
Defines functions plotObservedVsSimulated

Documented in plotObservedVsSimulated

#' Observed versus predicted/simulated scatter plot
#' @inheritParams plotIndividualTimeProfile
#' @param foldDistance A vector for plotting lines at required fold distances
#' around the identity line (`x=y`). Set to NULL (default) to only draw identity
#' line. Set to FALSE to not draw any lines.
#' The vector can include only fold distance values `>1`. An `x`-fold distance
#' is defined as all simulated values within the range between `x`-fold
#' (depicted by the upper fold range line) and `1/x`-fold
#' (depicted by the lower fold range line) of observed values. The identity line
#'  can be interpreted as the `1`-fold range.
#' @import tlf
#' @family plotting
#' @examples
#' # simulated data
#' simFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "Aciclovir.pkml", package = "ospsuite")
#' sim <- loadSimulation(simFilePath)
#' simResults <- runSimulations(sim)[[1]]
#' outputPath <- "Organism|PeripheralVenousBlood|Aciclovir|Plasma (Peripheral Venous Blood)"
#' # observed data
#' obsData <- lapply(
#'   c("ObsDataAciclovir_1.pkml", "ObsDataAciclovir_2.pkml", "ObsDataAciclovir_3.pkml"),
#'   function(x) loadDataSetFromPKML(system.file("extdata", x, package = "ospsuite"))
#' )
#' names(obsData) <- lapply(obsData, function(x) x$name)
#' # Create a new instance of `DataCombined` class
#' myDataCombined <- DataCombined$new()
#' # Add simulated results
#' myDataCombined$addSimulationResults(
#'   simulationResults = simResults,
#'   quantitiesOrPaths = outputPath,
#'   groups = "Aciclovir PVB"
#' )
#' # Add observed data set
#' myDataCombined$addDataSets(obsData$`Vergin 1995.Iv`, groups = "Aciclovir PVB")
#' # Create a new instance of `DefaultPlotConfiguration` class
#' myPlotConfiguration <- DefaultPlotConfiguration$new()
#' myPlotConfiguration$title <- "My Plot Title"
#' myPlotConfiguration$subtitle <- "My Plot Subtitle"
#' myPlotConfiguration$caption <- "My Sources"
#' # plot
#' plotObservedVsSimulated(myDataCombined, myPlotConfiguration)
#' @export
plotObservedVsSimulated <- function(dataCombined,
                                    defaultPlotConfiguration = NULL,
                                    foldDistance = NULL) {
  # validation -----------------------------

  defaultPlotConfiguration <- .validateDefaultPlotConfiguration(defaultPlotConfiguration)

  if (is.null(dataCombined$groupMap)) {

  # `ObsVsPredPlotConfiguration` object -----------------------------

  # Create an instance of plot-specific class object
  obsVsPredPlotConfiguration <- .convertGeneralToSpecificPlotConfiguration(
    specificPlotConfiguration = tlf::ObsVsPredPlotConfiguration$new(),
    generalPlotConfiguration = defaultPlotConfiguration

  # Linear scaling is stored as identity scaling in `{tlf}`
  is_any_scale_linear <- (
    obsVsPredPlotConfiguration$xAxis$scale == tlf::Scaling$identity ||
      obsVsPredPlotConfiguration$yAxis$scale == tlf::Scaling$identity

  # Identity Line (x=y) definition. Its value depends on the scale:
  # - For linear scale: `1`
  # - For logarithmic scale: `0`
  identity <- ifelse(is_any_scale_linear, 0, 1)

  # If user has set `foldDistance` to `FALSE`, then do not draw any lines.
  if (FALSE %in% foldDistance) {
    foldDistance <- NULL
  } else {
    # foldDistance should be above 1
    if (any(foldDistance <= 1)) {
      stop(messages$plotObservedVsSimulatedWrongFoldDistance("foldDistance", foldDistance))

