
Defines functions convertCoordinates convertLatLong putNewLatLongToBegin convertLatLongWrapper

Documented in convertLatLongWrapper putNewLatLongToBegin

#' Convert Lat Long Wrapper
#' @param showMessage (logical) if TRUE showNotification() displays success or failure
#' @inheritParams estimateMap
convertLatLongWrapper <- function(data, Longitude, Latitude, CoordType, showMessage = TRUE) {
  if (
    # data is missing
    is.null(data) || is.null(Longitude) || is.null(Latitude) || Longitude == "" || Latitude == ""

  if (
    # data is already numeric
    (all(c(Longitude, Latitude) %in% names(data)) && is.numeric(data[[Longitude]]) &&
     is.numeric(data[[Latitude]])) && CoordType == "decimal degrees"
  ) {
    return(putNewLatLongToBegin(data = data, Longitude = Longitude, Latitude = Latitude))

  dCoord <-
                     CoordType = CoordType,
                     Latitude = Latitude,
                     Longitude = Longitude)
    }, silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(dCoord, "try-error")) {
    ### Conversion failure ----
    message <- list(
      text = paste(
        "Conversion of coordinates failed.",
        "Please select appropriate longitude / latitude fields and coordinate format.",
        "Columns longitude and latitude not available.",
        sep = "<br>"
      type = "warning")

    convertedDat <- data

    # remove original Longitude and Latitude
    convertedDat[[Longitude]] <- NULL
    convertedDat[[Latitude]] <- NULL
  } else {
    ### Conversion success ----
    message <- list(
      text = paste(
        "Conversion of coordinates succeeded.",
        "Columns longitude and latitude set successfully.",
        sep = "<br>"
      type = "message"

    convertedDat <- dCoord %>%
      putNewLatLongToBegin(Longitude = Longitude,
                           Latitude = Latitude)

  if(showMessage) showNotification(HTML(message$text), type = message$type)


#' Put Lat Long To Begin
#' If not already present, than adds new columns "id", latitude" and "longitude" to the beginning of
#' the dataframe. They are expected in the interactive map
#' @inheritParams estimateMap
putNewLatLongToBegin <- function(data, Longitude, Latitude) {
  # add columns such that data is displayed in the interactive map
  data$id <- as.character(1:nrow(data))
  data$longitude <- data[[Longitude]]
  data$latitude <- data[[Latitude]]

  # put longitude and latitude to beginning
  oldColNames <- colnames(data)
  oldColNames <-
    oldColNames[!(oldColNames %in% c("longitude", "latitude"))]
  data <-
    data[, c("longitude", "latitude", oldColNames)]

convertLatLong <- function(isoData, CoordType, Latitude = "Latitude", Longitude = "Longitude"){
  isoData[, Longitude] <- convertCoordinates(isoData[, Longitude], CoordType) %>%
  isoData[, Latitude] <- convertCoordinates(isoData[, Latitude], CoordType) %>%
  if (all(is.na(isoData[, Longitude])) || all(is.na(isoData[, Latitude]))){
    stop("Coordinate transformation failed")

convertCoordinates <- function(x, from = "decimal degrees"){
  x <- gsub(",", ".", x)
  if (from == "decimal degrees"){
  x <- gsub("\u2032", "'", x)
  x <- gsub("`", "'", x)

  if(from == "degrees decimal minutes"){
    deg <- sapply(strsplit(x, c("\u00B0")), function(k) k[1])
    min <- sapply(strsplit(x, c("\u00B0")), function(k) k[2])
    min <- sapply(strsplit(min, split = "[']+"), function(k) k[1])
    dd <- as.numeric(deg) + as.numeric(min) / 60
    dd[grepl("W", x) | grepl("S", x)] <- -dd[grepl("W", x) | grepl("S", x)]
  if(from == "degrees minutes seconds"){
    deg <- sapply(strsplit(x, c("\u00B0")), function(k) k[1])
    rest <- sapply(strsplit(x, c("\u00B0")), function(k) k[2])
    min <- sapply(strsplit(rest, c("'")), function(k) k[1])
    sec <- sapply(strsplit(rest, c("'")), function(k) k[2])
    sec <- unlist(regmatches(sec, gregexpr("[-+.e0-9]*\\d", sec)))
    dd <- as.numeric(deg) + as.numeric(min) / 60 + as.numeric(sec) / 3600
    dd[grepl("W", x) | grepl("S", x)] <- -dd[grepl("W", x) | grepl("S", x)]
Pandora-IsoMemo/iso-app documentation built on July 4, 2024, 7:07 p.m.