
Defines functions calculateDropout

Documented in calculateDropout

# TODO: Re-write the whole function when a preferred model has been found.
#       The function has become very complex and messy...
# TODO: Option to perform multiple random selections in one go. Which would mean
#       multiple 'ModelX' columns.

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 09.07.2022: Fixed "...URLs which should use \doi (with the DOI name only)".
# 24.08.2018: Removed unused variables.
# 06.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 18.09.2016: Fixed dataset saved to attributes.
# 15.09.2016: Implemented new filterProfile function to remove sex markers and qs.
# 29.06.2016: Added option to remove sex markers and quality sensor.
# 09.01.2016: Added more attributes to result.
# 07.12.2015: Fixed reference sample name subsetting bug.
# 05.12.2015: More information in 'stop' messages.
#            'warning' for unhandled combinations changed to 'stop'.
# 05.10.2015: Added attributes to result.
# 28.09.2015: Remove rows with missing alleles from the reference dataset.
# 11.09.2015: Handle reference allele is NA.
# 28.08.2015: Added importFrom
# 26.06.2015: More precise warning messages (include sample name and marker).
# 15.12.2014: Changed parameter names to format: lower.case
# 20.01.2014: Changed 'saveImage_gui' for 'ggsave_gui'.
# 16.01.2014: Adde option for selection of one or more scoring methods.
# 16.01.2014: Changed names 'Model[]'/'Method[]'.
# 02.12.2013: Changed name 'Hybrid'/'Hybrid.Ph' to 'ModelL'/'ModelL.Ph'.
# 13.11.2013: Concurrently score both Random, Allele1, and Allele2.
# 07.11.2013: Fixed dropout check for homozygous loci in 'Hybrid' method.

#' @title Calculate Drop-out Events
#' @description
#' Calculate drop-out events (allele and locus) and records the surviving peak height.
#' @details
#' Calculates drop-out events. In case of allele dropout the peak height of the
#' surviving allele is given. Homozygous alleles in the reference set can be
#' either single or double notation (X or X X). Markers present in the
#' reference set but not in the data set will be added to the result.
#' NB! 'Sample.Name' in 'ref' must be unique core name of replicate sample
#' names in 'data'.
#' Use \code{checkSubset} to make sure subsetting works as intended.
#' There are options to remove sex markers and quality sensors from analysis.
#' NB! There are several methods of scoring drop-out events for regression.
#' Currently the 'MethodX', 'Method1', and 'Method2' are endorsed by the DNA
#' commission (see Appendix B in ref 1). However, an alternative method is to
#' consider the whole locus and score drop-out if any allele is missing.
#' Explanation of the methods:
#' Dropout - all alleles are scored according to AT. This is pure observations
#' and is not used for modeling.
#' MethodX - a random reference allele is selected and drop-out is scored in
#' relation to the the partner allele.
#' Method1 - the low molecular weight allele is selected and drop-out is
#' scored in relation to the partner allele.
#' Method2 - the high molecular weight allele is selected and drop-out is
#' scored in relation to the partner allele.
#' MethodL - drop-out is scored per locus i.e. drop-out if any allele has
#' dropped out.
#' Method X/1/2 records the peak height of the partner allele to be used as
#' the explanatory variable in the logistic regression. The locus method L also
#' do this when there has been a drop-out, if not the the mean peak height for
#' the locus is used. Peak heights for the locus method are stored in a
#' separate column.
#' @param data data frame in GeneMapper format containing at least a column 'Allele'.
#' @param ref data frame in GeneMapper format.
#' @param threshold numeric, threshold in RFU defining a dropout event.
#' Default is 'NULL' and dropout is scored purely on the absence of a peak.
#' @param method character vector, specifying which scoring method(s) to use.
#' Method 'X' for random allele, '1' or '2' for the low/high molecular weight allele,
#' and 'L' for the locus method (the option is case insensitive).
#' @param ignore.case logical, default TRUE for case insensitive.
#' @param sex.rm logical, default FALSE to include sex markers in the analysis.
#' @param qs.rm logical, default TRUE to exclude quality sensors from the analysis.
#' @param kit character, required if sex.rm=TRUE or qs.rm=TRUE to define the kit.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return data.frame with columns 'Sample.Name', 'Marker', 'Allele', 'Height', 'Dropout',
#' 'Rfu', 'Heterozygous', and 'Model'.
#' Dropout: 0 indicate no dropout, 1 indicate allele dropout, and 2 indicate locus dropout.
#' Rfu: height of surviving allele.
#' Heterozygous: 1 for heterozygous and 0 for homozygous.
#' And any of the following containing the response (or explanatory) variable used
#' for modeling by logistic regression in function \code{modelDropout}:
#' 'MethodX', 'Method1', 'Method2', 'MethodL' and 'MethodL.Ph'.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @references
#' Peter Gill et.al.,
#'  DNA commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics:
#'  Recommendations on the evaluation of STR typing results that may
#'  include drop-out and/or drop-in using probabilistic methods,
#'  Forensic Science International: Genetics, Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2012,
#'  Pages 679-688, ISSN 1872-4973, 10.1016/j.fsigen.2012.06.002.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.fsigen.2012.06.002}
#' @references
#' Peter Gill, Roberto Puch-Solis, James Curran,
#'  The low-template-DNA (stochastic) threshold-Its determination relative to
#'  risk analysis for national DNA databases,
#'  Forensic Science International: Genetics, Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2009,
#'  Pages 104-111, ISSN 1872-4973, 10.1016/j.fsigen.2008.11.009.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.fsigen.2008.11.009}
#' @examples
#' data(set4)
#' data(ref4)
#' drop <- calculateDropout(data = set4, ref = ref4, kit = "ESX17", ignore.case = TRUE)
calculateDropout <- function(data, ref, threshold = NULL, method = c("1", "2", "X", "L"),
                             ignore.case = TRUE, sex.rm = FALSE, qs.rm = TRUE,
                             kit = NULL, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # CHECK DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check dataset columns.
  if (!any(grepl("Sample.Name", names(data)))) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!any(grepl("Marker", names(data)))) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Marker'.",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!any(grepl("Allele", names(data)))) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Allele'.",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!any(grepl("Height", names(data)))) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Height'.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check dataset for factors.
  if (is.factor(data$Sample.Name)) {
    message("Data 'Sample.Name' is factors. Converting to character!")
    data$Sample.Name <- as.character(data$Sample.Name)
  if (is.factor(data$Marker)) {
    message("Data 'Marker' is factors. Converting to character!")
    data$Marker <- as.character(data$Marker)

