# Copyright 2024 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of CohortDiagnostics
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#' Launch the Diagnostics Explorer Shiny app
#' @param connectionDetails An object of type \code{connectionDetails} as created using the
#' \code{\link[DatabaseConnector]{createConnectionDetails}} function in the
#' DatabaseConnector package, specifying how to connect to the server where
#' the CohortDiagnostics results have been uploaded using the
#' \code{\link{uploadResults}} function.
#' @param resultsDatabaseSchema The schema on the database server where the CohortDiagnostics results
#' have been uploaded.
#' @param vocabularyDatabaseSchema (Deprecated) Please use vocabularyDatabaseSchemas.
#' @param vocabularyDatabaseSchemas (optional) A list of one or more schemas on the database server where the vocabulary tables are located.
#' The default value is the value of the resultsDatabaseSchema. We can provide a list of vocabulary schema
#' that might represent different versions of the OMOP vocabulary tables. It allows us to compare the impact
#' of vocabulary changes on Diagnostics. Not supported with an sqlite database.
#' @param sqliteDbPath Path to merged sqlite file. See \code{\link{createMergedResultsFile}} to create file.
#' @param shinyConfigPath Path to shiny yml configuration file (use instead of sqliteDbPath or connectionDetails object)
#' @param runOverNetwork (optional) Do you want the app to run over your network?
#' @param port (optional) Only used if \code{runOverNetwork} = TRUE.
#' @param launch.browser Should the app be launched in your default browser, or in a Shiny window.
#' Note: copying to clipboard will not work in a Shiny window.
#' @param aboutText Text (using HTML markup) that will be displayed in an About tab in the Shiny app.
#' If not provided, no About tab will be shown.
#' @param tablePrefix (Optional) string to insert before table names (e.g. "cd_") for database table names
#' @param cohortTableName (Optional) if cohort table name differs from the standard - cohort (ignores prefix if set)
#' @param databaseTableName (Optional) if database table name differs from the standard - database (ignores prefix if set)
#' @param makePublishable (Optional) copy data files to make app publishable to posit connect/shinyapp.io
#' @param publishDir If make publishable is true - the directory that the shiny app is copied to
#' @param overwritePublishDir (Optional) If make publishable is true - overwrite the directory for publishing
#' @details
#' Launches a Shiny app that allows the user to explore the diagnostics
#' @export
launchDiagnosticsExplorer <- function(sqliteDbPath = "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite",
connectionDetails = NULL,
shinyConfigPath = NULL,
resultsDatabaseSchema = NULL,
vocabularyDatabaseSchema = NULL,
vocabularyDatabaseSchemas = resultsDatabaseSchema,
tablePrefix = "",
cohortTableName = "cohort",
databaseTableName = "database",
aboutText = NULL,
runOverNetwork = FALSE,
port = 80,
makePublishable = FALSE,
publishDir = file.path(getwd(), "DiagnosticsExplorer"),
overwritePublishDir = FALSE,
launch.browser = FALSE) {
useShinyPublishFile <- FALSE
if (is.null(shinyConfigPath)) {
if (is.null(connectionDetails)) {
sqliteDbPath <- normalizePath(sqliteDbPath)
if (!file.exists(sqliteDbPath)) {
stop("Sqlite database", sqliteDbPath, "not found. Please see createMergedSqliteResults")
resultsDatabaseSchema <- "main"
vocabularyDatabaseSchemas <- "main"
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(dbms = "sqlite", server = sqliteDbPath)
useShinyPublishFile <- TRUE
if (is.null(resultsDatabaseSchema)) {
stop("resultsDatabaseSchema is required to connect to the database.")
if (!is.null(vocabularyDatabaseSchema) &
is.null(vocabularyDatabaseSchemas)) {
vocabularyDatabaseSchemas <- vocabularyDatabaseSchema
"vocabularyDatabaseSchema option is deprecated. Please use vocabularyDatabaseSchemas."
