
Defines functions createAnalysesDetails runCohortMethod

Documented in createAnalysesDetails runCohortMethod

# Copyright 2018 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of Legend
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Run the cohort method package
#' @details
#' Runs the cohort method package to produce propensity scores and outcome models.
#' @param outputFolder   Name of local folder to place results; make sure to use forward slashes (/).
#'                       Do not use a folder on a network drive since this greatly impacts performance.
#' @param indicationId   A string denoting the indicationId.
#' @param databaseId                           A short string for identifying the database (e.g.
#'                                             'Synpuf').
#' @param maxCores       How many parallel cores should be used? If more cores are made available this
#'                       can speed up the analyses.
#' @export
runCohortMethod <- function(outputFolder, indicationId = "Depression", databaseId, maxCores = 4) {
    # Note: we don't want to run all analyses on all TCO pairs. Specifically, analyses that are
    # symmetrical (e.g. PS stratification) we only want to do one way, and the interaction analyses we
    # don't want to run on the positive controls.  To do this, we split up the analyses across several
    # CohortMethod runs. We must be careful not to have intermediary files in the different runs with the
    # same name but different content.

    # Tell CohortMethod to minimize files sizes by dropping unneeded columns:
    options("minimizeFileSizes" = TRUE)

    indicationFolder <- file.path(outputFolder, indicationId)
    cmFolder <- file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput")
    exposureSummary <- read.csv(file.path(indicationFolder,
    pathToCsv <- system.file("settings", "OutcomesOfInterest.csv", package = "Legend")
    hois <- read.csv(pathToCsv)
    hois <- hois[hois$indicationId == indicationId, ]
    pathToCsv <- system.file("settings", "NegativeControls.csv", package = "Legend")
    negativeControls <- read.csv(pathToCsv)
    negativeControls <- negativeControls[negativeControls$indicationId == indicationId, ]
    injectionSummary <- read.csv(file.path(indicationFolder, "signalInjectionSummary.csv"))

    createTcos <- function(i, positiveControls = "exclude", reverse = FALSE) {
        if (reverse) {
            comparatorId <- exposureSummary$targetId[i]
            targetId <- exposureSummary$comparatorId[i]
        } else {
            targetId <- exposureSummary$targetId[i]
            comparatorId <- exposureSummary$comparatorId[i]
        fileName <- file.path(cmFolder,
                              paste0("CmData_l1_t", targetId, "_c", comparatorId),
        outcomes <- readRDS(fileName)
        outcomeIds <- unique(outcomes$outcomeId)
        if (positiveControls == "exclude") {
            outcomeIds <- outcomeIds[outcomeIds %in% c(hois$cohortId, negativeControls$cohortId)]
        } else if (positiveControls == "onlyTarget") {
            outcomeIds <- outcomeIds[outcomeIds %in% injectionSummary$newOutcomeId[injectionSummary$exposureId ==
        } else if (positiveControls == "onlyComparator") {
            outcomeIds <- outcomeIds[outcomeIds %in% injectionSummary$newOutcomeId[injectionSummary$exposureId ==
        } else if (positiveControls == "excludeComparator") {
            outcomeIds <- outcomeIds[!(outcomeIds %in% injectionSummary$newOutcomeId[injectionSummary$exposureId ==
        } else {
            stop("Unknown positive control setting: ", positiveControls)
        if (length(outcomeIds) == 0) {
            ParallelLogger::logDebug("No outcome IDs for target ", targetId, " and comparator ", comparatorId)
        } else {
            tco <- CohortMethod::createTargetComparatorOutcomes(targetId = targetId,
                                                                comparatorId = comparatorId,
                                                                outcomeIds = outcomeIds)

    cmAnalysisListFile <- system.file("settings",
                                      sprintf("cmAnalysisList%s.json", indicationId),
                                      package = "Legend")
    cmAnalysisList <- CohortMethod::loadCmAnalysisList(cmAnalysisListFile)

