# This functions create model matrices for diallel models
# Date of last edit: 19/07/2021
# Removing limitation for less than 10 parentals
model.matrix.diallel <- function(object, ...){
model.matrixDiallel <- function(formula, Block = NULL, Env = NULL,
fct = NULL, data = NULL,
type = "nested"){
# This is a formula based output
# This is used by one who knows what he is doing, and makes
# direct use of the functions GCA, SCA and so on
X <- model.matrix(formula, data)
# X <- X1[,-1]
# attr(X, "assign") <- attr(X1, "assign")[-1] - 1
# attr(X, "assign") <- attr(X1, "assign")[-1] - 1
} else {
# fct based output.
# It creates the incidence matrices for specific models
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE) # Riprende la chiamata, con i nomi
m <- match(c("formula", "Block", "Env", "data"), names(mf), 0L) # Trova nella chiamata la formula. m rappresenta la posizione della formula nella chiamata
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
pars <- attr(mt, "term.labels")
bName <- deparse(substitute(Block)) # storing name of Blocks
Block <- model.extract(mf, "Block")
eName <- deparse(substitute(Env)) # storing name of Env
Env <- model.extract(mf, "Env")
if(missing(data) == T){
Par1 <- mf[,1]
Par2 <- mf[,2]
} else {
Par1 <- data[[pars[1]]]
Par2 <- data[[pars[2]]]
if(is.null(Env) == T){
# Experiments in one environment
n <- length(Par1)
P1 <- factor(as.character(Par1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(Par2))
nGroups <- 0
groups <- c(nGroups)
X <- cbind(Intercept = rep(1, n))
reps <- c(1)
namEffs <- c("Intercept")
if(is.null(Block) == F) {
Block <- factor(Block)
B <- matBlock(~Block)
colnames(B) <- paste("Block", levels(Block)[-length(levels(Block))], sep = "")
nGroups <- 1
groups <- c(groups, nGroups)
X <- cbind(X, B)
reps <- c(reps, length(B[1,]))
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "Block")
if(fct == "HAYMAN1"){
# HAYMAN1 - con tSCA #############################
# 6/04/2020
# Matrix for GCA
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
# Matrix tSCA
SCA <- tSCA(P1, P2)
#Matrix for RGCA
RGCA <- RGCA(P1, P2)
#Matrix for RSCA
rec <- RSCA(P1, P2)
# Building incidence matrix (0:5)
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA, RGCA, rec)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+4, 1))
reps <- c(reps, length(Z[1,]), length(SCA[1,])
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA","tSCA", "RGCA", "RSCA",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "HAYMAN2"){
# HAYMAN2 - SCA decomposta ###########
# 23/03/2020
# Matrix for crosses
crM <- MDD(P1, P2)
# Matrix for GCA
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("gca_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
# colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
# Matrix for h.i
H <- DD(P1, P2)
# Matrix for sca
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
#colnames(SCA) <- paste("sca_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
# Matrix for RGCA
RGCA <- RGCA(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("rgca_", levels(P1)[1:length(levels(P1))-1], sep="")
# colnames(RGCA) <- c(nams)
# Matrix for RSCA
rec <- RSCA(P1, P2)
# colnames(rec) <- paste("rsca_", colnames(rec), sep = "")
# Building incidence matrix (0:7)
X <- cbind(X, crM, Z, H, SCA, RGCA, rec)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+6, 1))
reps <- c(reps, 1, length(Z[1,]), length(H[1,])
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "MDD", "GCA", "DD", "SCA",
"RGCA", "RSCA", "Residuals")
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GRIFFING1"){
# GRIFFING 1 - Reciprocal effects #########################################
#B <- matBlock(~Block)
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("gca_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
# colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
SCA <- tSCA(P1, P2)
# colnames(SCA) <- paste("sca_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
rec <- REC(P1, P2)
# colnames(rec) <- paste("rec_", colnames(rec), sep = "")
# Building incidence matrix (0:4)
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA, rec)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+3, 1))
reps <- c(reps, length(Z[1,]),
, length(rec[1,]))
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA", "tSCA", "Reciprocals",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GRIFFING2"){
# GRIFFING 2 - No reciprocals #######################
# 23/03/2020
#B <- matBlock(~Block)
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("gca_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
# colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
SCA <- tSCA(P1, P2)
# colnames(SCA) <- paste("sca_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
# Building incidence matrix (0:3)
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+2, 1))
reps <- c(reps, length(Z[1,]),
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA", "tSCA",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GRIFFING3"){
# GRIFFING 3 - Reciprocal effects, no selfs ###################
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
# SCA <- SCA.G3(P1, P2)
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2) # Corrected on 1/7/21
# rec <- REC.G3(P1, P2)
rec <- REC(P1, P2) # Corrected on 2/3/21
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA, rec)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+3, 1))
reps <- c(reps, length(Z[1,]),
, length(rec[1,]))
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA", "SCA", "Reciprocals",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GRIFFING4"){
# GRIFFING 4 - No reciprocals, no selfs #########
# Z <- GCA(P1, P2) # Original
Z <- GCAmis(P1, P2) # Edited on 20/03/23
# SCA <- SCA.G3(P1, P2) # Original
# SCA <- SCA(P1, P2) # Edited on 1/7/21
SCA <- SCAmis(P1, P2) # Edited on 20/03/23
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+2, 1))
reps <- c(reps, length(Z[1,]),
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA", "SCA",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GE2"){
# GE2 - Senza reciproci ####################
# 23/03/2020
# B <- matBlock(~Block)
# Matrix for bar_h
crM <- H.BAR(P1, P2)
# colnames(crM) <- "h.bar"
# Matrix for nu.i
Z <- VEi(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("ve_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
# colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
# Matrix for h.i
H <- Hi(P1, P2)
# Matrix for sca
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
# colnames(SCA) <- paste("sca_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
# Building incidence matrix (0:5)
X <- cbind(X, crM, Z, H, SCA)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+4, 1))
reps <- c(reps, 1 ,length(Z[1,])
,length(H[1, ])
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "h.bar", "Variety", "h.i", "SCA",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GE2r"){
# GE2r - With reciprocals ####################
# 23/03/2020
#B <- matBlock(~Block)
# Matrix for bar_h
crM <- H.BAR(P1, P2)
# colnames(crM) <- "h.bar"
# # Matrix for crosses
# slM <- H.BAR(crosses)
# colnames(slM) <- "Selfs"
Z <- VEi(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("ve_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
# colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
H <- Hi(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("h_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
# colnames(H) <- c(nams)
# Matrix for sca
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
