
Defines functions filterProfile

Documented in filterProfile

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 24.08.2018: Removed unused variables.
# 07.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 18.09.2016: Now retains information in 'File.Name' and 'File.Time' when add markers.
# 18.09.2016: Fixed attribute kit not save correct.
# 06.09.2016: Added check for conflicting options filter.alleles and add.missing.loci.
# 28.08.2016: Added option to use word boundaries for sample name matching.
# 28.08.2016: Added options to remove sex markers and quality sensors.
# 28.04.2016: Fixed numeric 'Allele' in 'ref' dataset not converted to character.
# 09.01.2016: Added more attributes to result.
# 16.12.2015: Added attributes to result and improved use of 'grepl'.
# 15.12.2015: Added option to use 'exact' matching of sample names.
# 29.08.2015: Added importFrom.
# 09.04.2015: Added option 'invert' to filter peaks NOT in reference.
# 15.12.2014: Changed parameter names to format: lower.case
# 22.01.2014: Fixed bug. add.missing.loci=TRUE now overrides keep.na=FALSE.
# 10.12.2013: Fixed bug returning all NAs when add.missing.loci=TRUE.
# 08.12.2013: Does not discard columns anymore.
# 08.12.2013: Possible to use a 'ref' without 'Sample.Name' i.e. one profile
#             for all samples in 'data'.
# 06.06.2013: Fixed bug in checking for 'fat' data.
# 03.06.2013: Fixed bug discarding NA loci when add.missing.loci=TRUE.

#' @title Filter Profile
#' @description
#' Filter peaks from profiles.
#' @details
#' Filters out the peaks matching (or not matching) specified known profiles
#' from typing data containing 'noise' such as stutters.
#' If 'ref' does not contain a 'Sample.Name' column it will be used
#' as reference for all samples in 'data'. The 'invert' option filters out
#' peaks NOT matching the reference (e.g. drop-in peaks). Sex markers and
#' quality sensors can be removed.
#' NB! add.missing.loci overrides keep.na.
#' Returns data where allele names match/not match 'ref' allele names.
#' Required columns are: 'Sample.Name', 'Marker', and 'Allele'.
#' @param data data frame with genotype data in 'slim' format.
#' @param ref data frame with reference profile in 'slim' format.
#' @param keep.na logical. FALSE discards NA alleles.
#'  TRUE keep loci/sample even if no matching allele.
#' @param add.missing.loci logical. TRUE add loci present in ref but not in data.
#' Overrides keep.na=FALSE.
#' @param ignore.case logical TRUE ignore case.
#' @param word logical TRUE adds word boundaries when matching sample names.
#' @param exact logical TRUE use exact matching of sample names.
#' @param invert logical TRUE filter peaks NOT matching the reference.
#' @param sex.rm logical TRUE removes sex markers defined by 'kit'.
#' @param qs.rm logical TRUE removes quality sensors defined by 'kit'.
#' @param kit character string defining the kit used.
#' If NULL automatic detection will be attempted.
#' @param filter.allele logical TRUE filter known alleles. FALSE increase the
#' performance if only sex markers or quality sensors should be removed.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @return data.frame with extracted result.

filterProfile <- function(data, ref = NULL, add.missing.loci = FALSE, keep.na = FALSE,
                          ignore.case = TRUE, exact = FALSE, word = FALSE,
                          invert = FALSE, sex.rm = FALSE, qs.rm = FALSE, kit = NULL,
                          filter.allele = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # CHECK DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check if slim format.
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(ref))) > 1) {
    stop("'ref' must be in 'slim' format.", call. = TRUE)
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(data))) > 1) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format.", call. = TRUE)

  # Check dataset.
  if (!"Sample.Name" %in% names(data)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.", call. = TRUE)

  if (!"Marker" %in% names(data)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Marker'.", call. = TRUE)

  if (filter.allele) {
    if (!"Allele" %in% names(data)) {
      stop("'data' must contain a column 'Allele'.", call. = TRUE)

  # Check reference dataset.
  if (!is.null(ref)) {
    if (!"Sample.Name" %in% names(ref)) {
      message("'ref' does not contain a column 'Sample.Name'.")
      message("The same reference will be used for all samples.")
    if (!"Marker" %in% names(ref)) {
      stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Marker'.", call. = TRUE)
    if (!"Allele" %in% names(ref)) {
      stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Allele'.", call. = TRUE)

