
data(bank, package = "flipExampleData")

X <- data.frame("a" = LETTERS[1:20],
                b = 1:20,
                c = runif(20),
                d = factor(LETTERS[1:4]),
                e = ordered(LETTERS[1:4]),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

              # Data frame
              Q2 <- factor(bank$Overall)
              Q3 <- factor(bank$Fees)
              Q4 <- factor(bank$Fees)
              df <- data.frame(Q2, Q3, Q4)
              expect_true(all(vapply(df, is.factor, logical(1))))
              warn.msg <- paste0("Data has been automatically converted to numeric. Values are ",
                                 "assigned in the order of the categories: 1, 2, 3, ...; To use ",
                                 "alternative numeric values, transform the data prior including ",
                                 "it in this analysis (e.g. by changing its structure). The ",
                                 "variables Q2, Q3 and Q4 have been converted.")
              expect_warning(output <- AsNumeric(data.frame(Q2, Q3, Q4), binary = FALSE, remove.first = TRUE),
                             warn.msg, fixed = TRUE)
              not.factor <- Negate(is.factor)
              expect_true(all(vapply(output, not.factor, logical(1))))
              expect_true(all(vapply(output, is.integer, logical(1))))
              possible.vals <- unique(unlist(lapply(output, as.numeric)))
              expect_setequal(unique(unlist(output)), possible.vals)
              expect_error(output <- AsNumeric(data.frame(Q2, Q3, Q4), binary = TRUE, remove.first = TRUE),
              not.factor <- Negate(is.factor)
              expect_true(all(vapply(output, not.factor, logical(1))))
              checkNumericTransformation <- function(vect, vect.nam, unique.vals) {
                  is.all.numeric <- is.numeric(as.vector(vect))
                  unique.ok <- setequal(unique(vect), unique.vals)
                  attr.ok <- attr(vect, "label") == sub(".", ": ", vect.nam, fixed = TRUE)
                  is.all.numeric && unique.ok && attr.ok
                                     output, names(output), MoreArgs = list(unique.vals <- c(NA, 0, 1)))))
              expect_error(output <- AsNumeric(data.frame(Q2, Q3, Q4), binary = TRUE, remove.first = FALSE),
                                     output, names(output), MoreArgs = list(unique.vals <- c(NA, 0, 1)))))
              expect_warning(output <- AsNumeric(data.frame(Q2, Q3, Q4), binary = FALSE, remove.first = FALSE),
                             warn.msg, fixed = TRUE)
              expect_true(all(vapply(output, not.factor, logical(1))))
              expect_true(all(vapply(output, is.integer, logical(1))))
              possible.vals <- unique(unlist(lapply(output, as.numeric)))
              expect_setequal(unique(unlist(output)), c(NA, 1:7))
              expect_error(AsNumeric(X$a), NA)
              expect_error(AsNumeric(X$b), NA)
              expect_error(AsNumeric(X$c), NA)
              expect_equal(ncol(AsNumeric(X$d, binary = TRUE, remove.first = TRUE)) + 1,
                           ncol(AsNumeric(X$d, binary = TRUE, remove.first = FALSE)))
              expect_error(AsNumeric(X$d, binary = TRUE), NA)
              warn.msg.without.names <- sub(" The variables Q2, Q3 and Q4 have been converted.",
              expect_warning(AsNumeric(X$d, binary = FALSE), warn.msg.without.names, fixed = TRUE)
              expect_warning(AsNumeric(X$e, binary = FALSE), warn.msg.without.names, fixed = TRUE)
              expect_warning(AsNumeric(X$e, binary = TRUE), warn.msg.without.names, fixed = TRUE)

              expect_warning(AsNumeric(X, binary = FALSE),
                             paste0(warn.msg.without.names, " The variables a, d and e have been converted."),
                             fixed = TRUE)
              expect_warning(AsNumeric(X, binary = TRUE),
                             paste0(warn.msg.without.names, " The variable e has been converted."),
                             fixed = TRUE)
              # Checking that names are not changed.
              xz = data.frame(Q2, Q3, Q4)
              rownames(xz)[2] = "dog"
              expect_warning(xz1 <- AsNumeric(xz,  binary = FALSE, remove.first = FALSE),
                             warn.msg, fixed = TRUE)
              expect_equal(rownames(xz)[2], rownames(xz1)[2])

              # Dates
              dd <- seq(ISOdate(2000,1,1,0), by="day", length.out=10)
              ds <- sprintf("2000-01-%02d", 1:10)
              dm <- c(ds[1:5], "dog", "other random thing")
              expect_equal(range(AsNumeric(dd, binary=F)), c(946684800, 947462400))
              expect_equal(range(AsNumeric(ds, binary=F)), c(946684800, 947462400))
              expect_equal(expect_warning(AsNumeric(dm, binary = FALSE),
                                          warn.msg.without.names, fixed = TRUE),

              # list - checking for variable names
              expect_warning(AsNumeric(list(A = Q2, B = Q3, C = Q4),  binary = FALSE, remove.first = TRUE),
                             paste0(warn.msg.without.names, " The variables A, B and C have been converted."),
                             fixed = TRUE)
              expect_error(AsNumeric(list(Q2, Q3, Q4),  binary = TRUE, remove.first = TRUE), NA)
              expect_error(AsNumeric(list(Q2, Q3, Q4),  binary = FALSE, remove.first = TRUE), NA)