# colnames(SCA) <- paste("sca_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
rec <- REC(P1, P2)
# colnames(rec) <- paste("rec_", colnames(rec), sep = "")
# Building incidence matrix (0:6)
X <- cbind(X, crM, Z, H, SCA, rec)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+5, 1))
reps <- c(reps, 1 ,length(Z[1,])
,length(H[1, ])
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "h.bar", "Variety", "h.i", "SCA", "Reciprocals",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GE3"){
# GE3 - Senza reciproci ###############################################
# 23/03/2020
crM <- H.BAR(P1, P2)
H <- SP(P1, P2)
Z <- GCAC(P1, P2)
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
# Building incidence matrix (0:5)
X <- cbind(X, crM, H, Z, SCA)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+4, 1))
reps <- c(reps, 1 ,length(H[1,])
,length(Z[1, ])
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "h.bar",
"Selfed parents",
"gcac", "SCA", "Residuals")
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GE3r"){
# GE3r - Con reciproci ###############################################
# 23/03/2020
# Matrix for crosses
#crM <- matrix(crosses, n, 1)
crM <- H.BAR(P1, P2)
# colnames(crM) <- "h.bar"
H <- SP(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("sp_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
# colnames(H) <- c(nams)
Z <- GCAC(P1, P2)
# nams <- paste("gcac_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
# colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
# Matrix for sca
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
# colnames(SCA) <- paste("sca_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
rec <- REC(P1, P2)
# colnames(rec) <- paste("rec_", colnames(rec), sep = "")
# Building incidence matrix (0:6)
X <- cbind(X, crM, H, Z, SCA, rec)
groups <- c(groups, seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+5, 1))
reps <- c(reps, 1 ,length(H[1,])
,length(Z[1, ])
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- levs
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "h.bar",
"Selfed parents", "gcac",
"SCA", "Reciprocals",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
stop("Model not yet implemented")
} else {
# GE Data ####################################
# Creazione matrice incidenza
# effetti genetici can be crossed or nested
# Nested is the rule for fitting, but crossed are
# necessary for ANOVA
X <- model.matrixDiallel.MET(Par1, Par2, Block, Env ,
fct, type = type)
model.matrixDiallel.MET <- function(Par1, Par2, Block, Env ,
fct, type = "crossed"){
if(type != "crossed" & type != "nested")
stop("'Incidence matrices 'Type' can only be 'nested' ore 'crossed'")
if(type == "crossed"){
# Effetti genetici crossed
n <- length(Par1)
P1 <- factor(as.character(Par1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(Par2))
nGroups <- 0
groups <- c(nGroups)
Env <- factor(Env)
contrasts(Env) <- c("contr.sum")
EnvMat <- model.matrix(~ Env)
if(!is.null(Block)) {
Block <- factor(Block)
contrasts(Block) <- c("contr.sum")
X <- model.matrix(~ Env/Block)
asgn1 <- attr(X, "assign")
nGroups <- 2
groups <- 0:2
namEffs <- c("Intercept", "Env", "Env/Block")
} else {
X <- EnvMat
asgn1 <- attr(X, "assign")
nGroups <- 1
groups <- 0:1
namEffs <- c("Intercept", "Env")
EnvMat <- as.matrix(EnvMat[,-1])
if(fct == "HAYMAN1"){
# HAYMAN1 - con tSCA #############################
# 6/04/2020
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
SCA <- tSCA(P1, P2)
RGCA <- RGCA(P1, P2)
rec <- RSCA(P1, P2)
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
RGCAenv <- int.matrix(RGCA, EnvMat)
RSCAenv <- int.matrix(rec, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA, RGCA, rec, Zenv, SCAenv, RGCAenv, RSCAenv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+8, 1))
reps <- c(length(Z[1,]), length(SCA[1,])
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA","tSCA", "RGCA", "RSCA",
"GCA:Env", "tSCA:Env", "RGCA:Env", "RSCA:Env",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "HAYMAN2"){
# HAYMAN2 - SCA decomposta ###########
# 23/03/2020
crM <- MDD(P1, P2)
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
H <- DD(P1, P2)
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
RGCA <- RGCA(P1, P2)
rec <- RSCA(P1, P2)
crMenv <- int.matrix(crM, EnvMat)
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
Henv <- int.matrix(H, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
RGCAenv <- int.matrix(RGCA, EnvMat)
RSCAenv <- int.matrix(rec, EnvMat)
# Building incidence matrix (0:7)
X <- cbind(X, crM, Z, H, SCA, RGCA, rec, crMenv, Zenv, Henv,
SCAenv, RGCAenv, RSCAenv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+12, 1))
reps <- c(length(crM[1,]), length(Z[1,]),
length(H[1,]), length(SCA[1,]),
length(RGCA[1,]), length(rec[1,]),
length(crMenv[1,]), length(Zenv[1,]),
length(Henv[1,]), length(SCAenv[1,]),
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "MDD", "GCA", "DD", "SCA",
"RGCA", "RSCA", "MDD:Env", "GCA:Env", "DD:Env",
"SCA:Env", "RGCA:Env", "RSCA:Env", "Residuals")
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GRIFFING1"){
# GRIFFING 1 - Reciprocal effects #######################
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
SCA <- tSCA(P1, P2)
rec <- REC(P1, P2)
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
recEnv <- int.matrix(rec, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA, rec, Zenv, SCAenv, recEnv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+6, 1))
reps <- c(length(Z[1,]), length(SCA[1,]),
length(rec[1,]), length(Zenv[1,]),
length(SCAenv[1,]), length(recEnv[1,]))
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA", "tSCA", "Reciprocals",
"GCA:Env", "tSCA:Env", "Reciprocals:Env",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GRIFFING2"){
# GRIFFING 2 - No reciprocals #######################
# 23/03/2020
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
SCA <- tSCA(P1, P2)
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA, Zenv, SCAenv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+4, 1))
reps <- c(length(Z[1,]), length(SCA[1,]),
length(Zenv[1,]), length(SCAenv[1,]))
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA", "tSCA", "GCA:Env", "tSCA:Env",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GRIFFING3"){
# GRIFFING 3 - Reciprocal effects, no selfs ###################
Z <- GCA(P1, P2)
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2) # Corrected on 1/7/21
rec <- REC(P1, P2) # Corrected on 2/3/21
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
recEnv <- int.matrix(rec, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA, rec, Zenv, SCAenv, recEnv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+6, 1))
reps <- c(length(Z[1,]), length(SCA[1,]), length(rec[1,]),
length(Zenv[1,]), length(SCAenv[1,]), length(recEnv[1,]))
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA", "SCA", "Reciprocals",
"GCA:Env", "SCA:Env", "Reciprocals:Env",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GRIFFING4"){
# GRIFFING 4 - No reciprocals, no selfs #########
Z <- GCAmis(P1, P2) # Edited on 20/03/23
SCA <- SCAmis(P1, P2) # Edited on 20/03/23
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, Z, SCA, Zenv, SCAenv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+4, 1))
reps <- c(length(Z[1,]), length(SCA[1,]),
length(Zenv[1,]), length(SCAenv[1,]))
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "GCA", "SCA", "GCA:Env", "SCA:Env",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GE2"){
# GE2 - Senza reciproci ####################
# 23/03/2020
crM <- H.BAR(P1, P2)
Z <- VEi(P1, P2)
H <- Hi(P1, P2)
