
Defines functions cld2 tukeyMat pairComp

Documented in pairComp

pairComp <- function(parm, vcovMat, nams = NULL, dfr = NULL, adjust = "none",
                     level = 0.05, Letters = c(letters, LETTERS, "."),
                     reversed = FALSE){
  # Make pairwise comparisons based on a vector of means
  # and a variance-covariance matrix. Uses the glht() function
  # in the multcomp package
  # Assumes independence and it is built for the ease of usage
  # Updated on 18/05/2023
       chk <- names(parm)
         nams <- chk
       } else {
         nams <- as.character(1:length(parm))
  # Sort the vectors/matrices (so that letters are in common order)
  SE <- sqrt(diag(vcovMat))
  tmp <- data.frame(parm, SE, nams)
  if(!reversed) tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$parm), ] else tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$parm, decreasing = TRUE), ]
  if(!reversed) vcovMat <- vcovMat[order(parm), order(parm)] else vcovMat <- vcovMat[order(parm, decreasing = TRUE), order(parm, decreasing = TRUE) ]
  parm <- tmp$parm; SE <- tmp$SE; nams <- tmp$nams
  names(parm) <- nams
  # Prepares the input for multcomp
  df <- ifelse(is.null(dfr), Inf, dfr)
  pairList <- list(coef = parm, vcov = vcovMat, df = df)
  class(pairList) = "parm"
  gh <- multcomp::glht(pairList, linfct = tukeyMat(parm))
  lett <- cld2(gh, pval = level, adjust = adjust, Letters = Letters)
  letters <- data.frame(Mean = parm, SE = SE, CLD = lett$Letters)
  returnList = list("Pairs" = summary(gh, multcomp::adjusted(type = adjust)),
                    "Letters" = letters)

tukeyMat <- function(obj, lev = NULL) {
  # Crea una matrice di contrasti Tukey-type
  # obj: vector of means, possibly named
  # lev: optional names for means
    lfm <- diag(length(obj))
    nlev <- nrow(lfm)
    rn <- names(obj)
    a <- attr(lfm, "grid")
    if (is.null(lev)) {
        if (!is.null(a)) {
            lev <- apply(a, 1, paste, collapse = ":")
        } else if (!is.null(rn)) {
            lev <- rn
        } else {
            lev <- as.character(1:nlev)
    cbn <- utils::combn(seq_along(lev), 2)
    M <- lfm[cbn[1, ], ] - lfm[cbn[2, ], ]
    if (is.vector(M)) {
        dim(M) <- c(1, length(M))
    rownames(M) <- paste(lev[cbn[1, ]], lev[cbn[2, ]], sep = "-")

cld2 <- function(obj, pval = 0.05, adjust = "none", Letters){
  # Serve per ottenere le lettere in modo semplice
  # Passando solo un glht object
  # Modified from multcomp::cld and it is not exposed
  if(!inherits(obj, "glht")){
    print("this function is only implemented for glht objects")
  gh <- summary(obj, multcomp::adjusted(type = adjust))
  p.logic <- as.vector(gh$test$pvalues)
  p.logic <- ifelse(p.logic > pval, FALSE, TRUE)
  names(p.logic) <- sub(" - ", "-", as.vector(dimnames(gh$linfct)[[1]]))
  LetDisplay <- multcompView::multcompLetters(p.logic, threshold = pval,
                                           Letters = Letters)

