
Defines functions displayAlgebra checkConstraintEvaluation checkEvaluation substituteOperators generateAlgebraHelper algebraSymbolCheck formulaList algebraErrorChecking mxAlgebraFromString mxAlgebra

Documented in mxAlgebra

#   Copyright 2007-2019 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

##' @name MxAlgebraFormula-class
##' @description
##' This is an internal class for the formulas used in \code{\link{mxAlgebra}} calls.
##' @aliases
##' MxAlgebraFormula
##' print,MxAlgebraFormula-method
##' show,MxAlgebraFormula-method
##' @rdname MxAlgebraFormula-class
##' @title MxAlgebraFormula
setClassUnion("MxAlgebraFormula", c("call", "name", "language", "logical", "numeric"))

setClass(Class = "MxAlgebra",
	representation = representation(
		formula = "MxAlgebraFormula",
		name = "character",
		fixed = "logical",
		.dimnames = "MxListOrNull",
	    result = "matrix",
	    joinModel = "MxCharOrNumber",
	    joinKey = "MxCharOrNumber",
	    verbose= "integer",
	    initial = "matrix"
setMethod("initialize", "MxAlgebra",
	function(.Object, formula, name, fixed, joinKey, joinModel,
		 verbose, initial) {
		.Object@formula <- sys.call(which=-3)[[3]]
		.Object@name <- name
		.Object@fixed <- fixed
		.Object@.dimnames <- NULL
		.Object@joinKey <- joinKey
		.Object@joinModel <- joinModel
		.Object@verbose <- verbose
		.Object@initial <- initial

setMethod("dimnames", "MxAlgebra",
	function(x) { x@.dimnames }

setReplaceMethod("dimnames", "MxAlgebra",
	function(x, value) {
		if (is.null(value)) {
		} else if (!is.list(value)) {
			stop("dimnames of MxAlgebra object must be either NULL or list of length 2")
		} else if (length(value) != 2) {
			stop("dimnames of MxAlgebra object must be either NULL or list of length 2")
		x@.dimnames <- value

setMethod("$", "MxAlgebra", imxExtractSlot)

setReplaceMethod("$", "MxAlgebra",
	function(x, name, value) {
        if(name == c("result")) {
            stop("You cannot set the result of an algebra.  Use mxRun() to populate the result, or mxEval() to compute it.")
		return(imxReplaceSlot(x, name, value, check=TRUE))

setMethod("names", "MxAlgebra", slotNames)

mxAlgebra <- function(expression, name = NA, dimnames = NA, ..., fixed = FALSE,
		      joinKey=as.character(NA), joinModel=as.character(NA),
		      verbose=0L, initial=matrix(as.numeric(NA),1,1),
		      recompute=c('always','onDemand')) {
	if (single.na(name)) {
		name <- imxUntitledName()
	imxVerifyName(name, 0)
	if (!missing(fixed) && !missing(recompute)) stop("The 'fixed' argument is renamed to recompute")
	if (!missing(fixed) && fixed == TRUE) recompute <- 'onDemand'
	recompute <- match.arg(recompute)
	retval <- new("MxAlgebra", NA, name, recompute=='onDemand', joinKey, joinModel,
		as.integer(verbose), initial)
	formula <- match.call()$expression
		stop("mxAlgebra wants an unquoted expression or formula")
	retval@formula <- formula
    algebraErrorChecking(retval@formula, "mxAlgebra")
	if(!(length(dimnames) == 1 && is.na(dimnames))) {
		dimnames(retval) <- dimnames

