples, 1);
#         result_cube.slice(S_ind*n_explain + idx_now) = aux_mat;
#     }
#   }
#   return result_cube;
# }
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# arma::cube prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_cube_v2(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                                  arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                                  arma::mat S,
#                                                  arma::vec mu,
#                                                  arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   int n_coalitions = S.n_rows;
#   // Pre-allocate result matrix
#   arma::mat aux_mat(n_samples, n_features);
#   arma::cube result_cube(n_samples, n_explain*n_coalitions, n_features);
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < n_coalitions; S_ind++) {
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5); // må finnes en bedre løsning her
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     // Loop over the different test observations and combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       aux_mat.cols(S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1); // can using .fill() speed this up?
#         aux_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) = MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(trans(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now)), n_samples, 1);
#         result_cube.col(S_ind*n_explain + idx_now) = aux_mat;
#     }
#   }
#   return result_cube;
# }
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# Rcpp::List prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                                                    arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                                                    arma::mat S,
#                                                                    arma::vec mu,
#                                                                    arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   // Pre-allocate result matrix
#   arma::mat aux_mat(n_samples, n_features);
#   // Create a list containing lists that contian the MC samples for all coalitions and test observations in each matrix
#   Rcpp::List result_list(S.n_rows);
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < S.n_rows; S_ind++) {
#     Rcpp::List result_list_now(n_explain);
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5); // må finnes en bedre løsning her
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     // Loop over the different test observations and combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       aux_mat.cols(S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1); // can using .fill() speed this up?
#         aux_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) = MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(trans(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now)), n_samples, 1);
#         result_list_now[idx_now] = aux_mat;
#     }
#     result_list[S_ind] = result_list_now;
#   }
#   return result_list;
# }
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# std::list<arma::mat> prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_std_list(arma::mat MC_samples_mat,
#                                                             arma::mat x_explain_mat,
#                                                             arma::mat S,
#                                                             arma::vec mu,
#                                                             arma::mat cov_mat) {
#   int n_explain = x_explain_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_samples = MC_samples_mat.n_rows;
#   int n_features = MC_samples_mat.n_cols;
#   // Pre-allocate result matrix
#   arma::mat aux_mat(n_samples, n_features);
#   // Create a list containing the MC samples for all coalitions and test observations
#   std::list<arma::mat> result_list;
#   // Iterate over the coalitions
#   for (int S_ind = 0; S_ind < S.n_rows; S_ind++) {
#     // TODO: REMOVE IN FINAL VERSION Small printout
#     Rcpp::Rcout << S_ind + 1 << ",";
#     // Get current coalition S and the indices of the features in coalition S and mask Sbar
#     arma::mat S_now = S.row(S_ind);
#     arma::uvec S_now_idx = arma::find(S_now > 0.5); // må finnes en bedre løsning her
#     arma::uvec Sbar_now_idx = arma::find(S_now < 0.5);
#     // Extract the features we condition on
#     arma::mat x_S_star = x_explain_mat.cols(S_now_idx);
#     // Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
#     arma::vec mu_S = mu.elem(S_now_idx);
#     arma::vec mu_Sbar = mu.elem(Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SS = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SSbar = cov_mat.submat(S_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, S_now_idx);
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarSbar = cov_mat.submat(Sbar_now_idx, Sbar_now_idx);
#     // Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
#     arma::mat cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv = cov_mat_SbarS * inv(cov_mat_SS);
#     arma::mat cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * cov_mat_SSbar;
#     // Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix is symmetric
#     if (!cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S.is_symmetric()) {
#       cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S = arma::symmatl(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     }
#     // Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
#     arma::mat x_Sbar_mean = cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv * (x_S_star.each_row() - mu_S.t()).t(); // Can we speed it up by reducing the number of transposes?
#       x_Sbar_mean.each_col() += mu_Sbar;
#     // Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
#     arma::mat MC_samples_mat_now = MC_samples_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) * arma::chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S);
#     // Loop over the different test observations and combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
#     for (int idx_now = 0; idx_now < n_explain; idx_now++) {
#       aux_mat.cols(S_now_idx) = repmat(x_S_star.row(idx_now), n_samples, 1); // can using .fill() speed this up?
#         aux_mat.cols(Sbar_now_idx) = MC_samples_mat_now + repmat(trans(x_Sbar_mean.col(idx_now)), n_samples, 1);
#         result_list.push_back(aux_mat);
#     }
#   }
#   return result_list;
# }

# Old and new version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
prepare_data_gaussian_old <- function(internal, index_features = NULL, ...) {
  x_train <- internal$data$x_train
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  gaussian.cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples <- internal$parameters$
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features

  X <- internal$objects$X

  x_explain0 <- as.matrix(x_explain)
  dt_l <- list()

  if (is.null(index_features)) {
    features <- X$features
  } else {
    features <- X$features[index_features]

  for (i in seq_len(n_explain)) {
    cat(sprintf("%d,", i))
    l <- lapply(
      X = features,
      FUN = sample_gaussian, #shapr:::sample_gaussian,
      n_samples = n_samples,
      mu =,
      cov_mat = gaussian.cov_mat,
      m = n_features,
      x_explain = x_explain0[i, , drop = FALSE]

    dt_l[[i]] <- data.table::rbindlist(l, idcol = "id_combination")
    dt_l[[i]][, w := 1 / n_samples]
    dt_l[[i]][, id := i]
    if (!is.null(index_features)) dt_l[[i]][, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(dt_l, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)