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
crMenv <- int.matrix(crM, EnvMat)
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
Henv <- int.matrix(H, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, crM, Z, H, SCA, crMenv, Zenv, Henv, SCAenv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+8, 1))
reps <- c(1, length(Z[1,]) ,length(H[1, ]),length(SCA[1,]),
length(crMenv[1,]) ,length(Zenv[1,]),
length(Henv[1, ]),length(SCAenv[1,]))
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "h.bar", "Variety", "h.i", "SCA",
"h.bar:Env", "Variety:Env", "h.i:Env", "SCA:Env",
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GE2r"){
# GE2r - With reciprocals ####################
# 23/03/2020
crM <- H.BAR(P1, P2)
Z <- VEi(P1, P2)
H <- Hi(P1, P2)
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
rec <- REC(P1, P2)
crMenv <- int.matrix(crM, EnvMat)
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
Henv <- int.matrix(H, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
recEnv <- int.matrix(rec, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, crM, Z, H, SCA, rec, crMenv, Zenv, Henv, SCAenv,
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+10, 1))
reps <- c(1, length(Z[1,]) ,length(H[1, ]),length(SCA[1,]),
length(crMenv[1,]) ,length(Zenv[1,]),
length(Henv[1, ]),length(SCAenv[1,]),
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "h.bar", "Variety", "h.i", "SCA", "Reciprocal",
"h.bar:Env", "Variety:Env", "h.i:Env", "SCA:Env",
"Reciprocal:Env", "Residuals")
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GE3"){
# GE3 - Senza reciproci ##############################
# 23/03/2020
crM <- H.BAR(P1, P2)
H <- SP(P1, P2)
Z <- GCAC(P1, P2)
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
crMenv <- int.matrix(crM, EnvMat)
Henv <- int.matrix(H, EnvMat)
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, crM, H, Z, SCA, crMenv, Henv, Zenv, SCAenv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+8, 1))
reps <- c(1 ,length(H[1,]), length(Z[1, ]), length(SCA[1,]),
length(crMenv[1,]), length(Henv[1,]),
length(Zenv[1, ]), length(SCAenv[1,]))
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "h.bar", "Selfed parents", "gcac", "SCA",
"h.bar:Env", "Selfed parents:Env", "gcac:Env",
"SCA:Env", "Residuals")
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
} else if(fct == "GE3r"){
# GE3r - Con reciproci ###############################################
# 23/03/2020
crM <- H.BAR(P1, P2)
H <- SP(P1, P2)
Z <- GCAC(P1, P2)
SCA <- SCA(P1, P2)
rec <- REC(P1, P2)
crMenv <- int.matrix(crM, EnvMat)
Henv <- int.matrix(H, EnvMat)
Zenv <- int.matrix(Z, EnvMat)
SCAenv <- int.matrix(SCA, EnvMat)
recEnv <- int.matrix(rec, EnvMat)
X <- cbind(X, crM, H, Z, SCA, rec,
crMenv, Henv, Zenv, SCAenv, recEnv)
groups <- c(seq(nGroups+1, nGroups+10, 1))
reps <- c(1, length(H[1,]), length(Z[1, ]), length(SCA[1,]),
length(crMenv[1,]), length(Henv[1,]),
length(Zenv[1, ]), length(SCAenv[1,]),
levs <- rep(groups, reps)
attr(X, "assign") <- c(asgn1, levs)
namEffs <- c(namEffs, "h.bar", "Selfed parents", "gcac", "SCA",
"h.bar:Env", "Selfed parents:Env", "gcac:Env",
"SCA:Env", "Reciprocal:Env", "Residuals")
attr(X, "namEff") <- namEffs
stop("Model not yet implemented")
} else {
# Effetti genetici nested (normal)
# Par1 <- P1
# Par2 <- P2
Env <- factor(Env)
Block <- factor(Block)
datasetS <- data.frame(Id = 1:length(Par1), Env, Block, Par1, Par2)
datasetS <- datasetS[order(datasetS$Env, datasetS$Par1,
datasetS$Par2, datasetS$Block), ]
matsOr <- plyr::dlply(datasetS, c("Env"), function(df){
model.matrixDiallel(~ df$Par1 + df$Par2, df$Block,
fct = fct)})
} else {
datasetS <- data.frame(Id = 1:length(Par1), Env, Par1, Par2)
datasetS <- datasetS[order(datasetS$Env, datasetS$Par1,
datasetS$Par2), ]
matsOr <- plyr::dlply(datasetS, c("Env"), function(df){
model.matrixDiallel(~ df$Par1 + df$Par2, fct = fct)})
mats <- matsOr
mats <- lapply(mats, function(x) x[, -1])
for(i in 1:length(levels(datasetS$Env))) colnames(mats[[i]]) <- paste(colnames(mats[[i]]), names(mats)[i], sep = ":")
colNames <- unlist(lapply(mats, colnames))
mats <- blockMatrixDiagonal(mats)
colnames(mats) <- colNames
mats2 <- model.matrix(~ Env - 1, data = datasetS)
X <- cbind(mats2, mats)
X <- X[order(datasetS$Id), ]
# Creating the submatrices
asgnList <- lapply(matsOr, function(x) attr(x, "assign"))
asgnList <- lapply(asgnList, function(x) unlist(x)[-1])
addVal <- max(unlist(asgnList[1]))
asgn <- c(unlist(asgnList[1]),unlist(lapply(asgnList[-1], function(x) unlist(x) + addVal)) )
asgn <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(levels(datasetS$Env))), asgn))
attr(X, "assign") <- asgn
attr(X, "namEff") <- as.character( unlist( lapply(matsOr, function(x) attr(x, "namEff"))[1] ) )
# asgn2 <- c(unlist(asgnList[1]),unlist(lapply(asgnList[-1], function(x) unlist(x))) )
# asgn2 <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(levels(datasetS$Env))), asgn2))
# attr(X, "assign2") <- asgn2
dimensionsRow <- sapply(matList, FUN=function(x) dim(x)[1])
dimensionsCol <- sapply(matList, FUN=function(x) dim(x)[2])
finalDimensionRow <- sum(dimensionsRow)
finalDimensionCol <- sum(dimensionsCol)
finalMatrix<-matrix(0, nrow=finalDimensionRow, ncol=finalDimensionCol)
indexRow <- 1; indexCol <- 1
for(k in 1:length(dimensionsRow)){
#print(paste(k, indexRow, (indexRow + dimensionsRow[k]-1), sep="-"))
finalMatrix[indexRow:(indexRow + dimensionsRow[k]-1),indexCol:(indexCol+dimensionsCol[k]-1)] <- matList[[k]]
indexRow <- indexRow + dimensionsRow[k]
indexCol <- indexCol + dimensionsCol[k]
matBlock <- function(formula){
cl <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
nameFac <- attr(mt, "term.labels")
fac <- factor( mf[[1]])
n <- length(fac)
contrasts(fac) <- c("contr.sum")
B <- model.matrix(~fac)
B <- B[,-1]
if(is.vector(B) == T) B <- matrix(B, n, 1)
colnames(B) <- paste(nameFac, levels(fac)[-length(levels(fac))], sep = "")
GCA <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
# This is modified to work with mating design 4
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
Z <- sommer::overlay(P1, P2, sparse = F)
} else {
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs, levels = unique(levs)))
Z1n <- factor(P1, levels = levs, ordered = T)
Z2n <- factor(P2, levels = levs)
contrasts(Z1n) <- c("contr.sum")
contrasts(Z2n) <- c("contr.sum")
Z1 <- model.matrix(~ Z1n)
Z2 <- model.matrix(~ Z2n)
Z <- (Z1 + Z2)
Z <- Z[,-1]
nams <- paste("g_", levs[1:(length(levs)-1)], sep="")
colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
VEi <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
Z <- GCA(P1, P2, type = "random")
# Z <- Z/2
} else {
# For GE2 models
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
contrasts(P1) <- c("contr.sum")
contrasts(P2) <- c("contr.sum")
Z1 <- model.matrix(~P1)
Z2 <- model.matrix(~P2)
Z <- (Z1 + Z2)/2
Z <- Z[,-1]
nams <- paste("v_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
Z }
SP <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
crosses <- ifelse(P1 == P2, 0, 1)
Z <- GCA(P1, P2, type = "random") * crosses
#colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
} else {
# For GE3 models
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1c <- as.character(P1)
P2c <- as.character(P2)
selfs <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 1, 0)
contrasts(P1) <- c("contr.sum")
contrasts(P2) <- c("contr.sum")
Z1 <- model.matrix(~P1)
Z2 <- model.matrix(~P2)
Z <- (Z1 + Z2)/2 * selfs
Z <- Z[,-1]
nams <- paste("sp_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