#' Create MxAlgebra object from a string
#' @param algString the character string to convert into an R expression
#' @param name An optional character string indicating the name of the object.
#' @param dimnames list. The dimnames attribute for the algebra: a list of length 2 giving the row and column names respectively. An empty list is treated as NULL, and a list of length one as row names. The list can be named, and the list names will be used as names for the dimensions.
#' @param ... Forwarded verbatim to \link{mxAlgebra}
#' @seealso \link{mxAlgebra}
#' @examples
#' A <- mxMatrix(values = runif(25), nrow = 5, ncol = 5, name = 'A')
#' B <- mxMatrix(values = runif(25), nrow = 5, ncol = 5, name = 'B')
#' model <- mxModel(A, B, name = 'model',
#'   mxAlgebraFromString("A * (B + A)", name = 'test'))
#' model <- mxRun(model)
#' model[['test']]$result
#' A$values * (B$values + A$values)
mxAlgebraFromString <- function(algString, name=NA, dimnames=NA, ...) {
	eval(substitute(mxAlgebra(tExp, name=name, dimnames=dimnames, ...),
			list(tExp = parse(text=algString)[[1]])))

algebraErrorChecking <- function(formula, context) {
	if(length(formula) < 2) {
	operator <- as.character(formula[[1]])
	if (identical(operator, "(")) {
	} else if (operator %in% omxSymbolTable[,'R.name']) {
	} else {
		msg <- paste("Unknown matrix operator or function",
			omxQuotes(operator), "in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction(context)),
			"\n view the list of valid operators at help(mxAlgebra).\n",
			"nb: some R operators are implemented differently in algebras",
			", for instance diag() is implemented as diag2vec() and vec2diag()")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
	lapply(formula[-1], algebraErrorChecking, context)

formulaList <- function(x) {
	retval <- as.list(x)
	retval <- lapply(retval, function(x) {
		if(is.call(x)) {formulaList(x)} else {x}

algebraSymbolCheck <- function(formula, name) {
	formula <- unlist(formulaList(formula))
	test <- sapply(formula, function(x) {!is.numeric(x) && !is.character(x)})
	if(length(formula[test]) == 1) {
		msg <- paste("The reference", omxQuotes(formula[test]),
			"is unknown in the algebra named", omxQuotes(name))
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
	} else if (length(formula[test]) > 1) {
		msg <- paste("The references", omxQuotes(formula[test]),
			"are unknown in the algebra named", omxQuotes(name))
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)		

generateAlgebraHelper <- function(algebra, joinModel, joinKey, matrixNumbers, algebraNumbers) {
	retval <- algebra@formula
	retval <- eval(substitute(substitute(e, matrixNumbers), list(e = retval)))
	retval <- eval(substitute(substitute(e, algebraNumbers), list(e = retval)))
	retval <- substituteOperators(as.list(retval), algebra@name)
	algebraSymbolCheck(retval, algebra@name)
	initial <- matrix(as.numeric(NA),1,1)
	if (.hasSlot(algebra, 'initial')) {
		initial <- algebra@initial
		if (!algebra@fixed && !single.na(initial)) {
			stop(paste("In algebra", omxQuotes(algebra@name),
				"initial result will be immediately discarded"))
		if (algebra@fixed && any(is.na(initial))) {
			stop(paste("Missing value found in initial result of algebra",
	return(list(algebra@.dimnames, algebra@verbose, algebra@fixed,
		initial, joinModel, joinKey, retval))

substituteOperators <- function(algebra, name) {
	if ((length(algebra) == 1) && (is.list(algebra))) {
		algebra <- list(0L, algebra[[1]])
	} else if ((length(algebra) > 1) && (!is.numeric(algebra[[1]]))) {
		if (as.character(algebra[[1]]) == '(') {
			return(substituteOperators(as.list(algebra[[2]]), name))
		names <- omxSymbolTable["R.name"] == as.character(algebra[[1]])
        variableSymbols <- omxSymbolTable["Number.of.arguments"] == -1
		result <- omxSymbolTable[names & variableSymbols, "Num"]
		if (length(result) > 1) {
				msg <- paste("In algebra", omxQuotes(name), 
					"ambiguous function with name", algebra[[1]],
					"and", (length(algebra) - 1), "arguments.")
				stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
		} else if(length(result) == 1) {
			head <- as.integer(result[[1]])
			tail <- lapply(algebra[-1], substituteOperators, name)
			result <- append(tail, head, after=0)
		} else {
			length <- omxSymbolTable["Number.of.arguments"] == (length(algebra) - 1)
			result <- omxSymbolTable[names & length, "Num"]
			if (length(result) == 0) {
				msg <- paste("In algebra", omxQuotes(name),
					"could not find function with name", algebra[[1]],
					"and", (length(algebra) - 1), "arguments.")
				stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
			} else if (length(result) > 1) {
				msg <- paste("In algebra", omxQuotes(name),
					"ambiguous function with name", algebra[[1]],
					"and", (length(algebra) - 1), "arguments.")
				stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
			} else {
				head <- as.integer(result[[1]])
			    tail <- lapply(algebra[-1], substituteOperators, name)
				result <- append(tail, head, after=0)

