
Defines functions addColor

Documented in addColor

# TODO: Re-write to simplify and for efficiency.

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 24.08.2018: Removed unused variables.
# 06.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 06.08.2017: Fixed warning "if (!is.na(need)):the condition has length > 1".
# 18.09.2016: Fixed attribute saved dataset, and kit now saved correctly.
# 09.01.2016: Added attributes to result.
# 28.08.2015: Added importFrom
# 17.12.2014: Fixed error NA Dye for e.g. Yfiler Plus (added 'toupper' in 'match' calls).
# 11.05.2014: Added 'orange' and 'purple'.
# 27.04.2014: Added option to ignore case in marker names.
# 15.12.2013: Fixed check for 'have' and 'need' when converting vector.
# 27.11.2013: Added option 'overwrite'.
# 04.10.2013: Added some debug information.
# 18.09.2013: Added support for vector conversion.
# 17.09.2013: First version.

#' @title Add Color Information.
#' @description
#' Add color information 'Color', 'Dye' or 'R Color'.
#' @details
#' Primers in forensic STR typing kits are labeled with a fluorescent
#' dye. The dyes are represented with single letters (Dye) in exported result
#' files or with strings (Color) in 'panels' files.
#' For visualization in R the R color names are used (R.Color).
#' The function can add new color schemes matched to the existing, or
#' it can convert a vector containing one scheme to another.
#' @param data data frame or vector.
#' @param kit string representing the forensic STR kit used.
#' Default is NA, in which case 'have' must contain a valid column.
#' @param have character string to specify color column to be matched.
#' Default is NA, in which case color information is derived from 'kit' and added
#' to a column named 'Color'.
#' If 'data' is a vector 'have' must be a single string.
#' @param need character string or string vector to specify color columns to be added.
#' Default is NA, in which case all columns will be added.
#' If 'data' is a vector 'need' must be a single string.
#' @param overwrite logical if TRUE and column exist it will be overwritten.
#' @param ignore.case logical if TRUE case in marker names will be ignored.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return data.frame with additional columns for added colors,
#' or vector with converted values.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @examples
#' # Get marker and colors for SGM Plus.
#' df <- getKit("SGMPlus", what = "Color")
#' # Add dye color.
#' dfDye <- addColor(data = df, need = "Dye")
#' # Add all color alternatives.
#' dfAll <- addColor(data = df)
#' # Convert a dye vector to R colors
#' addColor(data = c("R", "G", "Y", "B"), have = "dye", need = "r.color")
addColor <- function(data, kit = NA, have = NA, need = NA, overwrite = FALSE,
                     ignore.case = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Names:
  colorSchemes <- toupper(c("Color", "Dye", "R.Color"))

  # Definitions:
  schemeColor <- c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red", "orange", "purple")
  schemeDye <- c("X", "B", "G", "Y", "R", "O", "P")
  schemeRColor <- c("black", "blue", "green3", "black", "red", "orange", "purple")
  # Numeric values corresponding to color abreviations:
  # NB! There are 8 colors that can be represented by a single number character, palette():
  # 1="black", 2="red", 3="green3", 4="blue", 5="cyan", 6="magenta", 7="yellow", 8="gray"

  if (debug) {

  # Check if overwrite.
  if (overwrite) {
    if ("R.COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
      message("Column 'R.Color' will be overwritten!")
      data$R.Color <- NULL
    if ("COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
      message("Column 'Color' will be overwritten!")
      data$Color <- NULL
    if ("DYE" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
      message("Column 'Dye' will be overwritten!")
      data$Dye <- NULL

  # A vector with factors gives 'FALSE' for is.vector but dim always gives 'NULL'.
  if (is.vector(data) | is.null(dim(data))) {
    if (debug) {
      print("data is vector OR dim is NULL")

    # Add color if not exist and kit is provided.
    if (any(is.na(have)) | any(is.na(need))) {
      warning("For vector conversion 'have' and 'need' must be provided!")
    } else {
      if (toupper(have) == "COLOR") {
        if (toupper(need) == "DYE") {
          data <- schemeDye[match(toupper(data), toupper(schemeColor))]
        if (toupper(need) == "R.COLOR") {
          data <- schemeRColor[match(toupper(data), toupper(schemeColor))]

      if (toupper(have) == "DYE") {
        if (toupper(need) == "COLOR") {
          data <- schemeColor[match(toupper(data), toupper(schemeDye))]
        if (toupper(need) == "R.COLOR") {
          data <- schemeRColor[match(toupper(data), toupper(schemeDye))]

      if (toupper(have) == "R.COLOR") {
        if (toupper(need) == "COLOR") {
          data <- schemeColor[match(toupper(data), toupper(schemeRColor))]

        if (toupper(need) == "DYE") {
          data <- schemeDye[match(toupper(data), toupper(schemeRColor))]
  } else if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    if (debug) {
      print("data is data.frame")

