
#' @name cat.colors
#' @details This database contains the categories presently supported by Lipid Mini-On and the colors that the figures functions are using.
#' @details If you have need another category to be included please contact us
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name main.colors
#' @details This database contains the main classes of lipids presently supported by Lipid Mini-On and the colors that the figures functions are using.
#' @details If you have need another main class to be included please contact us.
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name sub.colors
#' @details This database contains the subclasses of lipids presently supported by Lipid Mini-On and the colors that the figures functions are using.
#' @details If you have need another subclass to be included please contact us.
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name db
#' @details This database contain a list of 35686 individual lipids with the nomeclature that can be read by lipid Mini-On.
#' @details If you have an error when running lipid Mini-On please check that your lipid nomenclature matches with what is in the database.
#' @details This object was used to create the following objects: cleaned.db, db.intact, db.chain, and db.allchains
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name cleaned.db
#' @details This dataset is the result of the clean.lipid.list(db).
#' @details In this particular case it just transform db in a character vector
#' @details Please see the documentation of db for details on the original db
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name db.intact
#' @details This dataset is the db.intact object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.db object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.db,name="db")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.db for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .intact object
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name db.chain
#' @details This dataset is the db.chain object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.db object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.db,name="db")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.db for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .chain object
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name db.allchains
#' @details This dataset is the db.chain object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.db object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.db,name="db")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.db for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .allchains object.
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name QueryExample
#' @details This is an example of query list that can be used in Lipid Mini-On
#' @details This object was used to create the following objects: cleaned.queryExample, queryExample.intact, queryExample.chain, and queryExample.allchains
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name cleaned.queryExample
#' @details This dataset is the result of the clean.lipid.list(queryExample).
#' @details In this particular case it just transform db in a character vector
#' @details Please see the documentation of queryExample for details on the original queryExample
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name queryExample.intact
#' @details This dataset is the .intact object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.queryExample object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.queryExample,name="queryExample")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.queryExample for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .intact object
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name queryExample.chain
#' @details This dataset is the .chain object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.queryExample object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.queryExample,name="queryExample")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.queryExample for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .chain object
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name queryExample.allchains
#' @details This dataset is the .allchains object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.queryExample object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.queryExample,name="queryExample")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.queryExample for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .allchains object
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name UniverseExample
#' @details This is an example of query list that can be used in Lipid Mini-On
#' @details This object was used to create the following objects: cleaned.universeExample, universeExample.intact, universeExample.chain, and universeExample.allchains
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name cleaned.universeExample
#' @details This dataset is the result of the clean.lipid.list(universeExample).
#' @details In this particular case it just transform db in a character vector
#' @details Please see the documentation of universeExample for details on the original universeExample
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name universeExample.intact
#' @details This dataset is the .intact object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.universeExample object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.universeExample,name="universeExample")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.universeExample for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .intact object
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name universeExample.chain
#' @details This dataset is the .chain object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.universeExample object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.universeExample,name="universeExample")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.universeExample for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .chain object
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name universeExample.allchains
#' @details This dataset is the .allchains object resulting from the lipid.miner function on the cleaned.universeExample object as following:
#' @details lipid.miner(cleaned.universeExample,name="universeExample")
#' @details Please see the documentation of db and cleaned.universeExample for details on the original database and the lipid.miner() function documentation for the explanation on the .allchains object
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name exampleEnrichmentTable
#' @details This Table contains an example of enrichment result.
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data


#' @name RankingTableExample
#' @details This data is an example for the non parametric weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
#' @details This lipidomics analysis is the comparison of endotelial lipids from human 20 month old lungs with global lung profiling,
#' @details The p-values in this object correspond to t-test pvalues between these two conditions.
#' @details This dataset is present in the Kyle, Clair et al. paper from 2018 in Scientific Reports.
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name cleaned.RTexample
#' @details This dataset is an example for the non parametric weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
#' @details it was generated using the function clean.rankingTable(RankingTableExample)
#' @details Please see the documentation of RankingTableExample for more details about the original data
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name RTexample.intact
#' @details This dataset is an example for the non parametric weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
#' @details it was generated using the function lipid.miner(cleaned.RTexample, name=RTexample, TGcollapse.rm = TRUE, output.list = FALSE)
#' @details Please see the documentation of RankingTableExample and cleaned.RT. for more details about the original data
#' @details Please see the documentation of lipid.miner() for details on the function
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name RTexample.chain
#' @details This dataset is an example for the non parametric weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
#' @details it was generated using the function lipid.miner(cleaned.RTexample, name=RTexample, TGcollapse.rm = TRUE, output.list = FALSE)
#' @details Please see the documentation of RankingTableExample and cleaned.RT. for more details about the original data
#' @details Please see the documentation of lipid.miner() for details on the function
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data

#' @name RTexample.allchains
#' @details This dataset is an example for the non parametric weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
#' @details it was generated using the function lipid.miner(cleaned.RTexample, name=RTexample, TGcollapse.rm = TRUE, output.list = FALSE)
#' @details Please see the documentation of RankingTableExample and cleaned.RT. for more details about the original data
#' @details Please see the documentation of lipid.miner() for details on the function
#' @author Geremy Clair \email{geremy.clair@pnnl.gov}
#' @keywords data
PNNL-Comp-Mass-Spec/Rodin documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 2:12 a.m.