
Defines functions standard_error.PLNfit_fixedcov standard_error.PLNfit standard_error sigma.PLNfit vcov.PLNfit fitted.PLNfit coef.PLNfit predict_cond.PLNfit predict_cond predict.PLNfit isPLNfit

Documented in coef.PLNfit fitted.PLNfit predict_cond predict_cond.PLNfit predict.PLNfit sigma.PLNfit standard_error standard_error.PLNfit standard_error.PLNfit_fixedcov vcov.PLNfit

## =========================================================================================
## =========================================================================================

## Auxiliary functions to check the given class of an objet
isPLNfit <- function(Robject) {inherits(Robject, "PLNfit"          )}

#' Predict counts of a new sample
#' @name predict.PLNfit
#' @param object an R6 object with class [`PLNfit`]
#' @param newdata A data frame in which to look for variables and offsets with which to predict
#' @param responses Optional data frame containing the count of the observed variables (matching the names of the provided as data in the PLN function), assuming the interest in in testing the model.
#' @param type The type of prediction required. The default is on the scale of the linear predictors (i.e. log average count)
#' @param level Optional integer value the level to be used in obtaining the predictions. Level zero corresponds to the population predictions (default if `responses` is not provided) while level one (default) corresponds to predictions after evaluating the variational parameters for the new data.
#' @param ... additional parameters for S3 compatibility. Not used
#' @return A matrix of predicted log-counts (if `type = "link"`) or predicted counts (if `type = "response"`).
#' @export
predict.PLNfit <- function(object, newdata, responses = NULL, level = 1, type = c("link", "response"), ...) {
  object$predict(newdata = newdata, type = type, envir = parent.frame(), level = level, responses = responses)

#' Predict counts conditionally
#' @name predict_cond
#' @description Predict counts of a new sample conditionally on a (set of) observed variables
#' @param object an R6 object with class [`PLNfit`]
#' @param cond_responses a data frame containing the counts of the observed variables (matching the names provided as data in the PLN function)
#' @param newdata A data frame in which to look for variables and offsets with which to predict
#' @param var_par Boolean. Should new estimations of the variational parameters of mean and variance be sent back, as attributes of the matrix of predictions. Default to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param type The type of prediction required. The default is on the scale of the linear predictors (i.e. log average count)
#' @return A list containing:
#' \item{pred}{A matrix of predicted log-counts (if `type = "link"`) or predicted counts (if `type = "response"`)}
#' \item{M}{A matrix containing E(Z_uncond | Y_c) for each given site.}
#' \item{S}{A matrix containing Var(Z_uncond | Y_c) for each given site (sites are the third dimension of the array)}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera_prep <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ Temperature + Wind, trichoptera_prep)
#' #Condition on the set of the first two species in the dataset (Hym, Hys) at the ten first sites
#' Yc <- trichoptera$Abundance[1:10, c(1, 2), drop=FALSE]
#' newX <- cbind(1, trichoptera$Covariate[1:10, c("Temperature", "Wind")])
#' pred <- predict_cond(myPLN, newX, Yc, type = "response")
predict_cond <- function(object, newdata, cond_responses, type = c("link", "response"), var_par = FALSE) {
  UseMethod("predict_cond", object)

#' @describeIn predict_cond Predict counts of a new sample conditionally on a (set of) observed variables for a [`PLNfit`]
#' @export
predict_cond.PLNfit = function(object, newdata, cond_responses, type = c("link", "response"), var_par = FALSE){
  object$predict_cond(newdata, cond_responses, type, var_par, parent.frame())

#' Extract model coefficients
#' @description Extracts model coefficients from objects returned by [PLN()] and its variants
#' @name coef.PLNfit
#' @param object an R6 object with class [`PLNfit`]
#' @param type type of parameter that should be extracted. Either "main" (default) for \deqn{B} or "covariance" for \deqn{\Sigma}
#' @param ... additional parameters for S3 compatibility. Not used
#' @return A matrix of coefficients extracted from the PLNfit model.
#' @seealso [sigma.PLNfit()], [vcov.PLNfit()], [standard_error.PLNfit()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1 + offset(log(Offset)), data = trichoptera)
#' coef(myPLN) ## B
#' coef(myPLN, type = "covariance") ## Sigma
coef.PLNfit <- function(object, type = c("main", "covariance"), ...) {
         main       = object$model_par$B,
         covariance = object$model_par$Sigma)

#' Extracts model fitted values from objects returned by [PLN()] and its variants
#' @name fitted.PLNfit
#' @inheritParams coef.PLNfit
#' @return A matrix of Fitted values extracted from the object object.
#' @export
fitted.PLNfit <- function(object, ...) {

#' Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a fitted [PLN()] model object
#' @name vcov.PLNfit
#' @description Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the main parameters of a fitted [PLN()] model object. The main parameters of the model correspond to \deqn{B}, as returned by [coef.PLNfit()]. The function can also be used to return the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals. The latter matrix can also be accessed via [sigma.PLNfit()]
#' @inheritParams coef.PLNfit
#' @return A matrix of variance/covariance extracted from the PLNfit model. If type="main" and \eqn{B} is a matrix of size d * p, the result is a block-diagonal matrix with p (number of species) blocks of size d (number of covariates). if type="main", it is a symmetric matrix of size p.
#' .
#' @seealso [sigma.PLNfit()], [coef.PLNfit()], [standard_error.PLNfit()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1 + offset(log(Offset)), data = trichoptera)
#' vcov(myPLN, type = "covariance") ## Sigma
vcov.PLNfit <- function(object, type = c("main", "covariance"), ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "main" & is.null(attr(object$model_par$B, "vcov_variational")))
    stop("Variational estimation not available: rerun by setting `variational_var = TRUE` in the control list.")
         main       = attr(object$model_par$B, "vcov_variational"),
         covariance = object$model_par$Sigma)

#' Extract variance-covariance of residuals 'Sigma'
#' @name sigma.PLNfit
#' @description Extract the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals, usually noted \deqn{\Sigma} in PLN models. This captures the correlation between the species in the latent space.
#' @inheritParams coef.PLNfit
#' @return A semi definite positive matrix of size p, assuming there are p species in the model.
#' @export
#' @seealso [coef.PLNfit()], [standard_error.PLNfit()] and [vcov.PLNfit()] for other ways to access \deqn{\Sigma}.
#' @importFrom stats sigma
#' @examples
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1 + offset(log(Offset)), data = trichoptera)
#' sigma(myPLN) ## Sigma
sigma.PLNfit <- function(object, ...) {

#' Component-wise standard errors of B
#' @description Extracts univariate standard errors for the estimated coefficient of B. Standard errors are computed from the (approximate) Fisher information matrix.
#' @param object an R6 object with class PLNfit
#' @param type string describing the type of variance approximation: "variational", "jackknife", "sandwich" (only for fixed covariance). Default is "variational".
#' @param parameter string describing the target parameter: either B (regression coefficients) or Omega (inverse residual covariance)
#' @seealso [vcov.PLNfit()] for the complete variance covariance estimation of the coefficient
#' @return A p * d positive matrix (same size as \eqn{B}) with standard errors for the coefficients of \eqn{B}
#' @examples
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1 + offset(log(Offset)), data = trichoptera,
#'               control = PLN_param(config_post = list(variational_var = TRUE)))
#' standard_error(myPLN)
#' @export
standard_error <- function(object, type = c("variational", "jackknife", "sandwich"), parameter = c("B", "Omega")) {
  UseMethod("standard_error", object)

#' @describeIn standard_error Component-wise standard errors of B in [`PLNfit`]
#' @export
standard_error.PLNfit <- function(object, type = c("variational", "jackknife", "bootstrap", "sandwich"), parameter = c("B", "Omega")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  par  <- match.arg(parameter)
  if (type == "variational" & is.null(attr(object$model_par$B, "variance_variational")))
    stop("Variational estimation not available: rerun by setting `variational_var = TRUE` in the control list.")
  if (type == "jackknife" & is.null(attr(object$model_par$B, "variance_jackknife")))
    stop("Jackknife estimation not available: rerun by setting `jackknife = TRUE` in the control list.")
  if (type == "bootstrap" & is.null(attr(object$model_par$B, "variance_bootstrap")))
    stop("Bootstrap estimation not available: rerun by setting `bootstrap > 0` in the control list.")
  if (type == "sandwich")
    stop("Sandwich estimator is only available for fixed covariance / precision matrix.")
  attr(object$model_par[[par]], paste0("variance_", type)) %>% sqrt()

#' @describeIn standard_error Component-wise standard errors of B in [`PLNfit_fixedcov`]
#' @export
standard_error.PLNfit_fixedcov <- function(object, type = c("variational", "jackknife", "bootstrap", "sandwich"), parameter = c("B", "Omega")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  par  <- match.arg(parameter)
  if (par == "Omega")
    stop("Omega is not estimated for fixed covariance model")
  if (type == "variational" & is.null(attr(object$model_par$B, "variance_variational")))
    stop("Variational estimation not available: rerun by setting `variational_var = TRUE` in the control list.")
  if (type == "jackknife" & is.null(attr(object$model_par$B, "variance_jackknife")))
    stop("Jackknife estimation not available: rerun by setting `jackknife = TRUE` in the control list.")
  if (type == "bootstrap" & is.null(attr(object$model_par$B, "variance_bootstrap")))
    stop("Bootstrap estimation not available: rerun by setting `bootstrap > 0` in the control list.")
  attr(object$model_par[[par]], paste0("variance_", type)) %>% sqrt()
PLN-team/PLNmodels documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 4:14 a.m.