# contrMat <- function(n, type = c("Dunnett", "Tukey", "Sequen", "AVE",
#                                  "Changepoint", "Williams", "Marcus",
#                                  "McDermott", "UmbrellaWilliams", "GrandMean",
#                                  "Mean"), base = 1) {
#     if (length(n) < 2) stop("less than two groups")
#     if (!is.numeric(n)) stop(sQuote("n"), " is not numeric")
#     m <- NULL
#     type <- match.arg(type)
#     if (type %in% c("AVE", "Williams", "McDermott") && length(n) < 3)
#         stop("less than three groups")
#     k <- length(n)
#     if (base < 1 || base > k) stop("base is not between 1 and ", k)
#     CM <- c()
#     rnames <- c()
#     if (!is.null(names(n)))
#         varnames <- names(n)
#     else 
#         varnames <- 1:length(n)
#     kindx <- 1:k
#     switch(type, 
#       "Dunnett" = {
#         for(i in kindx[-base])
#             CM <- rbind(CM, as.numeric(kindx == i) - as.numeric( kindx == base))
#         rnames <- paste(varnames[kindx[-base]], "-", varnames[base])
#     }, "Tukey" = {
#         for (i in 1:(k-1)) {
#             for(j in (i+1):k) {
#                 CM  <- rbind(CM, as.numeric(kindx==j)-as.numeric(kindx==i))
#                 rnames <- c(rnames, paste(varnames[j], "-", varnames[i]))
#             }
#         }
#     }, "Sequen" =  {
#         for (i in 2:k) {
#             CM  <- rbind(CM, as.numeric(kindx==i)-as.numeric(kindx==i-1))
#             rnames <- c(rnames, paste(varnames[i], "-", varnames[i-1]))
#         }
#     }, "AVE" = {
#         help <- c(1,  -n[2:k]/sum(n[2:k]))
#         CM <- rbind(CM, help)
#         for (i in 2:(k-1)) {
#             x <- sum(n[1:(i-1)])+sum(n[(i+1):k])
#             help <- c(-n[1:(i-1)]/x, 1, -n[(i+1):k]/x)
#             CM <- rbind(CM, help)
#         }
#         help <- c(-n[1:(k-1)]/sum(n[1:(k-1)]), 1)
#         CM  <- rbind(CM, help)
#         rnames <- paste("C", 1:nrow(CM))
#     }, "Changepoint" = {
#         for (i in 1:(k-1)) {
#             help <- c(-n[1:i]/sum(n[1:i]), n[(i+1):k]/sum(n[(i+1):k]))
#             CM <- rbind(CM, help)
#         }
#         rnames <- c(rnames, paste("C", 1:nrow(CM)))
#     }, "Williams" = {
#         for (i in 1:(k-2)) {
#             help <-  c(-1, rep(0, k-i-1), n[(k-i+1):k]/sum(n[(k-i+1):k]))
#             CM <- rbind(CM, help)
#         }
#         help <- c(-1, n[2:k]/sum(n[2:k]))
#         CM <- rbind(CM, help)
#         rnames <- c(rnames, paste("C", 1:nrow(CM)))
#     }, "Marcus" = {
#         cm1 <- matrix(0, nrow=k-1, ncol=k)
#         cm2 <- cm1
#         for (i in 1:(k-1)) {
#             cm1[i,(i+1):k] <- n[(i+1):k]/sum(n[(i+1):k])
#             cm2[i,1:i] <- n[1:i]/sum(n[1:i])
#         }
#         ### row <- k*(k-1)/2
#         index <- 1
#         for (i in 1:(k-1)) {
#             for (j in 1:i) {
#                 help <- cm1[i,]-cm2[j,]
#                 CM <- rbind(CM, help)
#                 index <- index+1
#             }
#         }
#         rnames <- c(rnames, paste("C", 1:nrow(CM)))
#      }, "McDermott" = {
#          for(i in 1:(k-2)) {
#              help  <- c(-n[1:i]/sum(n[1:i]), 1, rep(0, k-i-1))
#              CM <- rbind(CM, help)
#          }
#          help <- c(-n[1:(k-1)]/sum(n[1:(k-1)]), 1)
#          CM  <- rbind(CM, help)
#          rnames <- c(rnames, paste("C", 1:nrow(CM)))
#     }, "Tetrade" = {
#         if (is.null(m)) stop(sQuote("m"), " is missing")
#         a <- length(n)
#         b <- length(m)
#         if (!is.null(names(m)))
#             varnamesm <- names(m)
#         else 
#             varnamesm <- 1:length(m)
# 	idi <- 1:a
# 	idj <- 1:b
#         for (i1 in 1:(a-1)) {
#             for (i2 in (i1+1):a) {
# 	        for (j1 in 1:(b-1)) {