    cmAnalysisListFile <- system.file("settings",
                                      sprintf("cmAnalysisListAsym%s.json", indicationId),
                                      package = "Legend")
    cmAnalysisListAsym <- CohortMethod::loadCmAnalysisList(cmAnalysisListFile)

    cmAnalysisListFile <- system.file("settings",
                                      sprintf("cmAnalysisListInteractions%s.json", indicationId),
                                      package = "Legend")
    cmAnalysisListInteractions <- CohortMethod::loadCmAnalysisList(cmAnalysisListFile)

    if ((databaseId == "CCAE" || databaseId == "Optum" || databaseId == "Panther") && indicationId == "Hypertension") {
        # ParallelLogger::logInfo("*** Skipping matching and interactions for CCAE, Optum, and Panther (Hypertension) ***")
        ParallelLogger::logInfo("*** Skipping interactions for CCAE, Optum, and Panther (Hypertension) ***")
        # cmAnalysisListAsym <- list()
        cmAnalysisListInteractions <- list()

    # First run: Forward pairs only, no positive controls ---------------------------------

    tcos <- lapply(1:nrow(exposureSummary), createTcos, positiveControls = "exclude", reverse = FALSE)
    tcos <- plyr::compact(tcos)
    cmAnalyses <- c(cmAnalysisList, cmAnalysisListAsym, cmAnalysisListInteractions)
    CohortMethod::runCmAnalyses(connectionDetails = NULL,
                                cdmDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                exposureDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                exposureTable = NULL,
                                outcomeDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                outcomeTable = NULL,
                                outputFolder = cmFolder,
                                oracleTempSchema = NULL,
                                cmAnalysisList = cmAnalyses,
                                cdmVersion = 5,
                                targetComparatorOutcomesList = tcos,
                                getDbCohortMethodDataThreads = 1,
                                createStudyPopThreads = min(4, maxCores),
                                createPsThreads = max(1, round(maxCores/10)),
                                psCvThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                trimMatchStratifyThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                prefilterCovariatesThreads = min(5, maxCores),
                                fitOutcomeModelThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                outcomeCvThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                refitPsForEveryOutcome = FALSE,
                                refitPsForEveryStudyPopulation = FALSE,
                                prefilterCovariates = TRUE,
                                outcomeIdsOfInterest = hois$cohortId)
    file.rename(from = file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"),
                to = file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference1.rds"))

    # Second run: Forward pairs only, only target positive controls ---------------------------------

    tcos <- lapply(1:nrow(exposureSummary),
                   positiveControls = "onlyTarget",
                   reverse = FALSE)
    tcos <- plyr::compact(tcos)
    cmAnalyses <- c(cmAnalysisList, cmAnalysisListAsym)
    CohortMethod::runCmAnalyses(connectionDetails = NULL,
                                cdmDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                exposureDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                exposureTable = NULL,
                                outcomeDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                outcomeTable = NULL,
                                outputFolder = cmFolder,
                                oracleTempSchema = NULL,
                                cmAnalysisList = cmAnalyses,
                                cdmVersion = 5,
                                targetComparatorOutcomesList = tcos,
                                getDbCohortMethodDataThreads = 1,
                                createStudyPopThreads = min(4, maxCores),
                                createPsThreads = max(1, round(maxCores/10)),
                                psCvThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                trimMatchStratifyThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                prefilterCovariatesThreads = min(5, maxCores),
                                fitOutcomeModelThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                outcomeCvThreads = min(2, maxCores),
                                refitPsForEveryOutcome = FALSE,
                                refitPsForEveryStudyPopulation = FALSE,
                                prefilterCovariates = TRUE,
                                outcomeIdsOfInterest = hois$cohortId)
    file.rename(from = file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"),
                to = file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference2.rds"))