if (cohortTableName == "cohort") {
cohortTableName <- paste0(tablePrefix, cohortTableName)
if (databaseTableName == "database") {
databaseTableName <- paste0(tablePrefix, databaseTableName)
.GlobalEnv$shinySettings <- list(
connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
resultsDatabaseSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
vocabularyDatabaseSchemas = vocabularyDatabaseSchemas,
aboutText = aboutText,
tablePrefix = tablePrefix,
cohortTableName = cohortTableName,
databaseTableName = databaseTableName,
enableAuthorization = FALSE
on.exit(rm("shinySettings", envir = .GlobalEnv))
} else {
options("CD-shiny-config" = normalizePath(shinyConfigPath))
on.exit(options("CD-shiny-config" = NULL))
if (!"OhdsiShinyModules" %in% as.data.frame(utils::installed.packages())$Package) {
if (!interactive() || isTRUE(utils::askYesNo("OhdsiShinyModules not installed, get from github?"))) {
} else {
stop("Cannot continue without OhdsiShinyModulesPackage from github")
appDir <-
system.file("shiny", "DiagnosticsExplorer", package = utils::packageName())
if (makePublishable) {
if (dir.exists(publishDir) && !overwritePublishDir) {
warning("Directory for publishing exists, use overwritePublishDir to overwrite")
} else {
if (getwd() == publishDir) {
stop("Publishable dir should not be current working directory")
dir.create(publishDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
filesToCopy <- list.files(appDir, all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
file.copy(filesToCopy, publishDir, recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
if (useShinyPublishFile) {
file.copy(sqliteDbPath, file.path(publishDir, "data", "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite"), overwrite = TRUE)
} else if (is.null(shinyConfigPath)) {
stop("Cannot make publishable shiny app when using connectionDetails object. Please create a config file")
} else {
file.copy(shinyConfigPath, file.path(publishDir, "config.yml"))
appDir <- publishDir
if (launch.browser) {
options(shiny.launch.browser = TRUE)
if (runOverNetwork) {
options(shiny.port = port)
options(shiny.host = "")
shiny::runApp(appDir = appDir)
#' Merge Shiny diagnostics files into sqlite database
#' @description
#' This function combines diagnostics results from one or more databases into a single file. The result is an
#' sqlite database that can be used as input for the Diagnostics Explorer Shiny app.
#' It also checks whether the results conform to the results data model specifications.
#' @param dataFolder folder where the exported zip files for the diagnostics are stored. Use
#' the \code{\link{executeDiagnostics}} function to generate these zip files.
#' Zip files containing results from multiple databases may be placed in the same
#' folder.
#' @param sqliteDbPath Output path where sqlite database is placed
#' @param overwrite (Optional) overwrite existing sqlite lite db if it exists.
#' @param tablePrefix (Optional) string to insert before table names (e.g. "cd_") for database table names
#' @export
createMergedResultsFile <-
sqliteDbPath = "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite",
overwrite = FALSE,
tablePrefix = "") {
if (file.exists(sqliteDbPath) & !overwrite) {
stop("File ", sqliteDbPath, " already exists. Set overwrite = TRUE to replace")
} else if (file.exists(sqliteDbPath)) {
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(dbms = "sqlite", server = sqliteDbPath)
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails = connectionDetails)
connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
databaseSchema = "main",
tablePrefix = tablePrefix
listOfZipFilesToUpload <-
path = dataFolder,
pattern = ".zip",
all.files = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE
for (zipFileName in listOfZipFilesToUpload) {
connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
schema = "main",
zipFileName = zipFileName,
tablePrefix = tablePrefix
DatabaseConnector::renderTranslateExecuteSql(connection, "VACUUM;")
#' Create publishable shiny zip
#' @description
#' A utility designed for creating a published zip of a shiny app with an sqlite database.
#' Designed for sharing projects on servers like data.ohdsi.org.
#' Takes the shiny code from the R project and adds an sqlite file to a zip archive.
#' Uncompressed cohort diagnostics sqlite databases can become large very quickly.
#' @param outputZipfile The output path for the zip file
#' @param sqliteDbPath Merged Cohort Diagnostics sqlitedb created with \code{\link{createMergedResultsFile}}
#' @param shinyDirectory (optional) Path to the location where the shiny code is stored. By default,
#' this is the package root
#' @param overwrite If the zip file already exists, overwrite it?
