
# Header ####
  # Author: Danny Colombara
  # Date: August 28, 2019
  # Purpose: Create stage.mcaid_mcare_elig_demo for SQL
  # This code is designed to be run as part of the master Medicaid/Medicare script:

## Set up R Environment ----
  # rm(list=ls())  # clear memory
  # pacman::p_load(data.table, odbc, DBI, lubridate) # load packages
  # options("scipen"=999) # turn off scientific notation  
  # options(warning.length = 8170) # get lengthy warnings, needed for SQL
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  yaml.url <- ""
## (1) Connect to SQL Server ----    
  # db_claims <- dbConnect(odbc(), "PHClaims51")   
## (2) Load data from SQL ----  
  apde <- setDT(odbc::dbGetQuery(db_claims, "SELECT id_apde, id_mcare, id_mcaid 
  mcare <- setDT(odbc::dbGetQuery(db_claims, "SELECT id_mcare, dob, death_dt, geo_kc_ever, gender_female, gender_male, gender_me, gender_recent, race_eth_recent, race_recent,
                                  race_white, race_black, race_other, race_asian, race_asian_pi, race_aian, race_nhpi, race_latino, race_unk, race_eth_me, race_me 

  mcaid <- setDT(odbc::dbGetQuery(db_claims, "SELECT id_mcaid, dob, gender_female, gender_male, gender_me, gender_recent, 
                                  race_eth_recent, race_recent, race_me, race_eth_me, 
                                  race_aian, race_asian, race_black, race_latino, race_nhpi, race_white, race_unk, race_eth_unk,  
                                  lang_max, lang_amharic, lang_arabic, lang_chinese, lang_korean, lang_english,
                                  lang_russian, lang_somali, lang_spanish, lang_ukrainian, lang_vietnamese 

## (3) Merge on apde id ----
  mcare <- merge(apde[, .(id_apde, id_mcare)], mcare, by = "id_mcare", all.x = FALSE, all.y = TRUE)
  mcare[, id_mcare := NULL] # no longer needed now that have id_apde
  mcaid <- merge(apde[, .(id_apde, id_mcaid)], mcaid, by = "id_mcaid", all.x = FALSE, all.y = TRUE)
  mcaid[, id_mcaid := NULL] # no longer needed now that have id_apde
  ## Temp fix ----
  # The new approach to ID matching means there is >1 row per id_apde for some people
  # Need to consolidate data
  # For now randomly select a row
  mcaid[, sorter := sample(1000, .N), by = "id_apde"]
  mcaid <- mcaid[order(id_apde, sorter)]
  mcaid <- mcaid[mcaid[, .I[1:1], by = id_apde]$V1]
  mcaid[, sorter := NULL]
  mcare[, sorter := sample(1000, .N), by = "id_apde"]
  mcare <- mcare[order(id_apde, sorter)]
  mcare <- mcare[mcare[, .I[1:1], by = id_apde]$V1]
  mcare[, sorter := NULL]
## (4) Identify the duals and split from non-duals ---- <- intersect(mcaid$id_apde, mcare$id_apde)
  mcare.solo <- mcare[!id_apde %in%]
  mcaid.solo <- mcaid[!id_apde %in%]  
  mcare.dual <- unique(mcare[id_apde %in%])
  mcaid.dual <- unique(mcaid[id_apde %in%])

## (5) Combine the data for duals ----
  # some data is assumed to be more reliable in one dataset compared to the other
  dual <- merge(x = mcaid.dual, y = mcare.dual, by = "id_apde")
  setnames(dual, names(dual), gsub("\\.x$", ".mcaid", names(dual))) # clean up suffixes to eliminate confusion
  setnames(dual, names(dual), gsub("\\.y$", ".mcare", names(dual))) # clean up suffixes to eliminate confusion
  # ascribe MCARE data to duals
  dual[, dob := dob.mcaid] # default date of birth from Mcaid
  dual[!, dob := dob.mcare][, c("dob.mcaid", "dob.mcare") := NULL] # replace with Mcare when possible
    # race_asian_pi, death_dt, kc are only in Mcare 
  # loop to ascribe MCAID data to duals
  for(i in c("gender_me", "gender_female", "gender_male", "gender_recent", "race_eth_recent", "race_recent",
             "race_me", "race_eth_me", "race_aian", "race_asian", "race_black", "race_nhpi", "race_white", "race_latino")){
    dual[, paste0(i) := get(paste0(i, ".mcaid"))] # fill with Mcaid data
    dual[, paste0(i) := get(paste0(i, ".mcare"))] # If NA b/c missing Mcaid data, then fill with Mcare data
    dual[, paste0(i, ".mcaid") := NULL][, paste0(i, ".mcare") := NULL]

  # add dual flag
    dual[, apde_dual := 1]
## (6) Append the duals to the non-duals ----
    elig <- rbindlist(list(dual, mcaid.solo, mcare.solo), use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
    elig[, apde_dual := 0] # fill in duals flag
## (7) Prep for pushing to SQL ----
    # set dates
      elig[, dob := as.Date(dob)]
      elig[, death_dt := as.Date(death_dt)]
    # recreate race unknown indicator
      elig[, race_unk := 0]
      elig[race_aian==0 & race_asian==0 & race_asian_pi==0 & race_black==0 & race_latino==0 & race_nhpi==0 & race_white==0, race_unk := 1] 
    # create time stamp
      elig[, last_run := Sys.time()] 
## (8) Write to SQL ----              
  # Pull YAML from GitHub
    table_config <- yaml::yaml.load(httr::GET(yaml.url))
  # Ensure columns are in same order in R & SQL
    setcolorder(elig, names(table_config$vars))
    elig <- elig[, names(table_config$vars), with = FALSE]
  # Write table to SQL
    ### Sometimes get a network error if trying to do the whole thing so split into batches
    start <- 1L
    max_rows <- 100000L
    cycles <- ceiling(nrow(elig)/max_rows)
    lapply(seq(start, cycles), function(i) {
      start_row <- ifelse(i == 1, 1L, max_rows * (i-1) + 1)
      end_row <- min(nrow(elig), max_rows * i)
      message("Loading cycle ", i, " of ", cycles)
      if (i == 1) {
                     DBI::Id(schema = table_config$schema, table = table_config$table), 
                     value =[start_row:end_row]),
                     overwrite = T, append = F, 
                     field.types = unlist(table_config$vars))
      } else {
                     DBI::Id(schema = table_config$schema, table = table_config$table), 
                     value =[start_row:end_row]),
                     overwrite = F, append = T)

## (9) Simple QA ----
    # Confirm that all rows were loaded to SQL ----
      stage.count <- as.numeric(odbc::dbGetQuery(db_claims, "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM stage.mcaid_mcare_elig_demo"))
      if(stage.count != nrow(elig)){stop("Mismatching row count, error reading or writing data")} else{print("All data appear to have been successfully loaded to SQL...")}    
    # More elaborate QA has it's own script! ----
## (10) Clean up ----
    rm(apde, mcaid, mcaid.dual, mcaid.solo, mcare, mcare.dual, mcare.solo,
    rm(i, yaml.url)
    rm(dual, elig)
    rm(stage.count, last_run, previous_rows, row_diff)
    rm(problem.row_diff, problem.ids, problems)

## The end! ----
    run.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
PHSKC-APDE/claims_data documentation built on April 22, 2024, 6:29 p.m.