# In this version we improve the method by only computing the conditional covariance matrices once.
prepare_data_gaussian_new_v1 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate a data table containing all Monte Carlo samples for all test observations and coalitions
  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
    # Iterate over the coalitions
      function(S_ind) {
        # This function generates the conditional samples Xsbar | Xs = Xs_star
        # and combine those values with the unconditional values.
        cat(sprintf("%d,", S_ind))

        # Get boolean representations if the features are in the S and the Sbar sets
        S_now <- as.logical(S[S_ind, ])
        Sbar_now <- !as.logical(S[S_ind, ])

        # Remove:
        # Do not need to treat the empty and grand coalitions different as they will never be present
        # if (sum(S_now) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
        #   return("id" = seq(n_explain), x_explain)))
        # }

        # Extract the features we condition on
        x_S_star <- x_explain_mat[, S_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
        mu_S <- mu[S_now]
        mu_Sbar <- mu[Sbar_now]

        # Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SS <- cov_mat[S_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SSbar <- cov_mat[S_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarS <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarSbar <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv <- cov_mat_SbarS %*% solve(cov_mat_SS)
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% cov_mat_SSbar

        # Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the
        # rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetrical.
        if (!isSymmetric(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)) {
          cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- Matrix::symmpart(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
        x_Sbar_mean <- mu_Sbar + cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% (t(x_S_star) - mu_S)

        # Allocate an empty matrix used in mvnfast:::rmvnCpp to store the generated MC samples.
        B <- matrix(nrow = n_samples, ncol = sum(Sbar_now))
        class(B) <- "numeric"

        # Create a data.table containing the MC samples for all test observations for one coalition

          # Loop over the different test observations
          lapply(seq(n_explain), function(idx_now) {
            # Sample the MC samples from the conditional Gaussian distribution for one test observation.
                  n_ = n_samples,
                  mu_ = x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now],
                  sigma_ = cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S,
                  ncores_ = 1,
                  isChol_ = FALSE,
                  A_ = B,
                  PACKAGE = "mvnfast"
            # Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
            ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_features, nrow = n_samples)
            ret[, S_now] <- rep(c(x_explain_mat[idx_now, S_now]), each = n_samples)
            ret[, Sbar_now] <- B

            # Set names of the columns and convert to a data.table
            colnames(ret) <- feature_names
          use.names = TRUE, idcol = "id", fill = TRUE
    idcol = "id_combination"

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

# This is similar to v1, but we compute the Cholensky decomposition only once for each coalitions.
# In v1, it is computed n_explain times.
prepare_data_gaussian_new_v2 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate a data table containing all Monte Carlo samples for all test observations and coalitions
  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
    # Iterate over the coalitions
      function(S_ind) {
        # This function generates the conditional samples Xsbar | Xs = Xs_star
        # and combine those values with the unconditional values.
        cat(sprintf("%d,", S_ind))

        # Get boolean representations if the features are in the S and the Sbar sets
        S_now <- as.logical(S[S_ind, ])
        Sbar_now <- !as.logical(S[S_ind, ])

        # Remove:
        # Do not need to treat the empty and grand coalitions different as they will never be present
        # if (sum(S_now) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
        #   return("id" = seq(n_explain), x_explain)))
        # }

        # Extract the features we condition on
        x_S_star <- x_explain_mat[, S_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
        mu_S <- mu[S_now]
        mu_Sbar <- mu[Sbar_now]

        # Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SS <- cov_mat[S_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SSbar <- cov_mat[S_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarS <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarSbar <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv <- cov_mat_SbarS %*% solve(cov_mat_SS)
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% cov_mat_SSbar

        # Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the
        # rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetrical.
        if (!isSymmetric(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)) {
          cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- Matrix::symmpart(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
        x_Sbar_mean <- mu_Sbar + cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% (t(x_S_star) - mu_S)

        # Allocate an empty matrix used in mvnfast:::rmvnCpp to store the generated MC samples.
        B <- matrix(nrow = n_samples, ncol = sum(Sbar_now))
        class(B) <- "numeric"

        # Compute the Cholensky decomposition
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S_chol <- chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Create a data.table containing the MC samples for all test observations for one coalition

          # Loop over the different test observations
          lapply(seq(n_explain), function(idx_now) {
            # Sample the MC samples from the conditional Gaussian distribution for one test observation.
                  n_ = n_samples,
                  mu_ = x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now],
                  sigma_ = cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S_chol,
                  ncores_ = 1,
                  isChol_ = TRUE,
                  A_ = B,
                  PACKAGE = "mvnfast"
            # Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
            ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_features, nrow = n_samples)
            ret[, S_now] <- rep(c(x_explain_mat[idx_now, S_now]), each = n_samples)
            ret[, Sbar_now] <- B

            # Set names of the columns and convert to a data.table
            colnames(ret) <- feature_names
          use.names = TRUE, idcol = "id", fill = TRUE
    idcol = "id_combination"