  # Check reference dataset.
  if (!any(grepl("Sample.Name", names(ref)))) {
    stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!any(grepl("Marker", names(ref)))) {
    stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Marker'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!any(grepl("Allele", names(ref)))) {
    stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Allele'.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check dataset for factors.
  if (is.factor(ref$Sample.Name)) {
    message("Reference 'Sample.Name' is factors. Converting to character!")
    ref$Sample.Name <- as.character(ref$Sample.Name)
  if (is.factor(ref$Marker)) {
    message("Reference 'Marker' is factors. Converting to character!")
    ref$Marker <- as.character(ref$Marker)

  # Check if slim format.
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(ref)) > 1)) {
    stop("'ref' must be in 'slim' format.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(data)) > 1)) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check if character data.
  if (!is.character(ref$Allele)) {
    message("'Allele' must be character. 'ref' converted!")
    data$Allele <- as.character(data$Allele)
  if (!is.character(data$Allele)) {
    message("'Allele' must be character. 'data' converted!")
    data$Allele <- as.character(data$Allele)

  # Check if numeric data.
  if (!is.numeric(data$Height)) {
    message("'Height' must be numeric. 'data' converted!")
    data$Height <- as.numeric(data$Height)

  # Check threshold parameter.
  if (!is.null(threshold)) {
    if (!is.numeric(threshold)) {
      message("'threshold' must be numeric. 'threshold' converted!")
      threshold <- as.numeric(threshold)
    if (is.na(threshold)) {
      stop("'threshold' must be numeric.",
        call. = TRUE

  # Check logical arguments.
  if (!is.logical(ignore.case)) {
    stop("'ignore.case' must be logical.")
  if (!is.logical(sex.rm)) {
    stop("'sex.rm' must be logical.")
  if (!is.logical(qs.rm)) {
    stop("'qs.rm' must be logical.")

  # Check kit.
  if (!is.null(kit)) {
    if (is.null(nrow(getKit(kit = kit)))) {
      stop("'kit' was not found in the kit definition file.")

