
Defines functions validTargetEscapement validFisheries validMarkInfo validPostSeasonCatch pairEscapementFlags validEscapementFlags parseImportFile importFramTemplates

Documented in importFramTemplates pairEscapementFlags parseImportFile validEscapementFlags validFisheries validMarkInfo validPostSeasonCatch validTargetEscapement

# ===================================================================================================
#' Import an updated .csv postseason template into a FRAM database
#' @param db_conn A connection to the MRP Operational database
#' @param sql_filename A text file containing SQL file
#' @param params Parameters to insert into the SQL statement
#' @importFrom odbc dbConnect
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @export

importFramTemplates <- function(template_file = NA,
                                validate.catch = TRUE,
                                validate.fisheries = TRUE,
                                validate.mark.info = TRUE,
                                validate.stocks = TRUE,
                                validate.escapment.flags = TRUE,
                                data.dir = "./csv/",
                                connection_driver = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};"){

  if (is.na(template_file)){
  template_file <- choose.files(caption = "Select Import file", multi=FALSE, filters = Filters[c("txt", "All"),])

  import.data <- parseImportFile(import.file.name = template_file)

  if(length(import.data$fishery.scalars)>0) {import.data$fishery.scalars$comment.catch <- str_replace_all(string = import.data$fishery.scalars$comment.catch, pattern =  "[\\\";,!$'[]]\\[]", replacement = "")}
  if(length(import.data$fishery.scalars)>0)  {import.data$fishery.scalars$comment.cnr <- str_replace_all(string = import.data$fishery.scalars$comment.cnr, pattern =  "[\\\";,!$'[]]\\[]", replacement = "")}
  if(length(import.data$target.escapement)>0)  import.data$target.escapement$comment <- str_replace_all(string = import.data$target.escapement$comment, pattern =  "[\\\";,!$'[]]\\[]", replacement = "")

  if(length(import.data$fishery.scalars)>0) {import.data$fishery.scalars$comment.catch <- str_replace_all(string = import.data$fishery.scalars$comment.catch, pattern =  '"', replacement = "")}
  if(length(import.data$fishery.scalars)>0)  {import.data$fishery.scalars$comment.cnr <- str_replace_all(string = import.data$fishery.scalars$comment.cnr, pattern =  '"', replacement = "")}
  if(length(import.data$target.escapement)>0)  import.data$target.escapement$comment <- str_replace_all(string = import.data$target.escapement$comment, pattern =  '"', replacement = "")

  fram.db.name <- import.data$header$variable.value[toupper(import.data$header$variable.name) == "FRAM DB NAME"]
  fram.run.name <- import.data$header$variable.value[toupper(import.data$header$variable.name) == "FRAM RUN NAME"]
  fram.run.id <- as.numeric(import.data$header$variable.value[toupper(import.data$header$variable.name) == "FRAM RUN ID"])
  person.name <- as.character(import.data$header$variable.value[toupper(import.data$header$variable.name) == "PERSON NAME"])

  connect_string <- paste0(connection_driver,

  cat(sprintf("Updating FRAM database file:\n%s\n\n", fram.db.name))
  cat(sprintf("Updating FRAM run name: %s\n", fram.run.name))

  error.found <- FALSE

  if (!is.null(import.data$fishery.scalar)) {
    if (validate.catch == TRUE) {
      if (validPostSeasonCatch(import.data$fishery.scalars) == FALSE) {
        error.found <- TRUE

    if (validate.mark.info == TRUE) {
      if (validMarkInfo(import.data$fishery.scalars) == FALSE) {
        error.found <- TRUE

  if (validate.escapment.flags == TRUE) {
    if (!is.null(import.data$target.escapement)) {
      if (validEscapementFlags(import.data$target.escapement) == FALSE) {
        error.found <- TRUE
      import.data$target.escapement <- pairEscapementFlags(import.data$target.escapement)

  fram.db.conn <-  dbConnect(odbc(), .connection_string = connect_string)

  checkFramCommentCol(fram_db_conn = fram.db.conn)

  if (!is.null(import.data$fishery.scalar)) {
    if (exists("validate.fisheries") == FALSE || validate.fisheries == TRUE) {
      if (validFisheries(person.name,
                         data.dir = data.dir) == FALSE) {
        error.found <- TRUE

