
Defines functions addCycle dropAmphibs fitStats statByStation gmean loadPMdat stLook .simpleCap

Documented in addCycle dropAmphibs fitStats gmean loadPMdat .simpleCap statByStation stLook

#' A Set of Miscellaneous Functions for Working with Data.
#' @param x  A string to convert to title case.
#' @return A string in title case
#' @examples
#' .simpleCap('a lower case string')
#' @export

.simpleCap <- function(x) {
  s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
  paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
        sep="", collapse=" ")

#' Look up information on a station by number
#' @param station A string or vector of station numbers to look up
#' @param field use site_identifier (default) or loc_code?
#' @examples
#' stLook('P2000')
#' stLook(c('P2000', 'P0012'))
#' stLook('0012', 'loc_code')
#' @export

stLook <- function(station, field = 'site_identifier') {

  # ID stations not in list
  if (any(!station %in% stationInfo[[field]])){
    miss_stats <- station[!station %in% stationInfo[[field]]]
    warning(paste0('The following stations are not in the PAWMAP table: ',
    station <- station[station %in% stationInfo[[field]]]

  x <- stationInfo[stationInfo[[field]] %in% station, ]


#' Load PAWMAP data
#' @param dtype Which data to load: hab, wq or bio
#' @export

loadPMdat <- function(dtype) {

  filepath <- switch(dtype,
                     hab = '../pmtoolsFiles/raw_data/hab14.rda',
                     wq  = '../pmtoolsFiles/raw_data/wq14.rda',
                     bio = '../pmtoolsFiles/raw_data/bio14.rda'

  load(filepath, .GlobalEnv)

#' Calculate the geometric mean
#' @param x a vector of numbers
#' @export

gmean <- function(x){

#' Calculate summary statistic by station
#' @param df data frame containing the data
#' @param stat statistical function to calculate.  Mean is the default.
#' @param station station field name, supplied as a string
#' @param vbl field name numeric variable to summarize, supplied as a string
#' @return a data frame with summary statistic by station
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @export

statByStation <- function(df, stat = 'mean', station = 'loc_code',
                          vbl = 'result') {
  statByStat_1 <- function(x) {
    stat = do.call(stat, list(x[[vbl]]))
    cns = ifelse(any(x[['cens']]=='='), 'Detected', 'None\nDetected')
    pct_det = mean(x$cens == '=')
    data.frame(stat, cns, pct_det)

  ddply(df, station, statByStat_1)

#' Create text summarizing regression fit
#' @param fit fit object of class lm
#' @return text with adj. r^2, p, slope and intercept summaries
#' @export

fitStats <- function(fit) {
  fitTxt <- paste0("Adj R^2 = ", signif(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, 2),
                   "; p = ", signif(summary(fit)$coef[2,4], 2), "\n",
                   "Slope = ", signif(fit$coef[[2]], 2),
                   "; Intercept = ", signif(fit$coef[[1]],2)

#' Drop Amphibians from a data frame of fish names
#' @param df The data frame containing the fish data
#' @param vbl  A field within df containing the fish names
#' @return A data frame without amphibians
#' @export

dropAmphibs <- function(df, vbl) {

  ## Remove amphibians and invertebrates
  drops <- c("dicamptodon.*", ".*frog.*",
             "cra.fish", ".*salamander.*", ".*newt.*")
  df <- df[!grepl(paste(drops, collapse="|"), df[[vbl]]), ]

#' Calculate the PAWMAP cycle based on sampling date
#' @param dateField  A vector of sampling dates
#' @return A vector of cycle numbers for each sampling date
#' @export

addCycle <- function(dateField){
  x <- cut(as.Date(dateField),
           breaks = as.Date(c('2010-01-01' ,'2014-07-01',
                              '2018-07-01', '2022-07-01', '2026-07-01')),
           labels = 1:4)
PDXChris/pmtools documentation built on July 18, 2024, 7:32 a.m.