  # PREPARE -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Remove sex markers and quality sensors from dataset.
  if (sex.rm || qs.rm) {
    message("Removing gender markers and/or quality sensors from dataset...")
    data <- filterProfile(
      data = data, filter.allele = FALSE,
      sex.rm = sex.rm, qs.rm = qs.rm, kit = kit,
      debug = debug

    message("Removing gender markers and/or quality sensors from reference dataset...")
    ref <- filterProfile(
      data = ref, filter.allele = FALSE,
      sex.rm = sex.rm, qs.rm = qs.rm, kit = kit,
      debug = debug

  # Check for NA alleles (this must be after 'remove sex markers').
  if (any(is.na(ref$Allele))) {
    # Remove markers with no allele in reference dataset.

    tmp1 <- nrow(ref)

    ref <- ref[!is.na(ref$Allele), ]

    tmp2 <- nrow(ref)

    message(paste("Removed", tmp1 - tmp2, "NA rows in 'ref'. This may be DYS markers in female profiles."))

  # ANALYZE -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Create vectors for temporary.
  samplesVec <- character()
  markersVec <- character()
  allelesVec <- character()
  heightsVec <- numeric()
  dropoutVec <- numeric()
  rfuVec <- numeric()
  hetVec <- numeric()
  methodXVec <- numeric()
  method1Vec <- numeric()
  method2Vec <- numeric()
  methodLVec <- numeric()
  methodLPhVec <- numeric()
  samplesTmp <- NULL
  markersTmp <- NULL
  allelesTmp <- NULL
  heightsTmp <- NULL
  dropoutTmp <- NULL
  methodLTmp <- NULL
  methodLPh <- NULL
  rfuTmp <- NULL
  hetTmp <- NULL
  pass <- TRUE

  # Get threshold if not given.
  if (is.null(threshold)) {
    threshold <- min(data$Height, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Get sample names.
  sampleNamesRef <- unique(ref$Sample.Name)

  # Loop through all reference samples.
  for (r in seq(along = sampleNamesRef)) {
    # Select current subsets.
    if (ignore.case) {
      selectedSamples <- grepl(
      selectedRefs <- grepl(
          sep = ""
    } else {
      selectedSamples <- grepl(
      selectedRefs <- grepl(
          sep = ""

    # Extract the results from the current reference sample.
    dataSubset <- data[selectedSamples, ]
    refSubset <- ref[selectedRefs, ]

    # Get markers for current ref sample.
    # NB! Needed for handling mixed typing kits.
    markers <- unique(refSubset$Marker)

    # Get sample names in subset.
    sampleNames <- unique(dataSubset$Sample.Name)

    # Loop through all individual samples.
    # NB! Needed for detection of locus dropout.
    for (s in seq(along = sampleNames)) {
      # Extract the result for the current sample.
      selectedReplicate <- data$Sample.Name == sampleNames[s]
      dataSample <- data[selectedReplicate, ]

      # Loop through all markers.
      for (m in seq(along = markers)) {
        # Get reference alleles and calculate expected number of alleles.
        refAlleles <- unique(refSubset$Allele[refSubset$Marker == markers[m]])
        expected <- length(refAlleles)

        # Get sample alleles and peak heights.
        selectMarker <- dataSample$Marker == markers[m]
        dataAlleles <- dataSample$Allele[selectMarker]
        dataHeight <- dataSample$Height[selectMarker]

        # Get data mathcing ref alleles and their heights.
        matching <- dataAlleles %in% refAlleles
        matchedAlleles <- dataAlleles[matching]
        peakHeight <- dataHeight[matching]

        if (debug) {

        # Count the number of observed alleles.
        observed <- length(matchedAlleles)

        # Score dropout for modeling -----------------------------------------

        # Reset variables.
        methodXTmp <- NULL
        method1Tmp <- NULL
        method2Tmp <- NULL
        methodLTmp <- NULL
        methodLPh <- NULL

        if (observed == 1 || observed == 2) {
          # Check expected number of alleles.
          if (expected == 1) {
            # Expected homozygous.

            methodXTmp <- NA
            method1Tmp <- NA
            method2Tmp <- NA
          } else if (expected == 2) {
            # Expected heterozygous.

