Defines functions summary.ictpdResults print.ictpdResults calculateStatisticsIc ic getDbIctpdData

Documented in calculateStatisticsIc getDbIctpdData

# @file ICTPD.R
# Copyright 2022 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of IcTemporalPatternDiscovery
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @author Uppsala Monitoring Centre
# @author Tomas Bergvall

#' @keywords internal

#' @import DatabaseConnector
#' @importFrom stats aggregate printCoefmat qgamma qnorm
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb

#' @title
#' Get ICTPD counts from database
#' @description
#' This function is used to load the counts needed to compute the ICTPD from a database in OMOP CDM
#' format.
#' @param connectionDetails                 An R object of type \code{ConnectionDetails} created using
#'                                          the function \code{createConnectionDetails} in the
#'                                          \code{DatabaseConnector} package.
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema                 Name of database schema that contains OMOP CDM and
#'                                          vocabulary.
#' @param oracleTempSchema    DEPRECATED: use `tempEmulationSchema` instead.
#' @param tempEmulationSchema Some database platforms like Oracle and Impala do not truly support temp tables. To
#'                            emulate temp tables, provide a schema with write privileges where temp tables
#'                            can be created.
#' @param cdmVersion                        Define the OMOP CDM version used: currently supports "5".
#' @param exposureOutcomePairs              A data frame with at least two columns:
#'                                          \itemize{
#'                                            \item {"exposureId" containing the drug_concept_ID or
#'                                                  cohort_concept_id of the exposure variable}
#'                                            \item {"outcomeId" containing the condition_concept_ID or
#'                                                  cohort_concept_id of the outcome variable}
#'                                          }
#' @param exposureDatabaseSchema            The name of the database schema that is the location where
#'                                          the exposure data is available.  If exposureTable =
#'                                          DRUG_ERA, exposureSchema is not used by assumed to be
#'                                          cdmSchema.  Requires read permissions to this database.
#' @param exposureTable                     The tablename that contains the exposure cohorts.  If
#'                                          exposureTable <> DRUG_ERA, then expectation is
#'                                          exposureTable has format of COHORT table:
#'                                          COHORT_DEFINITION_ID, SUBJECT_ID, COHORT_START_DATE,
#'                                          COHORT_END_DATE.
#' @param outcomeDatabaseSchema             The name of the database schema that is the location where
#'                                          the data used to define the outcome cohorts is available.
#'                                          If exposureTable = CONDITION_ERA, exposureSchema is not
#'                                          used by assumed to be cdmSchema.  Requires read permissions
#'                                          to this database.
#' @param outcomeTable                      The tablename that contains the outcome cohorts.  If
#'                                          outcomeTable <> CONDITION_OCCURRENCE, then expectation is
#'                                          outcomeTable has format of COHORT table:
#'                                          COHORT_DEFINITION_ID, SUBJECT_ID, COHORT_START_DATE,
#'                                          COHORT_END_DATE.
#' @param riskPeriodStart                   start of the risk period - can be set between 0 and 99999,
#'                                          default is 1.
#' @param riskPeriodEnd                     end of the risk period - can be set between 0 and 99999,
#'                                          default is 30.
#' @param controlPeriodStart                start of the control period - can be set between -99999 and
#'                                          0, default is -1080.
#' @param controlPeriodEnd                  end of the control period - can be set between -99999 and
#'                                          0, default is -361.
#' @param censor                            a flag indicating wether the method should censor the
#'                                          observation period at the end of exposure or not. Available
#'                                          input is 0 or 1 with default = 0.
#' @return
#' An object of type \code{ictpdData} containing counts that can be used in the
#' \code{\link{calculateStatisticsIc}} function.
#' @template Example
#' @export
getDbIctpdData <- function(connectionDetails,
                           oracleTempSchema = NULL,
                           tempEmulationSchema = getOption("sqlRenderTempEmulationSchema"),
                           cdmVersion = "5",
                           exposureDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                           exposureTable = "drug_era",
                           outcomeDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                           outcomeTable = "condition_era",
                           controlPeriodStart = -1080,
                           controlPeriodEnd = -361,
                           riskPeriodStart = 1,
                           riskPeriodEnd = 30,
                           censor = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(oracleTempSchema) && oracleTempSchema != "") {
    warning("The 'oracleTempSchema' argument is deprecated. Use 'tempEmulationSchema' instead.")
    tempEmulationSchema <- oracleTempSchema
  start <- Sys.time()
  exposureTable <- tolower(exposureTable)
  outcomeTable <- tolower(outcomeTable)
  if (exposureTable == "drug_era") {
    exposureStartDate <- "drug_era_start_date"
    exposureEndDate <- "drug_era_end_date"
    exposureConceptId <- "drug_concept_id"
    exposurePersonId <- "person_id"
  } else if (exposureTable == "drug_exposure") {
    exposureStartDate <- "drug_exposure_start_date"
    exposureEndDate <- "drug_exposure_end_date"
    exposureConceptId <- "drug_concept_id"
    exposurePersonId <- "person_id"
  } else {
    exposureStartDate <- "cohort_start_date"
    exposureEndDate <- "cohort_end_date"
    exposureConceptId <- "cohort_definition_id"
    exposurePersonId <- "subject_id"

