
Defines functions listObjects

Documented in listObjects

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 07.06.2020: Added check for NA. Return NULL.
# 06.06.2020: Added parameters "sort" and "decreasing".
# 28.06.2015: Changed parameter names to format: lower.case
# 26.07.2013: 'obj.class' can now be a vector.
# 17.05.2013: New parameters 'obj.class', 'debug'.
# 17.05.2013: Made general. Changed name from listDataFrames -> listObjects.
# <17.05.2013: First version.

#' @title List Objects
#' @description
#' Internal helper function to list objects in an environment.
#' @details
#' Internal helper function to retrieve a list of objects from a workspace.
#' Take an environment as argument and optionally an object class.
#' Returns a list of objects of the specified class in the environment.
#' @param env environment in which to search for objects.
#' @param obj.class character string or vector specifying the object class.
#' @param sort character string "time", "alpha", "size" specifying the sorting order. Default = NULL.
#' @param decreasing logical used to indicate order when sorting is not NULL. Default = TRUE.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return character vector with the object names or NULL.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # List data frames in the workspace.
#' listObjects(obj.class = "data.frame")
#' # List functions in the workspace.
#' listObjects(obj.class = "function")
#' }
listObjects <- function(env = parent.frame(), obj.class = NULL,
                        sort = NULL, decreasing = TRUE,
                        debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Result vector.
  res <- character()

  # List objects in environment.
  wsObj <- ls(env)

  if (debug) {

  # Check if specified object class.
  if (!is.null(obj.class)) {
    classes <- list()

    # Loop to save all class information.
    for (i in seq(along = wsObj)) {
      obj <- get(wsObj[i], envir = env)
      classes[i] <- list(class(obj))

    # Filter objects with specified classes.
    for (c in seq(along = obj.class)) {
      for (i in seq(along = classes)) {
        if (obj.class[c] %in% classes[[i]]) {
          res <- c(res, wsObj[i])
  } else {
    # Return all objects.
    res <- wsObj

  # Check if sorting is requested.
  if (!is.null(sort)) {
    # Create sorting vector.
    new.order <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(res))

    if (sort == "time") {
      # Loop over objects and retrieve attribute.
      for (o in seq(along = res)) {
        tmp <- attr(
          x = get(x = res[o], envir = env),
          which = "timestamp", exact = TRUE
        new.order[o] <- ifelse(is.null(tmp), as.character(NA), tmp)

      if (debug) {
        message("time, decreasing=", decreasing)
        message(paste(new.order[order(new.order, decreasing = decreasing)],
          collapse = ", "

      # Sort according to new order.
      res <- res[order(new.order, decreasing = decreasing)]

    if (sort == "alpha") {
      if (debug) {
        message("alpha, decreasing=", decreasing)
        message(paste(res[order(res, decreasing = decreasing)],
          collapse = ", "

      # Sort according to new order.
      res <- res[order(res, decreasing = decreasing)]

    if (sort == "size") {
      # Loop over objects and retrieve attribute.
      for (o in seq(along = res)) {
        new.order[o] <- object.size(x = get(x = res[o], envir = env))

      if (debug) {
        message("Size, decreasing=", decreasing)
        message(paste(new.order[order(new.order, decreasing = decreasing)],
          collapse = ", "

      # Sort according to new order.
      res <- res[order(new.order, decreasing = decreasing)]

  # Check if NA.
  if (all(is.na(res))) {
    res <- NULL

  if (debug) {
    print("Returned objects:")
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 7:13 a.m.