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

# Here we improve the method speed by only sampling once per coalition
# and only add the test-observation-dependent mean in a secondary call.
prepare_data_gaussian_new_v3 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate a data table containing all Monte Carlo samples for all test observations and coalitions
  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
    # Iterate over the coalitions
      function(S_ind) {
        # This function generates the conditional samples Xsbar | Xs = Xs_star
        # and combine those values with the unconditional values.
        cat(sprintf("%d,", S_ind))

        # Get boolean representations if the features are in the S and the Sbar sets
        S_now <- as.logical(S[S_ind, ])
        Sbar_now <- !as.logical(S[S_ind, ])

        # Remove:
        # Do not need to treat the empty and grand coalitions different as they will never be present
        # if (sum(S_now) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
        #   return("id" = seq(n_explain), x_explain)))
        # }

        # Extract the features we condition on
        x_S_star <- x_explain_mat[, S_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
        mu_S <- mu[S_now]
        mu_Sbar <- mu[Sbar_now]

        # Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SS <- cov_mat[S_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SSbar <- cov_mat[S_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarS <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarSbar <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv <- cov_mat_SbarS %*% solve(cov_mat_SS)
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% cov_mat_SSbar

        # Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the
        # rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetrical.
        if (!isSymmetric(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)) {
          cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- Matrix::symmpart(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
        x_Sbar_mean <- mu_Sbar + cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% (t(x_S_star) - mu_S)

        # rbenchmark::benchmark(
        # t(sweep(x_S_star, 2, mu_S, FUN = "-")),
        # t(x_S_star) - mu_S)

        # Allocate an empty matrix used in mvnfast:::rmvnCpp to store the generated MC samples.
        B <- matrix(nrow = n_samples, ncol = sum(Sbar_now))
        class(B) <- "numeric"

              n_ = n_samples,
              mu_ = rep(0, length(mu_Sbar)),
              sigma_ = cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S,
              ncores_ = 1,
              isChol_ = FALSE,
              A_ = B,
              PACKAGE = "mvnfast"

        # Transpose her and untranspose later for faster matrix addition in `t(B + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])`
        # as it seems to be faster than using `sweep(B, 2, x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now], FUN = "+")` on the
        # original B (i.e., not transposed B).
        B <- t(B)

        # Create a data.table containing the MC samples for all test observations for one coalition

          # Loop over the different test observations
          lapply(seq(n_explain), function(idx_now) {
            # Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
            ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_features, nrow = n_samples)
            ret[, S_now] <- rep(c(x_explain_mat[idx_now, S_now]), each = n_samples)
            ret[, Sbar_now] <- t(B + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])

            # Set names of the columns and convert to a data.table
            colnames(ret) <- feature_names
          use.names = TRUE, idcol = "id", fill = TRUE
    idcol = "id_combination"

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

# Same as v3, but we now use R to compute Cholensky
prepare_data_gaussian_new_v4 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate a data table containing all Monte Carlo samples for all test observations and coalitions
  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
    # Iterate over the coalitions
      function(S_ind) {
        # This function generates the conditional samples Xsbar | Xs = Xs_star
        # and combine those values with the unconditional values.
        cat(sprintf("%d,", S_ind))

        # Get boolean representations if the features are in the S and the Sbar sets
        S_now <- as.logical(S[S_ind, ])
        Sbar_now <- !as.logical(S[S_ind, ])

        # Remove:
        # Do not need to treat the empty and grand coalitions different as they will never be present
        # if (sum(S_now) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
        #   return("id" = seq(n_explain), x_explain)))
        # }

        # Extract the features we condition on
        x_S_star <- x_explain_mat[, S_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
        mu_S <- mu[S_now]
        mu_Sbar <- mu[Sbar_now]

        # Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SS <- cov_mat[S_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SSbar <- cov_mat[S_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarS <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarSbar <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv <- cov_mat_SbarS %*% solve(cov_mat_SS)
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% cov_mat_SSbar

        # Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the
        # rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetrical.
        if (!isSymmetric(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)) {
          cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- Matrix::symmpart(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
        x_Sbar_mean <- mu_Sbar + cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% (t(x_S_star) - mu_S)

        # Allocate an empty matrix used in mvnfast:::rmvnCpp to store the generated MC samples.
        B <- matrix(nrow = n_samples, ncol = sum(Sbar_now))
        class(B) <- "numeric"

              n_ = n_samples,
              mu_ = rep(0, length(mu_Sbar)),
              sigma_ = chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S),
              ncores_ = 1,
              isChol_ = TRUE,
              A_ = B,
              PACKAGE = "mvnfast"

        # Transpose her and untranspose later for faster matrix addition in `t(B + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])`
        # as it seems to be faster than using `sweep(B, 2, x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now], FUN = "+")` on the
        # original B (i.e., not transposed B).
        B <- t(B)

        # Create a data.table containing the MC samples for all test observations for one coalition

          # Loop over the different test observations
          lapply(seq(n_explain), function(idx_now) {
            # Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
            ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_features, nrow = n_samples)
            ret[, S_now] <- rep(c(x_explain_mat[idx_now, S_now]), each = n_samples)
            ret[, Sbar_now] <- t(B + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])

            # Set names of the columns and convert to a data.table
            colnames(ret) <- feature_names
          use.names = TRUE, idcol = "id", fill = TRUE
    idcol = "id_combination"