  if (outcomeTable == "condition_era") {
    outcomeStartDate <- "condition_era_start_date"
    outcomeEndDate <- "condition_era_end_date"
    outcomeConceptId <- "condition_concept_id"
    outcomePersonId <- "person_id"
  } else if (outcomeTable == "condition_occurrence") {
    outcomeStartDate <- "condition_start_date"
    outcomeEndDate <- "condition_end_date"
    outcomeConceptId <- "condition_concept_id"
    outcomePersonId <- "person_id"
  } else {
    outcomeStartDate <- "cohort_start_date"
    outcomeEndDate <- "cohort_end_date"
    outcomeConceptId <- "cohort_definition_id"
    outcomePersonId <- "subject_id"

  # Check if connection already open:
  if (!"conn" %in% names(connectionDetails)) {
    conn <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
  } else {
    conn <- connectionDetails$conn

  exposures <- data.frame(type = 1, id = unique(exposureOutcomePairs$exposureId))
  outcomes <- data.frame(type = 2, id = unique(exposureOutcomePairs$outcomeId))
  conceptsOfInterest <- rbind(exposures, outcomes)
  ParallelLogger::logTrace("Inserting tables of IDs")
    connection = conn,
    tableName = "#concepts_of_interest",
    data = conceptsOfInterest,
    tempTable = TRUE,
    dropTableIfExists = TRUE
  exposureOutcome <- data.frame(
    exposure_concept_id = exposureOutcomePairs$exposureId,
    outcome_concept_id = exposureOutcomePairs$outcomeId
    connection = conn,
    tableName = "#exposure_outcome",
    data = exposureOutcome,
    tempTable = TRUE,
    dropTableIfExists = TRUE

  sql <- c()
  renderedSql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql(
    sqlFilename = "IctpdParameterizedSQL.sql",
    packageName = "IcTemporalPatternDiscovery",
    dbms = connectionDetails$dbms,
    tempEmulationSchema = tempEmulationSchema,
    cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
    riskPeriodStart = riskPeriodStart,
    riskPeriodEnd = riskPeriodEnd,
    controlPeriodStart = controlPeriodStart,
    controlPeriodEnd = controlPeriodEnd,
    exposureDatabaseSchema = exposureDatabaseSchema,
    exposureTable = exposureTable,
    exposureStartDate = exposureStartDate,
    exposureEndDate = exposureEndDate,
    exposureConceptId = exposureConceptId,
    exposurePersonId = exposurePersonId,
    outcomeDatabaseSchema = outcomeDatabaseSchema,
    outcomeTable = outcomeTable,
    outcomeStartDate = outcomeStartDate,
    outcomeEndDate = outcomeEndDate,
    outcomeConceptId = outcomeConceptId,
    outcomePersonId = outcomePersonId,
    censor = censor