    # Third run: Forward pairs only, only comparator positive controls ----------------

    tcos <- lapply(1:nrow(exposureSummary),
                   positiveControls = "onlyComparator",
                   reverse = FALSE)
    tcos <- plyr::compact(tcos)
    cmAnalyses <- c(cmAnalysisList)
    CohortMethod::runCmAnalyses(connectionDetails = NULL,
                                cdmDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                exposureDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                exposureTable = NULL,
                                outcomeDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                outcomeTable = NULL,
                                outputFolder = cmFolder,
                                oracleTempSchema = NULL,
                                cmAnalysisList = cmAnalyses,
                                cdmVersion = 5,
                                targetComparatorOutcomesList = tcos,
                                getDbCohortMethodDataThreads = 1,
                                createStudyPopThreads = min(4, maxCores),
                                createPsThreads = max(1, round(maxCores/10)),
                                psCvThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                trimMatchStratifyThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                prefilterCovariatesThreads = min(5, maxCores),
                                fitOutcomeModelThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                outcomeCvThreads = min(2, maxCores),
                                refitPsForEveryOutcome = FALSE,
                                refitPsForEveryStudyPopulation = FALSE,
                                prefilterCovariates = TRUE,
                                outcomeIdsOfInterest = hois$cohortId)
    file.rename(from = file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"),
                to = file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference3.rds"))

    # Fourth run: Reverse pairs, exclude comparator controls ------------------------------------

    if (length(cmAnalysisListAsym) != 0) {
        # Create reverse (comparator-target) cohortMethodData and ps objects: Warning: cohortMethodData will
        # not have covariate and covariateRef data, since we won't need them (PS is already computed)
        pathToRds <- file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference1.rds")
        reference <- readRDS(pathToRds)
        reference <- reference[order(reference$cohortMethodDataFolder), ]
        reference <- reference[!duplicated(reference$cohortMethodDataFolder), ]
        ParallelLogger::logInfo("Making cohortMethodData and ps objects symmetrical")
        addOtherHalf <- function(i) {
            sourceFolder <- file.path(cmFolder, reference$cohortMethodDataFolder[i])
            targetFolder <- gsub(paste0("_t", reference$targetId[i]),
                                 paste0("_t", reference$comparatorId[i]),
                                 gsub(paste0("_c", reference$comparatorId[i]),
                                      paste0("_c", reference$targetId[i]),
            if (!file.exists(targetFolder)) {
                cohortMethodData <- CohortMethod::loadCohortMethodData(sourceFolder)
                idx <- ff::as.ff(1:2)
                cohortMethodData$covariates <- cohortMethodData$covariates[idx, ]
                cohortMethodData$covariateRef <- cohortMethodData$covariateRef[idx, ]
                cohortMethodData$analysisRef <- cohortMethodData$analysisRef[idx, ]
                cohortMethodData$cohorts$treatment <- 1 - cohortMethodData$cohorts$treatment
                metaData <- attr(cohortMethodData$cohorts, "metaData")
                temp <- metaData$attrition$targetPersons
                metaData$attrition$targetPersons <- metaData$attrition$comparatorPersons
                metaData$attrition$comparatorPersons <- temp
                metaData$targetId <- reference$comparatorId[i]
                metaData$comparatorId <- reference$targetId[i]
                attr(cohortMethodData$cohorts, "metaData") <- metaData
                CohortMethod::saveCohortMethodData(cohortMethodData, targetFolder)
            sourceFile <- file.path(cmFolder, reference$sharedPsFile[i])
            targetFile <- gsub(paste0("_t", reference$targetId[i]),
                               paste0("_t", reference$comparatorId[i]),
                               gsub(paste0("_c", reference$comparatorId[i]),
                                    paste0("_c", reference$targetId[i]),
            if (!file.exists(targetFile)) {
                ps <- readRDS(sourceFile)
                ps$propensityScore <- 1 - ps$propensityScore
                ps$preferenceScore <- 1 - ps$preferenceScore
                ps$treatment <- 1 - ps$treatment
                metaData <- attr(ps, "metaData")
                temp <- metaData$attrition$targetPersons
                metaData$attrition$targetPersons <- metaData$attrition$comparatorPersons
                metaData$attrition$comparatorPersons <- temp
                metaData$targetId <- reference$comparatorId[i]
                metaData$comparatorId <- reference$targetId[i]
                if (!is.null(metaData$psModelCoef)) {
                    metaData$psModelCoef <- -metaData$psModelCoef
                attr(ps, "metaData") <- metaData
                saveRDS(ps, targetFile)
        plyr::llply(1:nrow(reference), addOtherHalf, .progress = "text")