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

# Here we only want to generate the data once. So we generate n_samples from N(0, I),
# and then use Cholensky to transform to N(O, Sigma_{Sbar|S}), and then add the means.
prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Allocate an empty matrix used in mvnfast:::rmvnCpp to store the generated MC samples.
  B <- matrix(nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)
  class(B) <- "numeric"

        n_ = n_samples,
        mu_ = rep(0, n_features),
        sigma_ = diag(n_features),
        ncores_ = 1,
        isChol_ = TRUE,
        A_ = B,
        PACKAGE = "mvnfast"

  # Generate a data table containing all Monte Carlo samples for all test observations and coalitions
  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
    # Iterate over the coalitions
      function(S_ind) {
        # This function generates the conditional samples Xsbar | Xs = Xs_star
        # and combine those values with the unconditional values.
        cat(sprintf("%d,", S_ind))

        # Get boolean representations if the features are in the S and the Sbar sets
        S_now <- as.logical(S[S_ind, ])
        Sbar_now <- !as.logical(S[S_ind, ])

        # Remove:
        # Do not need to treat the empty and grand coalitions different as they will never be present
        # if (sum(S_now) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
        #   return("id" = seq(n_explain), x_explain)))
        # }

        # Extract the features we condition on
        x_S_star <- x_explain_mat[, S_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
        mu_S <- mu[S_now]
        mu_Sbar <- mu[Sbar_now]

        # Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SS <- cov_mat[S_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SSbar <- cov_mat[S_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarS <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarSbar <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv <- cov_mat_SbarS %*% solve(cov_mat_SS)
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% cov_mat_SSbar

        # Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the
        # rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetrical.
        if (!isSymmetric(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)) {
          cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- Matrix::symmpart(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
        x_Sbar_mean <- mu_Sbar + cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% t(sweep(x_S_star, 2, mu_S, FUN = "-"))

        # Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
        # Transpose her and untranspose later for faster matrix addition in `t(B + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])`
        # as it seems to be faster than using `sweep(B, 2, x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now], FUN = "+")` on the
        # original B (i.e., not transposed B).
        B_now <- t(B[, Sbar_now] %*% chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S))

        # Create a data.table containing the MC samples for all test observations for one coalition

          # Loop over the different test observations
          lapply(seq(n_explain), function(idx_now) {
            # Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
            ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_features, nrow = n_samples)
            ret[, S_now] <- rep(c(x_explain_mat[idx_now, S_now]), each = n_samples)
            ret[, Sbar_now] <- t(B_now + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])

            # Set names of the columns and convert to a data.table
            colnames(ret) <- feature_names
          use.names = TRUE, idcol = "id", fill = TRUE
    idcol = "id_combination"

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Allocate an empty matrix used in mvnfast:::rmvnCpp to store the generated MC samples.
  #  B <- matrix(nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)
  #  class(B) <- "numeric"

  #  .Call("rmvnCpp",
  #        n_ = n_samples,
  #        mu_ = rep(0, n_features),
  #        sigma_ = diag(n_features),
  #        ncores_ = 1,
  #        isChol_ = TRUE,
  #        A_ = B,
  #        PACKAGE = "mvnfast"
  #  )

  B <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples*n_features),nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Generate a data table containing all Monte Carlo samples for all test observations and coalitions
  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
    # Iterate over the coalitions
      function(S_ind) {
        # This function generates the conditional samples Xsbar | Xs = Xs_star
        # and combine those values with the unconditional values.
        cat(sprintf("%d,", S_ind))

        # Get boolean representations if the features are in the S and the Sbar sets
        S_now <- as.logical(S[S_ind, ])
        Sbar_now <- !as.logical(S[S_ind, ])

        # Remove:
        # Do not need to treat the empty and grand coalitions different as they will never be present
        # if (sum(S_now) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
        #   return("id" = seq(n_explain), x_explain)))
        # }

        # Extract the features we condition on
        x_S_star <- x_explain_mat[, S_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
        mu_S <- mu[S_now]
        mu_Sbar <- mu[Sbar_now]

        # Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SS <- cov_mat[S_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SSbar <- cov_mat[S_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarS <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarSbar <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv <- cov_mat_SbarS %*% solve(cov_mat_SS)
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% cov_mat_SSbar

        # Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the
        # rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetrical.
        if (!isSymmetric(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)) {
          cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- Matrix::symmpart(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
        x_Sbar_mean <- mu_Sbar + cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% t(sweep(x_S_star, 2, mu_S, FUN = "-"))

        # Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
        # Transpose her and untranspose later for faster matrix addition in `t(B + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])`
        # as it seems to be faster than using `sweep(B, 2, x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now], FUN = "+")` on the
        # original B (i.e., not transposed B).
        B_now <- t(B[, Sbar_now] %*% chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S))

        # Create a data.table containing the MC samples for all test observations for one coalition

          # Loop over the different test observations
          lapply(seq(n_explain), function(idx_now) {
            # Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
            ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_features, nrow = n_samples)
            ret[, S_now] <- rep(c(x_explain_mat[idx_now, S_now]), each = n_samples)
            ret[, Sbar_now] <- t(B_now + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])

            # Set names of the columns and convert to a data.table
            colnames(ret) <- feature_names
          use.names = TRUE, idcol = "id", fill = TRUE
    idcol = "id_combination"