            # Randomly choose an allele.
            random <- sample(c(1, 2), 2, replace = FALSE)
            selected0 <- match(refAlleles[random[1]], matchedAlleles)
            partner0 <- match(refAlleles[random[2]], matchedAlleles)

            # Choose Allele 1
            selected1 <- match(refAlleles[1], matchedAlleles)
            partner1 <- match(refAlleles[2], matchedAlleles)

            # Choose Allele 2
            selected2 <- match(refAlleles[2], matchedAlleles)
            partner2 <- match(refAlleles[1], matchedAlleles)

            # SCORE RANDOM ALLELE ---------------------------------------BEGIN-
            if ("X" %in% toupper(method)) {
              # Dropout if not partner.
              if (is.na(partner0)) {
                # Score as dropout.
                modeldrop <- 1
                methodXTmp <- modeldrop
              } else if (peakHeight[partner0] < threshold) {
                # If both alleles, check if below AT.

                # Score as dropout.
                modeldrop <- 1

                # Save one or two entries.
                if (observed == 1) {
                  methodXTmp <- modeldrop
                } else if (observed == 2) {
                  methodXTmp[selected0] <- modeldrop
                  methodXTmp[partner0] <- NA
              } else {
                # Partner peak is above AT.

                # Score as NO dropout.
                modeldrop <- 0

                # Save one or two entries.
                if (observed == 1) {
                  methodXTmp <- modeldrop
                } else if (observed == 2) {
                  methodXTmp[selected0] <- modeldrop
                  methodXTmp[partner0] <- NA
            # SCORE RANDOM ALLELE -----------------------------------------END-

            # SCORE ALLELE 1 --------------------------------------------BEGIN-
            if ("1" %in% toupper(method)) {
              # Dropout if not partner.
              if (is.na(partner1)) {
                # Score as dropout.
                modeldrop <- 1
                method1Tmp <- modeldrop
              } else if (peakHeight[partner1] < threshold) {
                # If both alleles, check if below AT.

                # Score as dropout.
                modeldrop <- 1

                # Save one or two entries.
                if (observed == 1) {
                  method1Tmp <- modeldrop
                } else if (observed == 2) {
                  method1Tmp[selected1] <- modeldrop
                  method1Tmp[partner1] <- NA
              } else {
                # Partner peak is above AT.

                # Score as NO dropout.
                modeldrop <- 0

                # Save one or two entries.
                if (observed == 1) {
                  method1Tmp <- modeldrop
                } else if (observed == 2) {
                  method1Tmp[selected1] <- modeldrop
                  method1Tmp[partner1] <- NA
            # SCORE ALLELE 1 ----------------------------------------------END-

            # SCORE ALLELE 2 --------------------------------------------BEGIN-
            if ("2" %in% toupper(method)) {
              # Dropout if not partner.
              if (is.na(partner2)) {
                # Score as dropout.
                modeldrop <- 1
                method2Tmp <- modeldrop
              } else if (peakHeight[partner2] < threshold) {
                # If both alleles, check if below AT.

                # Score as dropout.
                modeldrop <- 1

                # Save one or two entries.
                if (observed == 1) {
                  method2Tmp <- modeldrop
                } else if (observed == 2) {
                  method2Tmp[selected2] <- modeldrop
                  method2Tmp[partner2] <- NA
              } else {
                # Partner peak is above AT.

                # Score as NO dropout.
                modeldrop <- 0

                # Save one or two entries.
                if (observed == 1) {
                  method2Tmp <- modeldrop
                } else if (observed == 2) {
                  method2Tmp[selected2] <- modeldrop
                  method2Tmp[partner2] <- NA
          # SCORE ALLELE 2 ----------------------------------------------END-

          # SCORE LOCUS -----------------------------------------------BEGIN-
          if ("L" %in% toupper(method)) {
            # Check expected number of alleles.
            if (expected == 1) {
              # Expected homozygous.

              if (peakHeight < threshold) {
                # Dropout.
                methodLTmp <- 2
                methodLPh <- NA
              } else {
                # No dropout.
                methodLTmp <- 0
                methodLPh <- NA
            } else if (expected == 2) {
              # Expected heterozygous.