#         	    for (j2 in (j1+1):b) {
#                 	CM <- rbind(CM, kronecker( ( as.numeric(idi==i1)-as.numeric(idi==i2) ),
#                                                    ( as.numeric(idj==j1)-as.numeric(idj==j2) ) ) ) 
# 		        rnames <- c(rnames, paste( "(", paste(varnames[i1], varnamesm[j1], sep = ":"), "-", 
#                                                         paste(varnames[i1], varnamesm[j2], sep = ":"), ")", "-", 
#                                                    "(", paste(varnames[i2], varnamesm[j1], sep = ":"), "-", 
#                                                         paste(varnames[i2], varnamesm[j2], sep = ":"), ")",  sep=""))
#             	    }
#         	}
# 	    }
#         }
#     }, "UmbrellaWilliams" = {
#         for (j in 1:(k-1)) {
#             for (i in 1:(k - j)) {
#                 helper <- c(-1, rep(0, k - i - j),
#                     n[((k - i + 1):k)-(j-1)]/sum(n[((k - i + 1):k)-(j-1)]),
#                     rep(0, j-1))
#                 CM <- rbind(CM, helper)
#             }
#         }
#         rnames <- c(rnames, paste("C", 1:nrow(CM)))
#     }, "GrandMean" = {
#         CM <- matrix(rep(-n/sum(n), k), nrow = k, byrow = TRUE)
#         diag(CM) <- diag(CM) + 1
#         rnames <- c(rnames, paste("C", 1:nrow(CM)))
#     }, "Mean" = {
#         CM <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k, byrow = TRUE)
#         diag(CM) <- 1
#         rnames <- c(rnames, paste("C", 1:nrow(CM)))
#     })
#     rownames(CM) <- rnames
#     if (type == "Tetrade")
#       colnames(CM) <- NULL ###levels(interaction(varnames, varnamesm))
#     else 
#       colnames(CM) <- varnames
#     attr(CM, "type") <- type
#     class(CM) <- c("contrMat", "matrix")
#     CM
# }
# mcp2matrix <- function(model, linfct) {
#     ### extract factors and contrasts
#     fc <- factor_contrasts(model)
#     contrasts <- fc$contrasts
#     factors <- fc$factors
#     intercept <- fc$intercept
#     mf <- fc$mf
#     mm <- fc$mm
#     alternative <- NULL
#     ### linear hypotheses
#     if (!is.list(linfct) || is.null(names(linfct)))
#         stop(sQuote("linfct"), "is not a named list")
#     nhypo <- names(linfct)
#     checknm <- nhypo %in% rownames(factors)
#     if (!all(checknm)) 
#         stop("Variable(s) ", sQuote(nhypo[!checknm]), " have been specified in ",
#              sQuote("linfct"), " but cannot be found in ", sQuote("model"), "! ")
#     if (any(checknm)) {
#         checknm <- sapply(mf[nhypo[checknm]], is.factor)
#         if (!all(checknm))
#             stop("Variable(s) ", sQuote(paste(nhypo[!checknm], collapse = ", ")), " of class ", 
#                   sQuote(paste(sapply(mf[nhypo[!checknm]], class), collapse = ", ")), 
#                   " is/are not contained as a factor in ", sQuote("model"), ".")
#     }
#     m <- c()
#     ctype <- c()
#     for (nm in nhypo) {
#         if (is.character(linfct[[nm]])) {
#             Kchr <- function(kch) {
#                 ### check if kch is suitable as `type' argument to `contrMat'
#                 types <- eval(formals(contrMat)$type)
#                 pm <- pmatch(kch, types)
#                 ### if yes, compute K from `contrMat'
#                 if (!is.na(pm)) {
#                     tmpK <- contrMat(table(mf[[nm]]), type = types[pm])
#                     ctype <<- c(ctype, types[pm])
#                 } else {
#                     ### if not, interpret kch as an expression
#                     tmp <-  chrlinfct2matrix(kch, levels(mf[[nm]]))
#                     tmpK <- tmp$K
#                     m <<- c(m, tmp$m)
#                     if (is.null(alternative)) {
#                         alternative <<- tmp$alternative
#                     } else {
#                         if (tmp$alternative != alternative)
#                             stop("mix of alternatives currently not implemented")
#                     }
#                 }
#                 print(row.names(kch))
#                 if (is.null(rownames(tmpK)))
#                     rownames(tmpK) <- paste(kch, 1:nrow(tmpK), sep = "_")
#                 if (length(nhypo) > 1)
#                     rownames(tmpK) <- paste(nm, rownames(tmpK), sep = ": ")
#                 list(K = tmpK)
#             }
#             tmp <- lapply(linfct[[nm]], Kchr)
#             linfct[[nm]] <- do.call("rbind", lapply(tmp, function(x) x$K))
#         }
#     }
#     ### transform linear hypotheses using model contrasts
#     hypo <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(nhypo))
#     names(hypo) <- nhypo
#     for (nm in nhypo) {
#         ### extract contrast matrix for each factor from model fit
#         if (is.character(contrasts[[nm]])) {
#             C <- do.call(contrasts[[nm]], 
#                          list(n = nlevels(mf[[nm]])))
#         } else {
#             C <- contrasts[[nm]]
#         }
#         ### and transform the original linear hypotheses 
#         ### K beta to K C beta^* 
#         if (intercept || (!intercept && nm != colnames(factors)[1])) {
#             Kstar <- linfct[[nm]] %*% C
#         } else {
#             ### model.matrix has `contrasts' argument even if no intercept
#             ### was fitted and the contrast actually hasn't been applied
#             ### This is, however, only the case for the _first_ factor
#             Kstar <- linfct[[nm]]
#         }
#         pos <- factors[nm,] == 1
#         ### interaction terms (if any)
#         if (sum(pos) > 1)
#             warning("covariate interactions found -- ", 
#                     "default contrast might be inappropriate")
#         hypo[[nm]] <- list(K = Kstar,
#             where = attr(mm, "assign") %in% which(nm == colnames(factors)))
#     }
#     ### combine all single matrices computed so far into
#     ### one matrix of all linear hypoheses
#     Ktotal <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(sapply(hypo, function(x) nrow(x$K))),
#                      ncol = ncol(mm))
#     colnames(Ktotal) <- colnames(mm)
#     count <- 1
#     for (h in hypo) {
#         Ktotal[count:(count + nrow(h$K) - 1), h$where] <- h$K
#         count <- count + nrow(h$K)
#     }
#     if (!is.matrix(Ktotal)) Ktotal <- matrix(Ktotal, nrow = 1)
#     rownames(Ktotal) <- unlist(lapply(hypo, function(x) rownames(x$K)))
#     if (is.null(ctype))
#         ctype <- "User-defined"
#     ctype <- paste(unique(ctype), collapse = ", ")
#     attr(Ktotal, "type") <- ctype
#     if (length(m) == 0) m <- 0
#     list(K = Ktotal, m = m, alternative = alternative, type = ctype)
# }
# factor_contrasts <- function(model) {
#     ### extract model matrix, frame and terms
#     mm <- try(model.matrix(model))
#     if (inherits(mm, "try-error"))
#         stop("no ", sQuote("model.matrix"), " method for ", 
#              sQuote("model"), " found!")
#     mf <- try(model.frame(model))
#     if (inherits(mf, "try-error"))
#         stop("no ", sQuote("model.frame"), " method for ", 
#              sQuote("model"), " found!")
#     tm <- try(terms(model))
#     if (inherits(tm, "try-error"))
#         stop("no ", sQuote("terms"), " method for ", 
#              sQuote("model"), " found!")
#     list(contrasts = attr(mm, "contrasts"),
#          factors = attr(tm, "factors"),
#          intercept = attr(tm, "intercept") != 0,
#          mm = mm, 
#          mf = mf)
# }
OnofriAndreaPG/aomisc documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 8:21 p.m.