  ParallelLogger::logInfo("Computing counts. This could take a while")
  DatabaseConnector::executeSql(conn, renderedSql)
  sql <- c(sql, renderedSql)

  renderedSql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql(
    sqlFilename = "GetStatisticsData.sql",
    packageName = "IcTemporalPatternDiscovery",
    dbms = connectionDetails$dbms,
    tempEmulationSchema = tempEmulationSchema,
    exposureConceptId = exposureConceptId,
    outcomeConceptId = outcomeConceptId
  ParallelLogger::logInfo("Retrieving counts from server")
  counts <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, renderedSql)
  names(counts) <- toupper(names(counts))
  sql <- c(sql, renderedSql)

  # Drop tables used in computation:
  renderedSql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql(
    sqlFilename = "DropIctpdTables.sql",
    packageName = "IcTemporalPatternDiscovery",
    dbms = connectionDetails$dbms
  DatabaseConnector::executeSql(conn, renderedSql, progressBar = FALSE, reportOverallTime = FALSE)
  sql <- c(sql, renderedSql)

  metaData <- list(exposureOutcomePairs = exposureOutcomePairs)
  result <- list(counts = counts, metaData = metaData)
  class(result) <- "ictpdData"
  delta <- Sys.time() - start
  ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste("Loading took", signif(delta, 3), attr(delta, "units")))

ic <- function(obs, exp, shape.add = 0.5, rate.add = 0.5, percentile = 0.025) {
  ic <- log2((obs + shape.add) / (exp + rate.add))
  ic_low <- log2(qgamma(p = percentile, shape = (obs + shape.add), rate = (exp + rate.add)))
  ic_high <- log2(qgamma(p = (1 - percentile), shape = (obs + shape.add), rate = (exp + rate.add)))
  return(list(ic = ic, ic_low = ic_low, ic_high = ic_high))

#' @title
#' compute the IC statistics
#' @param ictpdData                An object containing the counts, as created using the
#'                                 \code{\link{getDbIctpdData}} function.
#' @param shrinkage                Shrinkage used in IRR calculations, required >0 to deal with 0 case
#'                                 counts, but larger number means more shrinkage. default is 0.5
#' @param icPercentile             The lower bound of the credibility interval for the IC values
#'                                 (IClow). default is 0.025,
#' @param metric                   Defines wether the output will contain the point estimate or the
#'                                 lower bound. Available input is 'IC and 'IC025' default is 'IC025'
#' @param multipleControlPeriods   Defines the control periods to use where 100 means the control
#'                                 period defined by controlPeriodStart/End, 010 means the period -30
#'                                 to -1 day before prescription and 001 means the control period on
#'                                 the day of prescription
#' @param multipleRiskPeriods      Defines the risk periods to use 10000 is 1-30 days, 01000 is 1 to
#'                                 360 days, 00100 is 31 to 90 days, 00010 is 91 to 180 and 00001 is
#'                                 721 to 1080 days after prescription default is '10000'
#' @description
#' Computes the IC statistics.
#' @return
#' An object of type \code{ictpdResults} containing the results.
#' @template Example
#' @export
calculateStatisticsIc <- function(ictpdData,
                                  multipleControlPeriods = "110",
                                  multipleRiskPeriods = "10000",
                                  shrinkage = 0.5,
                                  icPercentile = 0.025,
                                  metric = "IC025") {
  if (toupper(metric) == "IC025" & icPercentile != 0.025) {
    icPercentile <- 0.025
    warning("Forcing icPercentile to 0.025 to be able to compute IC025")

  comb <- ictpdData$counts
  if (nrow(comb) == 0) {
    warning("No data found")
    result <- list(results = data.frame(), metaData = ictpdData$metaData, metric = metric)
    class(result) <- "ictpdResults"

  expectedControl <- c()

  controlPeriodItem <- strsplit(toString(multipleControlPeriods[[1]]), "")

  tmpMat <- matrix(rep(NA, length(comb[["CXY_CONTROL"]])), ncol = 1)