              # Marker approach
              selA1 <- match(refAlleles[1], matchedAlleles)
              selA2 <- match(refAlleles[2], matchedAlleles)

              if (debug) {
                print("Peak heights:")

              if (is.na(peakHeight[selA1])) {
                drop1 <- TRUE
              } else {
                drop1 <- peakHeight[selA1] < threshold
              if (is.na(peakHeight[selA2])) {
                drop2 <- TRUE
              } else {
                drop2 <- peakHeight[selA2] < threshold
              passingAlleles <- sum(!drop1, !drop2, na.rm = TRUE)

              if (debug) {

              # Check for any dropouts.
              if (any(drop1, drop2, na.rm = TRUE)) {
                if (debug) {
                  print("At least one dropout!")

                # Save one or two entries.
                if (passingAlleles == 1) {
                  if (observed == 1) {
                    methodLTmp <- 1
                    methodLPh <- max(peakHeight[selA1], peakHeight[selA2], na.rm = TRUE)
                  } else if (observed == 2) {
                    methodLTmp[1] <- 1
                    methodLTmp[2] <- NA
                    methodLPh[1] <- max(peakHeight[selA1], peakHeight[selA2], rm.na = TRUE)
                    methodLPh[2] <- NA
                  } else {
                      paste("Sample: ", sampleNames[s],
                        ", Marker: ", markers[m],
                        " - unhandled number of observed alleles",
                        " (observed = ", observed,
                        ", matchedAlleles = ", paste(matchedAlleles, collapse = "/"),
                        ", passingAlleles = ", paste(passingAlleles, collapse = "/"),
                        sep = ""
                      call. = TRUE
                } else if (passingAlleles == 2) {
                  methodLTmp[1] <- 0
                  methodLTmp[2] <- NA
                  methodLPh[1] <- mean(c(peakHeight[selA1], peakHeight[selA2]))
                  methodLPh[2] <- NA
                } else if (passingAlleles == 0) {
                  if (observed == 1) {
                    methodLTmp <- 2
                    methodLPh <- NA
                  } else if (observed == 2) {
                    methodLTmp[1] <- 2
                    methodLTmp[2] <- NA
                    methodLPh[1] <- NA
                    methodLPh[2] <- NA
                  } else {
                      paste("Sample: ", sampleNames[s],
                        " Marker: ", markers[m],
                        " - unhandled number of observed alleles",
                        " (observed = ", observed,
                        ", matchedAlleles = ", paste(matchedAlleles, collapse = "/"),
                        ", passingAlleles = ", paste(passingAlleles, collapse = "/"),
                        sep = ""
                      call. = TRUE
                } else {
                    paste("Sample: ", sampleNames[s],
                      " Marker: ", markers[m],
                      " - unhandled number of observed alleles > AT",
                      " (passingAlleles = ", paste(passingAlleles, collapse = "/"),
                      ", matchedAlleles = ", paste(matchedAlleles, collapse = "/"),
                      sep = ""
                    call. = TRUE
              } else { # No dropout or NA.

                if (debug) {
                  print("No dropout:")

                # Save one or two entries.
                if (observed == 1) {
                  methodLTmp <- 1
                  methodLPh <- max(peakHeight[selA1], peakHeight[selA2], rm.na = TRUE)
                } else if (observed == 2) {
                  methodLTmp[1] <- 0
                  methodLTmp[2] <- NA
                  methodLPh[1] <- mean(c(peakHeight[selA1], peakHeight[selA2]))
                  methodLPh[2] <- NA
                if (debug) {
          # SCORE LOCUS -------------------------------------------------END-
        } else { # Zero or more peaks.
          if (observed == 0) {
            methodXTmp <- NA
            method1Tmp <- NA
            method2Tmp <- NA
            methodLTmp <- 2
            methodLPh <- NA
          } else {
            methodXTmp <- rep(NA, observed)
            method1Tmp <- rep(NA, observed)
            method2Tmp <- rep(NA, observed)
            methodLTmp <- rep(NA, observed)
            methodLPh <- rep(NA, observed)

        # Score all dropouts --------------------------------------------------
        # TODO: This is not needed if the 'locus' method is used. With that
        #       approach both regression and heat-maps can use the same data.