  if (!is.null(import.data$target.escapement))  {
    if (exists("validate.stocks") == FALSE || validate.stocks == TRUE) {
      if (validTargetEscapement(person.name,
                                data.dir = data.dir) == FALSE) {
        error.found <- TRUE

  if (error.found) {
    stop("Issues with the post season import file must be fixed before being imported")
  } else {
    if (!is.null(import.data$fishery.scalars)) {
      updateFisheryScalars(fram.db.conn, fram.run.id, import.data$fishery.scalars)
    if (!is.null(import.data$target.escapement))  {
      updateTargetEscapement(fram.db.conn, fram.run.id, escapement_df = import.data$target.escapement)

  cat("\n\n :-)  Data was successfully imported.\n")


#' Parses the import file format and returns the results into a list
#' The file format generally consists of a header followed by a CSV table of fishery catch.
#' Each section of the file is seperated by 4 or more dashes (e.g. ----------) and a carrage return.
#' @param import.file.name The file name of the import file
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_to_lower
#' @importFrom readr read_delim
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter
#' @return A list with the different sections of the import file
#' @export
parseImportFile <- function(import.file.name) {
  import.data <- list()
  file.text <- readChar(import.file.name, file.info(import.file.name)$size)

  file.text %<>%str_replace_all("[,]{4,}[\r]?\n", "\n")

  sections <- strsplit(file.text, "[\r]?\n[-]{4,}[\r]?\n")[[1]]
  # sections <- strsplit(file.text,  "[\r]?\n[-]{4,}[,]{0,}")[[1]] #MOB - didnt't work try this way

  header <- sections[1]

  import.data$header <- read_delim(header,
                                   col_names=c("variable.name", "variable.value"))

  if (length(sections) > 1){
    for (section_idx in 2:length(sections)) {
      data_table <- sections[section_idx]
      while (substr(data_table, 1, 1) %in% c("\n", "\r", ",")) { #mob add in the ","
        #strip blank lines from before the catch data, so that the first line is the table header
        data_table <- substring(data_table, 2)
      #Add a new line character so that the file parses correctly
      data_table <- paste0(data_table, "\r\n", collapse="")

      data_table <- ReadMemoryCsv(data_table)

      first_col_name <- names(data_table)[1]

      if (first_col_name %in% c("fram.fishery.id", "fram.fishery.name")) {
        import.data$fishery.scalars <- data_table
      } else if (first_col_name %in% c("fram.stock.id", "fram.stock.name")) {
        import.data$target.escapement <- data_table
      } else {
        stop(sprintf("Unknown data table in the import file with the first column name '%s'",

  } else {
    stop("There is no data in the import file to import.")

  if (!is.null(import.data$fishery.scalars)) {
    #remove blank lines
    import.data$fishery.scalars <- filter(import.data$fishery.scalars,
                                          !is.na(fram.fishery.id) &
                                            !is.na(fram.time.step) &
                                            !is.na (fishery.flag))

    na.msf <- is.na(import.data$fishery.scalars$msf.catch)
    import.data$fishery.scalars$msf.catch[na.msf] <- 0

    if ("comment" %notin% str_to_lower(names(import.data$fishery.scalars))) {
      #Add the comment column if missing
      import.data$fishery.scalars$comment <- ""
    } else {
      import.data$fishery.scalars <-
               comment = as.character(comment))

  if (!is.null(import.data$target.escapement)) {
    #remove blank lines
    import.data$target.escapement <-
             !is.na(fram.stock.id) & !is.na(escapement.flag)) %>%
      mutate(escapement.flag = as.integer(escapement.flag))

    if ("comment" %notin% str_to_lower(names(import.data$target.escapement))) {
      import.data$target.escapement$comment <- ""

  return (import.data)