checkEvaluation <- function(model, flatModel) {
	labelsData <- imxGenerateLabels(model)
	cache <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
	checkConstraintEvaluation(model, flatModel, labelsData, cache)

checkConstraintEvaluation <- function(model, flatModel, labelsData, cache) {
	if(length(flatModel@constraints) == 0) { return() }
	for(i in 1:length(flatModel@constraints)) {
		constraint <- flatModel@constraints[[i]]		
		lhsContext <- paste("the left-hand side of constraint", omxQuotes(constraint@name))
		rhsContext <- paste("the right-hand side of constraint", omxQuotes(constraint@name))		
		tuple <- evaluateAlgebraWithContext(flatModel[[constraint@alg1]], lhsContext, flatModel, labelsData, cache)
		lhs <- tuple[[1]]
		cache <- tuple[[2]]
		tuple <- evaluateAlgebraWithContext(flatModel[[constraint@alg2]], rhsContext, flatModel, labelsData, cache)
		rhs <- tuple[[1]]
		cache <- tuple[[2]]
		if (!all(dim(lhs) == dim(rhs))) {
			lhsName <- constraint@formula[[2]]
			rhsName <- constraint@formula[[3]]
			if (length(lhsName) == 1) {
				lhsName <- simplifyName(deparse(lhsName), model@name)
			} else {
				lhsName <- deparse(lhsName)
			if (length(rhsName) == 1) {
				rhsName <- simplifyName(deparse(rhsName), model@name)
			} else {
				rhsName <- deparse(rhsName)
			stop(paste("The algebras/matrices", 
				omxQuotes(c(lhsName, rhsName)),
				"in model", omxQuotes(model@name),
				"are in constraint", omxQuotes(simplifyName(constraint@name, model@name)),
				"and are not of identical dimensions. The left-hand side is",
				nrow(lhs), "x", ncol(lhs), "and the right-hand side is",
				nrow(rhs), "x", paste(ncol(rhs), ".", sep = '')), call. = FALSE)

displayAlgebra <- function(mxAlgebra) {
	cat("mxAlgebra", omxQuotes(mxAlgebra@name), '\n')
	cat("$formula: ", deparse(mxAlgebra@formula, width.cutoff=500L), '\n')
	if (length(mxAlgebra@result) == 0) {
		cat("$result: (not yet computed) ")
	} else {
	if (is.null(dimnames(mxAlgebra))) {
			cat("dimnames: NULL\n")
	} else {
	if (.hasSlot(mxAlgebra, 'joinModel') && !is.na(mxAlgebra@joinModel)) {
		cat("$joinModel : ", omxQuotes(mxAlgebra@joinModel), fill=TRUE)
	if (.hasSlot(mxAlgebra, 'joinKey') && !is.na(mxAlgebra@joinKey)) {
		cat("$joinKey : ", omxQuotes(mxAlgebra@joinKey), fill=TRUE)

setMethod("print", "MxAlgebra", function(x,...) { displayAlgebra(x) })
setMethod("show", "MxAlgebra", function(object) { displayAlgebra(object) })
OpenMx/OpenMx documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 6:43 a.m.