        tcos <- lapply(1:nrow(exposureSummary),
                       positiveControl = "excludeComparator",
                       reverse = TRUE)
        tcos <- plyr::compact(tcos)
        cmAnalyses <- c(cmAnalysisListAsym)
        CohortMethod::runCmAnalyses(connectionDetails = NULL,
                                    cdmDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                    exposureDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                    exposureTable = NULL,
                                    outcomeDatabaseSchema = NULL,
                                    outcomeTable = NULL,
                                    outputFolder = cmFolder,
                                    oracleTempSchema = NULL,
                                    cmAnalysisList = cmAnalyses,
                                    cdmVersion = 5,
                                    targetComparatorOutcomesList = tcos,
                                    getDbCohortMethodDataThreads = 1,
                                    createStudyPopThreads = min(4, maxCores),
                                    createPsThreads = max(1, round(maxCores/10)),
                                    psCvThreads = min(10, maxCores),
                                    trimMatchStratifyThreads = min(4, maxCores),
                                    fitOutcomeModelThreads = min(8, maxCores),
                                    outcomeCvThreads = min(2, maxCores),
                                    refitPsForEveryOutcome = FALSE,
                                    refitPsForEveryStudyPopulation = FALSE,
                                    prefilterCovariates = TRUE,
                                    outcomeIdsOfInterest = hois$cohortId)
        file.rename(from = file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"),
                    to = file.path(indicationFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference4.rds"))

    # Create analysis summaries -------------------------------------------------------------------
    outcomeModelReference1 <- readRDS(file.path(indicationFolder,
    outcomeModelReference2 <- readRDS(file.path(indicationFolder,
    outcomeModelReference3 <- readRDS(file.path(indicationFolder,
    if (file.exists(file.path(indicationFolder,
                              "outcomeModelReference4.rds"))) {
        outcomeModelReference4 <- readRDS(file.path(indicationFolder,
    } else {
        outcomeModelReference4 <- NULL

    # Check to make sure no file names were used twice:
    if (any(outcomeModelReference1$studyPopFile != "" & outcomeModelReference1$studyPopFile %in% outcomeModelReference2$studyPopFile)) {
        stop("Overlapping studyPop files detected between run 1 and 2")
    if (any(outcomeModelReference1$studyPopFile != "" & outcomeModelReference1$studyPopFile %in% outcomeModelReference3$studyPopFile)) {
        stop("Overlapping studyPop files detected between run 1 and 3")
    if (any(outcomeModelReference2$studyPopFile != "" & outcomeModelReference2$studyPopFile %in% outcomeModelReference3$studyPopFile)) {
        stop("Overlapping studyPop files detected between run 2 and 3")
    if (any(outcomeModelReference1$strataFile != "" & outcomeModelReference1$strataFile %in% outcomeModelReference2$strataFile)) {
        stop("Overlapping strataFile files detected between run 1 and 2")
    if (any(outcomeModelReference1$strataFile != "" & outcomeModelReference1$strataFile %in% outcomeModelReference3$strataFile)) {
        stop("Overlapping strata files detected between run 1 and 3")
    if (any(outcomeModelReference2$strataFile != "" & outcomeModelReference2$strataFile %in% outcomeModelReference3$strataFile)) {
        stop("Overlapping strata files detected between run 2 and 3")
    if (!is.null(outcomeModelReference4)) {
        if (any(outcomeModelReference1$studyPopFile != "" & outcomeModelReference1$studyPopFile %in% outcomeModelReference4$studyPopFile)) {
            stop("Overlapping studyPop files detected between run 1 and 4")
        if (any(outcomeModelReference2$studyPopFile != "" & outcomeModelReference2$studyPopFile %in% outcomeModelReference4$studyPopFile)) {
            stop("Overlapping studyPop files detected between run 2 and 4")
        if (any(outcomeModelReference3$studyPopFile != "" & outcomeModelReference3$studyPopFile %in% outcomeModelReference4$studyPopFile)) {
            stop("Overlapping studyPop files detected between run 3 and 4")
        if (any(outcomeModelReference1$strataFile != "" & outcomeModelReference1$strataFile %in% outcomeModelReference4$strataFile)) {
            stop("Overlapping strata files detected between run 1 and 4")
        if (any(outcomeModelReference2$strataFile != "" & outcomeModelReference2$strataFile %in% outcomeModelReference4$strataFile)) {
            stop("Overlapping strata files detected between run 2 and 4")
        if (any(outcomeModelReference3$strataFile != "" & outcomeModelReference3$strataFile %in% outcomeModelReference4$strataFile)) {
            stop("Overlapping strata files detected between run 3 and 4")