#' Validates the escapement flags against the escapement values for parametrization
#' of the backward FRAM model run.
#' @param target_escapement A data frame of the targent escapements from an import file
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @return A boolean, TRUE for valid or FALSE for when there is issues with the escapement flags
#' @export
validEscapementFlags <- function(target_escapement) {
  valid.esc <- TRUE

  esc.required <- filter(target_escapement,
                         escapement.flag == FramTargetEscExactFlag &
                           target.escapement == 0)

  if (nrow(esc.required) > 0) {

    cat(sprintf("WARNING - The following stocks have a target escapement of ZERO.  You may wish to change the escapement flag to %d if you do not know the escapement target.\n\n",

    esc_txt <- FormatNameIdText(esc.required$fram.stock.name,


  esc.notused <- filter(target_escapement,
                        escapement.flag == FramTargetNotUsedFlag & target.escapement > 0)

  if (nrow(esc.notused) > 0) {
    valid.esc <- FALSE

    cat(sprintf("ERROR - The following stocks have target escapement but the flag identfies it as not specified.  To suggested fix is to change the escapement flag should possibly be %d.\n\n",

    esc_txt <- FormatNameIdText(esc.notused$fram.stock.name,


#' Matches escapment flags for marked and unmarked stocks, to validate escapement flags
#' and identify if stock recruit scalars need to be updated.
#' @param target_escapement A data frame of the targent escapements from an import file
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate transmute left_join select full_join
#' @return The target_escapement with an additional column identify marked/unmarkd combined flag
#' @export
pairEscapementFlags <- function(target_escapement) {
  valid_esc <- TRUE
  marked_esc_df <- filter(target_escapement, fram.stock.id %% 2 == 0)
  unmarked_esc_df <- filter(target_escapement, fram.stock.id %% 2 == 1)

  unmarked_esc_df <- mutate(unmarked_esc_df,
                            fram.mark.stock.id = fram.stock.id + 1)

  esc_pair_df <- full_join(marked_esc_df,
                           by = c("fram.stock.id" = "fram.mark.stock.id"),
                           suffix = c(".m", ".u"))

  #In an import file, both the marked & unmarked stock must be provided
  pair_mismatch <- filter(esc_pair_df, is.na(fram.stock.id) | is.na(fram.stock.id.u))
  if (nrow(pair_mismatch) > 0) {
    valid_esc <- FALSE
    error.msg <- paste(coalesce(pair_mismatch$fram.stock.name.m,
                       sep="", collapse="\n")
    cat("ERROR - The following stocks only have just marked/unmarked stock specified but missing other mark status stock.\n",
        "Fix this by providing both the marked and unmarked stock definitions in the import file.\n\n",

  #The Mark/Unmark split escapement flag should only appear on the marked stock
  unmarked_split <- filter(esc_pair_df, escapement.flag.u == FramTargetEscSplitFlag)
  if (nrow(unmarked_split) > 0) {
    valid_esc <- FALSE
    stock_list_msg <- paste(unmarked_split$fram.stock.name.u,
    cat("ERROR - The following unmarked stocks have the split mark/unmark escapement flag on the unmarked stock.\n",
        sprintf("Fix this by providing %d escapement flag on the unmarked and %d on the marked stock.\n\n",

  if(valid_esc == FALSE) {
    stop("The marked/unmarked escapement issues must be fixed before the file can be imported.")

  #The next section of code pairs the Mark/Unmark Split escapement flag with the unmarked and marked
  # stocks.  This is needed else where in the code to identify if the target escapement or the recruitment
  # scalar needs to be updated.

  unmark_pair_df <- transmute(esc_pair_df,
                              fram.stock.id = fram.stock.id.u,
                              escapement.flag.u = if_else(escapement.flag.u == FramTargetNotUsedFlag &
                                                            escapement.flag.m == FramTargetEscSplitFlag,

  target_escapement <- left_join(target_escapement, unmark_pair_df, by=c("fram.stock.id"))

  target_escapement <- mutate(target_escapement,
                              pair_esc_flag = if_else(is.na(escapement.flag.u),

  target_escapement <- select(target_escapement, -one_of(c("escapement.flag.u")))