  # Check logical flags.
  if (!is.logical(add.missing.loci)) {
    stop("'add.missing.loci' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(keep.na)) {
    stop("'keep.na' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(ignore.case)) {
    stop("'ignore.case' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(exact)) {
    stop("'exact' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(invert)) {
    stop("'invert' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(word)) {
    stop("'word' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(sex.rm)) {
    stop("'sex.rm' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(qs.rm)) {
    stop("'qs.rm' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(filter.allele)) {
    stop("'filter.allele' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)

  # PREPARE -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check if character data.
  if ("Allele" %in% names(ref)) {
    if (!is.character(ref$Allele)) {
      message("'Allele' must be character. 'ref' converted.")

      ref$Allele <- as.character(ref$Allele)

  if ("Allele" %in% names(data)) {
    if (!is.character(data$Allele)) {
      message("'Allele' must be character. 'data' converted.")

      data$Allele <- as.character(data$Allele)

  # Check conflicting options.
  if (!filter.allele & add.missing.loci) {
    message("'filter.allele' overrides 'add.missing.loci'. Setting add.missing.loci=FALSE")
    add.missing.loci <- FALSE
  # Check conflicting options.
  if (add.missing.loci & !keep.na) {
    message("'add.missing.loci' overrides 'keep.na'. Setting keep.na=TRUE")

    keep.na <- TRUE
  # Check conflicting options.
  if (is.null(ref) & filter.allele) {
    message("'ref' cannot be NULL if 'filter.allele=TRUE'. Setting filter.allele=FALSE")
    filter.allele <- FALSE

  # Remove sex markers.
  if (sex.rm) {
    # Check if kit is provided.
    if (is.null(kit)) {
      message("No kit defined. Attempt to auto detect:")

      kit <- detectKit(data)[1]

      message("Using kit=", kit)

      # Check kit.
      if (is.na(kit)) {
        stop("No matching kit was found in the kit definition file.")

    message("Removing sex markers defined in kit: ", kit, ".")

    # Get sex markers.
    sexMarkers <- getKit(kit = kit, what = "Sex.Marker")

    if (debug) {
      print("Sex markers:")

    message("Removing sex markers from dataset:")
    # Loop through and remove all sex markers.
    for (i in seq(along = sexMarkers)) {
      tmp1 <- nrow(data)

      data <- data[data$Marker != sexMarkers[i], ]

      tmp2 <- nrow(data)

        "Removed ", tmp1 - tmp2,
        " rows with Marker=", sexMarkers[i], "."

    if (!is.null(ref)) {
      # Loop through and remove all sex markers.
      message("Removing sex markers from reference dataset:")
      for (i in seq(along = sexMarkers)) {
        tmp1 <- nrow(ref)

        ref <- ref[ref$Marker != sexMarkers[i], ]

        tmp2 <- nrow(ref)

          "Removed ", tmp1 - tmp2,
          " rows with Marker=", sexMarkers[i], "."
  } # End remove sex markers.

  # Remove quality sensors.
  if (qs.rm) {
    # Check if kit is provided.
    if (is.null(kit)) {
      message("No kit defined. Attempt to auto detect:")

      kit <- detectKit(data)[1]

      message("Using kit=", kit)

      # Check kit.
      if (is.na(kit)) {
        stop("No matching kit was found in the kit definition file.")

    message("Removing quality sensors defined in kit: ", kit, ".")

    # Get quality sensors.
    qsMarkers <- getKit(kit = kit, what = "Quality.Sensor")

    if (debug) {
      print("Quality sensors:")

    # Loop through and remove all quality sensors.
    message("Removing quality sensors from dataset:")
    for (i in seq(along = qsMarkers)) {
      tmp1 <- nrow(data)

      data <- data[data$Marker != qsMarkers[i], ]

      tmp2 <- nrow(data)

        "Removed ", tmp1 - tmp2,
        " rows with Marker=", qsMarkers[i], "."

    if (!is.null(ref)) {
      # Loop through and remove all quality sensors.
      message("Removing quality sensors from reference dataset:")
      for (i in seq(along = qsMarkers)) {
        tmp1 <- nrow(ref)

        ref <- ref[ref$Marker != qsMarkers[i], ]

        tmp2 <- nrow(ref)

          "Removed ", tmp1 - tmp2,
          " rows with Marker=", qsMarkers[i], "."
  } # End remove quality sensors.

  # FILTER --------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (filter.allele) {
    # SELECT METHOD -------------------------------------------------------------

    if (!add.missing.loci & !keep.na & !invert) {
      # Fast method cannot be used if add.missingloci/keep.na/invert is TRUE.

