
Defines functions substCritList substCritStat

Documented in substCritList substCritStat

#' Compile total exceedances of substrate criteria by watershed
#' @param dfm  The data frame containing the variable
#' @return A table of number of exceedances of each substrate criterion
#' @examples
#' num <- length(stationInfo$site_identifier)
#' dfm <- data.frame(site_identifier=stationInfo$site_identifier,
#'                    pct_ri=runif(num, 0, 100),
#'                    pct_fn=runif(num, 0, 60),
#'                    pct_grav=runif(num, 0, 60))
#' dfm <- mergeStatInfo(dfm)
#' substCritStat(dfm)
#' @export

substCritStat <- function(dfm = NULL){

  if(is.null(dfm)) {dfm <- formSubstrate(, T)}

  tmp <- plyr::ddply(dfm, 'watershed', function(x){
    c(N = nrow(x))

  dfm <- dfm[dfm[['pct_ri']] >= 50, ]

  tmp2 <- plyr::ddply(dfm, 'watershed', function(x){
    c(gt50ri      = sum(x[['pct_ri']] >= 50),
      fnGt25      = sum(x[['pct_fn']] >= 25),
      fnGt12_Lt25 = sum(x[['pct_fn']] >= 12 & x[['pct_fn']] < 25),
      grLt15      = sum(x[['pct_grav']] <= 15),
      grLt35_Gt15 = sum(x[['pct_grav']] > 15 & x[['pct_grav']] < 35))
  tmp <- merge(tmp, tmp2)

#' List stations exceeding substrate criteria
#' @param dfm  The data frame containing the variable
#' @param wat Optional argument to limit results to a single watershed
#' @return A list of stations exceeding each substrate criterion
#' @export

substCritList <- function(dfm = NULL, wat=NULL){

  # load data if not provided
  if(is.null(dfm)) {dfm <- formSubstrate(NULL, T)}

  # limit to selected watershed if appropriate.  Count stations
    numStations <- nrow(dfm[dfm[['watershed']]==wat, ])
  } else {
    numStations <- nrow(dfm)

    # Subset to sites with > 50% riffles; drop unneeded variables
    dfm <- dfm[dfm[['pct_ri']] >= 50,
             !names(dfm) %in% c('subwat', 'loc_code','pct_gr')]
    dfm[, grepl('pct', names(dfm))] <- round(dfm[, grepl('pct', names(dfm))], 1)
    dfm <- dfm[c('watershed', 'duration', 'panel', 'loc.lbl', 'pct_ri',
                 'pct_fn', 'pct_grav', 'pct_gf', 'pct_gc')]

  # List sites exceeding each criterion
    lst <- list(numStations           = numStations,
                over_50pct_riffles    = dfm[dfm[['pct_ri']] >= 50, ],
                fines_over25          = dfm[dfm[['pct_fn']] >= 25, ],
                fines_over12_under25  = dfm[dfm[['pct_fn']] >= 12 & dfm[['pct_fn']] < 25, ],
                gravel_under15        = dfm[dfm[['pct_grav']] <= 15, ],
                gravel_under35_over15 = dfm[dfm[['pct_grav']] > 15 & dfm[['pct_grav']] < 35, ]
  # names(lst)[1] <- 'test_this'

  # Subset to watershed if watershed specified
    lst[2:length(lst)] <- lapply(lst[2:length(lst)], function(x) x[-1][x[['watershed']]==wat, ])

PDXChris/pmtools documentation built on July 18, 2024, 7:32 a.m.