    # Add color if not exist and kit is provided.
    if (is.na(have) & !is.na(kit)) {
      # Check if exist.
      if (!"COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
        # Get markers and their color.
        kitInfo <- getKit(kit, what = "Color")
        marker <- kitInfo$Marker
        # NB! Color case is not consistent between kits, so use lower case.
        mColor <- tolower(kitInfo$Color)

        if (debug) {

        if (ignore.case) {
          # Loop over all markers.
          for (m in seq(along = marker)) {
            # Add new column and colors per marker.
            data$Color[toupper(data$Marker) == toupper(marker[m])] <- mColor[m]
        } else {
          # Loop over all markers.
          for (m in seq(along = marker)) {
            # Add new column and colors per marker.
            data$Color[data$Marker == marker[m]] <- mColor[m]

      # Add to have.
      have <- "Color"

    # Find existing colors and convert to upper case.
    if (is.na(have)) {
      have <- toupper(names(data)[toupper(names(data)) %in% colorSchemes])
    } else {
      have <- toupper(have)

    # Convert to upper case.
    if (!is.na(need[1])) {
      need <- toupper(need)
    } else {
      need <- colorSchemes

    # Check if supported.
    if (!any(need %in% colorSchemes)) {
      warning(paste(paste(need, collapse = ","), "not supported!"))

    count <- 1
      if ("COLOR" %in% need) {
        # Check if exist.
        if ("COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
          message("A column 'Color' already exist in data frame!")
        } else {
          # Convert using Dye.
          if ("DYE" %in% have) {
            if ("DYE" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
              # Convert dye to color.
              data$Color <- schemeColor[match(toupper(data$Dye), toupper(schemeDye))]
            } else {
              warning("Can't find column 'Dye'!\n'Color' was not added!")

          # Convert using R color.
          if ("R.COLOR" %in% have) {
            if ("R.COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
              # Convert dye to color.
              data$Color <- schemeColor[match(toupper(data$R.Color), toupper(schemeRColor))]
            } else {
              warning("Can't find column 'R.Color'!\n'Color' was not added!")

        # Remove from need.
        need <- need[need != "COLOR"]

      if ("DYE" %in% need) {
        # Check if exist.
        if ("DYE" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
          message("A column 'Dye' already exist in data frame!")
        } else {
          # Convert using Color.
          if ("COLOR" %in% have) {
            if ("COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
              # Convert color to dye.
              data$Dye <- schemeDye[match(toupper(data$Color), toupper(schemeColor))]
            } else {
              warning("Can't find column 'Color'!\n'Dye' was not added!")

          # Convert using R color.
          if ("R.COLOR" %in% have) {
            if ("R.COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
              # Convert R color to dye.
              data$Dye <- schemeDye[match(toupper(data$R.Color), toupper(schemeRColor))]
            } else {
              warning("Can't find column 'R.Color'!\n'Dye' was not added!")

        # Remove from need.
        need <- need[need != "DYE"]

      if ("R.COLOR" %in% need) {
        # Check if exist.
        if ("R.COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
          message("A column 'R.Color' already exist in data frame!")
        } else {
          # Convert using Color.
          if ("COLOR" %in% have) {
            if ("COLOR" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
              # Convert color to R color.
              data$R.Color <- schemeRColor[match(toupper(data$Color), toupper(schemeColor))]
            } else {
              warning("Can't find column 'Color'!\n'R.Color' was not added!")

          # Convert using Dye.
          if ("DYE" %in% have) {
            if ("DYE" %in% toupper(names(data))) {
              # Convert dye to R color.
              data$R.Color <- schemeRColor[match(toupper(data$Dye), toupper(schemeDye))]
            } else {
              warning("Can't find column 'Dye'! \n'R.Color' was not added!")

        # Remove from need.
        need <- need[need != "R.COLOR"]

      # Exit loop.
      if (length(need) == 0 | count > 1) {

      # Increase loop counter.
      count <- count + 1
    } # End repeat.
  } else {
    warning("Unsupported data type!\n No color was added!")

  # Add attributes to result.
  attr(data, which = "kit") <- kit

  # Update audit trail.
  data <- auditTrail(obj = data, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  if (debug) {

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 7:13 a.m.