        # Compare to threshold
        if (!is.null(threshold)) {
          # Mark peaks above threhold.
          pass <- peakHeight >= threshold
          if (length(pass) == 0) {
            # This happens when there are no mathing alleles.
            pass <- NULL

        # Count the number of observed peaks passing the threshold.
        observedPass <- sum(pass)

        # Count the number of alleles that have dropped out.
        dropCount <- expected - observedPass

        if (debug) {
          if (length(dataHeight) != length(dataAlleles)) {
            print("WARNING! Different length for dataHeight and dataAlleles")

        # Handle locus dropout.
        if (length(matchedAlleles) == 0) {
          allelesTmp <- NA
          heightsTmp <- NA
          records <- 1
        } else {
          # Store all peaks.
          allelesTmp <- matchedAlleles
          heightsTmp <- peakHeight
          records <- length(matchedAlleles)

        # Uppdate vector.
        allelesVec <- c(allelesVec, allelesTmp)
        heightsVec <- c(heightsVec, heightsTmp)
        methodXVec <- c(methodXVec, methodXTmp)
        method1Vec <- c(method1Vec, method1Tmp)
        method2Vec <- c(method2Vec, method2Tmp)
        methodLVec <- c(methodLVec, methodLTmp)
        methodLPhVec <- c(methodLPhVec, methodLPh)

        # Samples and markers.
        samplesTmp <- rep(sampleNames[s], records)
        markersTmp <- rep(markers[m], records)

        # Update vectors.
        samplesVec <- c(samplesVec, samplesTmp)
        markersVec <- c(markersVec, markersTmp)

        # Indicate zygosity (1-Heterozygote, 0-Homozygote).
        if (expected == 1) {
          hetTmp <- rep(0, records)
          het <- FALSE
        } else if (expected == 2) {
          hetTmp <- rep(1, records)
          het <- TRUE
        } else {
            paste("Sample: ", sampleNames[s],
              " Marker: ", markers[m],
              " - unhandled number of expected alleles",
              " (expected = ", expected,
              ", refAlleles = ", paste(refAlleles, collapse = "/"),
              sep = ""
            call. = TRUE

        # Update vector.
        hetVec <- c(hetVec, hetTmp)

        # Indicate dropout:
        # 0 - for no dropout, 1 - for allele dropout, 2 - for locus dropout
        if (dropCount == 0) {
          dropoutTmp <- rep(0, records)
        } else if (dropCount == 1 & het) {
          dropoutTmp <- rep(1, records)
        } else if (dropCount == 1 & !het) {
          dropoutTmp <- rep(2, records)
        } else if (dropCount == 2 & het) {
          dropoutTmp <- rep(2, records)
        } else {
            paste("Sample: ", sampleNames[s],
              " Marker: ", markers[m],
              " - unhandled combination",
              " (dropCount = ", dropCount,
              ", het = ", het,
              sep = ""
            call. = TRUE

        # Replace dropout for heights below threshold with NA or 2 if locus dropout.
        if (!is.null(pass)) {
          if (all(!pass)) {
            dropoutTmp[!pass] <- 2
          } else {
            dropoutTmp[!pass] <- NA

        # Update vector.
        dropoutVec <- c(dropoutVec, dropoutTmp)

        # Store peak height of surviving allele, or NA.
        if (dropCount == 1 & observed > 0) {
          rfuTmp <- peakHeight
        } else {
          rfuTmp <- rep(NA, records)

        # Replace rfu for heights below threshold with NA.
        if (!is.null(pass)) {
          rfuTmp[!pass] <- NA

        # Update vector.
        rfuVec <- c(rfuVec, rfuTmp)

        if (debug) {

  if (debug) {

  # Create return dataframe.
  dataDrop <- data.frame(
    Sample.Name = samplesVec,
    Marker = markersVec,
    Allele = allelesVec,
    Height = heightsVec,
    Dropout = dropoutVec,
    Rfu = rfuVec,
    Heterozygous = hetVec,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # Add according to scoring method(s):
  if ("X" %in% toupper(method)) {
    dataDrop$MethodX <- methodXVec
  if ("1" %in% toupper(method)) {
    dataDrop$Method1 <- method1Vec
  if ("2" %in% toupper(method)) {
    dataDrop$Method2 <- method2Vec
  if ("L" %in% toupper(method)) {
    dataDrop$MethodL <- methodLVec
    dataDrop$MethodL.Ph <- methodLPhVec

  # Add attributes to result.
  attr(dataDrop, which = "kit") <- kit

  # Update audit trail.
  dataDrop <- auditTrail(obj = dataDrop, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on July 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m.