RGCA <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
dr <- ifelse(as.character(P1) < as.character(P2), -1,
ifelse(as.character(P1) == as.character(P2), 0, 1))
Z <- GCA(P1, P2, type = "random") * dr
# colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
# Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
} else {
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
contrasts(P1) <- c("contr.sum")
contrasts(P2) <- c("contr.sum")
# p <- length(levels(P1))
p <- levels(P1)[length(levels(P1))] #Correction 14/11/20. AO
P1c <- as.character(P1)
P2c <- as.character(P2)
dr <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 0, ifelse(P1c < P2c, -1, 1))
Z3 <- model.matrix(~P1 - 1)
Z4 <- model.matrix(~P2 - 1)
RGCA <- (Z3 - Z4) #* -dr
RGCA[P1==p,] <- RGCA[P1==p,] - 1
RGCA[P2==p,] <- RGCA[P2==p,] + 1
# RGCA <- RGCA[,-p]
RGCA <- RGCA[,-length(levels(P1))] ##Correction 14/11/20. AO
nams <- paste("rg_", levels(P1)[1:length(levels(P1))-1], sep="")
colnames(RGCA) <- c(nams)
tSCA <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
combination <- factor( ifelse(as.character(P1) <= as.character(P2),
paste(P1, P2, sep =""),
paste(P2, P1, sep ="")) )
Z <- model.matrix(~ combination - 1)
colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
} else {
# Matrix tSCA: final version: 30/6/2020
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
# Combination
tmp <- ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep =":"),
paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":"))
combination <- factor(tmp) #, levels = unique(tmp))
combLev <- NA
mating <- P1:P2
p <- length(levels(factor(c(levels(P1), levels(P2)) )))
n <- length(combination)
# Step 1. gets the parameters to be estimated, removing
# the unnecessary combinations
tmp <- sapply(by(P2, P1, function(x) levels(x)), function(x) max(as.character(x)))
tmp <- ifelse(names(tmp) < tmp, paste(names(tmp), tmp, sep = ":"), paste(tmp, names(tmp), sep = ":"))
last <- levels(factor(tmp, levels = unique(tmp)))
levs <- levels(combination)
idx <- c() # Identifica la posizione degli ultimi livelli
for(i in 1:length(last)){
#i <- 2
y <- which(levs == last[i])
idx[i] <- y
levs <- as.character(levs[-idx]) # Esclude gli ultimi livelli per ogni Par1
SCA <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = length(levs))
colnames(SCA) <- levs
# Step 2. Insert 1s for all levels, but the last one
for(i in 1:length(levs)){
# i <- 1
cond <- (combination == colnames(SCA)[i])*1
SCA[, i] <- cond
# Step 3. Insert the -1s for the last level. The last level of
# Par2, within each level of Par1. The last level of Par1
# requires another step
for(i in 1:(length(last) - 1)){
arrival <- last[i]
tmp <- strsplit(arrival, ":")[[1]]
revArrival <- paste(rev(tmp), collapse = ":")
lastEl <- c(arrival, revArrival)
sel <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(SCA), ":"), function(i) any(i == tmp[1]))
idx <- sapply(1:length(combination), function(i) any(lastEl == mating[i]))
SCA[idx, sel] <- -1
# Scrive il self dell'ultimo livello
SCA[combination == last[p], ] <- 2
for(i in 1:p) {
SCA[combination == last[p], colnames(SCA) == paste(levels(P1)[i], levels(P2)[i], sep = ":")] <- 1
colnames(SCA) <- paste("ts_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
row.names(SCA) <- c(1:length(SCA[,1]))
return(SCA) }
SCA <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
# Edited on 10/3/2023
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
crosses <- ifelse(as.character(P1) == as.character(P2), 0, 1)
combination <- factor( ifelse(as.character(P1) <= as.character(P2),
paste(P1, P2, sep =""),
paste(P2, P1, sep ="")) )
Z <- model.matrix(~ combination - 1) * crosses
colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
} else {
# Matrix for SCA in heterosis model Hayman2
# It is also used where the selfs are not includede
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1)) #, levels = unique(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2)) #, levels = unique(P1)) # Livelli uguali?
P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
# create the combination levels
tmp <- ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep =":"),
paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":"))
combination <- factor(tmp) #, levels = unique(tmp))
combLev <- NA
# Create the matings (considers the reciprocals)
mating <- P1:P2
p <- length(levels(factor(c(levels(P1), levels(P2)) )))
n <- length(combination)
# See whether selfs are included and find the last level for each
# combination
selflist <- levels(factor(combination[P1c == P2c]))
levs <- sort(unique(c(levels(P1), levels(P2))))
tmp <- paste(levs, max(levs), sep = ":")
parLevs <- levs
last <- levels(factor(tmp, levels = unique(tmp)))
levs <- levels(combination)
# Cerca la posizione dell'ultimo in ogni gruppo
idx1 <- c()
for(i in 1:length(last)){
y <- which(levs == last[i])
# print(i); print(length(y))
if(length(y) != 0) idx1[i] <- y else next
# cerca la posizione dei selfs, se esistenti
idx3 <- c()
for(i in 1:length(selflist)){
#i <- 2
y <- which(levs == selflist[i])
if(length(y) > 0) idx3[i] <- y
# Definisce i parametr da stimare. Deve rimuovere gli ultimi livelli
# e i selfs, se esistenti. Deeve anche rimuover l'elemento con parentali
# (p - 2) e (p - 1)
idx <- c(idx1, idx3)
rimossi <- levs[idx]
levs <- as.character(levs[-idx])
rimossi <- c(rimossi, levs[length(levs)])
levs <- levs[-length(levs)] # rimuove l'ultimo
# Step 1. Create an empty matrix
SCA <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = length(levs))
colnames(SCA) <- paste(levs)
# Step 2. Insert 1s for all the levels, which correspond
# to estimands
for(i in 1:length(levs)){
cond <- (combination == colnames(SCA)[i]) * 1
SCA[, i] <- cond
# Step 3. Insert the -1s for the last level of
# Par2, within each level of Par1. This is only done for Par 1
# going from 1 to (p - 3), per gli altri ci vuole un altro step
for(i in 1:(length(last) - 3)){
arrival <- last[i]
tmp <- strsplit(arrival, ":")[[1]]
revArrival <- paste(rev(tmp), collapse = ":")
lastEl <- c(arrival, revArrival)
sel <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(SCA), ":"), function(i) any(i == tmp[1]))
idx <- sapply(1:length(combination), function(i) any(lastEl == mating[i]))
SCA[idx, sel] <- -1
# Mancano le combinazioni degli ultimi 3 ibridi
revParents <- function(x){
tmp <- strsplit(x, ":")[[1]]
paste(rev(tmp), collapse = ":")}
tmp <- seq(p - 2, p, 1)
tmp <- as.data.frame(combn(tmp, 2))
# Edited on 10/3/2023, to avoid an error for mating schemes without selfs
# tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, function(x) paste(levels(P1)[x[1]], levels(P2)[x[2]], sep = ":"))
tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, function(x) paste(parLevs[x[1]], parLevs[x[2]], sep = ":"))
tmp2 <- mapply(revParents, tmp)
# Si occupa del livello P1 = p -2 e P2 = P-1 che deve essere pari
# all'opposto della somma di tutti gli altri parametri
SCA[combination == tmp[1], ] <- -1
SCA[combination == tmp2[1], ] <- -1
# Si occupa del parametro per (p-2, p), che si ottiene come somma
# di tutti i parametri i cui parentali non sono uguali a (p - 2)
tmp3 <- strsplit(tmp[2], ":")[[1]]
sel <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(SCA), ":"), function(i) !any(i == tmp3[1]))
SCA[combination == tmp[2], sel] <- 1
SCA[combination == tmp2[2], sel] <- 1
# Si occupa del parametro per (p-1, p), che si ottiene come somma
# di tutti i parametri i cui parentali non sono uguali a (p - 1)
tmp3 <- strsplit(tmp[3], ":")[[1]]
sel <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(SCA), ":"), function(i) !any(i == tmp3[1]))