    ParallelLogger::logInfo("Summarizing results")
    analysesSum <- CohortMethod::summarizeAnalyses(referenceTable = outcomeModelReference1,
                                                   outputFolder = cmFolder)
    write.csv(analysesSum, file.path(indicationFolder, "analysisSummary1.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

    analysesSum <- CohortMethod::summarizeAnalyses(referenceTable = outcomeModelReference2,
                                                   outputFolder = cmFolder)
    write.csv(analysesSum, file.path(indicationFolder, "analysisSummary2.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

    analysesSum <- CohortMethod::summarizeAnalyses(referenceTable = outcomeModelReference3,
                                                   outputFolder = cmFolder)
    write.csv(analysesSum, file.path(indicationFolder, "analysisSummary3.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(outcomeModelReference4)) {
        analysesSum <- CohortMethod::summarizeAnalyses(referenceTable = outcomeModelReference4,
                                                       outputFolder = cmFolder)
        write.csv(analysesSum, file.path(indicationFolder, "analysisSummary4.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

#' Create the analyses details
#' @details
#' This function creates files specifying the analyses that will be performed.
#' @param outputFolder   Name of local folder to place results; make sure to use forward slashes (/)
#' @export
createAnalysesDetails <- function(outputFolder) {

    # Depression --------------------------------------------------------------

    # dummy args, will never be used because data objects have already been created:
    getDbCmDataArgs <- CohortMethod::createGetDbCohortMethodDataArgs(covariateSettings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings())

    # Note: censoring at new risk window will only affect depression, as hypertension cannot
    # have subsequent first-time user exposure.
    # The censoring is to prevent bias towards the null, which occurs when exposure time
    # of one exposure overlaps with the other.
    createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeDuplicateSubjects = "keep first",
                                                                                   removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
                                                                                   riskWindowStart = 1,
                                                                                   riskWindowEnd = 0,
                                                                                   addExposureDaysToEnd = TRUE,
                                                                                   minDaysAtRisk = 1,
                                                                                   censorAtNewRiskWindow = TRUE)

    createStudyPopArgsItt <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeDuplicateSubjects = "keep first",
                                                                           removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
                                                                           riskWindowStart = 1,
                                                                           riskWindowEnd = 9999,
                                                                           addExposureDaysToEnd = FALSE,
                                                                           minDaysAtRisk = 1)

    subgroupCovariateIds <- c(1998, 2998, 3998, 4998, 5998, 6998, 7998, 8998)

    createPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreatePsArgs(control = Cyclops::createControl(noiseLevel = "silent",
                                                                                      cvType = "auto",
                                                                                      tolerance = 2e-07,
                                                                                      cvRepetitions = 1,
                                                                                      startingVariance = 0.01,
                                                                                      seed = 123),
                                                     stopOnError = FALSE,
                                                     excludeCovariateIds = subgroupCovariateIds,
                                                     maxCohortSizeForFitting = 1e+05)

    stratifyByPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createStratifyByPsArgs(numberOfStrata = 10,
                                                             baseSelection = "all")

    fitOutcomeModelArgs1 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                    modelType = "cox")

    cmAnalysis1 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 1,
                                                  description = "PS stratification, on-treatment",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                  stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgs1)

    cmAnalysis2 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 2,
                                                  description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                  stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgs1)

    cmAnalysisList <- list(cmAnalysis1, cmAnalysis2)