              # character vector - check order
              cc <- sprintf("Row %d", c(1:100, 1:3))
              expect_equal(expect_warning(AsNumeric(cc, binary = FALSE),
                                          warn.msg.without.names, fixed = TRUE),
                           c(1:100, 1:3))

              attr(cc, "label") <- "lbl"
              expect_warning(output <- AsNumeric(cc, binary = FALSE),
                             warn.msg.without.names, fixed = TRUE)
              expect_equal(attr(output, "label"), "lbl")
              # Logical inputs
              expect_equal(AsNumeric(c(TRUE, FALSE)), 1:0)
              ## Attributes survive
              expect_equal(AsNumeric(structure(c(TRUE, FALSE), foo = "bar")),
                                     structure(1:0, foo = "bar"))
              ## Array/matrix ok
              expect_equal(AsNumeric(structure(matrix(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow = 2), foo = "bar")),
                           structure(matrix(1:0, nrow = 2), foo = "bar"))
              # Data frame with logical element is coerced to integer
              df.in <- structure(list(x = structure(c(TRUE, FALSE), foo = "bar"),
                                      y = 1:2,
                                      z = structure(11:12, bar = "baz")),
                                 row.names = 1:2,
                                 class = "data.frame")
              df.out <- structure(list(x = structure(1:0, foo = "bar", name = "x"),
                                       y = structure(1:2, name = "y"),
                                       z = structure(11:12, bar = "baz", name = "z")),
                                  row.names = c("1", "2"),
                                  class = "data.frame")
              expect_equal(AsNumeric(df.in), df.out)

              # Text dataframe is coerced to numeric
              df <- structure(list(`Apr-Jun 21` = c("70.187793427230048", "61.53846153846154",
                    "69.2468619246862"), `Jul-Sep 21` = c("70.535278254011", "60.122164048865613",
                    "69.2506634868979"), `Oct-Dec 21` = c("77.02436081475355", "54.079469890259837",
                    "73.9871727049037"), `Jan-Mar 22` = c("72.051880689539772", "54.066517110428968",
                    "69.5532186809441"), `Apr-Jun 22` = c("73.535971830641415", "58.63347697486428",
                    "71.0801299817497"), `Jul-Sep 22` = c("72.596753969762617", "55.719927966675392",
                    "69.4966937686769"), `Oct-Dec 22` = c("65.169496151978151", "72.953968933182722",
                    "66.6751151204325"), `Jan-Mar 23` = c("69.149013895902087", "45.267260044734925",
                    "64.4087782084767")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("Q",
                    "Displayr", "Overall"))
              expect_equal(AsNumeric(df), structure(list(`Apr-Jun 21` = structure(c(70.18779342723, 61.5384615384615,
                    69.2468619246862), name = "Apr-Jun 21"), `Jul-Sep 21` = structure(c(70.535278254011,
                    60.1221640488656, 69.2506634868979), name = "Jul-Sep 21"), `Oct-Dec 21` = structure(c(77.0243608147535,
                    54.0794698902598, 73.9871727049037), name = "Oct-Dec 21"), `Jan-Mar 22` = structure(c(72.0518806895398,
                    54.066517110429, 69.5532186809441), name = "Jan-Mar 22"), `Apr-Jun 22` = structure(c(73.5359718306414,
                    58.6334769748643, 71.0801299817497), name = "Apr-Jun 22"), `Jul-Sep 22` = structure(c(72.5967539697626,
                    55.7199279666754, 69.4966937686769), name = "Jul-Sep 22"), `Oct-Dec 22` = structure(c(65.1694961519782,
                    72.9539689331827, 66.6751151204325), name = "Oct-Dec 22"), `Jan-Mar 23` = structure(c(69.1490138959021,
                    45.2672600447349, 64.4087782084767), name = "Jan-Mar 23")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("Q",
                    "Displayr", "Overall")))

df <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = c("x", "y", "z"), c = 99:101)

              expect_error(OneHot(df), NA)
              expect_error(OneHot(df, "NotPresent"), NA)
              expect_equal(ncol(OneHot(df, "a")$X), 4)
              expect_equal(ncol(OneHot(df, "b")$X), 2)
              expect_equal(ncol(OneHot(df, "c")$X), 4)

              text <- c("abc", "$124", "($5)", "(.5)", "($.99)", "(123", "23%", "(50.1%)")
              expect_error(parsed <- asNumericVector(text), NA)
              expect_equal(parsed, c(NA, 124, -5, -0.5, -0.99, 123, 0.23, -0.501), check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("AsNumeric labels", {
    x <- factor(c(1,0,0,1,1,0))
    attr(x, "label") <- "lbl"
    expect_equal(attr(AsNumeric(x), "label"), "lbl")
    expect_equal(attr(suppressWarnings(AsNumeric(x, binary = FALSE)), "label"), "lbl")

    cc <- sprintf("Row %d", c(1:100, 1:3))
    attr(cc, "label") <- "lbl"
    expect_equal(attr(suppressWarnings(AsNumeric(cc, binary = FALSE)), "label"), "lbl")

    dd <- seq(ISOdate(2000,1,1,0), by="day", length.out=10)
    attr(dd, "label") <- "lbl"
    expect_equal(attr(suppressWarnings(AsNumeric(dd, binary = FALSE)), "label"), "lbl")
NumbersInternational/flipTransformations documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 6:43 a.m.