SCA[combination == tmp[3], sel] <- 1
SCA[combination == tmp2[3], sel] <- 1
colnames(SCA) <- paste("s_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
# SCA <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
# if(!is.null(data)){
# P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
# P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
# P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
# P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
# }
# if(type == "random"){
# crosses <- ifelse(P1 == P2, 0, 1)
# combination <- factor( ifelse(as.character(P1) <= as.character(P2),
# paste(P1, P2, sep =""),
# paste(P2, P1, sep ="")) )
# Z <- model.matrix(~ combination - 1) * crosses
# colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
# Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
# return(Z)
# } else {
# # Matrix for SCA in heterosis model Hayman2
# P1 <- factor(as.character(P1)) #, levels = unique(P1))
# P2 <- factor(as.character(P2)) #, levels = unique(P1)) # Livelli uguali?
# P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
# # combination
# tmp <- ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep =":"),
# paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":"))
# combination <- factor(tmp) #, levels = unique(tmp))
# combLev <- NA
# mating <- P1:P2
# p <- length(levels(factor(c(levels(P1), levels(P2)) )))
# n <- length(combination)
# selflist <- levels(factor(combination[P1c == P2c]))
# # See whether selfs are included and find the last level for each P1
# levs <- sort(unique(c(levels(P1), levels(P2))))
# # tmp <- sapply(by(P1, P2, function(x) levels(x)), function(x) max(as.character(x)))
# # tmp <- ifelse(names(tmp) < tmp, paste(names(tmp), tmp, sep = ":"), paste(tmp, names(tmp), sep = ":"))
# tmp <- paste(levs, max(levs), sep = ":")
# last <- levels(factor(tmp, levels = unique(tmp)))
# # tmp <- sapply(by(P2, P1, function(x) levels(x)), function(x) sort(as.character(x))[(length(x) - 1)])
# # tmp <- ifelse(names(tmp) < tmp, paste(names(tmp), tmp, sep = ":"), paste(tmp, names(tmp), sep = ":"))
# # lastButOne <- levels(factor(tmp, levels = unique(tmp)))
# #
# # tmp <- sapply(by(P2, P1, function(x) levels(x)), function(x) sort(as.character(x))[(length(x) - 2)])
# # tmp <- ifelse(names(tmp) < tmp, paste(names(tmp), tmp, sep = ":"), paste(tmp, names(tmp), sep = ":"))
# # lastButTwo <- levels(factor(tmp, levels = unique(tmp)))
# levs <- levels(combination)
# idx1 <- c()
# for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica la posizione dell'ultimo in ogni gruppo
# y <- which(levs == last[i])
# # print(i); print(length(y))
# if(length(y) != 0) idx1[i] <- y else next
# }
# # idx2 <- c()
# # for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica il penultimo
# # y <- which(levs == lastButOne[i])
# # if(length(y) > 0) idx2[i] <- y
# # }
# #
# # idx2b <- c()
# # for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica il terzultimo
# # y <- which(levs == lastButTwo[i])
# # if(length(y) > 0) idx2b[i] <- y
# # }
# idx3 <- c()
# for(i in 1:length(selflist)){ #Indica i selfs
# #i <- 2
# y <- which(levs == selflist[i])
# if(length(y) > 0) idx3[i] <- y
# }
# idx <- c(idx1, idx3)
# rimossi <- levs[idx]
# levs <- as.character(levs[-idx])
# rimossi <- c(rimossi, levs[length(levs)])
# levs <- levs[-length(levs)]
# SCA <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = length(levs))
# colnames(SCA) <- paste(levs)
# # Step 2. Insert 1s for all the levels, which are
# # in the SCA matrix
# for(i in 1:length(levs)){
# cond <- (combination == colnames(SCA)[i]) * 1
# SCA[, i] <- cond
# }
# # Step 3. Insert the -1s for the last level. The last level of
# # Par2, within each level of Par1. The last level of Par1
# # requires another step
# for(i in 1:(length(last) - 3)){
# # i <- 1
# arrival <- last[i]
# tmp <- strsplit(arrival, ":")[[1]]
# revArrival <- paste(rev(tmp), collapse = ":")
# lastEl <- c(arrival, revArrival)
# sel <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(SCA), ":"), function(i) any(i == tmp[1]))
# idx <- sapply(1:length(combination), function(i) any(lastEl == mating[i]))
# SCA[idx, sel] <- -1
# }
# # Mancano le combinazioni degli ultimi 3 ibridi
# revParents <- function(x){
# tmp <- strsplit(x, ":")[[1]]
# paste(rev(tmp), collapse = ":")}
# tmp <- seq(p - 2, p, 1)
# tmp <- as.data.frame(combn(tmp, 2))
# tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, function(x) paste(levels(P1)[x[1]], levels(P2)[x[2]], sep = ":"))
# tmp2 <- mapply(revParents, tmp)
# SCA[combination == tmp[1], ] <- -1
# SCA[combination == tmp2[1], ] <- -1
# tmp3 <- strsplit(tmp[2], ":")[[1]]
# sel <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(SCA), ":"), function(i) !any(i == tmp3[1]))
# SCA[combination == tmp[2], sel] <- 1
# SCA[combination == tmp2[2], sel] <- 1
# tmp3 <- strsplit(tmp[3], ":")[[1]]
# sel <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(SCA), ":"), function(i) !any(i == tmp3[1]))
# SCA[combination == tmp[3], sel] <- 1
# SCA[combination == tmp2[3], sel] <- 1
# #colnames(SCA) <- paste("s_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
# colnames(SCA) <- paste("s_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
# }
# }
# SCA.old <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
# if(!is.null(data)){
# P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
# P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
# P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
# P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
# }
# if(type == "random"){
# crosses <- ifelse(P1 == P2, 0, 1)
# combination <- factor( ifelse(as.character(P1) <= as.character(P2),
# paste(P1, P2, sep =""),
# paste(P2, P1, sep ="")) )
# Z <- model.matrix(~ combination - 1) * crosses
# colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
# Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
# return(Z)
# } else {
# # Matrix for SCA in heterosis model Hayman2
# # P1 <- df$Par1; P2 <- df$Par2
# P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
# P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
# P1n <- as.numeric(P1); P2n <- as.numeric(P2)
# P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
# combination <- factor(apply(cbind(P1n*10 + P2n, P2n * 10 + P1n), 1, min))
# combLev <- factor( ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep = ":"), paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":") ) )