  if (controlPeriodItem[[1]][1] == 1) {
    tmpMat <- cbind(
      comb[["CXY_CONTROL"]] / (comb[["CX_CONTROL"]] * (comb[["CY_CONTROL"]] / comb[["C_CONTROL"]]))
  if (controlPeriodItem[[1]][2] == 1) {
    tmpMat <- cbind(tmpMat, comb[["CXY_1M"]] / (comb[["CX_1M"]] * (comb[["CY_1M"]] / comb[["C_1M"]])))
  if (controlPeriodItem[[1]][3] == 1) {
    tmpMat <- cbind(tmpMat, comb[["CXY_0M"]] / (comb[["CX_0M"]] * (comb[["CY_0M"]] / comb[["C_0M"]])))
  if (ncol(tmpMat) == 1) {
    tmpMat <- matrix(rep(1, length(comb[["CXY_CONTROL"]])), ncol = 1)
  tmpMat[is.infinite(tmpMat)] <- NA
  tmpMat[is.nan(tmpMat)] <- NA

  expectedControl <- apply(tmpMat, 1, function(x) max(x[!is.na(x)]))

  # Max of a row with only NA equals -Inf, therefore changed back to NA
  expectedControl[expectedControl == -Inf] <- NA

  # ---------------------------------- -- Calculate IC for all -- -- observation windows and -- --
  # select the largest IC025 -- ----------------------------------
  obsPeriodItem <- strsplit(toString(multipleRiskPeriods[[1]]), "")

  tmpMat <- matrix(rep(-99999999, length(comb[["CXY_CONTROL"]])), ncol = 1)

  comb["IC"] <- c()
  comb["IC_low"] <- c()
  comb["IC_high"] <- c()
  comb["CXY"] <- c()
  comb["CX"] <- c()
  comb["CY"] <- c()
  comb["C"] <- c()
  comb["expected"] <- c()

  for (cc in 1:length(comb[["CXY_CONTROL"]])) {
    maxIC_low <- -999999999
    maxIC <- NA
    maxIC_high <- NA
    CXY <- NA
    CX <- NA
    CY <- NA
    C <- NA
    expected <- NA

    if (obsPeriodItem[[1]][1] == 1) {
      tmpIC <- ic(
        comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc] # Observed
        , (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc] *
          (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc])) # Expected_observed
          expectedControl[cc] # Expected_control
        , as.numeric(shrinkage), as.numeric(shrinkage) # Shrinkage factors
        , as.numeric(icPercentile)

      if (!is.na(tmpIC$ic_low)) {
        if (maxIC_low < tmpIC$ic_low) {
          maxIC <- tmpIC$ic
          maxIC_low <- tmpIC$ic_low
          maxIC_high <- tmpIC$ic_high
          CXY <- comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc]
          CX <- comb[["CX_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc]
          CY <- comb[["CY_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc]
          C <- comb[["C_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc]
          expected <- (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc] * (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_1_30"]][cc])) *