      # 'FAST' METHOD -----------------------------------------------------------
      # NB! Discards all NA alleles/loci/samples.

      message("Using 'fast' allele filtering method.")
      message("This method discards NA alleles/loci/samples.")

      # Clean NA (both 'false' and true NA).
      naAllele <- length(data$Allele[data$Allele == "NA"])

      if (naAllele > 0) {
        data$Allele[data$Allele == "NA"] <- NA

        message(naAllele, " \"NA\" in 'Allele' converted to NA")

      # Check if NA in alleles.
      naAllele <- sum(is.na(data$Allele))
      if (naAllele > 0) {
        data <- data[!is.na(data$Allele), ]

        message("Removed ", naAllele, " rows where Allele=<NA>")

      # Get reference names.
      if ("Sample.Name" %in% names(ref)) {
        # Get reference names from reference dataset.
        refSampleNames <- unique(ref$Sample.Name)
      } else {
        # Get reference names from dataset.
        refSampleNames <- unique(data$Sample.Name)

      if (word) {
        refSampleNames <- paste("\\b", refSampleNames, "\\b", sep = "")
        message("Word boundaries applied to reference dataset.")

      # Add regex for exact or word matching.
      if (exact) {
        refSampleNames <- paste("^", refSampleNames, "$", sep = "")
        message("Exact matching applied to reference dataset.")

      if (debug) {
        print("ref samples:")
        print("data samples:")

      # Initiate boolean match vector to FALSE.
      matchingData <- is.na(data$Sample.Name)

      # Get reference sample i.e. use one reference for all samples.
      # NB! only used if no 'Sample.Name' column in ref.
      currentRef <- ref

      # Loop through all reference samples.
      for (s in seq(along = refSampleNames)) {
        if ("Sample.Name" %in% names(ref)) {
          # Get current reference subset.
          selection <- grepl(refSampleNames[s], ref$Sample.Name,
            ignore.case = ignore.case
          currentRef <- ref[selection, ]

        # Select matching samples.
        selectedSamples <- grepl(refSampleNames[s], data$Sample.Name,
          ignore.case = ignore.case

        if (debug) {
          print("Current ref:")
          print("Selected samples:")
          print(unique(data[selectedSamples, ]$Sample.Name))

        # Get current marker.
        refMarkers <- unique(currentRef$Marker)

        # Loop through all markers.
        for (m in seq(along = refMarkers)) {
          # Get reference alleles.
          refAlleles <- currentRef$Allele[currentRef$Marker == refMarkers[m]]

          # Loop through all alleles.
          for (a in seq(along = refAlleles)) {
            # Get matching alleles in data.
            mM <- data$Marker == refMarkers[m]
            mA <- data$Allele == refAlleles[a]
            currentMatch <- selectedSamples & mM & mA

            # 'Concatenate' booleans
            matchingData <- matchingData | currentMatch
          } # End of allele for-loop.
        } # End of marker for-loop.
      } # End of reference for-loop.

      # Create return data frame.
      res <- data[matchingData, ]
    } else {
      # 'SLOW' METHOD -----------------------------------------------------------
      # NB! Possible to keep NA alleles, add missing loci, and invert.

      message("Using 'slow' allele filtering method.")
      message("This method is required to keep NA alleles, add missing loci, or invert.")

      # Create an empty data frame to hold the result.
      res <- data.frame(t(rep(NA, length(data))))

      # Add column names.
      names(res) <- names(data)

      # Remove all NAs
      res <- res[-1, ]

      if (debug) {

      # Get reference names.
      if ("Sample.Name" %in% names(ref)) {
        # Get reference names from reference dataset.
        refSampleNames <- unique(ref$Sample.Name)
      } else {
        # Get reference names from dataset.
        refSampleNames <- unique(data$Sample.Name)

      # Add regex for exact or word matching.
      if (exact) {
        refSampleNames <- paste("^", refSampleNames, "$", sep = "")
        message("Exact matching applied to reference dataset.")
      } else if (word) {
        refSampleNames <- paste("\\b", refSampleNames, "\\b", sep = "")
        message("Word boundaries applied to reference dataset.")