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_v2 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Allocate an empty matrix used in mvnfast:::rmvnCpp to store the generated MC samples.
  #  B <- matrix(nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)
  #  class(B) <- "numeric"

  #  .Call("rmvnCpp",
  #        n_ = n_samples,
  #        mu_ = rep(0, n_features),
  #        sigma_ = diag(n_features),
  #        ncores_ = 1,
  #        isChol_ = TRUE,
  #        A_ = B,
  #        PACKAGE = "mvnfast"
  #  )

  B <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples*n_features),nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Generate a data table containing all Monte Carlo samples for all test observations and coalitions
  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
    # Iterate over the coalitions
      function(S_ind) {
        # This function generates the conditional samples Xsbar | Xs = Xs_star
        # and combine those values with the unconditional values.
        cat(sprintf("%d,", S_ind))

        # Get boolean representations if the features are in the S and the Sbar sets
        S_now <- as.logical(S[S_ind, ])
        Sbar_now <- !as.logical(S[S_ind, ])

        # Remove:
        # Do not need to treat the empty and grand coalitions different as they will never be present
        # if (sum(S_now) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
        #   return("id" = seq(n_explain), x_explain)))
        # }

        # Extract the features we condition on
        x_S_star <- x_explain_mat[, S_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
        mu_S <- mu[S_now]
        mu_Sbar <- mu[Sbar_now]

        # Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SS <- cov_mat[S_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SSbar <- cov_mat[S_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarS <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarSbar <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv <- cov_mat_SbarS %*% solve(cov_mat_SS)
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% cov_mat_SSbar

        # Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the
        # rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetrical.
        if (!isSymmetric(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)) {
          cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- Matrix::symmpart(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
        x_Sbar_mean <- mu_Sbar + cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% (t(x_S_star) - mu_S)

        # Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
        # Transpose her and untranspose later for faster matrix addition in `t(B + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])`
        # as it seems to be faster than using `sweep(B, 2, x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now], FUN = "+")` on the
        # original B (i.e., not transposed B).
        B_now <- t(B[, Sbar_now] %*% chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S))

        # Create a data.table containing the MC samples for all test observations for one coalition

          # Loop over the different test observations
          lapply(seq(n_explain), function(idx_now) {
            # Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
            ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_features, nrow = n_samples)
            ret[, S_now] <- rep(c(x_S_star[idx_now,]), each = n_samples)
            ret[, Sbar_now] <- t(B_now + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])

            # Set names of the columns and convert to a data.table
            colnames(ret) <- feature_names
          use.names = TRUE, idcol = "id", fill = TRUE
    idcol = "id_combination"

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp
  result_list <- prepare_data_gaussian_cpp(
    MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
    x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
    S = S,
    mu = mu,
    cov_mat = cov_mat)

  dt =, result_list))
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp
  result_list <- prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_with_wrap(
    MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
    x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
    S = S,
    mu = mu,
    cov_mat = cov_mat)

  dt =, result_list))
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp
  result_list <- prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_v2(
    MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
    x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
    S = S,
    mu = mu,
    cov_mat = cov_mat)

  dt =, result_list))
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples from N(0, 1)
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp to create the data table with the MC samples for all explicands and coalitions
  dt <-
      MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
      x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
      S = S,
      mu = mu,
      cov_mat = cov_mat)
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples from N(0, 1)
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp to create the data table with the MC samples for all explicands and coalitions
  dt <-
      MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
      x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
      S = S,
      mu = mu,
      cov_mat = cov_mat)
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp
  result_list <- prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices(
    MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
    x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
    S = S,
    mu = mu,
    cov_mat = cov_mat)

  # Here we first put the inner list together and then the whole thing. Maybe exist another faster way!
  dt =, lapply(result_list, function(inner_list), inner_list))))
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp
  result_cube <- prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_cube(
    MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
    x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
    S = S,
    mu = mu,
    cov_mat = cov_mat)

  # Reshape the 3D array to 2D
  # This is slower
  # dt =, c(1, 3, 2)),
  #                           nrow = prod(dim(result_cube)[-2]),
  #                           ncol = dim(result_cube)[2]))
  dims = dim(result_cube)
  result_cube = aperm(result_cube, c(1, 3, 2))
  dim(result_cube) <- c(prod(dims[-2]), dims[2])
  dt =
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations
  n_combinations_now <- length(index_features)

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp
  dt <- prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_cube_v2(
    MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
    x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
    S = S,
    mu = mu,
    cov_mat = cov_mat)

  # Reshape and convert to data.table
  dim(dt) = c(n_combinations_now*n_explain*n_samples, n_features)
  print(system.time({dt =}, gcFirst = FALSE))
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]

  # Generate the MC samples
  MC_samples_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_samples * n_features), nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_features)

  # Call cpp
  result_list <- prepare_data_gaussian_cpp_fix_std_list(
    MC_samples_mat = MC_samples_mat,
    x_explain_mat = x_explain_mat,
    S = S,
    mu = mu,
    cov_mat = cov_mat)

  for (i in seq(length(result_list))) {
    dim(result_list[[i]]) = c(n_samples, n_features)

  # Here we first put the inner list together and then the whole thing. Maybe exist another faster way!
  dt =, result_list))
  setnames(dt, feature_names)
  dt[, "id_combination" := rep(seq(nrow(S)), each = n_samples * n_explain)]
  dt[, "id" := rep(seq(n_explain), each = n_samples, times = nrow(S))]
  data.table::setcolorder(dt, c("id_combination", "id", feature_names))

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

# Here we only want to generate the data once. So we generate n_samples*n_batches from N(0, I),
# and then use Cholensky to transform to N(O, Sigma_{Sbar|S}), and then add the means.
prepare_data_gaussian_new_v6 <- function(internal, index_features, ...) {
  # This function assumes that index_features will never include the empty and
  # grand coalitions. This is valid 21/11/23 as `batch_prepare_vS()` removes the
  # grand coalition before calling the `prepare_data()` function and the empty
  # coalition is never included in the `internal$objects$S_batch` list.