#' @export
createDiagnosticsExplorerZip <- function(outputZipfile = file.path(getwd(), "DiagnosticsExplorer.zip"),
sqliteDbPath = "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite",
shinyDirectory = system.file(file.path("shiny", "DiagnosticsExplorer"),
package = "CohortDiagnostics"
overwrite = FALSE) {
outputZipfile <- normalizePath(outputZipfile, mustWork = FALSE)
if (file.exists(outputZipfile) & !overwrite) {
stop(outputZipfile, " already exists. Set overwrite = TRUE to continue")
sqliteDbPath <- normalizePath(sqliteDbPath)
message("Creating zip archive")
tmpDir <- tempfile()
on.exit(unlink(tmpDir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE)
file.copy(shinyDirectory, tmpDir, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(file.path(tmpDir, "DiagnosticsExplorer", "data"), showWarnings = FALSE)
file.copy(sqliteDbPath, file.path(tmpDir, "DiagnosticsExplorer", "data", "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite"))
DatabaseConnector::createZipFile(outputZipfile, file.path(tmpDir, "DiagnosticsExplorer"), rootFolder = tmpDir)
#' Rsconnect deploy
#' @description
#' Deploy your application to an posit connect platform or shinyapps.io server
#' @export
#' @inheritParams launchDiagnosticsExplorer
#' @param appName string name to call app - should be unique on posit connect server
#' @param appDir optional - directory to use to copy files for deployment. If you use a consistent dir
#' other internal options can change.
#' @param useRenvironFile logical - not recommended, store db credentials in .Renviron file
#' @param shinyDirectory (optional) Directyory shiny app code lives. Use this if you wish to modify the explorer
#' @param ... other parameters passed to rsconnect::deployApp
deployPositConnectApp <- function(appName,
appDir = tempfile(),
sqliteDbPath = "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite",
shinyDirectory = system.file(file.path("shiny", "DiagnosticsExplorer"),
package = "CohortDiagnostics"
connectionDetails = NULL,
shinyConfigPath = NULL,
resultsDatabaseSchema = NULL,
vocabularyDatabaseSchemas = resultsDatabaseSchema,
tablePrefix = "",
cohortTableName = "cohort",
databaseTableName = "database",
port = 80,
useRenvironFile = FALSE,
...) {
if (!"rsconnect" %in% as.data.frame(utils::installed.packages())$Package) {
if (!"yaml" %in% as.data.frame(utils::installed.packages())$Package) {
if (!"OhdsiShinyModules" %in% as.data.frame(utils::installed.packages())$Package) {
checkmate::assertDirectory(appDir, access = "w")
args <- rlang::dots_list(...)
args$envVars <- c(args$envVars, DATABASECONNECTOR_JAR_FOLDER = "./")
dir.create(appDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
filesToCopy <- list.files(shinyDirectory, all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
file.copy(filesToCopy, appDir, recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
if (is.null(connectionDetails) && is.null(shinyConfigPath)) {
file.copy(sqliteDbPath, file.path(appDir, "data", "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite"), overwrite = TRUE)
} else if (!is.null(shinyConfigPath)) {
DatabaseConnector::downloadJdbcDrivers(connectionDetails$dbms, appDir)
file.copy(shinyConfigPath, file.path(appDir, "config.yml"))
} else {
DatabaseConnector::downloadJdbcDrivers(connectionDetails$dbms, appDir)
if (useRenvironFile) {
outputText <- "# Edit credentials here to set on remote server
# Using an renviron file will store plaintext variables and is not reccomended.
# A local copy of this will be created and deleted following app deployment
writeLines(outputText, file.path(appDir, ".Renviron"))
res <- utils::edit(file = file.path(appDir, ".Renviron"))
# File should always be deleted
on.exit(unlink(file.path(appDir, ".Renviron"), force = TRUE))
} else {
args$envVars <- c(args$envVars,
shinyDbServer = connectionDetails$server(),
shinydbPw = connectionDetails$password(),
shinydbUser = connectionDetails$user(),
shinydbPort = connectionDetails$port()
configOpts <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(appDir, "config-ohdsi-shiny.yml"))
configOpts$tablePrefix <- tablePrefix
configOpts$resultsDatabaseSchema <- resultsDatabaseSchema
configOpts$vocabularyDatabaseSchemas <- vocabularyDatabaseSchemas
configOpts$cohortTableName <- cohortTableName
configOpts$databaseTableName <- databaseTableName
yaml::write_yaml(configOpts, file.path(appDir, "config.yml"))
args$appDir <- appDir
args$appName <- appName
do.call(rsconnect::deployApp, args)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.