#' Validates the catch data for parametrization of a FRAM post-season model run.
#' Most of the validation is related to the appropriate setting of flags and
#' providing all the necessary parameters.
#' @param fishery.scalars The catch data loaded from a post season import file.
#' @return A boolean, TRUE for valid or FALSE for when there is issues with the catch
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export
validPostSeasonCatch <- function(fishery.scalars) {

  valid.catch <- TRUE

  nonselective.flags <- as.integer(fishery.scalars$fishery.flag  / 10)
  nonselective.flags[fishery.scalars$fishery.flag < 10] <-
    fishery.scalars$fishery.flag[fishery.scalars$fishery.flag < 10]

  inval.nonselect <- filter(fishery.scalars, nonselective.catch > 0,
                            nonselective.flags != kFramNonSelectiveQuotaFlag)

  if (nrow(inval.nonselect) > 0) {
    valid.catch <- FALSE
    inval.nonselect.fishery <- unique(select(inval.nonselect, fram.fishery.name, fram.fishery.id))

    cat(sprintf("ERROR - The following non-selective fisheries have invalid flag, it should be %d or %d.\n",
                kFramNonSelectiveQuotaFlag * 10 + kFramMsfQuotaFlag))

    fishery_txt <- FormatNameIdText(inval.nonselect.fishery$fram.fishery.name,

  msf.flags <- as.integer(fishery.scalars$fishery.flag %% 10)
  inval.msf <- filter(fishery.scalars, msf.catch > 0,
                      msf.flags != kFramMsfQuotaFlag)

  if (nrow(inval.msf) > 0) {
    valid.catch <- FALSE
    inval.msf.fishery <- unique(select(inval.msf, fram.fishery.name, fram.fishery.id))
    cat(sprintf("ERROR - The following MSF fisheries have invalid flag, it should be %d or %d.\n",
                kFramNonSelectiveQuotaFlag * 10 + kFramMsfQuotaFlag))

    fishery_txt <- FormatNameIdText(inval.msf.fishery$fram.fishery.name,

  return (valid.catch)

#' Validates the mark rate information for mark-selective fisheries.
#' @param fishery.scalars The catch data loaded from a post season import file.
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @return A boolean, TRUE for valid or FALSE for when there is issues with the mark rate information
#'   with the mark-selective fisheries
#' @export
validMarkInfo <- function(fishery.scalars) {

  valid.mark.info <- TRUE

  msf.flags <- as.integer(fishery.scalars$fishery.flag %% 10)
  inval.mark.info <- filter(fishery.scalars,
                            msf.flags %in% c(kFramMsfScalarFlag, kFramMsfQuotaFlag),
                            !(mark.release.rate > 0),
                            !(mark.missid.rate > 0),
                            !(unmark.missid.rate > 0),
                            !(mark.incidental.rate > 0))

  if (nrow(inval.mark.info) > 0) {
    inval.msf.fishery <- unique(select(inval.mark.info, fram.fishery.name, fram.fishery.id))
    cat(sprintf("WARNING - The following MSF fisheries must have mark rate information with fishery flags %d or %d.\n\n",
                kFramNonSelectiveQuotaFlag * 10 + kFramMsfQuotaFlag))

    fishery_txt <- FormatNameIdText(inval.msf.fishery$fram.fishery.name,

  return (valid.mark.info)

#' Validates the fishery definitions for parametrization of the FRAM model.
#' This function checks that all the fisheries are valid, relative to the base period
#' and that all the fisheries identified are the responsibility of the identified person.
#' @param person.name the name of the person for the import file
#' @param fram.db.conn FRAM ODBC database connection
#' @param fram.run.name FRAM run name from the import file
#' @param fishery.scalars fishery catch data provided from the import file
#' @importFrom dplyr select inner_join distinct setdiff
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return A boolean, TRUE for valid or FALSE for when there is issues with the catch
#' @export
validFisheries <- function(person.name, fram.db.conn, fram.run.name, fishery.scalars, data.dir) {

  is.valid.fisheries <- TRUE

  base.fishery <- getFramBaseFisheries(fram.db.conn, fram.run.name)

  if (toupper(person.name) != "ALL") {
    person.fishery <- getPersonFramFisheries(person.name, data_dir = data.dir)
  } else {
    person.fishery <- getPersonFramFisheries(data_dir = data.dir)

  valid.fishery <- inner_join(person.fishery, base.fishery, by=c("fram.fishery.id")) %>%
    select(fram.fishery.id, fram.time.step)

