
Defines functions checkDataAfterCorrelationSmoothing

# This function is a  modification of psych::cor.smooth
# (written by William Revelle; licensed under GPLv2+)
# In the original function, the smoothing is applied if any of the eigenvalues
# are smaller than .Machine$double.eps. But we found examples where eigenvalues
# are slightly larger than this threshold but still require smoothing.
# Here, we increase the threshold to sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) consistent with mgcv etc

#' @importFrom stats cov2cor
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
cor.smooth2 <- function (x, eig.tol = 10^-12)
    eigens <- eigen(x)
    if (min(eigens$values) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
        warning("The analysis has failed to satisfy a technical assumption of PCA ",
                "(i.e., that the input matrix is positive definite). We've solved this ",
                "by smoothing the input matrix into a positive definite one.")
        eigens$values[eigens$values < eig.tol] <- 100 * eig.tol
        nvar <- dim(x)[1]
        tot <- Sum(eigens$values, remove.missing = FALSE)
        eigens$values <- eigens$values * nvar/tot
        cnames <- colnames(x)
        rnames <- rownames(x)
        ## For dense M, diagonal matrix D=diag(d): MDM^T = (MD^.5)(MD^.5)^T
        ## MD = t(t(M)*d)
        ## x <- eigens$vectors %*% diag(eigens$values) %*% t(eigens$vectors)
        x <- crossprod(t(eigens$vectors)*sqrt(eigens$values))
        x <- cov2cor(x)
        colnames(x) <- cnames
        rownames(x) <- rnames

#' @importFrom flipU IsRServer
#' @noRd
checkDataAfterCorrelationSmoothing <- function(data, prepared.data, missing)
    known.problem <- " There seems to be a problem with the input data where"
    p.bigger.n.msg <- paste0(" there are more variables than there are cases. ",
                             "The input matrix needs more observations than the number ",
                             "of variables to be positive definite. To fix this, consider ",
                             "reducing the number of input variables")
    # If p > n, the number of variables is larger than the number of cases
    if (diff(dim(data)) > 0L)
        return(paste0(known.problem, p.bigger.n.msg, "."))
    if (missing == "Exclude cases with missing data" && diff(dim(prepared.data$subset.data)) > 0L)
        return(paste0(known.problem, ", after removing the cases with missing data,",
                      p.bigger.n.msg, " or using an alternative missing data option instead."))
    output.msg <- " However, there's a good chance that there is a problem in your data"
    # If partial data as missing data option used
    if (missing == "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
        return(paste0(output.msg, " (e.g. Using partial data (partial correlations) to handle ",
                      "missing data can sometimes lead to non-positive definite matrices. ",
                      "Consider using an alternative ",
                      ifelse(IsRServer(), "'Missing data' option",
                             paste0(sQuote("missing"), " argument")),
                             " instead)."))
           " (e.g., the same variable is included twice, or the data has been transformed ",
           "to have a mean of 0, which is not appropriate, as it means ",
           "that at least one variable is perfectly correlated with a combination ",
           "of the other variables).")
NumbersInternational/flipDimensionReduction documentation built on March 2, 2024, 10:41 a.m.