  # Extract objects that we are going to use
  x_explain <- internal$data$x_explain
  S <- internal$objects$S
  mu <- internal$parameters$
  cov_mat <- internal$parameters$gaussian.cov_mat
  x_explain_mat <- as.matrix(internal$data$x_explain)
  n_explain <- internal$parameters$n_explain
  n_features <- internal$parameters$n_features
  n_samples <- internal$parameters$n_samples
  feature_names <- internal$parameters$feature_names
  n_combinations <- internal$parameters$n_combinations

  # Extract the relevant coalitions specified in `index_features` from `S`.
  # This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  S <- if (!is.null(index_features)) S[index_features, , drop = FALSE]
  n_combinations_in_this_batch <- nrow(S)

  # Allocate an empty matrix used in mvnfast:::rmvnCpp to store the generated MC samples.
  B <- matrix(nrow = n_samples * n_combinations_in_this_batch, ncol = n_features)
  class(B) <- "numeric"

        n_ = n_samples * n_combinations_in_this_batch,
        mu_ = rep(0, n_features),
        sigma_ = diag(n_features),
        ncores_ = 1,
        isChol_ = TRUE,
        A_ = B,
        PACKAGE = "mvnfast"

  # Indices of the start for the combinations
  B_indices <- n_samples * (seq(0, n_combinations_in_this_batch)) + 1

  # Generate a data table containing all Monte Carlo samples for all test observations and coalitions
  dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
    # Iterate over the coalitions
      function(S_ind) {
        # This function generates the conditional samples Xsbar | Xs = Xs_star
        # and combine those values with the unconditional values.
        cat(sprintf("%d,", S_ind))

        # Get boolean representations if the features are in the S and the Sbar sets
        S_now <- as.logical(S[S_ind, ])
        Sbar_now <- !as.logical(S[S_ind, ])

        # Remove:
        # Do not need to treat the empty and grand coalitions different as they will never be present
        # if (sum(S_now) %in% c(0, n_features)) {
        #   return("id" = seq(n_explain), x_explain)))
        # }

        # Extract the features we condition on
        x_S_star <- x_explain_mat[, S_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Extract the mean values for the features in the two sets
        mu_S <- mu[S_now]
        mu_Sbar <- mu[Sbar_now]

        # Extract the relevant parts of the covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SS <- cov_mat[S_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SSbar <- cov_mat[S_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarS <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, S_now, drop = FALSE]
        cov_mat_SbarSbar <- cov_mat[Sbar_now, Sbar_now, drop = FALSE]

        # Compute the covariance matrix multiplication factors/terms and the conditional covariance matrix
        cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv <- cov_mat_SbarS %*% solve(cov_mat_SS)
        cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- cov_mat_SbarSbar - cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% cov_mat_SSbar

        # Ensure that the conditional covariance matrix symmetric in the
        # rare case where numerical instability made it unsymmetrical.
        if (!isSymmetric(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)) {
          cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S <- Matrix::symmpart(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S)

        # Compute the conditional mean of Xsbar given Xs = Xs_star
        x_Sbar_mean <- mu_Sbar + cov_mat_SbarS_cov_mat_SS_inv %*% t(sweep(x_S_star, 2, mu_S, FUN = "-"))

        # Transform the samples to be from N(O, Sigma_Sbar|S)
        # Extract the relevant samples for this combination
        # Transpose her and untranspose later for faster matrix addition in `t(B + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])`
        # as it seems to be faster than using `sweep(B, 2, x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now], FUN = "+")` on the
        # original B (i.e., not transposed B).
        B_now <- t(B[B_indices[S_ind]:(B_indices[S_ind + 1] - 1), Sbar_now] %*% chol(cond_cov_mat_Sbar_given_S))

        # Create a data.table containing the MC samples for all test observations for one coalition

          # Loop over the different test observations
          lapply(seq(n_explain), function(idx_now) {
            # Combine the generated values with the values we conditioned on
            ret <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_features, nrow = n_samples)
            ret[, S_now] <- rep(c(x_explain_mat[idx_now, S_now]), each = n_samples)
            ret[, Sbar_now] <- t(B_now + x_Sbar_mean[, idx_now])

            # Set names of the columns and convert to a data.table
            colnames(ret) <- feature_names
          use.names = TRUE, idcol = "id", fill = TRUE
    idcol = "id_combination"

  # Update the id_combination. This will always be called as `index_features` is never NULL.
  if (!is.null(index_features)) dt[, id_combination := index_features[id_combination]]