# mating <- factor(P1n*10 + P2n)
# p <- length(levels(factor(c(levels(P1), levels(P2)) )))
# n <- length(combination)
# last <- seq(10, p*10, 10) + p
# levs <- as.numeric(levels(combination))
# idx1 <- c()
# for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica l'ultimo
# y <- which(levs == last[i])
# idx1[i] <- y
# }
# idx2 <- c()
# for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica il penultimo
# y <- which(levs == (last[i] - 1))
# if(length(y) > 0) idx2[i] <- y
# }
# selflist <- as.numeric(levels(factor(combination[P1n == P2n])))
# idx3 <- c()
# for(i in 1:length(selflist)){ #Indica il penultimo
# #i <- 2
# y <- which(levs == selflist[i])
# if(length(y) > 0) idx3[i] <- y
# }
# idx <- c(idx1, idx3)
# rimossi <- levs[idx]
# levs <- as.character(levs[-idx])
# rimossi <- c(rimossi, levs[length(levs)])
# levs <- levs[-length(levs)]
# SCA <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = length(levs))
# colnames(SCA) <- paste(levs)
# #colnames(SCA)
# colNamsOrd <- levels(combLev)[-idx][-length(levels(combLev)[-idx])]
# # Step 2. Insert 1s for all the levels, which are
# # in the SCA matrix
# for(i in 1:length(levs)){
# cond <- (combination == colnames(SCA)[i])*1
# SCA[, i] <- cond
# }
# # Step 3. Insert the -1s for the last level. The last level of
# # Par2, within each level of Par1. The last level of Par1
# # requires another step
# for(i in 1:(length(last) - 1)){
# start <- ceiling(ifelse(i == 1, 1, last[i-1])/10) * 10 +1
# arrival <- last[i]
# sel <- seq(start, arrival, 1)
# tmp <- as.character( sel[1:i] ) # Se necessario, inverte i reciproci
# splits <- strsplit(tmp, "")
# reversed <- lapply(splits, rev)
# tmp <- as.character(lapply(reversed, paste, collapse = ""))
# sel[1:i] <- as.numeric(tmp)
# #sel
# idx <- c() # Identifica la posizione di quelli da scrivere
# for(j in 1:length(sel)){
# #i <- 7
# y <- which(levs == sel[j])
# if(length(y) > 0) idx[j] <- y
# }
# idx
# SCA[,idx]
# idx1 <- last[i]
# SCA[combination == idx1, idx] <- -1
# }
# # SCA
# # Mancano le combinazioni degli ultimi 3 ibridi
# # 67, 68, 76, 78, 86, 87
# tmp <- seq(p-2, p, 1)
# tmp <- as.data.frame(combn(tmp, 2))
# tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, function(x) paste(x[1], x[2], sep = ""))
# SCA[combination == tmp[1], ] <- -1
# SCA[combination == tmp[2], ] <- SCA[combination == tmp[2], ] + 1
# SCA[combination == tmp[3], ] <- SCA[combination == tmp[3], ] + 1
# #colnames(SCA) <- paste("s_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
# colnames(SCA) <- paste("s_", colNamsOrd, sep = "")
# SCA }
# }
SCA.G3 <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
# tSCA effect in absence of selfed parents (only crosses)
# and reciprocals
# It is superseeded!!!!!!!!!
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
# Matrix for SCA in heterosis model Hayman2
# P1 <- df$Par1; P2 <- df$Par2
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1n <- as.numeric(P1); P2n <- as.numeric(P2)
P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
combination <- factor(apply(cbind(P1n*10 + P2n, P2n * 10 + P1n), 1, min))
combLev <- factor( ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep = ":"), paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":") ) )
mating <- factor(P1n*10 + P2n)
p <- length(levels(factor(c(levels(P1), levels(P2)) )))
n <- length(combination)
last <- seq(10, (p-1)*10, 10) + p
levs <- as.numeric(levels(combination))
idx1 <- c()
for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica l'ultimo
y <- which(levs == last[i])
idx1[i] <- y
idx2 <- c()
for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica il penultimo
y <- which(levs == (last[i] - 1))
if(length(y) > 0) idx2[i] <- y
selflist <- as.numeric(levels(factor(combination[P1n == P2n])))
idx3 <- c()
for(i in 1:length(selflist)){ #Indica il penultimo
#i <- 2
y <- which(levs == selflist[i])
if(length(y) > 0) idx3[i] <- y
idx <- c(idx1, idx3)
rimossi <- levs[idx]
levs <- as.character(levs[-idx])
rimossi <- c(rimossi, levs[length(levs)])
levs <- levs[-length(levs)]
SCA <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = length(levs))
colnames(SCA) <- paste(levs)
colNamsOrd <- levels(combLev)[-idx][-length(levels(combLev)[-idx])]
# Step 2. Insert 1s for all the levels, which are
# in the SCA matrix
for(i in 1:length(levs)){
cond <- (combination == colnames(SCA)[i])*1
SCA[, i] <- cond
# Step 3. Insert the -1s for the last level. The last level of
# Par2, within each level of Par1. The last level of Par1
# requires another step
for(i in 1:(length(last) - 1)){
start <- ceiling(ifelse(i == 1, 1, last[i-1])/10) * 10 +1
arrival <- last[i]
sel <- seq(start, arrival, 1)
tmp <- as.character( sel[1:i] ) # Se necessario, inverte i reciproci
splits <- strsplit(tmp, "")
reversed <- lapply(splits, rev)
tmp <- as.character(lapply(reversed, paste, collapse = ""))
sel[1:i] <- as.numeric(tmp)
idx <- c() # Identifica la posizione di quelli da scrivere
for(j in 1:length(sel)){
#i <- 7
y <- which(levs == sel[j])
if(length(y) > 0) idx[j] <- y
idx1 <- last[i]
SCA[combination == idx1, idx] <- -1
# Mancano le combinazioni degli ultimi 3 ibridi
# 67, 68, 76, 78, 86, 87
tmp <- seq(p-2, p, 1)
tmp <- as.data.frame(combn(tmp, 2))
tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, function(x) paste(x[1], x[2], sep = ""))
SCA[combination == tmp[1], ] <- -1
SCA[combination == tmp[2], ] <- SCA[combination == tmp[2], ] + 1
SCA[combination == tmp[3], ] <- SCA[combination == tmp[3], ] + 1
#colnames(SCA) <- paste("s_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
colnames(SCA) <- paste("s_", colNamsOrd, sep = "")
SCA.GE <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
# SCA for GE models
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1n <- as.numeric(P1); P2n <- as.numeric(P2)
combination <- factor(apply(cbind(P1n*10 + P2n, P2n * 10 + P1n), 1, min))
mating <- factor(P1n*10 + P2n)
p <- length(levels(factor(c(levels(P1), levels(P2)) )))
n <- length(combination)
last <- seq(10, p*10, 10) + p
levs <- as.numeric(levels(combination))
idx1 <- c()
for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica l'ultimo
#i <- 2
y <- which(levs == last[i])
idx1[i] <- y
idx2 <- c()
for(i in 1:length(last)){ #Indica il penultimo
#i <- 2
y <- which(levs == (last[i] - 1))
if(length(y) > 0) idx2[i] <- y
selflist <- as.numeric(levels(factor(combination[P1n == P2n])))
idx3 <- c()
for(i in 1:length(selflist)){ #Indica il penultimo
#i <- 2
y <- which(levs == selflist[i])
if(length(y) > 0) idx3[i] <- y
idx <- c(idx1, idx3)
rimossi <- levs[idx]
levs <- as.character(levs[-idx])
rimossi <- c(rimossi, levs[length(levs)])
levs <- levs[-length(levs)]
SCA <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = length(levs))
colnames(SCA) <- paste(levs) #paste("s_", levs, sep = "")
# Step 2. Insert 1s for all the levels, which are
# in the SCA matrix
for(i in 1:length(levs)){
cond <- (combination == colnames(SCA)[i])*1
SCA[, i] <- cond
# Step 3. Insert the -1s for the last level. The last level of
# Par2, within each level of Par1. The last level of Par1
# requires another step
for(i in 1:(length(last) - 1)){
start <- ceiling(ifelse(i == 1, 1, last[i-1])/10) * 10 +1
arrival <- last[i]
sel <- seq(start, arrival, 1)
tmp <- as.character( sel[1:i] ) # Se necessario, inverte i reciproci