    # The argument `foldDistance` should only include fold values different from
    # the abline, which must always be present.
    if (!any(dplyr::near(identity, foldDistance))) {
      foldDistance <- c(identity, foldDistance)

    if (is_any_scale_linear && any(foldDistance != 0)) {
      foldDistance <- 0

  # data frames -----------------------------

  # Create a paired data frame (observed versus simulated) from `DataCombined` object.
  # `DefaultPlotConfiguration` provides units for conversion.
  # `PlotConfiguration` provides scaling details needed while computing residuals.
  pairedData <- calculateResiduals(dataCombined,
    scaling = obsVsPredPlotConfiguration$yAxis$scale,
    xUnit = defaultPlotConfiguration$xUnit,
    yUnit = defaultPlotConfiguration$yUnit

  # Quit early if there is no data to visualize.
  if (is.null(pairedData)) {

  # In logarithmic scale, if any of the values are `0`, plotting will fail.
  # To avoid this, just remove rows where any of the quantities are `0`s.
  if (obsVsPredPlotConfiguration$yAxis$scale %in% c(tlf::Scaling$log, tlf::Scaling$ln)) {
    pairedData <- dplyr::filter(
      yValuesObserved != 0, yValuesSimulated != 0

  # Add minimum and maximum values for observed data to plot error bars
  pairedData <- dplyr::mutate(
    yValuesObservedLower = yValuesObserved - yErrorValues,
    yValuesObservedHigher = yValuesObserved + yErrorValues,
    .after = yValuesObserved # Create new columns after `yValuesObserved` column

  # Time points at which predicted values can't be interpolated, and need to be
  # extrapolated.
  # This will happen in rare case scenarios where simulated data is sampled at a
  # lower frequency than observed data.
  predictedValuesMissingIndices <- which(is.na(pairedData$yValuesSimulated))

  # Warn the user about failure to interpolate.
  if (length(predictedValuesMissingIndices) > 0) {
        header = messages$valuesNotInterpolated(),
        entries = pairedData$xValues[predictedValuesMissingIndices]

  # axes labels -----------------------------

  obsVsPredPlotConfiguration <- .updatePlotConfigurationAxesLabels(pairedData, obsVsPredPlotConfiguration)

  # plot -----------------------------


  # Since groups might include more than one observed dataset (indicated by shape)
  # in a group (indicated by color), we have to override the default shape legend
  # and assign a manual shape to each legend entry
  # The shapes follow the settings in the user-provided plot configuration
  overrideShapeAssignment <- pairedData %>%
    dplyr::select(name, group) %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::arrange(name) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(shapeAssn = unlist(tlf::Shapes[obsVsPredPlotConfiguration$points$shape[1:nrow(.)]])) %>%

  # LLOQ is not mapped by default
  lloq <- NULL
  # Map LLOQ if defaultPlotConfiguration$displayLLOQ is set to TRUE and lloq
  # column contains at least one non NA value.
  if (defaultPlotConfiguration$displayLLOQ & !all(is.na(unique(pairedData$lloq)))) {
    lloq <- "lloq"

  plotObject <- tlf::plotObsVsPred(
    data = as.data.frame(pairedData),
    dataMapping = tlf::ObsVsPredDataMapping$new(
      x = "yValuesObserved",
      y = "yValuesSimulated",
      group = "group",
      xmin = "yValuesObservedLower",
      xmax = "yValuesObservedHigher",
      shape = "name",
      lloq = lloq
    foldDistance = foldDistance,
    plotConfiguration = obsVsPredPlotConfiguration

  return(plotObject + ggplot2::guides(
    shape = "none",
    col = ggplot2::guide_legend(
      title = obsVsPredPlotConfiguration$legend$title$text,
      title.theme = obsVsPredPlotConfiguration$legend$title$createPlotTextFont(),
      override.aes = list(shape = overrideShapeAssignment$shapeAssn)
Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite-R documentation built on May 8, 2024, 11:36 a.m.