  # Add uniform weights
  dt[, w := 1 / n_samples]

  # Remove:
  # This is not needed when we assume that the empty and grand coalitions will never be present
  # dt[id_combination %in% c(1, n_combinations), w := 1]

  # Return the MC samples

# Compare the methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Setup -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  n_samples <- 1000
  # n_samples <- 25000
  n_train <- 1000
  n_test <- 100
  M <- 8
  rho <- 0.5
  betas <- c(0, rep(1, M))

  # We use the Gaussian approach
  approach <- "gaussian"

  # Mean of the multivariate Gaussian distribution
  mu <- rep(0, times = M)
  mu <- seq(M)

  # Create the covariance matrix
  sigma <- matrix(rho, ncol = M, nrow = M) # Old
  for (i in seq(1, M - 1)) {
    for (j in seq(i + 1, M)) {
      sigma[i, j] <- sigma[j, i] <- rho^abs(i - j)
  diag(sigma) <- 1

  # Set seed for reproducibility
  seed_setup <- 1996

  # Make Gaussian data
  data_train <- data.table(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = n_train, mean = mu, sigma = sigma))
  data_test <- data.table(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = n_test, mean = mu, sigma = sigma))
  colnames(data_train) <- paste("X", seq(M), sep = "")
  colnames(data_test) <- paste("X", seq(M), sep = "")

  # Make the response
  response_train <- as.vector(cbind(1, as.matrix(data_train)) %*% betas)
  response_test <- as.vector(cbind(1, as.matrix(data_test)) %*% betas)

  # Put together the data
  data_train_with_response <- copy(data_train)[, y := response_train]
  data_test_with_response <- copy(data_test)[, y := response_test]

  # Fit a LM model
  predictive_model <- lm(y ~ ., data = data_train_with_response)

  # Get the prediction zero, i.e., the phi0 Shapley value.
  prediction_zero <- mean(response_train)

  model <- predictive_model
  x_explain <- data_test
  x_train <- data_train
  keep_samp_for_vS <- FALSE
  predict_model <- NULL
  get_model_specs <- NULL
  timing <- TRUE
  n_combinations <- NULL
  group <- NULL
  feature_specs <- get_feature_specs(get_model_specs, model)
  n_batches <- 1
  seed <- 1

  internal <- setup(
    x_train = x_train,
    x_explain = x_explain,
    approach = approach,
    prediction_zero = prediction_zero,
    n_combinations = n_combinations,
    group = group,
    n_samples = n_samples,
    n_batches = n_batches,
    seed = seed,
    feature_specs = feature_specs,
    keep_samp_for_vS = keep_samp_for_vS,
    predict_model = predict_model,
    get_model_specs = get_model_specs,
    timing = timing, = mu,
    gaussian.cov_mat = sigma

  # Gets predict_model (if not passed to explain)
  predict_model <- get_predict_model(
    predict_model = predict_model,
    model = model

  # Sets up the Shapley (sampling) framework and prepares the
  # conditional expectation computation for the chosen approach
  # Note: model and predict_model are ONLY used by the AICc-methods of approach empirical to find optimal parameters
  internal <- setup_computation(internal, model, predict_model)

## Compare time ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Recall that old version iterate over the observations and then the coalitions.
# While the new version iterate over the coalitions and then the observations.
# The latter lets us reuse the computed conditional distributions for all observations.
look_at_coalitions <- seq(1, 2^M - 2)
#look_at_coalitions <- seq(1, 2^M - 2, 10)
#look_at_coalitions <- seq(1, 2^M - 2, 25)
time_old <- system.time({
  res_old <- prepare_data_gaussian_old(internal = internal,
                                       index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_old <- NULL
# Set to NULL as it is many GB when we look at many combinations in one batch and the methods slow down due to
# little available memory. The same below.

time_new_v1 <- system.time({
  res_new_v1 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v1(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v1 <- NULL

time_new_v2 <- system.time({
  res_new_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v2 <- NULL

time_new_v3 <- system.time({
  res_new_v3 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v3(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v3 <- NULL

time_new_v4 <- system.time({
  res_new_v4 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v4(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v4 <- NULL

time_new_v5 <- system.time({
  res_new_v5 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5 <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_v2 <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_v2 <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2 <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2 <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2 <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2 <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2 <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2 <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices <- NULL

time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list <- system.time({
  res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list <- NULL

time_new_v6 <- system.time({
  res_new_v6 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v6(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalitions])})
res_new_v6 <- NULL

# Create a table of the times. Less is better
times <- rbind(time_old,

# Look at the relative time compared to the old method. Larger value is better.
# Tells us how many times faster the new version is.
times_relative <- t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(times)), function(idx) times[1, ] / times[idx, ]))
rownames(times_relative) <- paste0(rownames(times), "_rel")