splits <- strsplit(tmp, "")
reversed <- lapply(splits, rev)
tmp <- as.character(lapply(reversed, paste, collapse = ""))
sel[1:i] <- as.numeric(tmp)
idx <- c() # Identifica la posizione di quelli da scrivere
for(j in 1:length(sel)){
#i <- 7
y <- which(levs == sel[j])
if(length(y) > 0) idx[j] <- y
idx1 <- last[i]
SCA[combination == idx1, idx] <- -1
tmp <- seq(p-2, p, 1)
tmp <- as.data.frame(combn(tmp, 2))
tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, function(x) paste(x[1], x[2], sep = ""))
SCA[combination == tmp[1], ] <- -1
SCA[combination == tmp[2], ] <- SCA[combination == tmp[2], ] + 1
SCA[combination == tmp[3], ] <- SCA[combination == tmp[3], ] + 1
colnames(SCA) <- paste("s_", colnames(SCA), sep = "")
RSCA <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
dr <- ifelse(as.character(P1) < as.character(P2), -1,
ifelse(as.character(P1) == as.character(P2), 0, 1))
Z <- tSCA(P1, P2, type = "random") * dr
# colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
} else {
# Derive the dummies and other infos
# P1 <- df$Par1; P2 <- df$Par2
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
n <- length(P1)
p <- length(levels(P1))
# P1n <- as.numeric(P1); P2n <- as.numeric(P2) # Problematico
# mate <- factor(P1n*10 + P2n)
mate <- P1:P2
# combination <- factor(apply(cbind(P1n*10 + P2n, P2n * 10 + P1n), 1, min))
# combLev <- factor( ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep = ":"), paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":") ) )
tmp <- ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep =":"),
paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":"))
combination <- factor(tmp) #, levels = unique(tmp))
combLev <- NA
# Empty matrix
rec <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = (p - 1)*(p - 2)/2 )
cont <- 0
nams <- c(); nams2 <- c()
# Select the names of columns
for(i in 1:(p-2)) { for(j in (i + 1):(p-1)){
cont <- cont + 1
nams[cont] <- paste(i, j, sep="")
nams2[cont] <- paste(levels(P1)[i], levels(P2)[j], sep = ":")
colnames(rec) <- nams2
# Step 1. Add 1 for the crosses corresponding to column name
for(i in 1:(p - 2)) { for(j in (i + 1):(p - 1)){
#i <- 1; j <- 2
cond <- paste(levels(P1)[i], levels(P2)[j], sep=":")
rec[mate == cond, colnames(rec) == cond] <- 1
rec[combination == cond & mate != cond, colnames(rec) == cond] <- -1
# Step 2. Work on the last level
leftr <- P1
rightr <- P2
leftc <- as.character(do.call(rbind, mapply(strsplit, nams2, split = ":"))[,1])
rightc <- as.character(do.call(rbind, mapply(strsplit, nams2, split = ":"))[,2])
for(i in 1:length(rec[1,])){
rec[rightr == levels(P2)[p] & leftr == levels(P1)[i], leftc == levels(P1)[i]] <- -1
rec[rightr == levels(P2)[p] & leftr == levels(P1)[i], rightc == levels(P1)[i]] <- 1
rec[leftr == levels(P2)[p] & rightr == levels(P2)[i], leftc == levels(P1)[i]] <- 1
rec[leftr == levels(P2)[p] & rightr == levels(P2)[i], rightc == levels(P1)[i]] <- -1
colnames(rec) <- paste("rs_", nams2, sep = "")
REC <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
combination <- factor( ifelse(as.character(P1) <= as.character(P2),
paste(P1, P2, sep =""),
paste(P2, P1, sep ="")) )
dr <- ifelse(as.character(P1) < as.character(P2), -1,
ifelse(as.character(P1) == as.character(P2), 0, 1))
Z <- model.matrix(~ combination - 1) * dr
colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
} else {
# P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
# P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
n <- length(P1)
p <- length(levels(P1))
# P1n <- as.numeric(P1); P2n <- as.numeric(P2)
P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
# mate <- factor(P1n*10 + P2n)
# tmp <- as.numeric(paste(P1n, P2n, sep = ""))
# mate <- factor(tmp, levels = unique(tmp))
# as.character(P1:P2)
# combination <- factor(apply(cbind(P1n*10 + P2n, P2n * 10 + P1n), 1, min))
tmp <- ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep =":"),
paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":"))
combination <- factor(tmp) #, levels = unique(tmp))
# dr <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 0, ifelse(P1c > P2c, -1, 1))
dr <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 0, ifelse(P1c > P2c, -1, 1))
# combLev <- factor( paste(P1c, P2c, sep = ":") )
combLev <- P1:P2
# tmp <- ifelse(P1n < P2n, paste(P1c, P2c, sep =":"),
# paste(P2c, P1c, sep =":"))
# combLev <- factor(tmp, levels = unique(tmp))
last <- c(); cont = 1
for(i in 1:p){ for(j in 1:i) {
last[cont] <- paste(i, j, sep=":")
last[cont] <- paste(levels(P1)[i], levels(P2)[j], sep=":")
cont = cont + 1
} }
# last <- as.numeric(last) # self + reciprocals ?
levs <- levels(combLev) # All levels
idx <- c()
for(i in 1:length(last)){
y <- which(levs == last[i])
if(length(y) > 0) idx[i] <- y
idx <- idx[is.na(idx) == F] # Added on 2/3/21
levs <- as.character(levs[-idx]) # only crosses, without reciprocals
# levs
rec <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = length(levs))
colnames(rec) <- paste(levs)
colNamsOrd <- levels(combLev)[-idx]
for(i in 1:length(levs)){
cond <- (combination == colnames(rec)[i] ) * 1
rec[, i] <- cond
rec <- rec*dr
# colnames(rec) <- paste("r_", colnames(rec), sep = "")
colnames(rec) <- paste("r_", colNamsOrd, sep = "")
rec }
REC.G3 <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
# Reciprocal effects for designs with
# no selfed parents
# P1 <- df$Par1;P2 <- df$Par2
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
n <- length(P1)
p <- length(levels(P1))
P1n <- as.numeric(P1); P2n <- as.numeric(P2)
P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
mate <- factor(P1n*10 + P2n)
combination <- factor(apply(cbind(P1n*10 + P2n, P2n * 10 + P1n), 1, min))
dr <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 0, ifelse(P1c < P2c, -1, 1))
combLev <- factor( paste(P1c, P2c, sep = ":") )
last <- c(); cont <- 1
for(i in 1:p){ for(j in 1:i) {
if(i != j) {
last[cont] <- paste(i, j, sep="")
cont = cont + 1 } } }
# last
last <- as.numeric(last)
levs <- as.numeric(levels(mate))
idx <- c()
for(i in 1:length(last)){
y <- which(levs == last[i])
if(length(y) > 0) idx[i] <- y
levs <- as.character(levs[-idx])
# levs
rec <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = length(levs))
colnames(rec) <- paste(levs)
colNamsOrd <- levels(combLev)[-idx]
for(i in 1:length(levs)){
cond <- (combination == colnames(rec)[i] ) * 1
rec[, i] <- cond
rec <- rec*dr
# colnames(rec) <- paste("r_", colnames(rec), sep = "")
colnames(rec) <- paste("r_", colNamsOrd, sep = "")
H.BAR <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1c <- as.character(P1)
P2c <- as.character(P2)
cr <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 0, 1)
cr <- factor(cr)
n <- length(cr)
contrasts(cr) <- c("contr.treatment")
crM <- model.matrix(~cr)
crM <- crM[,-1]
if(is.vector(crM) == T) crM <- matrix(crM, n, 1)
colnames(crM) <- "h.bar"
MDD <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
p <- length(levels(P1))
P1c <- as.character(P1)
P2c <- as.character(P2)
cr <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 0, 1)
cr <- factor(cr)
n <- length(cr)
contrasts(cr) <- c("contr.sum")
crM <- model.matrix(~cr)
crM <- crM[,-1]
crM <- ifelse(crM == 1, - (p - 1), 1)
if(is.vector(crM) == T) crM <- matrix(crM, n, 1)
colnames(crM) <- "m"