      # Get reference sample i.e. use one reference for all samples.
      # NB! only used if no 'Sample.Name' column in ref.
      currentRef <- ref

      # Loop through all reference samples.
      for (r in seq(along = refSampleNames)) {
        if ("Sample.Name" %in% names(ref)) {
          # Get current reference subset.
          selection <- grepl(refSampleNames[r], ref$Sample.Name,
            ignore.case = ignore.case
          currentRef <- ref[selection, ]

        # Select matching samples.
        selectedSamples <- grepl(refSampleNames[r], data$Sample.Name,
          ignore.case = ignore.case

        if (debug) {
          print("Current ref:")
          print("Selected samples:")
          print(unique(data[selectedSamples, ]$Sample.Name))

        # Get selected samples.
        currentDataSubset <- data[selectedSamples, ]

        # Get sample names.
        dataSampleNames <- unique(currentDataSubset$Sample.Name)

        # Get current marker.
        refMarkers <- unique(currentRef$Marker)

        # Loop over all samples.
        for (s in seq(along = dataSampleNames)) {
          # Get current sample
          currentData <- currentDataSubset[currentDataSubset$Sample.Name == dataSampleNames[s], ]

          # Loop through all markers.
          for (m in seq(along = refMarkers)) {
            # Get reference alleles.
            refAlleles <- currentRef$Allele[currentRef$Marker == refMarkers[m]]

            # Select current marker.
            selection <- currentData$Marker == refMarkers[m]
            tmpDf <- currentData[selection, ]

            # dataAlleles is of length 0 if no matching marker.
            if (nrow(tmpDf) == 0 & add.missing.loci) {
              # Add missing marker, allele will become NA in rbind.fill.
              tmpDf <- data.frame(
                Sample.Name = dataSampleNames[s],
                Marker = refMarkers[m],
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE

                "Missing marker ", refMarkers[m],
                " added for sample ", dataSampleNames[s]

              # Attempt to fill additional information required by other functions.
              additionalColumns <- intersect(names(currentData), c("File.Name", "File.Time"))

              # Add missing values.
              for (a in seq(along = additionalColumns)) {
                addValue <- unique(currentData[additionalColumns[a]])

                if (length(addValue) > 1) {
                    "Multiple candidates for missing information in column, ",
                    "Using first candidate to fill data.frame: ",
                    paste(addValue, collapse = ", ")

                # Add missing value.
                tmpDf[additionalColumns[a]] <- addValue[1]
            } else {
              # Filter alleles and add to selection.
              if (invert) {
                # Select peaks not in reference.
                selection <- selection & !currentData$Allele %in% refAlleles
              } else {
                # Select peaks matching reference.
                selection <- selection & currentData$Allele %in% refAlleles

              # Get selected data.
              tmpDf <- currentData[selection, ]

              # matching is of length 0 if no matching allele.
              if (nrow(tmpDf) == 0 & keep.na) {
                # Add missing marker, allele will become NA in rbind.fill.
                tmpDf <- data.frame(
                  Sample.Name = dataSampleNames[s],
                  Marker = refMarkers[m],
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

                if (debug) {
                  print(paste("NA kept for marker", refMarkers[m]))

                # Attempt to fill additional information required by other functions.
                additionalColumns <- intersect(names(currentData), c("File.Name", "File.Time"))

                # Add missing values.
                for (a in seq(along = additionalColumns)) {
                  addValue <- unique(currentData[additionalColumns[a]])

                  if (length(addValue) > 1) {
                      "Multiple candidates for missing information in column, ",
                      "Using first candidate to fill data.frame: ",
                      paste(addValue, collapse = ", ")

                  # Add missing value.
                  tmpDf[additionalColumns[a]] <- addValue[1]

            # Combine result.
            res <- plyr::rbind.fill(res, tmpDf)
          } # End of marker for-loop.
        } # End of sample for-loop.
      } # End of reference for-loop.
  } else {
    message("No allele filtering was performed.")

    res <- data
  } # End filter alleles.

  # Check if Dye is available.
  if ("Dye" %in% names(res)) {
    # Check for NA's in Dye.
    if (any(is.na(res$Dye))) {
      # Check if kit is provided.
      if (is.null(kit)) {
        message("No kit defined. Attempt to auto detect:")

        kit <- detectKit(data)[1]

        message("Using kit=", kit)

        # Check kit.
        if (is.na(kit)) {
          stop("No matching kit was found in the kit definition file.")

      message("Detected NA in 'Dye' colum.")
      message("Adding Dye to result using kit ", kit, ".")

      # Fix broken dyes.
      res <- addColor(
        data = res, kit = kit, need = "Dye",
        overwrite = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE,
        debug = debug

  # Add attributes to result.
  attr(res, which = "kit") <- kit

  # Update audit trail.
  res <- auditTrail(obj = res, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  # RETURN --------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on July 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m.