                                     file.path(outputFolder, "cmAnalysisListDepression.json"))

    matchOnPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createMatchOnPsArgs(caliper = 0.2,
                                                       caliperScale = "standardized logit",
                                                       maxRatio = 100)

    cmAnalysis3 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 3,
                                                  description = "PS matching, on-treatment",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                  matchOnPsArgs = matchOnPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgs1)

    cmAnalysis4 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 4,
                                                  description = "PS matching, intent-to-treat",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                  matchOnPsArgs = matchOnPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgs1)

    cmAnalysisListAsym <- list(cmAnalysis3, cmAnalysis4)

                                     file.path(outputFolder, "cmAnalysisListAsymDepression.json"))

    fitOutcomeModelArgsI1998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                        modelType = "cox",
                                                                        interactionCovariateIds = 1998)

    cmAnalysis5 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 5,
                                                  description = "PS stratification, on-treatment, renal impairment interactions",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                  stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI1998)

    cmAnalysis6 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 6,
                                                  description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat, renal impairment interactions",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                  stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI1998)

    fitOutcomeModelArgsI2998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                        modelType = "cox",
                                                                        interactionCovariateIds = 2998)

    cmAnalysis7 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 7,
                                                  description = "PS stratification, on-treatment, hepatic impairment interactions",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                  stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI2998)

    cmAnalysis8 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 8,
                                                  description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat, hepatic impairment interactions",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                  stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI2998)
    fitOutcomeModelArgsI3998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                        modelType = "cox",
                                                                        interactionCovariateIds = 3998)

    cmAnalysis9 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 9,
                                                  description = "PS stratification, on-treatment, pregnancy interactions",
                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                  createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                  createPs = TRUE,
                                                  createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                  stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                  stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI3998)

    cmAnalysis10 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 10,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat, pregnancy interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI3998)

    fitOutcomeModelArgsI4998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                        modelType = "cox",
                                                                        interactionCovariateIds = 4998)

    cmAnalysis11 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 11,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, on-treatment, children interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI4998)

    cmAnalysis12 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 12,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat, children interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI4998)

    fitOutcomeModelArgsI5998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                        modelType = "cox",
                                                                        interactionCovariateIds = 5998)

    cmAnalysis13 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 13,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, on-treatment, elderly interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI5998)

    cmAnalysis14 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 14,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat, elderly interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI5998)

    fitOutcomeModelArgsI6998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                        modelType = "cox",
                                                                        interactionCovariateIds = 6998)

    cmAnalysis15 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 15,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, on-treatment, female interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI6998)

    cmAnalysis16 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 16,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat, female interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI6998)

    cmAnalysisListInteractions <- list(cmAnalysis5,


    # Hypertension --------------------------------------------------------------

    # Main analyses: just use same as depression

                                     file.path(outputFolder, "cmAnalysisListHypertension.json"))

                                     file.path(outputFolder, "cmAnalysisListAsymHypertension.json"))

    # Interactions: add type 2 diabetes mellitus subgroup

    fitOutcomeModelArgsI7998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                        modelType = "cox",
                                                                        interactionCovariateIds = 7998)

    cmAnalysis17 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 17,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, on-treatment, T2DM interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI7998)

    cmAnalysis18 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 18,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat, T2DM interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI7998)

	# Interactions: add black or african american subgroup

    fitOutcomeModelArgsI8998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(stratified = TRUE,
                                                                        modelType = "cox",
                                                                        interactionCovariateIds = 8998)

    cmAnalysis19 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 19,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, on-treatment, black or african american interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsOnTreatment,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI8998)

    cmAnalysis20 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 20,
                                                   description = "PS stratification, intent-to-treat, black or african american interactions",
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = createStudyPopArgsItt,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                   stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI8998)

    cmAnalysisListInteractions <- list(cmAnalysis5,

OHDSI/Legend documentation built on Dec. 29, 2020, 3:52 a.m.