# matHi <- function(P1, P2){
# # For GE models ??
# P1c <- as.character(P1)
# P2c <- as.character(P2)
# selfs <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 1, 0)
# contrasts(P1) <- c("contr.sum")
# contrasts(P2) <- c("contr.sum")
# Z1 <- model.matrix(~P1)
# Z2 <- model.matrix(~P2)
# H <- (Z1 + Z2) * selfs
# H <- H[,-1]
# }
Hi <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
crosses <- ifelse(P1 == P2, 0, 1)
Z <- GCA(P1, P2, type = "random") * crosses
# colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
# Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
} else {
# For GE2 and GE3 models
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1c <- as.character(P1)
P2c <- as.character(P2)
#selfs <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 1, 0)
crosses <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 0, 1)
contrasts(P1) <- c("contr.sum")
contrasts(P2) <- c("contr.sum")
Z1 <- model.matrix(~P1)
Z2 <- model.matrix(~P2)
H <- (Z1 + Z2) * crosses
H <- H[,-1]
nams <- paste("h_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
colnames(H) <- c(nams)
H }
GCAC <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
selfs <- ifelse(P1 == P2, 1, 0)
Z <- model.matrix(~ P1 - 1) * selfs
# colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
# Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
} else {
# For GE2 and GE3 models
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
P1c <- as.character(P1)
P2c <- as.character(P2)
#selfs <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 1, 0)
crosses <- ifelse(P1c == P2c, 0, 1)
contrasts(P1) <- c("contr.sum")
contrasts(P2) <- c("contr.sum")
Z1 <- model.matrix(~P1)
Z2 <- model.matrix(~P2)
H <- (Z1 + Z2) * crosses
H <- H[,-1]
nams <- paste("gc_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
colnames(H) <- c(nams)
DD <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
# For Hyman model 2
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
p <- length(levels(P1))
contrasts(P1) <- c("contr.sum")
contrasts(P2) <- c("contr.sum")
Z1 <- model.matrix(~P1)
Z2 <- model.matrix(~P2)
H <- (Z1 + Z2)
H[H == 2] <- -(p - 2)
H[H == -2] <- (p - 2)
H <- H[,-1]
nams <- paste("d_", levels(P1)[1:(length(levels(P1))-1)], sep="")
colnames(H) <- c(nams)
GCAmis <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
# This is modified to work with mating design 4
# in case of missing crosses, but it is supposed
# to work always (to be tested)
# Edited on 15/4/2023
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
Z <- sommer::overlay(P1, P2, sparse = F)
} else {
# tmp <- data.frame(P2, P1)
# arrange(tmp, P1)
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs, levels = unique(levs)))
Z1n <- factor(P1, levels = levs, ordered = T)
Z2n <- factor(P2, levels = levs)
contrasts(Z1n) <- c("contr.sum")
contrasts(Z2n) <- c("contr.sum")
# Da qui cambia in caso di missing crosses
Z1 <- model.matrix(~ Z1n - 1)
Z2 <- model.matrix(~ Z2n - 1)
Z <- (Z1 + Z2)
nams <- paste("g_", levs[1:(length(levs))], sep="")
colnames(Z) <- c(nams)
tab <- checkScheme(P1, P2)
# Individua quali parents non hanno missing crosses
# Edited on 15/04/2023
# misCros <- nams[unique(unlist(tab$missingCrosses))]
misCros <- unique(unlist(tab$missingCrosses))
# misCros <- paste("g_", misCros, sep ="")
sel <- !(levs %in% misCros)
wsel <- max(which(sel == TRUE))
sel <- rep(TRUE, length(nams))
sel[wsel] <- FALSE
} else {
sel <- rep(TRUE, length(nams))
sel[length(sel)] <- FALSE
# tmp1 <- names(which(apply(tab$tab, 1, sum, na.rm = T) * apply(tab$tab, 2, sum, na.rm = T) == length(levs) - 1))
# tmp1 <- tmp1[length(tmp1)]
# tmp1 <- paste("g_", tmp1, sep = "")
# sel <- colnames(Z) != tmp1
# if(all(sel == FALSE)) sel[length(sel)] <- TRUE
# Z[,!sel] == 1
Z <- Z[,sel] - Z[,!sel]
SCAmis <- function(P1, P2, type = "fix", data = NULL){
# This is modified to work with mating design 4
# in case of missing crosses, but it is supposed
# to work always (to be tested)
# Edited on 18/3/2023
P1Name <- deparse(substitute(P1))
P2Name <- deparse(substitute(P2))
P1 <- data[[P1Name]]
P2 <- data[[P2Name]]
if(type == "random"){
crosses <- ifelse(P1 == P2, 0, 1)
combination <- factor( ifelse(as.character(P1) <= as.character(P2),
paste(P1, P2, sep =""),
paste(P2, P1, sep ="")) )
Z <- model.matrix(~ combination - 1) * crosses
colnames(Z) <- sub("combination", "", colnames(Z))
Z <- Z[, apply(Z, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))]
} else {
# It is also used where the selfs are not included
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1)) #, levels = unique(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2)) #, levels = unique(P1)) # Livelli uguali?
P1c <- as.character(P1); P2c <- as.character(P2)
# create the combination levels
tmp <- ifelse(P1c < P2c, paste(P1c, P2c, sep =":"),
paste(P2c, P1c, sep = ":"))
combination <- factor(tmp) #, levels = unique(tmp))
combLev <- NA
# Create the matings (considers the reciprocals)
mating <- P1:P2
p <- length(levels(factor(c(levels(P1), levels(P2)) )))
n <- length(combination)
# See whether selfs are included and find the last level for each
# combination
selflist <- levels(factor(combination[P1c == P2c]))
levs <- sort(unique(c(levels(P1), levels(P2))))
tmp <- paste(levs, max(levs), sep = ":")
parLevs <- levs
# Step 1. Create an empty matrix
# Da qui cambia per la matrice sbilanciata
# Populate the matrix from GCAmat
gcamat <- GCAmis(P1, P2)
np <- ncol(gcamat)
n <- nrow(gcamat)
tab <- checkScheme(P1, P2)$missingCrosses
numMissing <- nrow(tab)
# Create empty scamat
scamat <- matrix(0, n, np * (np - 1)/2)
nams <- rep(0, np * (np - 1)/2)
cont <- 1
# Cross multiplication of matrices
for(i in 1:(np-1)){
for(j in (i+1):np){
scamat[,cont] <- gcamat[,i] * gcamat[,j]
n1 <- substr(colnames(gcamat)[i], 3, nchar(colnames(gcamat)[j]))
n2 <- substr(colnames(gcamat)[j], 3, nchar(colnames(gcamat)[j]))
nams[cont] <- paste(n1,n2, sep = ":")
cont <- cont + 1
colnames(scamat) <- nams
# Rimuove le colonne dei missing crosses
toRem <- c()
for(i in 1:numMissing){
# i <- 1
# sel <- paste(parLevs[tab[i,1]], parLevs[tab[i,2]], sep = ":")
sel <- paste(tab[i,1], tab[i,2], sep = ":")
sel <- which(colnames(scamat)==sel)
# print(sel)
toRem <- c(toRem, sel)
scamat <- scamat[,-toRem]
# Rimuove l'ultima colonna e la sottrae dalle altre
last <- length(scamat[1,])
scamat <- scamat - scamat[,last]
scamat <- scamat[,-last]
# Updated on 7/4/2023
colnames(scamat) <- paste("s_", colnames(scamat), sep = "")
# colnames(scamat) <- sub(":", "-", colnames(scamat))
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