  import.fishery <- select(fishery.scalars, fram.fishery.id, fram.time.step) %>%

  inapprop.fisheries <- setdiff(import.fishery, valid.fishery)
  if (nrow(inapprop.fisheries) > 0) {
    is.valid.fisheries <- FALSE
    fishery.names <- select(base.fishery, fram.fishery.id, fram.fishery.name) %>%
    inapprop.fisheries <- inner_join(inapprop.fisheries, fishery.names, by=c("fram.fishery.id"))
    cat("ERROR - The following fisheries/time steps are inappropriately defined (e.g. not valid to base period or not assign to the person)\n\n")

    error.msg <- paste(inapprop.fisheries$fram.fishery.name,
                       " (",
                       ") - ",
                       sep="", collapse="\n")

  missing.fisheries <- setdiff(valid.fishery, import.fishery)
  if (nrow(missing.fisheries) > 0) {
    is.valid.fisheries <- FALSE
    fishery.names <- select(base.fishery, fram.fishery.id, fram.fishery.name) %>%
    missing.fisheries <- inner_join(missing.fisheries, fishery.names, by=c("fram.fishery.id"))
    cat("ERROR - The following fisheries/time steps are missing from the import (e.g. assigned to the person, but not in the import file)\n\n")
    error.msg <- paste(missing.fisheries$fram.fishery.name,
                       " (",
                       ") - ",
                       sep="", collapse="\n")

  return (is.valid.fisheries)

#' Validates the target escapement definitions for parametrization of the FRAM model.
#' This function checks that all the stocks are valid, relative to the base period
#' and that all the stocks identified are the responsibility of the identified person.
#' @param person_name the name of the person for the import file
#' @param fram_db_conn FRAM ODBC database connection
#' @param fram_run_name FRAM run name from the import file
#' @param target_escapement Target escapement for a Backward FRAM model run
#' @return A boolean, TRUE for valid or FALSE for when there is issues with the escapement
#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join select setdiff distinct
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
validTargetEscapement <- function(person_name, fram_db_conn, fram_run_name, target_escapement, data.dir) {

  is.valid.esc <- TRUE

  base.stock <- getFramBaseStocks(fram_db_conn, fram_run_name)
  stock_names <- getFramStocks(fram_db_conn)

  if (toupper(person_name) != "ALL") {
    person.stock <- getPersonFramStocks(person_name, data.dir)
  } else {
    person.stock <- getPersonFramStocks()

  valid.stock <- inner_join(person.stock, base.stock, by=c("fram.stock.id")) %>%

  import.stock <- select(target_escapement, fram.stock.id) %>%

  inapprop.stocks <- setdiff(import.stock, valid.stock)
  if (nrow(inapprop.stocks) > 0) {
    is.valid.esc <- FALSE
    inapprop.stocks <- inner_join(inapprop.stocks, stock_names, by=c("fram.stock.id"))
    cat("ERROR - The following stock(s) are inappropriately defined (e.g. not valid to base period or not assign to the person)\n\n")

    error_msg <- FormatNameIdText(inapprop.stocks$fram.stock.name,

  missing.stocks <- setdiff(valid.stock, import.stock)
  if (nrow(missing.stocks) > 0) {
    is.valid.esc <- FALSE
    stock.names <- select(base.stock, fram.stock.id, fram.stock.name)
    missing.stocks <- inner_join(missing.stocks, stock.names, by=c("fram.stock.id"))
    cat("ERROR - The following stock(s) are missing from the import (e.g. assigned to the person, but not in the import file)\n\n")

    error_msg <- FormatNameIdText(missing.stocks$fram.stock.name,


  split_flag_issue <- filter(target_escapement, pair_esc_flag == 1 & escapement.flag == 0 & recruit.scalar > 0)
  if (nrow(split_flag_issue) > 0) {
    is.valid.esc <- FALSE
    stock.names <- select(split_flag_issue, fram.stock.id, fram.stock.name)
    cat("ERROR - The following stock(s) should have a split mark/unmark flag on thier marked release\n\n")

    error_msg <- FormatNameIdText(split_flag_issue$fram.stock.name,

  return (is.valid.esc)
PSC-CoTC/AnnualReport documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 1:21 p.m.