    if (obsPeriodItem[[1]][2] == 1) {
      tmpIC <- ic(
        comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc] # Observed
        , (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc] *
          (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc])) # Expected_observed
        * expectedControl[cc] # Expected_control
        , as.numeric(shrinkage), as.numeric(shrinkage) # Shrinkage factors
        , as.numeric(icPercentile)
      if (!is.na(tmpIC$ic_low)) {
        if (maxIC_low < tmpIC$ic_low) {
          maxIC <- tmpIC$ic
          maxIC_low <- tmpIC$ic_low
          maxIC_high <- tmpIC$ic_high
          CXY <- comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc]
          CX <- comb[["CX_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc]
          CY <- comb[["CY_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc]
          C <- comb[["C_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc]
          expected <- (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc] * (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_1_360"]][cc])) *
    if (obsPeriodItem[[1]][3] == 1) {
      tmpIC <- ic(
        comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc] # Observed
        , (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc] *
          (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc])) # Expected_observed
        * expectedControl[cc] # Expected_control
        , as.numeric(shrinkage), as.numeric(shrinkage) # Shrinkage factors
        , as.numeric(icPercentile)
      if (!is.na(tmpIC$ic_low)) {
        if (maxIC_low < tmpIC$ic_low) {
          maxIC <- tmpIC$ic
          maxIC_low <- tmpIC$ic_low
          maxIC_high <- tmpIC$ic_high
          CXY <- comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc]
          CX <- comb[["CX_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc]
          CY <- comb[["CY_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc]
          C <- comb[["C_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc]
          expected <- (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc] * (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_31_90"]][cc])) *
    if (obsPeriodItem[[1]][4] == 1) {
      tmpIC <- ic(
        comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc] # Observed
        , (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc] *
          (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc])) # Expected_observed
        * expectedControl[cc] # Expected_control
        , as.numeric(shrinkage), as.numeric(shrinkage) # Shrinkage factors
        , as.numeric(icPercentile)
      if (!is.na(tmpIC$ic_low)) {
        if (maxIC_low < tmpIC$ic_low) {
          maxIC <- tmpIC$ic
          maxIC_low <- tmpIC$ic_low
          maxIC_high <- tmpIC$ic_high
          CXY <- comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc]
          CX <- comb[["CX_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc]
          CY <- comb[["CY_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc]
          C <- comb[["C_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc]
          expected <- (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc] * (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_91_180"]][cc])) *
    if (obsPeriodItem[[1]][5] == 1) {
      tmpIC <- ic(
        comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc] # Observed
        , (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc] *
          (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc])) # Expected_observed
        * expectedControl[cc] # Expected_control
        , as.numeric(shrinkage), as.numeric(shrinkage) # Shrinkage factors
        , as.numeric(icPercentile)
      if (!is.na(tmpIC$ic_low)) {
        if (maxIC_low < tmpIC$ic_low) {
          maxIC <- tmpIC$ic
          maxIC_low <- tmpIC$ic_low
          maxIC_high <- tmpIC$ic_high
          CXY <- comb[["CXY_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc]
          CX <- comb[["CX_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc]
          CY <- comb[["CY_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc]
          C <- comb[["C_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc]
          expected <- (comb[["CX_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc] * (comb[["CY_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc] / comb[["C_OBSERVED_721_1080"]][cc])) *

    # ----------------------------- -- Store max values -- -----------------------------
    if (is.na(maxIC)) {
      comb[["IC"]][cc] <- NA
      comb[["IC_low"]][cc] <- NA
      comb[["IC_high"]][cc] <- NA
      comb[["CXY"]][cc] <- NA
      comb[["CX"]][cc] <- NA
      comb[["CY"]][cc] <- NA
      comb[["C"]][cc] <- NA
      comb[["expected"]][cc] <- NA
    } else {
      comb[["IC"]][cc] <- maxIC
      comb[["IC_low"]][cc] <- maxIC_low
      comb[["IC_high"]][cc] <- maxIC_high
      comb[["CXY"]][cc] <- CXY
      comb[["CX"]][cc] <- CX
      comb[["CY"]][cc] <- CY
      comb[["C"]][cc] <- C
      comb[["expected"]][cc] <- expected
  # Add some standard metrics that are computed by all OHDSI methods (not very meaningful for ICTPD):
  comb$LOG_RR <- comb$IC
  comb$SE_LOG_RR <- (comb$IC_high - comb$IC) / qnorm(1 - icPercentile)
  if (toupper(metric) == "IC") {
    comb$estimate <- comb$IC
  } else {
    comb$estimate <- comb$IC_low
  colnames(comb) <- SqlRender::snakeCaseToCamelCase(colnames(comb))
  ictpdData$metaData$call <- list(ictpdData$metaData$call, match.call())
  result <- list(results = comb, metaData = ictpdData$metaData, metric = metric)
  class(result) <- "ictpdResults"

#' @export
print.ictpdResults <- function(x, ...) {
  output <- with(x, subset(x$results, select = c(exposureofinterest, outcomeofinterest, estimate)))
  colnames(output) <- c("Exposure concept ID", "Outcome concept ID", x$metric)

#' @export
summary.ictpdResults <- function(object, ...) {
OHDSI/IcTemporalPatternDiscovery documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 8:24 a.m.