# ALL COALITIONS (look_at_coalitions = seq(1, 2^M-2))
#                                                     user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child
# time_old                                               38.663    3.654  43.044      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v1                                            14.693    3.539  18.709      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v2                                            15.545    3.897  19.966      0.012     0.032
# time_new_v3                                            13.476    3.838  17.812      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v4                                            14.085    4.858  19.718      0.015     0.033
# time_new_v5                                            13.508    4.104  18.148      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm                                      13.107    4.178  17.705      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm_v2                                   13.309    4.458  18.233      0.010     0.023
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp                                  44.782    5.589  51.849      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap                        45.816    4.799  51.979      0.021     0.070
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2                               44.997    6.513  52.931      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat                     5.594    2.142   7.831      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2                  6.160    2.112   8.499      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube                          5.607    2.745   8.558      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2                       4.621    2.121   6.862      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices     6.016    3.687  10.469      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list                      5.407    3.272   8.841      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v6                                            13.540    4.267  18.361      0.000     0.000
#                                                         user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child
# time_old_rel                                              1.00000  1.00000 1.00000        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v1_rel                                           2.63139  1.03250 2.30071        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v2_rel                                           2.48717  0.93764 2.15586          0         0
# time_new_v3_rel                                           2.86903  0.95206 2.41657        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v4_rel                                           2.74498  0.75216 2.18298          0         0
# time_new_v5_rel                                           2.86223  0.89035 2.37183        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_rel                                     2.94980  0.87458 2.43118        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_v2_rel                                  2.90503  0.81965 2.36077          0         0
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_rel                                 0.86336  0.65378 0.83018        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap_rel                       0.84388  0.76141 0.82810          0         0
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2_rel                              0.85924  0.56103 0.81321        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_rel                   6.91151  1.70588 5.49662        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2_rel                6.27646  1.73011 5.06460        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_rel                        6.89549  1.33115 5.02968        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2_rel                     8.36680  1.72277 6.27281        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices_rel   6.42670  0.99105 4.11157        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list_rel                    7.15055  1.11675 4.86868        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v6_rel                                           2.85547  0.85634 2.34432        NaN       NaN

# 26 coalitions (look_at_coalitions = seq(1, 2^M-2, 10))
#             user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child
# time_old       25.913    2.797  30.399          0         0
# time_new_v1     7.071    1.624   8.997          0         0
# time_new_v2     6.653    1.461   8.244          0         0
# time_new_v3     5.700    1.690   7.521          0         0
# time_new_v4     5.877    1.826   7.852          0         0
# time_new_v5     5.522    1.594   7.286          0         0
# time_new_v6     5.559    1.668   7.335          0         0
#                 user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child
# time_old_rel       1.0000   1.0000  1.0000        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v1_rel    3.6647   1.7223  3.3788        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v2_rel    3.8949   1.9144  3.6874        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v3_rel    4.5461   1.6550  4.0419        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v4_rel    4.4092   1.5318  3.8715        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rel    4.6927   1.7547  4.1722        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v6_rel    4.6614   1.6769  4.1444        NaN       NaN

# 11 coalitions (look_at_coalitions = seq(1, 2^M-2, 25))
#             user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child
# time_old       11.251    1.187  12.961      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v1     3.273    0.873   4.306      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v2     3.043    0.690   4.011      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v3     2.677    0.794   3.587      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v4     2.598    0.759   3.460      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v5     2.574    0.752   3.613      0.000     0.000
# time_new_v6     2.303    0.669   3.009      0.000     0.000
#                 user.self sys.self elapsed user.child sys.child
# time_old_rel       1.0000   1.0000  1.0000        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v1_rel    3.4375   1.3597  3.0100        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v2_rel    3.6973   1.7203  3.2314        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v3_rel    4.2028   1.4950  3.6133        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v4_rel    4.3306   1.5639  3.7460        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v5_rel    4.3710   1.5785  3.5873        NaN       NaN
# time_new_v6_rel    4.8854   1.7743  4.3074        NaN       NaN

## Compare mean ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
look_at_coalition <- 25
one_coalition_time_old <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_old <- prepare_data_gaussian_old(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})
one_coalition_time_old2 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_old2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_old(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v1 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v1 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v1(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v2 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v3 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v3 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v3(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v4 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v4 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v4(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_v2 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})

one_coalition_time_new_v6 <- system.time({
  one_coalition_res_new_v6 <- prepare_data_gaussian_new_v6(
    internal = internal,
    index_features = internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition])})


internal$objects$S[internal$objects$S_batch$`1`[look_at_coalition], , drop = FALSE]
means_old <- one_coalition_res_old[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_old2 <- one_coalition_res_old2[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v1 <- one_coalition_res_new_v1[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v2 <- one_coalition_res_new_v2[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v3 <- one_coalition_res_new_v3[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v4 <- one_coalition_res_new_v4[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5 <- one_coalition_res_new_v5[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_v2 <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_v2[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2 <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2 <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2 <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list <- one_coalition_res_new_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]
means_v6 <- one_coalition_res_new_v6[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = paste0("X", seq(M)), by = list(id_combination, id)]

# They are all in the same ballpark, so the differences are due to sampling.
# This is supported by the fact that mean_old and mean_old2 use the same old code, and the difference there is the
# same as for the new methods.
# A larger n_samples makes these closer to 0 (I have done that and for other means too)
max(abs(means_old - means_old2))
max(abs(means_old - means_v1))
max(abs(means_old - means_v2))
max(abs(means_old - means_v3))
max(abs(means_old - means_v4))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_v2))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp_with_wrap))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp_v2))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_large_mat_v2))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_cube_v2))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_list_of_lists_of_matrices))
max(abs(means_old - means_v5_rnorm_cpp_fix_std_list))
max(abs(means_old - means_v6))
NorskRegnesentral/shapr documentation built on April 19, 2024, 1:19 p.m.